With over 50+ business/marketing CHECKLISTS below, you can quickly get to know how I do what I do and the steps it takes to accomplish something. Watch the video below for an overview/tour of this section and how to maximize view and download or print my checklists for your use.
by Bart Smith
This checklist helps you stay organized when running ads anywhere and for anything. Very helpful indeed.
by Bart Smith
If you have an affiliate program, plan to implement one, or if you plan to do any kind of advertising that might involve the use of graphics, images, banners, and/or buttons, I recommend that learn the basics for creating banners/buttons of different sizes and formats.
by Bart Smith
When it comes to promoting and selling products, services, coaching/consulting packages, webinars, seminars or tele-seminars online, get others to help you promote your event such as affiliates. What is an affiliate program? It‘s performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more “affiliates” for each paying customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts. To create, launch and market your own Affiliate Program, here’s my quick checklist to ...
by Bart Smith
An ASK CAMPAIGN is a laser sharp marketing strategy used to find out what your clients really want to know and how you can provide it. You, simply, allow them to ask a question about a topic you have expertise t in. After you collect 20-100 questions from your clients, you then proceed to answer the top 10-20 questions at a tele-seminar call while your audience can hear your responses to the top questions you chose to answer.
by Bart Smith
When it comes to recording audio for your website, in product form, or for any other purpose, there’s a lot you should know. For starters, this checklist will help you get on the right track.
by Bart Smith
It’s been said that one should be able to visualize a book cover from across the room. Frequently, a book cover will sell a book despite its contents. If you have a well-designed book cover, it should reach out to your intended audience of readers. Allow me to share some valuable tips on what constitutes a great book cover design based on my own experiences ...
by Bart Smith
Depending on the topic of your book, book launch parties have occurred at open markets, wine stores, delis, niche retail stores, people’s homes, at offices, hotel conference rooms, restaurants, and more. Here's an awesome checklist to help your book launch party is an over-the-top success!
by Bart Smith
So, your manuscript is written, edited, and now it’s in book form on Amazon.com and other online bookstore outlets as well as eBook formats … CONGRATULATIONS! Now what? MARKETING! Well, here's my checklist for that ...
by Bart Smith
Do you want to write print a book? Have you chosen a book printer yet? If you haven’t thought about using the company I use to print your book, you should. I have written more than 20 books and printed all of them using the (same) printer I use. Here's my checklist for choosing the right printer to print all my books and my clients' books as well.
by Bart Smith
So, your manuscript is written, edited, and now it’s in book form on Amazon.com and other online bookstore outlets as well as eBook formats … CONGRATULATIONS! Now what? MARKETING! Well, here's my checklist for that ...
by Bart Smith
Why should you READ about legal, allowable tax deductions for your business? The obvious is to save money on your taxes. If you run your own business, as I do, or you are thinking about starting one, add learning about taxes, tax deductions, business structures, and tracking business income and expenses as major part a sharp learning curve for running a successful business.
by Bart Smith
When it comes to starting your own business, working from home, being your own boss, making money and paying taxes (yes, taxes), there’s plenty to learn to ensure that your business is a success. Here’s a quick checklist of things that you’ll want to give serious thought to as they pertain to your business or start up. READ at BartSmith.com.
by Bart Smith
Do you like helping people? Do you find that people come to you for advice on matters of importance whether it’s business or personal? Then you, my friend, may have a calling to be a professional coach. How do you become a great coach? Review this quick checklist and then get your eyes and hands on my coaching book, which I wrote for myself actually, called Rich Coach Broke Coach.
by Bart Smith
Computers are the lifeblood for many people and their incomes. What do you need to know about computers? Lots! For starters, here’s a quick checklist for the main skills you should know regarding computers so you can function in today’s technology-driven society and make the most of it! The more you know about computers, the greater your opportunities to make money online and offline.
by Bart Smith
If you’re in business for yourself, selling products/services, you know how important it is to provide excellent customer care and support. You also know if you don’t, you might not be in business very long. We all know good news travels fast … well, bad news travels faster! Here are a number of customer care and support ideas you can implement immediately to provide your clients with the kind of support and service they deserve!
