Are You Getting Interviewed? Yes, Great! No, Why Not? Are Your Interviews Effective?
by Bart Smith
Here are a few more great questions ...
Are you getting interviewed soon?
Have you been interviewed lately?
When was the last time you were interviewed?
What was the largest audience of listeners, subscribers or viewers were you ever interviewed in front of and how long ago was that interview?
What was the greatest thing that resulted from you being interviewed? (i.e., a ton of sales/calls for your help, more interview invitations, etc.)
Have you ever been interviewed? Do you want to be interviewed?
Good questions, eh? How’d you do? Being interviewed is typically something most people don’t do on an everyday basis. Although, if you know that interviews can help you reach your target audience, then you could or should be doing them every day or at least 1-3 times per week.
Why are interviews an important part of your marketing plan?
For these very reasons:
Interviews are FREE to you, for the most part. Sure, you could pay a publicity firm a couple thousand dollars to get you on some big TV/radio stations, but that investment could yield a nice return based on how far and wide you’re seen and what you’re getting interviewed about.
Interviews get you in front of your target market, which is a good thing, especially if that audience is in the 1,000’s multiple times per week/month.
Interviews can generate sales and cause your phone to ring!
Interviews with you that get archived on a show’s website are great for SEO when they link back to your website.
Interviews work better than ads because you’re in front of people for 15-45 minutes (or more), unlike ads for only a few seconds. There’s a time and a place for ads, yes, but the power of interviewing is awesome.
Why are interviews an important part of your marketing plan?
So, as you can see, there are plenty of solid reasons why you should pursue getting interviewed as soon as you’re ready to be interviewed.
How do you get interviewed?
There are a few ways to get interviewed:
Find shows you like listening to or watching and find a way to get interviewed by the host. Oftentimes, these shows have a website that gives the opportunity for people like you and me to submit a request to be a guest on their show. Look for it or just go to their contact page and say the same thing. “Hi, I really like your show. I’m an author and would like to be a guest on your show to talk about ___ (topic). You can find out more about me on my INTERVIEW ME page at my website. Just go to … I look forward to hearing from you. ~ Your Name”
Submit your name and eMail at websites like Get on their list so they can send you interview requests weekly. Look up similar sites using search queries like, “get interviewed by a guest on our show” or “authors wanted guest interviews” or “be a guest on our show.” Spend time sifting through these websites to find what you need to get on their show.
Pay some bucks to get a publicity firm to place you on high-level TV and radio shows. Fees range between $500 to $5,000. Is it worth it? YES! BUT, get interviewed 10-30 times first on the smaller stations just to get your talking points down and learn what interviewers like to respond to, soundbites that audiences and hosts love you to say, etc.
How do you get READY to be interviewed?
Simply, go through the interview-specific special reports which I’ve published here on After you go through them, I think you’ll be fast on your wait to conduct interviews with class and confidence. Make note of any ideas you get from the above reports to make sure your interviews are always over-the-top successes.
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