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Interview Bart Smith About His Book Watch Out Ladies

Watch Out Ladies

15 Things Every Woman Should Be Concerned With & Watch Out For To Protect Her Heart, Her Body, Find Love & Avoid A Lifetime Of Loneliness

by Bart Smith

If there was ever a book that helped address the problems going on today in the lives of women (and men) when it comes to dating, prolonging marriage, avoiding heartache, falling in/out of love, finding someone to be with for the rest of your life, avoid growing old SINGLE, insights into pop culture, the media, porn’s effect on women’s relationship with men, sex robots, finding Mr. He’s Good Enough (“I do!”) vs. Mr. Perfect (who doesn’t exist) … wow, then look no further, WATCH OUT LADIES is the book you need to read cover to cover.


Folks, if you haven’t noticed (in the dating world today) not many men and women are dating that much anymore. Very few people are “going steady,” or courting one another, or even having sex much. Men and women aren’t getting married like they used to (until much later in life; if so after 30/40). No one’s having kids, or here’s a biggy … few people today are starting families. What the heck is going on out there? You know because of all that I said, that puts our country in decline if we can’t grow our society and foster healthy relationships. Ah, why should you care, you just live here, right?

Ladies, specifically, and this show is all about you today, ask yourself, are you happy? Are you single? How long have you been single? Weeks? Months? Years? Decades? Are you in a relationship? Have you ever been in a (serious; long-term) relationship or have you ever been IN LOVE? Are you playing the field, like the guys? Sleeping around, not telling anyone that you are, but hooking up, sleeping with multiple men over the years? How many men? Why haven’t any of them stayed with you? Why are they (or you) leaving that bed and hopping to another?

How old are you and are you still looking for Mr. Right? Are you of the age where you’re ready to settle down because your body clock is saying, “I only have a few years left to have kids! I need to hurry and find a man?” What do you know about freezing your eggs? Pros/cons/costs? Are you in your early 20’s where you’re not even thinking about marriage and thinking you have 10 years to waste doing whatever you want? You’ll deal with finding someone seriously when you hit THE WALL, I mean age 30 or so? What do you know about sexual and marriage market value? Is your list of requirements for (Mr. Perfect) too much for 80% of men to meet? Are you Ms. Perfect? Are the men you are meeting just not marriage material or interested in a relationship (short or long-term)? Are you passing up great guys that are NICE and would be GOOD TO YOU, but instead opting for the more exciting, dangerous, hot, player-type (with money and a fancy car or not) who’s only (deep hidden secret) interest is to pump and dump you for another babe next week?

Really, what is going on out there? Ladies, what do you know about sex robots replacing you and how porn is erasing the whole notion or idea of men entering into a relationship with you? HINT: You will not and cannot compete with porn and sex robots, just to let you know, let alone hookers and escorts. Should you be concerned about what I just said? You bet! How about the fake media, twisted pop culture and the negative effects third-wave feminism and the #MeToo movement has had on your love life and interacting with men? It’s not about choice or waiting for the right man to come along. Those in charge and who want to control you are all about that … keeping you single, promiscuous, unhappy, drugged up (on depression medication) … I could go on.

Ladies, listen up, my next guest, author of  Watch Out Ladies: 15 Things Every Woman Should Be Concerned With & Watch Out For To Protect Her Heart, Her Body, Find Love & Avoid A Lifetime Of Loneliness , has some straight up advice for you that you need to hear and WATCH OUT for! Your lifetime happiness, your heart, your love life and the safety of your body and birth of your future children, along with your marriage are at serious risk here if you don’t WATCH OUT, as he says.