by Bart Smith
Here's my favorite checklist, that is, when it comes to marketing and reminding myself of what to do daily, weekly, monthly, even annually. If you have trouble marketing, here's the checklist for you.
by Bart Smith
How do you register, transfer or forward domain names to a website hosting company, such as HostGator.com or BlueHost.com? There’s a lot to learn about domain names that you might not be aware of. Well, look no further than the awesome checklist I’ve prepared for you! Read through the topics for new information about domain names. The checklist was designed to teach you the most important aspects for searching, registering, transferring and working with domain names.
by Bart Smith
I’ve been registering domain names for more than 20 years and over that time, I’ve learned a few things that will assist you when registering any domain name. If you anticipate using a domain name for a long time, register for several years when you first purchase it. You can feel reassured that your domain will not expire every year because ...
by Bart Smith
An eBook is a great way to make money, get your work to market faster, expand your brand and deliver content to your target audience cheaper than any other “publishing” method to date! Why do you want to create an eBook? What do you want to publish in eBook format? How will you generate the eBook? How will you introduce it to the market? In this checklist series, you’ll be prompted to answer these questions and more as they relate to your eBook project.
by Bart Smith
An eMail broadcast is an activity where you send an eMail message to a list of contacts. While the eMail marketing service provider you choose (MailerLite.com, Aweber.com, GetResponse.com, MailChimp.com, etc.) may have different requirements to send eMail broadcasts, in principle, the steps are very similar. So, before you start blasting your eMail lists, here are a few things to consider and check off your list.
by Bart Smith
After your hosting is set up, quickly create these specific eMail accounts. As soon as you set up hosting for your website and update the nameservers for the domain name, you might quickly set up a few eMail accounts so you can start receiving eMail through your new domain name and through the new hosting company as soon as the nameservers propagate. With every website hosting account, you have the option to
by Bart Smith
Without a list of prospects to sell to, your chances of making money are nearly impossible. It’s much easier to sell to people who know you, know about you, hear from you, and trust you. How do you attain that level of trust with people so they remain loyal customers? You build that relationship by building a solid eMail list! Well, here's a great checklist on how to do just that ...
by Bart Smith
An eMail mini-course (or eCourse) is a series of eMails sent to a subscriber delivering a regular eMail message perhaps daily, weekly, etc. You determine the content and the duration. Many people prefer to send messages daily until the eCourse or campaign is completed. The subscriber ultimately remains on your list to receive future announcements and other special offers as they occur.
by Bart Smith
Sending out an eZine or magazine is a powerful marketing tool, a great venue to create lists of prospects, customers and affiliates and to make money! Creating content may seem intimidating for some, but there are plenty of ways to pull content together. Ezines are one of the most effective ways to promote products/services on the Internet and they’re very popular. What better way to
by Bart Smith
Do you have a Gmail eMail account? Are you taking full advantage of it by customizing it to serve all of your needs? Do you know how? Here's my Gmail checklist to help you with all that and much more!
by Bart Smith
Here’s a quick checklist of supplies and some tips on processing orders professionally and efficiently. While mailing products may sound simple, you need a system in place to ensure you don’t waste your time or money. The following list should help you organize the ideal fulfillment center and keep fulfillment supplies and materials in-stock when needs arise.
by Bart Smith
When designing websites, installing opt-in forms, working with Joomla or WordPress, and other web design-related tasks … knowing these very basic HTML commands will assist you with your digital projects.
by Bart Smith
What’s a PNG, JPG, GIF, TIF and what’s the difference when it comes to these and other image file formats? You’ll want to know the difference between these particular file formats especially when you’re working on projects or getting help from others!
by Bart Smith
Money, money, money! When it comes to getting paid by your clients, customers, vendors and suppliers, there are a number of things to consider. In this checklist, I’ll cover some of the essentials for getting paid, accepting payments, handling refund requests, fraudulent orders and more!
by Bart Smith
If one of your goals as an expert in your field is to showcase your book, product, service, website, etc., to build your brand and reputation, getting interviews is a clever public relations strategy. With more than 5,000+ high-level radio talk shows, 15,000+ online amateur talk shows, and 1,000+ TV news and talk shows, interviews have proven to reach enormous audiences. Getting started, you need to ...
