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Book Excerpts From Speaker Success Tips & Tactics by Bart Smith

Get a sneak peek into 99+ Speaker Success Tips by Bart Smith by reading a few of the hand-picked book excerpts below. If you like what you read here, then you'll definitely love the book or perhaps the audio version. That said, enjoy these excerpts!


Message From The Author

Hey, I’m really excited you picked up my book. Having a desire to speak usually comes with a host of challenges most speakers encounter on their way up the speaker mountain of success. Inside this book, I have created a list of 99+ SPEAKER SUCCESS TACTICS to ensure that climb to the top will be ...



11 (Out Of 49) Speaker Success Tips BEFORE You Speak

(#1) Prepare and rehearse your speech several times. Draft an outline for it, time it, and be sure you can get through all your points in a designated period of time. With an outline, you’re better able to stay on point and not drift off on tangents which then waste even more time. You might also record your ...



10 (Out Of 36) Speaker Success Tips WHILE You Speak

(#1) Don’t start out with a boring statement. Instead, what is the most exciting thing you can say to get your ...



7 (Out Of 16) Speaker Success Tips AFTER You Speak

(#1) Take pictures with your audience, the host, the room, people standing up networking, etc. (#2) Get video testimonials from people who saw you speak ...



Presentation Nervousness Be Gone!

It’s YOUR turn! The very second we hear someone call our name “... it’s your turn - you’re up!” ... is when you’d rather die than step out on stage in front of a room full of total strangers ... Right? You bet! 

Do you ever experience presentation nervousness? We’ve all been there ... butterflies, acid churning inside our stomachs, etc. In reality, NERVOUSNESS is a lot like FIRE – it has BOTH the power to DESTROY and the ability to SERVE! Which do you CHOOSE? Don’t answer that! To SERVE, of course!

Book Excerpts From Speaker Success Tips & Tactics by Bart Smith


Message From The Author

99+ Speaker Success Tips Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Hey, I’m really excited you picked up my book. Having a desire to speak usually comes with a host of challenges most speakers encounter on their way up the speaker mountain of success.

Inside this book, I have created a list of 99+ SPEAKER SUCCESS TACTICS to ensure that climb to the top will be a smooth and successful one. 

That said, I’ve accumulated these speaker tips, tactics and actionable items every speaker should be aware of to help improve their chances at becoming a really great speaker. Whether you speak for free or get paid to speak, I know these speaker success insights will help you become a better, more polished speaker even after a single reading of this book.

And then, to become a great speaker, by putting in the time, practice, finding opportunities to put your speaking talents to the test, along with your desire to keep improving with every presentation you give, speaker success is absolutely right around the corner. Just imagine now, how much farther/faster you’ll go with your speaking talents once you become aware of the 99+ speaker success tips to implement! 

Well, here’s to your hard work, dedication and dreams of becoming a show-stopping speaker! I can see you on stage now rocking the audience with your well-crafted, well-rehearsed and well-planned presentation.

As they say in show business, “knock em dead, kid.” I hope you blow them all away with your awesome speaking performances. Show ‘em what you’ve got!!!

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11 (Out Of 49) Speaker Success Tips BEFORE You Speak

99+ Speaker Success Tips Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

#1) → Prepare and rehearse your speech several times. Draft an outline for it, time it, and be sure you can get through all your points in a designated period of time. With an outline, you’re better able to stay on point and not drift off on tangents which then waste even more time. You might also record your speech before you give it, perhaps on your phone and then listen to it over and over if that helps you to memorize it.

#2) → Practice, practice, practice and even get feedback from someone near you who can help you fix, adjust, tweak, add or drop something from your speech.

#3) → Rehearse and memorize your first and last lines. They’re what people remember the most. If you can come up with great opening and closing statements or two, wow, your speech will be a big hit with your audience and easy for you to open and close.

#4) → When drafting your speech and creating your outline, remember that “Less is more.” The structure of your talk should go like this: (#1) your opening statement(s), (#2) 3-5 main points, (#3) 3-5 stories or case studies that support your main points, (#4) some audience participation, and (#5) closing statements summarizing what you spoke about along with any type of motivational statements to the audience to take action on what they learned. That’s it, minus a few tweaks and adjustments to finalize your speech. With a strong opening, mention your first main point, and then tell your story. Transition to your second main point, then give another example, and so forth. Your stories bridge everything together. With a strong opening and motivating close, your speech should be a rocking success!

