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Book Bart Smith To Speak or Train Your Audience


Would like Bart Smith to train or speak to your audience of clients, members, fans, subscribers, and/or customers? Then, contact Bart’s office to discuss a topic, (below), date and time; among other presentation details.


Keynotes and breakout sessions

Workshops, retreats and seminars

Masterminds and other groups

Panel discussions / group think

Coaching, consulting and training

15-60 minute presentations (or longer)

1/2 Day, full day, multi-day (or longer)


Bart can train or speak to your audience via the following formats:

• Webinar (i.e., Zoom, etc.)

• Tele-seminar (i.e., Conference Call)

• Live, In-Person

... or some other format you might prefer. Let’s discuss!

Note, I have so many other topics to train on too. Check out my books, special reports, training articles, life lessons, video tutorials, cooking lessons and checklists before you contact me for more ideas. When you’re ready, let’s discuss the possibilities. I look forward to hearing from you!

Choose from among the following categories below to learn what presentation topics await your audience! Each topic can be presented in 20-45 minutes or longer if desired. Questions? Contact Bart's office for answers, naturally.

Learn How To Cook Like Bart & Make His World Famous Party Beverages

Presented by Bart Smith

If you have the kitchen facilities, you could invite Bart to come to your location to cook and train your audience in how he makes one or more of his world famous meals and/or party beverages. Straight out of his cookbook, Who's Hungry?, Bart will entertain your audience like no other. If you do book Bart to train in the kitchen, be sure to come hungry!

Learn To Publish A Cookbook Like Bart's WHO'S HUNGRY?

Presented by Bart Smith

Have you ever wanted to publish your own cookbook? Maybe you love to cook and have a ton of recipes you'd like to share with the world? Well, why not publish a cookbook? Bart Smith, author of Who's Hungry? (cookbook), will guide you through the entire process from concept, to taking pictures of your food/drinks, to recipe layout inside your cookbook, how to get it printed, sold on Amazon.com and so much more! Bart created his cookbook all by himself and will show you how he did it exactly so you can too!

Learn How To Write A Book "REALLY FAST!" (Like Bart!)

Presented by Bart Smith

Your audience will learn how to write a non-fiction, self-help book "REALLY FAST!" Having written 27 books, Bart has written books in a single weekend, a week, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and he can show your audience how to write their book "REALLY FAST!" No more writer's block, no more delays, no more dragging the writing process out over months or years. Every member of your audience will receive Bart's free book writing template to help them write their book "REALLY FAST!" Book Bart for this very special book writing training.

How To Record Audiobooks & Bart's Personal Audio Recording Tips & Tactics

Presented by Bart Smith

Many people aspire to record audiobooks and want to record for podcasts, etc., but have no idea how to get started, what software to use, what equipment to use, how best to record audio with their voice and so much more. Bart is an expert on audio recording. Book BART to teach your audience his personal audio recording tips and tricks and also how to record audiobooks like Bart does.

Everyone Should Have LETHAL CONFIDENCE Like Bart Does!

Presented by Bart Smith

Everyone could use more confidence. In fact, where does confidence come from? Why do people suffer from a lack of confidence? Having written LETHAL CONFIDENCE, Bart Smith has an abundance of confidence, namely LETHAL CONFIDENCE. Allow BART to share his insight, experience and clear wisdom on how your audience can not only increase their confidence, but increase their productivity, life output, and quality of life all because of an increase in confidence. Book Bart for this very special talk on LETHAL CONFIDENCE. For all ages, too!

Motivate Your Audience With Bart's MOTIVATE YOURSELF TO SUCCEED Personal Tips & Tactics

Presented by Bart Smith

Having written Motivate Yourself To Succeed, and having written 27 books on various subjects and built numerous websites not only for himself but for his clients to help them share their gifts with the world, Bart Smith is well equipped to share his insight and wisdom on how to motivate your audience to succeed. Bart will go through the very 10-STEPS needed to effectively motivate one's self to all new levels of success and all on their own.

Start, Grow & Explode Your YouTube Channel Like Bart's Doing With His Channel!!!