by Bart Smith
The (JV) Joint Venture process is a great way to build your lists of prospects, clients and affiliates; sell more product/services; make money; even build expert/celebrity status merely by associating yourself with those who are (already) experts and celebrities in their own niche industry and develop lasting business relationships! When it comes to joint ventures and partnerships, here are a few things to
by Bart Smith
A landing page, also known as a name squeeze page or online sales letter serves several purposes. If you choose to build a landing page, for whatever reason, here are a few quick checklist items you might want to review before jumping into a project.
by Bart Smith
LinkedIn.com is mentioned first, because it stands to be where over 300 million professionals are. Depending on your niche, LinkedIn just might be a hotbed of potential coaching clients for you. That said, here are five great LinkedIn tips for you.
by Bart Smith
If you have a membership website, here’s a checklist of items, links and options you might want to put on your homepage so your members can get the most out of your site.
by Bart Smith
Creating, designing and marketing your own membership website is easy provided you have my checklist to go by. For example, what software will you use to design your membership website? How will you design it? How will you get paid by subscribing members? All of these questions and more are answered in my Membership Site Checklist.
by Bart Smith
When it comes to networking with others, especially in person, here are a number of things to bear in mind, take with you, prepare for, say/not say, and take advantage of any opportunity network. The following tactics are taken right out of my book My Networking Tactics. Do you have it? You should!
by Bart Smith
Opt-in forms generally placed on a website to capture the name and eMail of prospects and potential customers. Give viewers a reason to opt-in to whatever you’re promoting or selling. Make the benefits for opting in crystal clear. Most services have easy to use opt-in form templates and offer FREE 30-day trials. Your opt-in form should be highly visible and near the top of the page on your website. When creating and using opt-in forms, here are some more valuable tips to get your started:
by Bart Smith
One of the best ways to grow your business is by delegating specific action items that are taking time away from coaching, speaking, writing, etc. You must know what your time is worth and how effectively you are using it. For example: Maybe your time is worth $150 per hour and you could pay someone $15-35 to do the same task so you can focus on other activities. do the math!
by Bart Smith
When it comes to personal growth and development, I wrote a book called B.S. The Book: Your How-To Guide On Cutting Through: Personal B.S. which dives deep into FOUR very critical areas of LIFE and where PERSONAL B.S. likes to hold us back and much more. I share my personal outlooks on life, overcoming personal B.S. all with the idea that I might possibly save you some time, energy, heart ache, stress, and B.S. with how I approach life and much more.
by Bart Smith
You don’t need to be a professional photographer to add photographs to your website, blog, products, etc., With some of these tips, you’ll learn how to produce and place digital images and turn images into links to another page. With my checklist, you will learn about design, angles, light and composition to successfully upload photos to the Internet.
by Bart Smith
The purpose of a Press Room is to post any and all items concerning you and your business in a central place where the media and others will find what they need to do their jobs! The easier you make it for them to view interview questions, biography, photographs, press releases, write-ups and articles, the easier it will be for them to say, “When can we interview you!” A great Press Room must have at least some of the following ...
by Bart Smith
Opt-in forms generally placed on a website to capture the name and eMail of prospects and potential customers. Give viewers a reason to opt-in to whatever you’re promoting or selling. Make the benefits for opting in crystal clear. Most services have easy to use opt-in form templates and offer FREE 30-day trials. Your opt-in form should be highly visible and near the top of the page on your website. When creating and using opt-in forms, here are some more valuable tips to get your started ...
by Bart Smith
Are you ready to unveil your latest product/website/service to the world and motivated to make a million dollars? Do you know how to make a million dollars with a product launch? Well, let’s do the math. For starters, 1,000 sales multiplied by a $997 product or 10,000 sales at $100 (in a 24-hour window). Those are two ways and several have done just that. You can do it, too, or at least make a nice profit with your launch depending on your product, the willingness of the market to buy what you sell, timing, staging and HELP!
