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Collaborate With Bart Smith

I love to collaborate with companies like yours to share your product, service and/or message with others who need to hear about it ...

I dig sharing products and services from brands I love and use through my websites, on my YouTube channel, on Instagram, on TikTok and live in-person when I travel around! I understand the value of getting your products into the hands, homes, hearts and minds of the people you want to reach. That's where I come in!

I am possessed, yes, more than passionate, about sharing brands, products and services I love and use and in such a fun and impactful way that's unique only to me! When I speak, teach, show 'n' tell ... people listen, remember, and act! Isn't that what you want?

Because people eagerly search online for product reviews before making a purchasing decision, seeing what others (like me) have to say or think about x-product/service can help them form an opinion about making a fast-buying decision in your direction. 

If you want others to find out about your awesome products or services, and they mesh well with my brand, I'd love to talk about a collaboration/partnership together. I can do A LOT for you, such as, create content for your brand to showcase your products or services and share my experience and my thoughts. I can also write sales copy, create video, and scripts to better tell what it is you're trying to promote.

Reach out to my office so I can hear what you have to discuss. We can then talk all about the particulars, such as, interest, availability and my rates. Hey, I can't wait!