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 150+ Mistakes Coaches Make -- STOP Wasting Your Time, Losing Money & Maximize Your True Potential As A Personal / Business Coach by Bart Smith

150+ Mistakes Coaches Make

STOP Wasting Your Time, Losing Money & Maximize Your True Potential As A Personal / Business Coach

by Bart Smith

Have you ever seen a book written for coaches that specifically highlighted the business related mistakes, education/training mistakes, personal-related mistakes, coaching/client mistakes, marketing/promotion mistakes, website-related mistakes, communication mistakes, and money-making mistakes coaches could make in their coaching business practice? I’ve never seen one, so I wrote one. I wrote it while I was writing Rich Coach|Broke Coach. I specifically remember generating a huge list of different kinds of mistakes coaches make. It wasn’t until I had accumulated over 150 mistakes that I thought coaches should know about these. Well, here it is … 150+ Mistakes Coaches Make!


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150+ coaching mistakes inside one book? Wow, that’s A LOT!

This one-of-a-kind book highlights in detail the very mistakes so many coaches make in their coaching business that cost them time, money, credibility and clients! Don’t you make these same mistakes and experience the same. Instead, read it (or listen to the audio book) and prosper as a “RICH COACH!”


Take a peek inside this amazing book of mistakes coaches make! You won’t find another book like it. See for yourself and then order the paperback or online version where you can read and listen to this book on any device!


Even though I wrote the book, when I read over the contents of 150+ Mistakes Coaches Make, I too am reminded, “Oh yeah, I need to do that or not do that or get x-going …” Seriously folks, this book is a must-read for every coach or coach in training. It will not fail you.

BUSINESS RELATED MISTAKES → Coaches who make these “business” mistakes are sure find themselves losing time, money, credibility and more. Every coach should know what these mistakes are so they don't make them in their coaching business.

COACHING/CLIENT MISTAKES → No coach wants to make mistakes with their clients, let alone these mistakes as outlined in the book.

COMMUNICATION MISTAKES → What are you saying to your clients? What are you NOT saying to clients? These mistakes can cost you too dearly, whether professionally or personally.

EDUCATION & TRAINING MISTAKES → I outline a number of education and training mistakes or things you don’t do to help boost your coaching business.

MARKETING & PROMOTION MISTAKES → Every coach is guilty of some kind of marketing mistake, as in, what you’re NOT doing to promote your business more.

MINDSET MISTAKES → These mistakes relate to one's mindset on how they go about things, their interactions with clients, with themselves, etc.

MONEY-MAKING MISTAKES → Here’s a real kicker, money-making mistakes coaches are making are costing them lost income. Not good.

PERSONAL RELATED MISTAKES → There are things we do as coaches that don’t always work well or pay off in certain ways. I elaborate on that in this section.

SOCIAL MEDIA RELATED MISTAKES → There are several social media mistakes coaches make. Are you on social media? Are you using it like you should be as a coach?

WEBSITE RELATED MISTAKES → If you have a website, then here are a number of mistakes you could be making that are preventing you from success.


  • To pique your curiosity about this book, check out these hand-picked excerpts that come right out of the book. If you like what you read, then you'll definitely love the book or perhaps the audiobook version. 

    Then, come back to this very web page to purchase the paperback, eBook or listen to the audiobook version for free on Bart's YouTube channel!


    I also recorded this book in audio format so you can listen to it any where you are. Check out this audio sample below. If you like what you hear, you can listen to the entire audiobook for FREE on Bart's YouTube Channel. Just subscribe (for FREE) and start listening!


    “Bart’s book, 150+ Mistakes Coaches Make, really made me see where my coaching business was failing, or at least losing money. I don’t like to use that word, but in certain ways, I was not performing up to my best with my clients or myself as a coach for them. His education and training mistakes hit home with me so I went and got certified  in my area of expertise which gave my income and reputation among clients a huge boost. His  communication mistakes warn against things you should and shouldn’t say to clients , which in the end, can cost you dearly. Thanks, Bart, for showing me the light.” — Peter F., Real Estate Consultant, Glendale, CA

    “I am so glad I got this book.  Bart does a great job at pointing out the obvious and in so many instances. After reading the entire book in a couple days, I was able to  clean up, consolidate and relaunch my real estate coaching and training programs with the confidence I wouldn’t be making the mistakes Bart outlines in his book. Thank you, Bart. Oh, and my bank account thanks you too!” — Alicia W., Texas (Real Estate Coach/Trainer)



    When I was writing RICH COACH BROKE COACH, one thing that kept coming to mind was the MISTAKES coaches make in their coaching business. So, I started accumulating a list of those mistakes which eventually totaled 150+. Wow, coaches were susceptible to making that many mistakes? That’s got to be shared!

    Why be concerned about making mistakes? Isn’t failure feedback? Sure it is, but for coaches, minimizing the amount of times we fail or make mistakes will help keep us on track with our own goals as coaches, keep clients and prospects flowing in, keep clients moving towards their own goals with our help, and above all, keep our coaching businesses operating at optimal capacity.

    Whether you are a seasoned coach or new to coaching, my hope is that you will learn something new (or be reminded about something to watch out for) from this book to help you be even more successful in your coaching business pursuits!