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The Ultimate Self-Publishing Manual

by Bart Smith


Paperback | Video Tutorials & Online

Want to write a book? If the whole idea of writing a book baffles you, well, be baffled no more. My self-publishing manual walks you through every step of the process from the idea, to writing it, how to write it, how to get your book edited, how to design the front/back/spine covers (with examples), how to lay out the interior pages (with examples), how to set up and submit your book files to the printer (KDP.com), how to record your book, how to convert your book to a Kindle eBook, how to turn your book into an offline/online course, and how to market it. WOW, if that doesn’t take the guesswork out of how to self-publish a book I don’t know what does.

Rich Coach Broke Coach

by Bart Smith


Paperback | Audiobook

Have you been looking for one book on coaching that covers virtually everything you need to start and run your own coaching business? Then look no further! Rich Coach Broke Coach is the book for you! For aspiring and current coaches, Rich Coach Broke Coach was written with the intent on helping coaches where they need it most: in the areas of business, marketing, client interactions, sales, and making money. Rich Coach | Broke Coach is your blueprint for all that and much more. What you’ll find inside this rich manual is only the most concise, nugget-rich content you have probably ever read on running a profitable coaching business.

150+ Mistakes Coaches Make

by Bart Smith


Paperback | Audiobook

As coaches, we can’t let too many mistakes happen or else we’ll be out of business before we could say, “Whoops, I won’t do that again.” Minimizing the amount of times we fail or make mistakes will help keep us on track with our own goals as coaches, keep clients and prospects flowing in, keep clients moving towards their own goals with our help, and above all, keep our coaching businesses operating at optimal capacity.

Coaching Client Forms

by Bart Smith


Downloadable 13 Word Files | 1 Excel File

Every coach (i.e., life, personal and/or business coach) needs their own set of customized coaching/client agreement forms, assessment forms, intake forms, feedback forms, call record forms/logs, and many others to help run a PROFESSIONAL and successful coaching business. Without the use of these forms, your coaching business is like a kite in the wind with clients and information and progress blowing all around and without any structure or organization . These forms come straight out of my book, Rich Coach Broke Coach, ready for you to customize with your company name, contact information, etc.

Motivate Yourself To Succeed

by Bart Smith


Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

Get pumped, get motivated, and what’s more, maintain that momentum from start to finish with Bart’s latest book called, Motivate Yourself To Succeed. This book was written for every one who has ever struggled to achieve genuine success in their personal life or business. I share a proven action plan and personal spot on tips for every step of the way. The process identifies  TEN KEY COMPONENTS that can lead you from your idea (Vision) to fruition (Victory) and beyond!

How To Prepare, Pitch & Become A TV Guest

by Bart Smith


Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

Calling All Experts, Authors, Storytellers & Professionals! Local, national and international TV shows need you to come on to their show as a TV guest to tell your story, help set the record straight, comment on what’s happening in the news and current events, entertain audiences, talk about your new book, and … so much more! The PROBLEM most potential TV guests have is they don’t know how to get on TV; they don’t get enough exposure to be seen by TV show personnel who are looking for TV guests; they don’t know what to do before/during/after being on a TV show as a TV guest; let alone how to maximize their time on TV shows; how to get more TV show coverage, and … so much more! The SOLUTION to these problems potential TV guests have are addressed inside How To Prepare, Pitch & Become A TV Guest in the form of 25+ most frequently asked questions! Questions TV guests don’t know to ask and forgot to ask! Open the book, start reading and in ONE DAY you’ll become so much more prepared to become a TV guest, how to put yourself out there so you’re seen as a potential TV guest, how to secure TV show guest spots, get asked back, passed on to other TV shows, and … so much more!

My TV & Radio Interview Tactics & Checklist

by Bart Smith


Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

Are you ready for your big interview? Whether you’re after TV, radio, podcast, YouTube.com interviews or some other media interview this book is for you! This one book contains all my personal interview tips, tactics, what to do before / during / after an interview and so much more! If you want to reach 100's of 1,000's of people for FREE and be effective with your time on other people's shows? Get this book and master everything I teach in it!