Ladies (and gentlemen) please, help me welcome Bart Smith to the show …


Bart Smith is the author of 27 books, six of them, relationship books. His book, Watch Out Ladies: 15 Things Every Woman Should Be Concerned With & Watch Out For To Protect Her Heart, Her Body, Find Love & Avoid A Lifetime Of Loneliness , was specifically written for women to help them guard their heart and their bodies from potential harm and leading a potential life living alone and without a man! Bart's written 5 other relationship books, which include Find The One For Me, 251+ Dating & Relationship Regrets Laws Of The Bedroom: What Women Want Inside & Outside Of The Bedroom, a romance erotica novel for women called Fantasy Boyfriend and his latest book, Where Are You? & Where Art Thou?   Bart’s passionate about helping others in their lives by sharing his personal points of view, perspectives on love, life and living it, as well as his tried and true philosophies as they relate to keeping your mind, heart and your body safe and happy forever. Oh, not to mention, Bart’s passionate about food and cooking. His cookbook, Who’s Hungry? is sure to help you conquer the kitchen, lose weight and whip up some fantastic meals whenever you get the cravings! You can listen to many of Bart’s books in audio format, because he loves to record them for your listening pleasure. Bart loves to travel and give people his best. That also goes for his world famous chocolate chip cookies. Yep, if you haven’t tried them, you should. Check out iLoveBartsCookies.com.


Suggested interview questions:

Q1 : Bart, what motivated you to write this book? You’re not a woman, you’re a man!

Q2 : Why should women watch out? What about men, shouldn’t they watch out too?

Q3 : Specifically, what should women watch out for?

Q4 : You talk a lot about SEX in the first 3 chapters (i.e., sleeping around, with too many men, no ring on that finger years later, etc.). What are the downsides to sleeping with too many men for too many years and without a ring?

Q5 : You talk about looking for Mr. Perfect vs. Mr. Right. Is Mr. Perfect out there? You say he’s not, why so? What should women be looking for in a man?

Q6 : You mention women have standards for income and education a man should have that are way too high; elaborate on this will you? I like how you end this section.

Q7 : How do many women drive (good) men away with their bad attitudes, behaviors, character traits, and ??? Can you give us some examples?

Q8 : How bad is porn today and why should woman care that porn is already erasing them from a man’s mind? What is NOFAP and why is it vital women learn about it as you emphasize in your book?

Q9 : What are sexbots and how are they a threat to men and women dating, getting married and having kids and starting a family?

Q10 : What does M.G.T.O.W. mean and why should women take this movement (of men “going their own way”) seriously if they ever plan on dating, marrying or even talking to a man ever again?

Q11 : You talk about women freezing their eggs. Can you (quickly) go over the pros/cons and cost? It’s not as simple or as affordable as one might think.

Q12 : What’s your take on (third-wave) feminism, pop culture, the media, the #MeToo movement and other (what would appear) to be pro-female organizations and movements? How are they actually back-firing on women leaving them alone, miserable and confused?

Q13 : What is THE WALL and when do women hit the wall? What happens when women hit the wall? Can the wall be avoided?

Q14 : What about a woman’s sexual and marriage market value? What is this and why should women be very concerned when this value hits ZERO in a man’s eyes?

Q15 : We’ve covered a lot, what else would you like to share with us at this point?

Q16 : What advice do you have for young women in their teens, early/mid 20’s, late 20’s, 30’s, 40’s?

Q17 : Tell us about your other relationship books and how they coincide with Watch Out Ladies ?

Q18 : Tell folks about your cookbook, Who’s Hungry? and why women, especially, will love this cookbook! Men will love it too, but why do you want women to know about.

Q19 : How can people get a hold of you and are you available for coaching, speaking, etc.


You can learn more about Bart’s book, Watch Out Ladies: 15 Things Every Woman Should Be Concerned With & Watch Out For To Protect Her Heart, Her Body, Find Love & Avoid A Lifetime Of Loneliness, by going to his website: BartSmith.com.


To request an interview with Bart Smith, contact Bart online through this website. Your interview inquiry will be responded to promptly. In a hurry? Call Bart's office directly at (323) 510-5155 PST to set up an interview.

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