#5) → Keep your talk/outline and talking points short and concise. Ask yourself, “Does my audience really need to know this?” If you can reference something (in more detail) on your website or in the handout you gave your audience, then keep your spoken word crisp, clean, short and to-the-point to address the ever-shrinking attention span of your listeners.

#6) → Create three checklists that will help you: (1) remember what to bring to the speaking event, (2) what to do at the speaking event and (3) what to remember to do or take home with you after the speaking event is over. Checklists help us stay organized amidst all the chaos, fun and excitement going on with your speaking gig. “Let’s see, I’m leaving so let’s make sure I have everything ... [ ] Check ... [ ] Got it ... [ ] Where’s my extension cord? Don’t want to forget that.”

#7) → Prepare any handouts, flyers, order forms, etc., days before the event and not the night before the event. It takes time to create them, proof them, get copies at your local copy store, etc. Don’t waste precious time the day before designing forms and making copies when you could be reviewing your speech and relaxing.

#8) → Order books and other inventory you’d like to sell at the event weeks ahead of your speech so you have inventory in hand to bring and sell! Don’t give a speech and not bring product to sell at the back of the room. What a wasted opportunity. Even if you don’t sell anything, at least you were prepared.

#9) → Test and charge your PayPal or Stripe credit card readers for your phone and make sure you know how to charge a credit card. Don’t be breaking out the manual or reading Help files on your phone while people are waiting to buy your book, etc. Also, if you don’t have a credit card reader, order this now so you have it for your next speaking gig. People will buy what you have to sell with credit cards. Be ready.

#10) → Test your website. Make sure it’s up and running. If you tell people to go to it, make sure it’s working properly along with the shopping cart and opt-in forms so people can make use of them and not run into a 404 page not found or other errors.

#11) → Pack up your stuff and place it in the car the night before or on a table to quickly grab it on your way out the door to give your speech. You’ve got time the night before to do this kind of prep. Take advantage of it.


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10 (Out Of 36) Speaker Success Tips WHILE You Speak

99+ Speaker Success Tips Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

#1) → Don’t start out with a boring statement. Instead, what is the most exciting thing you can say to get your audience going?

#2) → Do not say that you are nervous, sorry, unprepared, reluctant, unqualified or not good at public speaking. Admit NOTHING! Never apologise. Just get up there and speak! Begin with the powerful opening statement you practiced. With every speech you give, all those issues will hopefully go away quickly! “Do it and get through it,” I say. If you’re nervous, don’t let your feelings of uneasiness take away from your presentation.

#3) → Before you get into your presentation, tell your audience exactly what they’ll learn. Set them up for success by saying, “In my talk today, you’re going to learn ____ so that you can _____.” Let them know whether (or when) you’ll stop for breaks, if you’ll be accepting questions during your presentation, etc. Offering these presentation “signposts” up front gives your audience a clear idea of what to expect, so they too can relax and focus on your amazing presentation coming up.

#4) → Start your speech off with something the audience can connect with or relate to, whether it’s a statistic, a story or other mention.

#5) → Don’t attempt to make a ton of key points. Make 1-2 key points for a short talk (i.e., 15 minutes) and 4-5 points for a 30-minute talk, etc.

#6) → Start your speech off with audience participation if it makes sense! “So, the topic I’m going to talk about today is ____. Would anyone like to share their experiences with ____ before we get going?” Doing this gets the audience tuned up, tuned in, awake and enthusiastically engaged because they actually have a say in the topic you’re presenting on. They’re just not going to sit there for an hour (or more). They can actually speak and voice what’s on their minds. That can be fuel for your speech if you didn’t know that!

#7) → PERFORM, ACT, ENTERTAIN … just don’t teach, speak and train. You’re an entertainer first, while you deliver your material. At the end of your presentation, you want people to look forward to meeting you in person and not walking out having just heard a boring speech.

#8) → Make your audience laugh. Laughter is a great way to relax both you and your audience. A warm, natural sense of humor is all you need. One simple statement can often times win your audiences in your favor before you get into the meat of your topic. Drop brief, funny statements throughout your talk and you’ll have folks smiling throughout your presentation.

#9) → Don’t bury yourself in your notes. Use them for reference, but look up quickly and face your audience 90% of the time.