99+ Speaker Success Tips & Tactics

by Bart Smith


Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

Having a desire to speak usually comes with a host of challenges most speakers encounter on their way up the speaker mountain of success. Specifically, I did my best to accumulate  99+ SPEAKER SUCCESS TIPS, TACTICS and “DON’T FORGET” ACTIONABLE ITEMS every speaker should be conscious of to help improve their chances at becoming a really great speaker and to ensure their climb to the top will be a smooth and ultra-successful one. Check it out …

My Networking Tactics

by Bart Smith


Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

How would you like to benefit from the networking tactics of Bart Smith, TheMarketingMan.com? Inside this amazing masterpiece are all of Bart’s personal networking tips, tools and tactics that no other book on networking goes into. NO OTHER BOOK COMPARES! If you network with others offline (and online) and who doesn’t, this book is a must-have! Read it, act on every tip inside and watch your networking success go through the roof!

3 Simple Networking Tactics

by Bart Smith


Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

This is a quick-read book on networking. Perfect for those who want the secret sauce when it comes to networking with others like I do and doing it right, effectively and with the aim of growing their network quickly! If you love networking as much as I do or you’re not even the outgoing type and find networking a little challenging, well, not to worry! SIMPLY read this little book cover to cover and put into practice every little strategy I share so your networking efforts yield the maximum of results overnight for you and everyone you come in contact with!

51+ Networking Mistakes

by Bart Smith


Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

For those of us who love to network and those who may lean more towards the shy side or even nervous when you go to any networking event, it’s a “human factor” when we say we all don’t network as well as we could. From time to time, we’re bound to make a networking mistake and ask ourselves, “Did I say the right thing?”, “Whoops, that didn’t come out right …”, or “Oh, I forgot to bring/do/say this …” That’s our point, and that’s why we wrote this book. If you network with others offline, and who doesn’t, this book is a must-read before you go networking again!

Doing Great Business In Tough Times

by Bart Smith


Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

When business isn’t going that great, what should you do? TURN TO THIS BOOK! Whether the economy is going through a recession or you just feel like you are, tough times provide all of us with unique opportunities to get closer to our customers, clients, employees, partners, vendors, suppliers and our original mission and purpose as to why we started our business in the first place. It is highly advisable that you review every single one of the specific PARTS discussed in this book to ensure you and your business can quickly INCREASE SALES, INCREASE BUSINESS and INCREASE MARKET SHARE even during these TOUGH TIMES! Despite tough times, there is always time to save and grow your business. DOING GREAT BUSINESS IN TOUGH TIMES was specifically written to help you do just that! Refer to it when you’re going through hard times and making money is difficult.

My Checklists Book

by Bart Smith


Paperback | Google Documents

Have you ever wanted to know how to do something that could help you with your business, marketing, and/or making money online/offline, but you just didn’t know the steps to get started? Maybe you’ve got some or most of what you need, but you’re missing some key information to help you reach that finish line? All too often, it’s not mental blocks that hold us back, but basic procedures for WHAT TO DO  and  WHEN TO DO IT (i.e., THE STEPS) that really prevents us from moving forward. Before I start any project, I like to prepare a checklist. It gets me to where I want to go each and every time.

Bitcoin & Other Crypto Currencies

by Bart Smith



What's taking the world by storm that you're missing out on? A Bitcoin and cryptocurrency revolution! Don't worry, it's not too late to get in (and make money) in what stands to be the greatest revolution in the world of money and finance online since the Internet was created! Because there is a lot to learn when it comes to getting involved with Bitcoin and making money with cryptocurrency, I devoted my time and energy into creating a full-color, 8.5" x 11" (manual-size) book on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency so that you will learn all of the following and much more.

Why I Make The World's Best Chocolate Chip Cookie!

Wanna Try One?
by Bart Smith


Paperback (Full-Color or Black/White)

So, why do I think I make the world's best chocolate chip cookie? Well, I've been baking chocolate chip cookies since 1988 (35+ years), I've made over 250,000 chocolate chip cookies in my lifetime thus far, I've sold my cookies online to cookie lovers all over the USA, and my cookies don't look or taste like EVERYONE ELSE'S chocolate chip cookies. I've also accumulated 427 testimonials, 140 cookie product reviews and when you read 50 stories all related to my world famous chocolate chip cookies, I think you too will conclude ... BART DOES MAKE THE WORLD'S BEST CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE! Well, in 434 full-color pages, here's my story and how I'm finally sharing my chocolate chip cookie recipe to the world!

