This is one of my favorite business training sections. Here, you'll find 36 thought-provoking special reports about writing books, getting on video, recording books, making money, and other topics to inspire you to "get on it" when it comes to what you're about to read. Check it out ...
by Bart Smith
Here’s a simple question. Is your website up to date? Current? Mobile friendly? Here’s a quick list to run down in order to find out how your site should be looking, functioning, etc. Make notes of what needs attention on your site as you run down the list ...
by Bart Smith
What is the purpose of an “interview me” web page? Simply, to help get you interviewed faster with an “interview me” page on your website. By having this page ready to go, you can easily reach out to dozens of shows to interview you knowing their host/producer will be pleased to know you’re organized and ready to go at a moment’s notice.
by Bart Smith
Well? Are you getting interviewed? Yes? No? Soon? Either way, not to worry. This special report is for you if you need to get interviewed, want to get interviewed and so much more as it relates to getting interviewed.
by Bart Smith
What are sample video interviews? These are videos with you in them giving either a real interview or just a sample one to help impress future show hosts to interview you based on what they saw and heard in those video interviews.
by Bart Smith
EXACTLY! Where IS your book? Have you thought about writing a book? Do you know where or how to start writing a book? Well, let's get you started ...
by Bart Smith
How would you like to be able to write a book in ONE WEEKEND? That’s what happened to my client and good friend, Leisa Reid, of and the International Speakers Network. She and I both wrote books for speakers in a weekend. Would you like to learn how to write a book ... "REALLY FAST?"
by Bart Smith
There are so many reasons for you to get on video! For starters, high-level exposure above and beyond other marketing methods (i.e., video is seen by millions of people today in seconds) …
What is a “Book Tour” YouTube video? It’s a video tour showcasing a book you wrote, what's in it, what your readers get out of it and maybe even how to buy it on your website or wherever you sell it (i.e.,, etc.). I also mention YouTube because there are millions of people who might potentially see your book tour video.
by Bart Smith
by Bart Smith
Don’t know how to write your first (or next) book? Do you have articles you wrote? Can you write an article? How about writing a number of articles or take your articles and bundling them into a book?
by Bart Smith
Did you write a book? Have you given thought to recording it? You should. Audio book sales are so popular today and offer more profit margin than most paperbacks and have even more value than eBooks. The financial advantage should motivate you to record your book or have it recorded. Now, of course, these questions will ...
by Bart Smith
What are video messages? Video messages are 3-5 minute videos that you record with your phone or a digital video camera where you talk pretty much about anything you want, such as ...
by Bart Smith
So, what are your plans to use and maximize video as part of your marketing efforts to get the word out about you and what you do, have to say or offer? Given it any thought? Are you doing it right now? To what degree? A little? Somewhat? A lot?
by Bart Smith
What are YouTube video "Shorts?" Video "Shorts" are vertical videos that are less than one minute in length that you upload into your YouTube account. They're uploaded via the YouTube app, preferably, and are seen by thousands of people in a short period of time! YouTube Shorts are YouTube's version of Instagram Reels or quick TikTok videos. If you want more views on your YouTube channel, then start doing Shorts like I am!!!
by Bart Smith
Where is it and why do you need one? Well, let’s first start with WHAT is a video tour? Simply, a video tour is a virtual tour of your website, for example, that walks people around showing them where to find things (on your website), how to navigate it to get to certain key areas you think visitors or members might want/need to know about, etc.
by Bart Smith
Video tutorials are videos that help train, guide, educate, inform and show visitors to your website how to do something, where to go, what to do, etc. Some good uses for video tutorials would be how to use certain software programs or how to do something on the computer or use an online service tool, etc.
by Bart Smith
A video trailer is a short 1-2 minute video, usually with YOU in it that describes what your (website) visitor is about to experience. or you could make a video trailer for an online course you want to offer or a book you have for sale. You could create a video trailer specifically created to attract a specific audience to showcase who you are and what you have to offer.
by Bart Smith
Good question, eh? We should all revisit our photos every 3-6 months. Not that we have to replace the ones that are up there, but perhaps to add a few new ones to add some variety to the ones that are already up there. Another great idea is to ...
by Bart Smith
When it comes to writing a book, many people don’t know where to start, how to start and the actual aspect of writing a whole book isn’t something they’re even comfortable with or would like to do. No worries, that’s where a ghostwriter comes in. Someone who will write your book for you.
by Bart Smith
If you’re in business for yourself, selling products/services, you know how important it is to provide excellent customer care and support. You also know if you don’t, you might not be in business very long. We all know good news travels fast … well, bad news travels faster! Here are a number of customer care and support ideas you can implement immediately to provide your clients with the kind of support and service they deserve!
by Bart Smith
If you know HOW TO do something really well, why not get paid to share that know-how with others in the form of a book, which can then be spun into different income streams? Great, I knew you’d like the idea! The reason why I say book, first, is because it’s from the book you write the script for your audio book (product), your online/offline course (product) and the option to consult others (service) and your expertise that appeals to prospective buyers of what you have to sell.
