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 My TV & Radio Interview -- Tactics & Checklist  What To Do Before, During & After Every Media Interview by Bart Smith

My TV & Radio Interview

Tactics & Checklist

What To Do Before, During & After Every Media Interview

by Bart Smith

Are you ready for your … BIG INTERVIEW? Are you getting interviewed lately? Yes? Great! No? Why not? Are your interviews effective? Are you getting interviewed enough? 

Many of my clients have never been interviewed or just once in the past 12 months! NOT GOOD!

Whether you’re after TV, radio, podcast, YouTube.com interviews or some other media interview this book is for you!


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99+ pages of great interview preparation information, training and know-how …

If you have media interviews coming up or want to brush up on your media interview skills, this book is an amazing resource for you. It has so much of what you need to learn, how to prepare and much more. Check it out ...


  • Take a peek inside this amazing book on how to give a prepare for and deliver a killer media interview like I do! See for yourself and then order the paperback to be mailed to you or order the Kindle eBook version, which lets you read the book on your phone, tablet or laptop. You can also listen to the audio version FREE on my YouTube channel.


  • Wow, talk about everything you need to prepare you for your interviews. All this knowledge has been accumulated by yours truly to help you knock your next interview out of the park. Just take a look at the contents below. Like what you see? Order the paperback version or the online version and read + listen to this book on any device.

    Message From The Author

    PART #1

    Are You Getting Interviewed? Yes, Great! No, Why Not? Are Your Interviews Effective? Are You Getting Interviewed Enough?

    PART #2

    Where Is Your “Interview Me” Web Page On Your Website?

    PART #3

    Where Is Your “Media Room” Web Page On Your Website?

    PART #4

    Do You Have Pre-Recorded/Sample Interviews Of You On Video On Your Website?

    PART #5

    Learn How To Get “Author Interviews” For The Book You Just Wrote

    PART #6

    Here Are 10 Ways You Can Personally Improve Your Interview Skills So You Come Across As A Seasoned “Professional Interviewer” Every Time!

    PART #7

    My Personal TV/Radio Interview Checklist! THAT’S A WRAP: My TV/Radio Interview Tactics & Checklists

    Summary & Words Of Encouragement



  • To pique your curiosity about this book, check out these hand-picked excerpts that come right out of the book. If you like what you read, then you'll definitely love the book!

    Then, come back to this very web page to purchase the paperback, eBook or listen to the audiobook version for free on my YouTube Channel.



  • I also recorded this book in audio format so you can listen to it as you work, wait, play, drive, ride, etc. Check out this audio sample below. If you like what you hear, you can listen to the entire audiobook for FREE on my YouTube Channel. Just subscribe (for FREE) and start listening!


  • “When Bart asked me to read his new book, HOW TO PREPARE, PITCH & BECOME A TV GUEST, I had no idea what I was in store for. I’d been working in the TV industry for big named companies for going on 20 years. As I read every page, I said to myself, ‘Bart, how do you know all this?’ Seriously, he said everything I’d tell a potential client, but with more detail and tips that even I would never think of or even suggest. For example, having a TV guest conduct a website + sales/selling system + merchant account audit to be sure they were prepared to handle any potential bandwidth limitations or a spike in sales activity from a single TV exposure so their website or merchant account company didn’t shut down their account for false flag activity! WHO would know to tell them that? My friends in the business wouldn’t. As I kept reading, Bart covered what most TV industry professionals might know, but with one big difference, they don’t know the first thing about how to write a book, let alone write one as FAST as Bart wrote this book … in ONE WEEK! So, all I can say is, ‘Congratulations, Bart! Great job, and thank you, for writing what we all want to tell potential TV guests, but you did it so succinctly inside this book.’ What a primer for anyone wanting to be on TV and how to best prepare for a successful TV guest appearance. If you plan on being a TV guest or you’ve been one already, keep this book by your side and review it often. There are tons of great ideas in it for you to help improve your TV guest performance, hands down!” 

    Jamie Barton

    TV Client Relations &
    Industry Analyst,
    Burbank, CA

    “Having been on TV before as a TV guest, had my own guest appearance on reality shows, and given tons of interviews over the years, as an author, I still learned a lot from Bart’s book, HOW TO PREPARE, PITCH & BECOME A TV GUEST. He confirmed what I know works and doesn’t work and he opened my eyes to areas that I never would have thought before. I know Bart and his work and training in many areas of business and marketing is beyond anyone I know. Anyone who reads this book is definitely in store for some serious TV guest appearance training.” 

    Hasani Pettiford

    Author/TV Reality Show
    Contributor, Atlanta, GA

    “I’ve known Bart for more than 20 years. I remember when he came up with the idea for TVRadioGuest.com back in 2004. While he kept that marketing card in his back pocket, I watched him help and train so many people over the years with their books, websites, marketing and so much more. Bart cares and gives his all no matter who they are. Now that Bart has finished writing his books, I can see why now is the time to bring TVGuest.com to life and to help everyone get heard, seen and become a guest on TV to help accomplish their goals. I know he’ll pour every ounce of energy he can into helping his clients and TVGuest.com members achieve success. Having been on TV talk/news shows before, I can tell you Bart’s book on how to become a TV guest is spot on and should be required reading for anyone wanting to become a TV guest on any TV show!” 

    Gayl Murphy

    Hollywood Correspondent, Hollywood, CA

    This is a great book if you want to really become a pro at giving great media interviews for your book, product and/or service. I compiled my best articles I wrote on doing media interviews for this book. So, if you want to deliver the best interviews possible, get your hands on this book or listen to the audio version for free on my YouTube channel.

    I’m sure there are interview consultants and media trainers out there who would charge you $250 minimum to consult and train with them to prepare you to give great media interviews. Well, all you need to know is inside this book. I'd say then this book is valued at $250 worth of media consulting and coaching!

    In advance, I hope this book really helps you give that killer media interview!