Who’s Hungry? (Cookbook)

How To Make Bart’s “World Famous” Pizza, Salad,

Omelette, Party Smoothie, Pad Thai Dish & More

by Bart Smith


Paperback (Full-Color) | Online Recipes | Video Cooking Lessons

Every Family in America and around the world, every single man/woman, every college student … anyone who likes DELICIOUS (HOME-COOKED) FOOD, anyone who wants to learn how to cook or learn a few new tricks in the kitchen or dishes to add to their current list of meals they currently make … THIS COOKBOOK is a MUST-HAVE in your kitchen!

Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!!

With My Personal Weight Loss Tips & A.A.B.B. Fitness Routine To Help You Trim Down, Get Fit & Stay Healthy 

by Bart Smith


Paperback | Videos Online

I'M PROBABLY A LOT LIKE YOU! I love my sweets and I love to eat! The problem is, too many sweets and too many plates and/or not the right kind of foods or beverages and not enough exercise can lead any of us to NOT LOOKING OUR BEST! Well, not to worry, I created this health/fitness guide for you and for me! Check out what’s inside and get excited to lose weight, improve your health, get fit and scream more energy!

Lethal Confidence


by Bart Smith

Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

WANT MORE CONFIDENCE?  FORGET about UNSTOPPABLE confidence or UNSHAKABLE confidence or any other TYPE of confidence SOLD to you today. For me, there’s only one TYPE of CONFIDENCE that gets me through 40 years, through the hard times and helps me be my best! For me, all I’ve ever known and have (IN ABUNDANCE) is →  LETHAL CONFIDENCE!  Want some? I’ve got PLENTY to share.

B.S. The Book

(Because The World Is So Full Of It!) Your How-To Guide On Cutting Through Personal B.S.

by Bart Smith


Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

Here’s the book that will set you FREE of B.S. in your life like it does for me! B.S. THE BOOK is about LIFE and the PERSONAL B.S. we all encounter and how (yours truly) breaks through it all to a healthier, lethally confident, stress-free me, which can also be YOU TOO after reading or listening to this book!

Where Are You? & Where Art Thou?

Where Are You, Personally, When It Comes To Finding The Love Of Your Life & Where Do You Find Them?

by Bart Smith


Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

TODAY MORE THAN EVER, so many men and women have either tried their hand at love and lost (once, twice or several times) or have never even had the chance at finding love, experiencing romance or deep intimacy, finding someone of true quality or anyone seriously interested in something longer than a 1-night, 2-week or 3-month stand. So, they either give up (looking for love/romance) until they get over what they've experienced and feel they can jump back into the dating game again or conclude to themselves in their silence of quiet desperation ... "I'm just destined to die alone!"

Find The One For Me

Insights, Wisdom & Real Advice On Finding The One For You

by Bart Smith


Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

The bible (as I call it) on relationships that covers the span of your love life from age 18 to 88. Learn more about yourself, about relationships, about the opposite sex, and what it really takes to successfully prepare, meet, get to know, secure and live with the ONE for you! Turn your single life around. Be SINGLE NO MORE! Order your copy today and live these principles to ensure you find love in this crazy world!

Laws Of The Bedroom

What Women Want From Men Inside & Outside Of The Bedroom

by Bart Smith


Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

Written for men, for the benefit of the woman they’re in love with. “Mandatory reading for every male,” says every female! Seriously, guys, this is the book we need to live by when it comes to wanting to be the best we can to the woman we’re in love with in every which way. Just show her this book and watch her eyes light up. Tuck it under her pillow only to discover it, read what’s in side, and say to you, “I want you, NOW! Will you do this to me? Can we do this? I like his hotel getaway checklist. Let’s do that next weekend!” Sound good so far? There are 300 pages of amazing insight, advice, suggestions, how-to’s, what-to’s, where-to’s, for-how-long-to’s and so much more. Chapters for him, for her, on romance, safeguards, warnings and precautions, what to do before/during/after making love and much more.

251+ Dating & Relationship Regrets

Both Men & Women Have With Dating, Sex & Marriage & How To Avoid Them

by Bart Smith


Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

You’ll love this book for what it can do for you, which is, help you avoid 251+ dating, sex, marriage and relationship regrets others have had. Why reinvent the wheel? Why go through what others have experienced, especially if it turned out bad? Don’t you want to live your life with the one you’re with and avoid as much heartache, trouble, strife, regret, or unexpected/undesired consequences from the decisions you (or the two of you) make? I would! That’s why I wrote it!