Presented by Bart Smith

So many people want to get on YouTube, but either don't know how or don't know where to start or even if they have a channel, they don't know what to do with it. Bart's talk on YouTube will inspire your audience to start, grow and EXPLODE their YouTube channel potential like Bart is with this channel! Whether your audience is on YouTube or wants to be, this presentation will surely help them way more than they could going it ALONE! Book Bart for this very special training on YouTube.

How To Start & Explode a “Rich Coach” Coaching Business

Presented by Bart Smith

True, those who aspire to be personal coaches, life coaches etc., have a passion for helping others. What most coaches don't have though is knowledge about the business aspect of running a successful coaching business. Book Bart Smith, author of Rich Coach Broke Coach and 150+ Mistakes Coaches Make, to help train your audience of coaches on how to start, run and explode a "Rich Coach" coaching business to ensure their success as coaches is a PROFITABLE ONE!

21+ Mistakes Coaches Make

Presented by Bart Smith

Did you know there are more than 150+ mistakes coaches make that could be costing them clients, income, their reputation, loss of referrals, ... you name it! Well, in this special presentation, Bart Smith, author of 150+ Mistakes Coaches Make, will go over 21+ major mistakes coaches make so your audience of coaches don't make them too. 

Money-Making Ideas For All Coaches

Presented by Bart Smith

In this "RICH COACH" talk, Bart Smith, author of Rich Coach Broke Coach, will be covering the essential "MONEY TALK" most coaches "NEVER" got, hence why most coaches are "BROKE!" Well, in this presentation, Bart will be going over: (1) How coaches should set their fees, (2) how coaches should create and name their coaching services, packages and programs, (3) how to properly give away free coaching sessions; (4) the coaching “money pie," (5) the coaching "money funnel," and so much more. An essential must-listen to presentation ...

Coaching Client Forms, Client Logs, Contracts & Agreement Forms

Presented by Bart Smith

Every coach (i.e., life, personal and/or business coach) needs their own set of customized coaching/client agreement forms, assessment forms, intake forms, feedback forms, call record forms/logs, and many others to help run a PROFESSIONAL and successful coaching business. Without the use of these forms, one's coaching business is like a kite in the wind  with clients and information and progress blowing all around and without  ...

21+ Marketing Tactics For Coaches & Other Marketing Mindset Principles For Coaches

Presented by Bart Smith

A phenomenal, must-attend talk on marketing for coaches by Bart Smith, author of Rich Coach Broke Coach. In this presentation, Bart will cover: (1) The “Marketing & Selling Mindset" for coaches, (2) what SHOULD be in place “before” coaches start marketing, (3) the TOP TEN marketing tactics for coaches, and (4) twenty-one plus (21+) marketing tactics every coach needs to hear and implement immediately to get their coaching business  ...

Finding, Attracting & Enrolling Your Ideal Coaching Client

Presented by Bart Smith

In this information packed talk, Bart Smith, author of Rich Coach Broke Coach, will teach coaches: (1) HOW to create their ideal client profile (i.e., this is who they're after). (2) WHO is their ideal client? (3) WHY can’t coaches help everyone? (4) HOW to create your coaching package(s); THIS is what you’re selling! (5) WHERE are their target market clients congregating? (6) HOW do coaches find their ideal client? (7) “MARKETING” doesn’t help you find clients; “_________” does!  ... and so much more!

Overcoming Objections, Answering Questions, Follow-Up & Closing New Clients

Presented by Bart Smith

NO ONE has EVER conducted a coaching training call where they discuss how to overcome objections and answering questions like Bart Smith will. Author of Rich Coach Broke Coach, Bart will teach coaches: (1) What’s really behind most objections? (2) What is an objection, really? (3) The TOP 10 objections, what they mean, and suggested replies. (4) More tips on handling objections and excuses. (5) Follow-up, checking in and  ...

Roadblocks “Rich Coaches” Run Into On Their Way To Becoming “Rich!”

Presented by Bart Smith

They say the road to riches is either paved with potholes, hard work, or homework. Well, in the case with personal coaches, the road to riches might be paved with all that, plus a few more barriers if they expect to make any money in the coaching business. In this unique talk, Bart Smith, author of Rich Coach Broke Coach, will go over the twenty two (22) specific roadblocks all coaches face while getting rich as a coach. In addition, Bart will also go over his secret, magical formula for ...