#10) → DON’T TALK FAST! Pause between thoughts/ideas. Don’t forget to breathe. Speak clearly taking small breaks between words and points you want to make. Allow people time to digest what you’re saying. Don’t fire hose them to death. Speakers who speak fast are either super nervous, don’t believe what they’re saying is true and valid or think they need to convince you with a lot of information in the hope that you’ll believe and buy from them. HOGWASH! People can make up their own minds about what you have to sell or tell. Speak in a comfortable manner that actually draws them into you and doesn’t push them away from you. Besides, if people are taking notes, talking too fast won’t allow them to truly absorb what you’re talking about.


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7 (Out Of 16) Speaker Success Tips AFTER You Speak

99+ Speaker Success Tips Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

#1) → Take pictures with your audience, the host, the room, people standing up networking, etc.

#2) → Get video testimonials from people who saw you speak. Get at least 1-3 minimum.

#3) → Hand out a speaker feedback form to your audience to get just that … feedback on how you did, content of your speech, and what you can do to improve. Have a check box on the form that gives you permission to use people’s feedback in the form of a testimonial.

#4) → Stay as long as you can after your speech to answer questions, network, take pictures, even help the host clean up. You’ll score points and get asked back assuredly. PLUS this is an opportunity to ask for a testimonial about your speech. “The speaker was wonderful. The audience loved him/her and they were especially nice to our staff and …” You can imagine.

#5) → Stick around and watch other speakers that follow your presentation. What can you learn? Any ideas, tips, things to say/not say? Make note of any mistakes they make!

#6) → Thank everyone who invited you to speak, the host, other speakers, the staff, sound/stage crew, audience members, security … get pictures with everyone if possible.

#7) → Get the contact information from those you just met who you’d like to stay in contact with.


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Presentation Nervousness Be Gone!

99+ Speaker Success Tips Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

It’s YOUR turn! The very second we hear someone call our name “... it’s your turn - you’re up!” ... is when you’d rather die than step out on stage in front of a room full of total strangers ... Right? You bet! 

Do you ever experience presentation nervousness? We’ve all been there ... butterflies, acid churning inside our stomachs, etc. In reality, NERVOUSNESS is a lot like FIRE – it has BOTH the power to DESTROY and the ability to SERVE! Which do you CHOOSE? Don’t answer that! To SERVE, of course! 

Well, you’re in luck! Here’s how I knock my presentations out of the park! Below, I’ve outlined a number of PERSONAL, LOGICAL and MENTAL STEPS for you to consider, possibly implement and keep in perspective to help turn all your NERVOUS ENERGY into POSITIVE ACTION ENERGY every time you present or perform!

Here’s How You Eliminate
Presentation Nervousness!

#1) → KNOW your SUBJECT TOO WELL! This cannot be stressed enough! STUDY it! PREPARE it! LEARN it! BECOME it ... until your subject/topic becomes SECOND NATURE to your entire BEING!

#2) → ENTERTAIN your audience ... Turn the event/presentation/performance into something both you and your audience will ENJOY! Consider your audience your new FAN BASE (i.e., supporting you while you’re up there, rather than “it’s me against them” kind of attitude.) Your audience is there to ENJOY/BENEFIT from the very information you have to share ... just as much as you will enjoy and/or benefit from giving your presentation/performance to your audience. It’s a WIN-WIN situation every time.

#3) → Have PASSION for your SUBJECT/TOPIC and your AUDIENCE! Show a little compassion. “Hey, listen up! I’ve something important to share with you that could help/entertain you! Now, let’s get started, shall we?!?!”

#4) → PRACTICE makes PERFECT every time! SPEAK as OFTEN as you can! Lesson to learn: Imagine how great your presentation/performance would be if you’ve already given 1,000 presentations/performances ... Pretty good, right? Believe in yourself.

#5) → WATCH and STUDY as many presenters/performers as you can. MODEL the positive presenters/performers you like. Incorporate the little things they do with your own personal style. Also, make special note of those things that you do not like and remember not to repeat their mistakes when you give your presentation. Lesson to learn: Imagine how great your presentation/performance would be if you could observe over 1,000 presentations/performances by others of different subjects, styles and levels of profession ... Pretty good, right? Better believe it! Goal: Look at yourself as a continuous improvement project with every presentation/performance that you give or observe.

#6) → THROW IT AWAY! GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT and DON’T WORRY! ... If they don’t get it - and you DID YOUR BEST - you DID a GREAT JOB anyway! Just GET UP THERE, GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT and HAVE FUN with it!

#7) → ROLE PLAY every chance you get! Again, PRACTICE makes PERFECT! Stand up and speak out loud (to an empty shower stall, rehearsal in the car, or while silently waiting in line at the grocery store. Role play every chance you get.


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