by Bart Smith
Do you know how to do something well that can help others in their business or in life? Why not write a book that provides the exact steps to accomplish “X” and put it in checklist form. There are numerous books out on the market that are comprised of checklists. What’s missing is … YOURS!I wrote a checklist book based on all the business, marketing, website related and other topics such as book writing, audio recording and numerous other tasks I use on a regular basis. It took me a month to write it. It’s called My Checklists book. How original, right?
by Bart Smith
This one is interesting because many of my friends and clients wrote either a business self-help book geared towards helping people in some business-related aspect or they wrote a personal development / personal growth, self-help book. The reason I bring this up is because for those friends and clients of mine who wrote ONLY business-related books, I said to them, “Where is your personal growth and development book?”
by Bart Smith
Was there ever a topic you had a lot of questions about but didn’t know where to find the answers? Sure, you could search online for what you want to learn, but what if there was a book dedicated to answering the top 20-100 questions of whatever it was you wanted to learn? You might buy that book/eBook, right? Besides, what are books for, but written pieces of work to help fulfill (answer) our curiosities about a given subject! Well, allow me to introduce to you the F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) book.
by Bart Smith
This type of book could possibly be the fastest book you write. I’ll tell you why. I had a friend who expressed an interest in writing a third book. I helped her with her first one and co-wrote her second one, 51+ Networking Tactics. Well, I had an idea that I ran by her and she liked my suggestion, which was to write the kind of book she could give to potential clients of her coaching business.
by Bart Smith
Similar to a book filled with regrets, how about mistakes? I was at a networking event with a friend when we decided to co-write a book on the mistakes people make when networking. Why? I had already written two books on networking and when we attended this particular event, we both noticed people making all kinds of (networking) mistakes. So, we started taking notes and then wrote a book about the mistakes people make when they network with others.
by Bart Smith
Webinars are “seminars” that are created to play on the Web. They can run anywhere between 15 minutes and 5 hours in length. It’s all up to you as to how long they’ll run and what you’ll talk about in them.
by Bart Smith
How do you think you should go about conducting your free coaching/consulting sessions with prospective clients? IF you offer them at all? Well, check this out. This comes right out of my book, Rich Coach Broke Coach when it comes to working with potential clients.
by Bart Smith
So many coaches, so many clients, and yet, none of them are benefiting from the use of my coaching client forms. Are you a coach? Have you ever thought of using coaching client forms, agreements, logs and other documents that could really help organize and bolster your coaching business, especially in the eyes of your clients? Every coach (i.e., life, personal and/or business coach) needs a set of ...
by Bart Smith
While most coaches (and other business owners) dread the idea of marketing their own coaching and consulting services to others, they really don’t understand how simple that task really is. I came up with an acronym for marketing (to find new clients) that I think nails it! I call it R.A.S.T.O. Here's why ...
by Bart Smith
Do you love to cook as I do? Do people praise you for the food you make or the beverages you whip up? Have you ever thought about creating a cookbook? It’s actually easier than it sounds. While I did help a client design her cookbook years ago, I never created one of my own, let alone in full color.
by Bart Smith
I’ll keep this report brief, because there really is no beating around the bush. Where is your eBook? If you don’t have one, why not? If you do have one, great! Where’s your second, third and fourth eBook? HAHA Seriously, if you have a book or an audio book, why not convert it into an eBook that you can sell online for extra money? When it comes to eBooks, you have a few options as to how you’ll deliver your content to your intended audiences:
by Bart Smith
If I don’t tell you, I’ll regret it! HAHA … If you don’t write one of these (regret) books, you’re going to regret it! I know, seriously, this is an easy way for anyone to write a book. Do you have knowledge in an industry/niche where people and/or customers/clients have regrets about ____ (fill in the blank)?
by Bart Smith
A journal book is the kind of book you give (or sell) to clients as part of a coaching or an accountability program. These programs are usually setup to help make sure clients are making the progress they desire towards their goals or documenting when they slip or just to document the good/bad that goes on in their lives for reflection or discussion with you later if you wish. I’m calling it a JOURNAL book because we all know what journals are and what they’re typically used for.
by Bart Smith
Do you have a high-ticket product, service, seminar or other offer to promote and sell? Why not write a book detailing what that product, service, seminar or offer is all about? This type of book can be used in all sorts of ways to attract and secure new buyers to your market.
by Bart Smith
Online courses seem to be all the rage today with regards to making money online. With so many websites offering to host courses on their websites and offering you a percent of every sale, why not! On the other hand, you could also host your own online class on your website if you had the right software in place to do so. Really quick, what is an online course?
by Bart Smith
A speaker one-sheet is typically a 2-page PDF file that showcases your speaker services to potential clients who would like to book you to speak at their next event. Speaker one-sheets help event organizers and conference planners quickly learn ...