Avoid These VERY REAL “Coaching Profit” Killers!

Presented by Bart Smith

As coaches start and run their own coaching business, their bank bank account asks that they be aware of these very specific hidden "Coaching Profit" killers so they stay profitable every year they're in business as a "RICH COACH!" Bart Smith, author of Rich Coach Broke Coach, does a deep dive into all these profit killers that can wreck a coach's income.

33+ Things Speakers Need To Do Before, During & After A Speaking Gig

Presented by Bart Smith

A lot of speakers do some prep before their speaking gig, but are they missing anything? In fact, what should speakers know to do before, during and after their speaking gig? Well, Bart Smith, author of 99+ Speaker Success Tips & Tactics, will dive into 33+ things speakers need to do before, during and after their speaking gigs. 

Why & How Speakers Should Build A Speaker Page On Their Website Like Mine

Presented by Bart Smith

Most speakers can speak more if they have a better page built on their website that better showcases what they speak about. For example, just look at my speaker page with all these speaking/training topics and links to learn more about them and print the handout for them. Meeting planners and list owners have zero problem or hesitation when booking me because they see (on their own time) how organized I am and what I deliver to their audiences before  ...

How To Design & Use Fill-In-The-Blank Handouts When Speaking For Better Audience Retention & Presenting Your Own Material

Presented by Bart Smith

In this presentation, Bart will show you how to create and organize your speech or presentation (and stay organized throughout your presentation) by the use of fill-in-the-blank handouts. Your audience will also learn ow these handouts can help them retain what they're presented and help them actually follow along to the very end of their speech so they don't  ...

Presentation Nervousness? Here's How To Eliminate It!

Presented by Bart Smith

Who doesn't get nervous when they're called to get up and talk before an audience? Well, book Bart Smith to share his insights on how speakers can eliminate presentation nervousness with his presentation nervousness busting truisms and logical approaches to how exactly you overcome presentation nervousness when speaking. Your audience members will great enjoy hearing how to do this.

How To Get & Prepare For Interviews With "Interview Me" Pages & Pre-Recorded Self-Interview Videos

Presented by Bart Smith

If your audience wants to improve their chances on getting interviewed to help promote their book or business or whatever it is that they want to promote via free publicity, then they need to attend this talk. Bart smith, an expert on media interviews, marketing and publicity, will teach your audience how and why they should create "interview" me pages and pre-recorded self interview videos to help expedite ...

Bart's Personal Networking Tips, Tools, Tactics, Checklist & Goals For When You Go Networking

Presented by Bart Smith

When it comes to networking, let Bart share with your audience his personal networking tips, tools and tactics that no one else will ever share. Your audience will learn how to get their message out like a pro; how to pitch themselves and their business the right way; how to greet people; what to say; how to get out of conversations they don't want to be in; they'll get Bart's personal opening lines, what questions to ask and how to ask them; tips on  ...

21+ Networking Mistakes To Avoid When Networking

Presented by Bart Smith

When it comes to networking, it's important that when people network, they don't make certain kinds of "networking mistakes." Book Bart Smith, an expert on networking, to share his networking insights and wisdom, plus 21 networking mistakes your audience members should avoid when they're out networking.

Deep Dive Into Finding The "One" For You, Dating Tips, Relationship Wisdom & Sex Talk

Presented by Bart Smith

Wow, if that wasn't a mouthful? Author of seven relationship books, having been interviewed on Playboy Radio for three and a half hours, having written books about relationships, dating, the current trends in today's modern dating world, and sex! Book BART to speak before your audience so they have all the information necessary to help ensure their chances at finding the one for them navigating the dating jungle, protecting their heart and their bodies on their way to finding the one for them.

How To Break Through Personal B.S. To Achieve Less Stress & Greater Life Fulfillment

Presented by Bart Smith

Here’s the talk that will set your audience FREE of B.S. in their life like I am! This talk is about LIFE and the PERSONAL B.S. we all encounter and how (yours truly) breaks through it all to a healthier, lethally confident, stress-free me, which can also be YOU TOO after reading or listening to this presentation! It's all based off Bart's book, B.S. The Book: Your How To Guide On Breaking Through "Personal B.S."