Watch Out Ladies

15 Things Every Woman Should Be Concerned With & Watch Out For To Protect Her Heart, Her Body, Find Love & Avoid A Lifetime Of Loneliness

by Bart Smith

Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

If there was ever a book that helped address the problems going on today in the lives of women (and men) when it comes to dating, avoiding heartache, falling in love, finding someone to be with for the rest of your life, then look no further, WATCH OUT LADIES is the book. Inside this masterpiece are 15 things every woman should be concerned with and watch out for to protect her heart, her body, find love and avoid a lifetime of loneliness. Topics covered in this book include, sex (too much, too soon and without a ring), sex with too many men for too many years, feminism, career choice, marriage decisions, M.G.T.O.W., porn, sex bots, the wall (sexual/marriage market value) and so much more!

Wake Up Ladies

TIME IS RUNNING OUT! You're Being Conned, Lied To, Replaced & Left Behind! Your Future Existence: Single (For Years On End), Used, Childless (For The Majority), Broke, Lonely, Ignored & Forgotten! Better Save Your "Love Life" Now!

by Bart Smith

Paperback | eBook (Soon!) | Audiobook (Soon!)

That's right! Time "IS" running out for women and on so many levels! Where relationships are concerned, time is not their friend anymore and should be carefully spent or else their lives could wind up single forever, alone, childless, ignored, forgotten, erased and replaced. There's still time, ladies, read this book and save yourself!

Fantasy Boyfriend

Romantic Fantasies, Stories & Erotic Adventures For Women

by Bart Smith

Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

A 250 page romance erotica novel (for women) that dives deep into WHAT EVERY WOMAN WANTS inside and outside of the bedroom, but, yet they just didn’t know love like this (and being made love to) could be this good, this deep, this satisfying! No, seriously! Really, ask yourself, ladies, when was the last time you experienced 20 orgasms in a single week or ever?

When was the last time your man whispered, ‘I love you,’ or ‘I got you’, in your ears while he held you all night long? Does he make you laugh and smile all day and all night? Do you feel protected in his strong arms? Does he pick you up every now and then and carry you off to the bedroom? Does he go out of his way to do things for you, making your life a little easier so you can spend that extra energy on him? Does he really take care of your needs sexually so it’s really YOU who’s craving him more than he (needs) to crave you? Your fantasy boyfriend really knows how to love you with a single touch of his hand, a brushing kiss upon your lips and deep, long gazes into your loving eyes!

Of course, he’s more than fun and frolicking between the sheets. You can talk to him about anything and he’ll listen and even offer up solid solutions on the spot. That makes you love him even more as he kisses the sides of your mouth and lips as you share what’s on your mind over another round of sweet pillow talk. This very special man truly is your ... FANTASY BOYFRIEND!

MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way

Men Going Their Own Way: Why So Many Men Want Nothing To Do With Women Any More & Why Women, Companies & Governments Around The World Need To Worry About This!

by Bart Smith

Paperback | eBook

BART shares his concerns for his fellow man, woman, even companies (who employ both men/women) and governments who cannot survive without the participation from both men/women in the work force (let alone makin’ babies), that if they don’t pay attention to this increasing fallout trend among men, here’s what will happen sooner than later …

Feminism B.S.

(The Good, The Bad & The Ultra-Ugly!) + “TOXIC FEMININITY” – FEMINISM Is About CONTROL (Not Choice) & Destroys Romance, Love-lives, … It For What It Is: “Toxic” For All Humanity

by Bart Smith

Paperback | eBook

Bart advocates that while first and second wave feminism was great for women in attaining fundamental rights, feminism’s third wave is working fast against their best interests when it comes to their love-lives, dating, marriage, starting families, raising children, and their overall happiness. Bart clearly points out how third wave feminism has become this anti-male, bully pulpit that is the leading culprit in the unhappy lives of women as they grow older ... without love in their life, a man, a husband, a family, children ... well, read it to believe it! Unless, that is, you're a women in your 30's+ and going through exactly what was just said, and ??? You're worried it IS all true!!!!!

Hope On The Outside

Ensure You Have Every Chance To Succeed On The Outside With What You Learn Inside This Book!

by Bart Smith

Paperback | eBook | Audiobook

This book aims to reduce the recidivism rates for millions of men and women when it comes to their being released only to wind up back in jail. While the book isn’t finished, it is almost 90% done. Just have to read through it again and few other things. What’s in it is amazing! I go into topics not covered by other books on the subject let alone provided to such individuals in rehabilitation programs. This book really stands to have a positive impact, not just on those it aims to help, but their friends and families too. Everyone close to them can help them succeed with the help of this book.