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Write & Self-Publish A Book ... "Really Fast" Like Me!

Learn how to write books "really fast" like I do. I've written 25 books, I design my own book covers and interior pages, I convert those same books to Kindle eBooks and I record my own books. This course takes you through the entire self-publishing process I go through to write and self-publish my books ... REALLY FAST so you can too!


Course Description

This course is for anyone who has ever dreamed of writing a book or is ready to write their next one. You're going to learnnnn exactly what I know about the book writing process, how I write my books, how I design book covers for my self and my clients, how I format my eBooks for Kindle, how I record my books into audiobooks, promote and market my books and so much more.

Wow, that's a lot right there, eh? Well, when you enroll in this FREE COURSE on writing books and self-publishing, I guarantee you, once you go through the course in its entirety, you will have so many ideas on what to write your first or next book on, how to write it really fast and how to publish it like I publish my books! If all that sounds great to you, then let's get started!

What you will learnnnn ...

Inside this book writing course intensive, you'll learnnnn how to:

  • Get ideas on what kind of book to write ...

  • Write your book really fast like me ...

  • Get your book edited and cleaned up ...

  • Design your front/back/spine covers ...

  • Send your book files to the printer ...

  • Record your book into an audiobook ...

  • Publish an eBook out of your book ...

  • Convert your book into a course ...

  • Market and promote your book ...

  • ... and so much more!

    Who this course is for?

    This course is great for:

  • Folks who have never written a book ...

  • Authors ready to write a new book ...

  • Anyone who wants to put their life story, experience or idea into a book ...

  • Anyone who'd like to have a book to help promote something they sell ...

  • Anyone who wants to get more clients or customers! Books can help you do that ...

  • Requirements

    To maximize this course:

  • Be excited about writing your first or next book after you go through my course ...

  • Ability to use Microsoft Word or Google Documents to write your book "really fast" with my book template ...

  • I'll discuss certain software I use and then you can decide if you want to get/use that same software, alternative software solutions or hire someone to help you.

  • Sample lessons

    Check out these sample lessons from this course. If you like what you see, then enroll today and start learnnnning how to write and self-publish a book like I do ... "really fast!"


    In order to write and self-publishing your first/next book "really fast", all you have to do is watch my video mtc-layout-video-mtc-layout-video-tutorials and in no time at all, you'll be on your way to publishing your first/next book ... "real fast!"

    Even if you wind up hiring someone to help you, you'll be that much more knowledgeable about the entire book writing/self-publishing process that you just might save time and money having taken this course. Check out my mtc-layout-video-mtc-layout-video-tutorials below and then enroll in this course today!

      Welcome To This Course
  • Video message from Bart Smith, your instructor ...

  • How to use and maximize this course ... 

  • The equipment needed to record audio …

  •   PART 1: Decide WHY You Want To Write A Book
  • 1.1 – Promote your company’s products/services with ease …

  • 1.2 – Easily find, attract and impress potential clients …

  • 1.3 – Get interviewed on TV, radio and podcasts for exposure …

  • 1.4 – Easily create workshops, classes, seminars and webinars …

  • 1.5 – Make extra $$$$$ from book, eBook and audio sales …

  • 1.6 – Help grow your list + income potential …

  •   PART 2: What TYPE Of Book Will You Write?
  • 2.1 – How-To / Non-Fiction Book

  • 2.2 – Self-Help (Personal Growth) Book

  • 2.3 – Regrets Book

  • 2.4 – Mistakes Book

  • 2.5 – F.A.Q. Book

  • 2.6 – Pitch/Offer Book

  • 2.7 – Self-Assessment Book

  • 2.8 – Journal Book

  • 2.1 – How-To / Non-Fiction Book

  • 2.9 – Business / Finance Book

  • 2.10 – Romance Novel

  • 2.11 – Cookbook

  • 2.12 – Motivational Book

  • 2.13 – Health & Wellness Book

  • 2.14 – Social Awareness / Reform Book

  • 2.15 – Based On Articles You Wrote

  • 2.16 – Checklist Book

  • 2.17 – 4” x 6” Mini-Book

  • 2.18 – Other Book Ideas

  •   PART 3: HOW Will You Write Your Book?
  • 3.1 – Writing Your Book Is As Easy As “1 2 3”

  • 3.2 – Use a Microsoft Word Document

  • 3.3 – Use a Google Document

  • 3.4 – Use Adobe InDesign

  • 3.5 – Use Other Software or Means

  • 3.6 – My Personal Writing Tips For You

  • 3.7 – Writer’s Block ... No More!

