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Interview Bart Smith About His Book Feminism B.S.

Feminism B.S.

(The Good, The Bad & The Ultra-Ugly!) + “TOXIC FEMININITY” ...  FEMINISM Is About CONTROL (Not Choice) & Destroys Romance, Love-lives, … It For What It Is: “Toxic” For All Humanity

by Bart Smith

Traditional feminism is not the focus of this book, but rather today's radical, angry, culturally Marxian code word for a far-left movement that only seeks to  undermine what their hearts truly desire  … to find love and be loved in a crazy world overrun by a male-bashing media, bias family courts against fathers, male-blaming academia and hostile feminist organizations still crying “wolf” and female “victim hood,” which  driving men fast and far away  from the very women they’d rather  love and cherish . Women need to  spurn the label of “feminist” N.O.W.  


Being the avid writer Bart is, and having an interest not just in writing about business, motivation, personal development, cooking, relationships, but also politics and culture as well, Bart knew he had to write a book about this topic (feminism) sooner or later. It was just in the past 10 years or so that he saw the writing on the wall with regards to women entering their 30’s and 40’s alone, without a man (boyfriend/husband) and without children or with children and still without a husband that this message about Feminism, and how it negatively affects women (and men) needed to get out. So, he wrote FEMINISM B.S. Yikes, what a title.


My next guest, Bart Smith, is the author of 25+ self-help books, which include topics covering business, networking, motivation, speaking, relationships, personal development, romance erotica and cooking! He's written a fabulous full-color cookbook called Who's Hungry? Wow! Oh, he also makes the world's best chocolate chip cookies, which he brings with him into the studio when he's being interviewed (or he'll mail them ahead of his interviews). Folks, please welcome my next guest, Bart Smith.


Suggested interview questions:

Q1:  You start the book off by responding to a quote from Betty Friedan, Founder Of Modern Feminism, Political Activist & Professional Propagandist and what she said, “No woman gets an orgasm from shining the kitchen floor.” Tell my listeners what you said in response to that. It is hilarious and you are so correct in what you said!

Q2:  You also start the book off by referencing material in your other book, Watch Out Ladies, where you talk about how FEMINISM has negatively impacted women, men, families, having children, and society. Let's talk about that for a few minutes. Why has feminism negatively affected all these areas? Isn't feminism about choice? Or, like you say, it's more about "control?"

Q3:  What's the difference between TRADITIONAL feminism (or first wave) and MODERN/RADICAL feminism, which is what we have today?

Q4:  In PART #2 MORE FEMINISM B.S. you go into so many topics on feminism such as random notes, absurdities, hilarious contradictions, delusional double standards, non-conformers and total feminist lunacy. Give me some examples from some of these sections. In fact, read to us some of the sections you cover! This is, by far, a most impressive list you cover! You leave no stone unturned!

Q5:  You then go back to WATCH OUT LADIES, your other relationship book for women, and include entire excerpts from that book. Why? What is the purpose for you doing that? Let me read these chapter titles real quick so my audience knows what we're talking about:

(Chapter #2) SEX: With Men For Multiple Years (Not Good) & Without A Ring,

(Chapter #4) Postponing Marriage/Motherhood Into Your 30S/40S (Not The Best Idea. Here's Why!)

(Chapter #5) Too Career Focused & For Too Long (Pros/Cons)

(Chapter #7) Personal Habits, Traits & Behaviors (That Can Drive Him Away!) = “TOXIC FEMININITY!“

(Chapter #8) Having Higher Income/Education Requirements Of Men (Here’s What To Do & Say To Him!)

(Chapter #9) Mr. Perfect vs. Mr. He’s Good Enough (“Yes, I Will ...”)

(Chapter #10) M.G.T.O.W. (Men Going Their Own Way) “Ladies Be Worried .... NOW!“

(Chapter #11) Porn, Fapping, PMO, Sex Bots & “No More” Sex For You, Ladies! (“You’re Being ERASED From His Mind!”)

(Chapter #14) Pop Culture & The Media (Nothing But Lies & More B.S. That Cause Women To Suffer Even More)

(Chapter #15) “The Wall” & Sexual/Marriage Market

Q6:  Are their women who are not feminists and who have rejected the notion of being a feminist? Why do they not want to be a feminist? Is it about choice and women not truly being able to choose what they want to do with their life? Is it an anti-political statement?

Q7:  In the end, you talk about what women can and should do to help stop the negative influence of modern, male-bashing, third-wave feminism and win men back into their lives and hearts? What are some of those steps women can take?


Bart’s book, Feminism B.S. (The Good, The Bad & The Ultra-Ugly!), can be purchased on Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle eBook format. For the audio version, go to his website, BartSmith.com, where you can listen to the entire audiobook for FREE!


To request an interview with Bart Smith, contact Bart online through this website. Your interview inquiry will be responded to promptly. In a hurry? Call Bart's office directly at (323) 510-5155 PST to set up an interview.

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You can listen to past interviews to get an idea on what topic you’d like to interview Bart on first, second, and third! Yes, you’ll want to book Bart for several interviews depending on your show format, how much content you need, interest in different topics, etc.

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 Feminism B.S. (The Good, The Bad & The Ultra-Ugly!) + “TOXIC FEMININITY” ... FEMINISM Is About CONTROL (Not Choice) & Destroys Romance, Love-lives, … It For What It Is: “Toxic” For All Humanity by Bart Smith