by Bart Smith
Depending on the product or service you sell, you’ll need a product web page. These pages should feature images and video plus a description, price, and option to buy. The way you present the information will depend on your success at turning prospects into paying customers.
by Bart Smith
Search engine optimization doesn’t have to be a mystery or a chore especially when it can help your website achieve higher, organic rankings on the search engines. SEO assesses what each page is about, and how it can be useful for users. What it can do is provide business branding, traffic, a higher ROI, credibility, and insight into customer behavior. Without it, a website could be virtually invisible. Follow this checklist to understand how SEO paves the way for the customer to get to you without any detours. Here are a few basics.
by Bart Smith
Self-publishing can be a fun and profitable business in large part due to the many “technological” advancements that have been made just in the past five years where it concerns printing, publishing, distribution, demand for (“how-to”) information … you name it! Well, in this Self-Publishing Checklist report, you will learn what personal checklists I run through whenever I want to write, self-publish, self-promote and profit from my book ideas.
by Bart Smith
Seminars and/or workshops are a great way to make money. Your seminar/workshop success is largely dependent on the venue and how it is produced. Whatever the seminar, the basics are (1) the seminar sets the speaker up as an expert, (2) it targets a select, well-defined group of people, (3) it can motivate the audience to take action, it establishes you as a qualified professional, and (4) it sets you up to sell. Use the checklist for an overview to plan your next event.
by Bart Smith
When a customer buys a product from you, be sure you send that person to a thank you page. A typical thank you page should have a few essential components. Check my checklist for items that you can add to your thank you page so they’re inspired to buy more or take another action while they’re still at your site.
by Bart Smith
To produce quality videos, follow my simple checklist for acquiring the right video equipment and accessories, video recording and editing software for promoting videos online! In this tutorial checklist, you will learn ...
by Bart Smith
If you want to make money building websites or providing other business services for a fee, here’s my checklist for becoming a master webmaster or virtual assistant. When you know the software to learn and skills to acquire, you’re literally a walking money-making machine. The more resourceful and skillful you become, the more your services are in demand and the more money you can earn.
by Bart Smith
Opt-in forms generally placed on a website to capture the name and eMail of prospects and potential customers. Give viewers a reason to opt-in to whatever you’re promoting or selling. Make the benefits for opting in crystal clear. Most services have easy to use opt-in form templates and offer FREE 30-day trials. Your opt-in form should be highly visible and near the top of the page on your website. When creating and using opt-in forms, here are some more valuable tips to get your started:
by Bart Smith
If you ever plan on moving your WordPress website from one hosting company to another, here’s how I do it. Here’s my personal checklist for moving whole WordPress websites.
by Bart Smith
When it comes to installing WordPress on a new domain name and hosting account, while you could do it with the quick software installation wizards, I like to install WordPress by hand so I am in control of everything. Here’s the checklist I follow every time I want to install WordPress to ensure it’s successfully just the way I want it every time.
by Bart Smith
In all of my WordPress websites, I always install these plugins to manage both small and large websites. I highly recommend you print this checklist and check off the steps as you accomplish them. The next time you install WordPress and/or have a WordPress website built for you that you will ultimately manage, be sure these plugins are installed to maximize the site’s greatest potential.
by Bart Smith
Protect your website, hosting reputation, and online income by becoming familiar with the benefits for installing a robust WordPress security plugin. Here’s a checklist for several types of security measures.
by Bart Smith
Do you have a WordPress website? Are you looking for just the right theme to build your WordPress website? Here’s my checklist for picking out the perfect theme and what to look for:
by Bart Smith
In case you didn’t know, here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to keeping track of and managing your WordPress website. Check it out ...
by Bart Smith
When it comes to writing books these days, I like to write them “REALLY FAST” so I can go to print with them fast, start marketing the contents in the book fast, and start making money with it … fast! Well, to write a book really fast, here’s what you need to keep in mind ...
by Bart Smith
Whether you have a YouTube channel or not, whether your channel is young or old, whether you're doing well with your channel or not, you just might benefit from looking over and implementing some of my YouTube channel checklist items to (further) grow your YouTube channel to new heights, gain new subscribers, (finally) make money with your channel, and so much more!