  • 3.8 – Hiring A Ghostwriter (Pros/Cons/Cost)

  •   PART 4: EDITING Your Book
  • 4.1 – Find, Pay & Work With An Editor

  • 4.2 – Send via eMail Attachment

  • 4.3 – Share via Google Doc

  • 4.4 – Send via Mail / Deliver Printed Copy

  •   PART 5: Design The INTERIOR Pages
  • 5.1 – Do It Yourself or Hire a Designer

  • 5.2 – Laying Out The FRONT Pages

  • 5.3 – Laying Out The BODY Pages

  • 5.4 – Laying Out The BACK Pages

  • 5.5 – Convert Your Interior Files Into A PDF For The Printer

  •   PART 6: Design The FRONT/BACK COVERS
  • 6.1 – Do It Yourself or Hire a Designer

  • 6.2 – Quickly Design A Front Cover For Inspiration

  • 6.3 – Download a Template From KDP.com

  • 6.4 – Design The FRONT Cover

  • 6.5 – Design The BACK Cover

  • 6.6 – Design The SPINE Cover

  • 6.7 – Convert Your PNG Cover File Into A PDF For The Printer

  •   PART 7: Create Your KDP.com (Amazon) Account
  • 7.1 – Create Your KDP.com Account, Complete Profile, Royalties & Tax Information

  • 7.2 – Step 1 of 3: Add Title, Author’s Name, Description, Key Words & Categories

  • 7.3 – Step 2 of 3: Provide/Accept ISBN# & Upload Book’s Interior+Cover Files

  • 7.4 – Step 3 of 3: Choose Territories, Enter Price & Submit Files For Review

  • 7.5 – Order “Author Copies” For Your Own Review & Proofing In Hand

  • 7.6 – Proof Book In Hand, Make Corrections & Resubmit Your Files Again To KDP

  • 7.7 – Order Another Set of “Author Copies” & Decide What To Do At This Juncture

  •   PART 8: RECORD Your Book Into An Audiobook
  • 8.1 – Decide WHO Will Record Your Book (You/Someone Else?)

  • 8.2 – Get The Recording EQUIPMENT You Need To Record Your Book

  • 8.3 – Get The Recording SOFTWARE You Need To Record Your Book

  • 8.4 – Start Recording Your Book With My Tips, Help & Training

  •   PART 9: Convert Your Book Into An EBOOK
  • 9.1 – Convert your manuscript in Word to submit to KINDLE in eBook format ...

  • 9.2 – Create your Kindle eBook cover based on these required dimensions ...

  • 9.3 – Upload your manuscript and eBook cover to Kindle for review and submission ...

  •   PART 10: Turn Your Book Into A COURSE
  • 10.1 – Convert Your Book Into An ONLINE Course

  • 10.2 – Convert Your Book Into An OFFLINE Course

  •   $$$ MARKETING & SELLING Your Book $$$
  • 30+ Ways To Making Money With Your Book

  • Target Sales & Marketing (Who & Where Are Your Book Buyers?)

  • Create Your Author Platform & Prepare To Market Your Book

  • Sales & Selling Ideas For You & Your Books

  • ONLINE book marketing tactics for authors ...

  • OFFLINE book marketing tactics for authors ...

  • What Next? What Else Should You Be Doing / Can Do?

  • BONUSES: Book Marketing Materials, Ideas & Templates

  •   Next Steps, Resources & Exit Survey
  • Congrats! Here's what's next ...

  • Bart’s learnnnn / mtc-layout-video-mtc-layout-video-tutorials for authors (MyTrainingCenter.com) ...

  • Bart’s other books (BartSmithWorld.com) ...

  • Bart’s other websites to check out ...

  • Recommended resource links and other helpful suggestions and materials ... 

  • Exit survey and an opportunity to rate this course ... 

  • • Video message from the instructor ... 

    • How to use this course ...

    Meet Your Instructor

    Bart Smith


    Hey, I love to write books. In fact, I could write a book a month if I wanted to. Some books, I've written in a weekend! WOW, right?

    Well, in this FREE COURSE, I'm going to share with you everything I know about writing books, designing book covers, publishing eBooks, recording books into audiobooks and so much more.

    Enroll today and save 100%! That's right! This course is 100% FREE to you. So, enroll, then go through the course at your own pace and let me know what you think when you're done!

    Happy learnnnning!

    Bart Smith




    SAVE 100% TODAY!

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