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Interview Bart Smith About His Book How To Become A TV Guest

How To Prepare, Pitch

& Become A TV Guest

Share Your Expertise, Generate Leads, Grow Your Income & Credibility With TV Guest Appearances

by Bart Smith

HELP! Calling all experts, authors, storytellers and professionals! Local, national and international TV shows need you to come on to their show as a TV guest to tell your story, help set the record straight, comment on what’s happening in the news and current events, entertain audiences, talk about your new book, and … so much more!

The PROBLEM most potential TV guests have is they don’t know how to get on TV; they don’t get enough exposure to be seen by TV show personnel who are looking for TV guests; they don’t know what to do before/during/after being on a TV show as a TV guest; let alone how to maximize their time on TV shows; how to get more TV show coverage, and … so much more!

The SOLUTION to these problems potential TV guests have are addressed inside How To Prepare, Pitch & Become A TV Guest in the form of 25+ most frequently asked questions! Questions TV guests don’t know to ask and forgot to ask! Open the book, start reading and in ONE DAY you’ll become so much more prepared to become a TV guest, how to put yourself out there so you’re seen as a potential TV guest, how to secure TV show guest spots, get asked back, passed on to other TV shows, and … so much more!

My next guest has written 27 books and is in hot pursuit to snag his own TV guest appearance opportunities by launching a website called TVGuest.com. This website is designed to help put him in front of the decision makers who decide who gets invited on to their TV show next … Please help me welcome the author of How To Prepare, Pitch & Become A TV Guest, Bart Smith.


Bart Smith, is the author of How To Prepare, Pitch & Become A TV Guest and the founder of TVGuest.com an online directory of experts who aspire to contribute their knowledge, commentary and expertise as TV guests on any number of TV shows.

Having written 27 books himself ranging anywhere from relationships to business, networking, personal development, motivation, lethal confidence, the business of coaching, and with political, social and cultural books on the way, Bart knows the importance of getting on TV to help spread his message, set the record straight, comment on what’s going on in society and government, as well as entertain us when we need a laugh or to learn something new that can help us in our daily lives.

Oh, Bart also bakes the world’s best chocolate chip cookies too, check it out over BartsCookies.com, which I’ll have to talk to him about (i.e., why didn’t he send me some, did he bring some, thank you for sending some in advance, etc.).


Suggested interview questions:

Q1: What inspired you to write your book, How To Prepare, Pitch & Become A TV Guest.

Q2:  Have you ever been on TV?

Q3:  Where did you get the knowledge to write such a book if you’ve never been on TV before?

Q4:  Why did you decide to write the book in an FAQ format rather than a regular book broken up in chapters or parts?

Q5:  How did you come up with the 25 or so questions in the book?

Q6:  How did you come up with the bonus report in the back of the book called, 10 Ways To Improve Your Interview Skills?

Q7:  Let’s go over some of the questions in the book and let’s discuss some of their answers. (Randomly pick out some questions in the book.)

Q8:  For those who aspire to be on TV, why is your book so important for people to read before they do anything in that direction?

Q9:  Tell me about your website, TVGuest.com. What is TVGuest.com about and how did you come up with the idea for it?

Q10:  What is a TVGuest.com directory profile listing and how does it help someone get on TV as a TV guest? How can you use it to help you score interviews?

Q11:  Can having a TVGuest.com profile listing help people get interviews on the radio, podcast and other shows?

Q12:  What other TV guest related services do you offer your TVGuest.com clients to help them get on TV? Can you get someone on TV?

Q13:  Really quick, tell me about ReallyFastBooks.com. How does that tie in with TVGuest.com and your book on the subject of getting on TV as an expert? I should ask, how long did it take you to write your book on how to be a TV guest?

Q14:  Where can people purchase your how to be a TV guest book?

Q15:  Does the book come in audio and eBook format?

Q16:  How does someone learn more about getting their own TVGuest.com directory profile listing and increasing their odds at scoring a guest spot on a TV show someday?

Q17:  How does someone get a hold of you if they want coaching or mentoring by you in this area of becoming a TV guest?


The print, eBook/online and audio version of  How To Prepare, Pitch & Become A TV Guest  by Bart Smith, as well as information about his TV guest directory profile listing and TV guest placement services, can all be found and purchased at his website: BartSmith.com and TVGuest.com.


To request an interview with Bart Smith, contact Bart online through this website. Your interview inquiry will be responded to promptly. In a hurry? Call Bart's office directly at (323) 510-5155 PST to set up an interview.

Request An Interview


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You can learn more about this book on its actual book description page. Click the button below to check that out.

Book Description Page 


You can also listen to past interviews to get an idea on what topic you’d like to interview Bart on first, second, and third! Yes, you’ll want to book Bart for several interviews depending on your show format, how much content you might need, interest in different topics, etc.

Listen To Sample Interviews 


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