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Rich Coach Broke Coach -- 101+ Coaching Business & Marketing Tactics To Start, Run & Explode Your Coaching Business & Your Income by Bart Smith

Rich Coach ✦ Broke Coach

101+ Coaching Business & Marketing Tactics To Start, Run & Explode Your Coaching Business & Your Income

by Bart Smith

What does every life, personal and business coach need more than anything else? They need business training, help establishing their fees and creating multiple streams of income, creating coaching packages, marketing ideas, working with clients one-on-one, and coaching client forms to run a successful coaching business. Well, this book goes into all that and more! Literally, this book is an MBA in running a successful coaching business. Expect to pay $1,000’s of dollars (elsewhere) to learn only a fraction what you’re going to learn inside this book. You be the judge and jury, though. Watch the video book tour, look over the book table of contents, preview the book, listen to the audio samples and take the plunge with 1,000+% confidence. Get this book if you are a current coach or aspire to become a coach.


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250+ pages of business wisdom and knowledge for all coaches …

Talk about getting an MBA in business for coaches, you will not find another training program, book or other offering that goes into the depth Rich Coach Broke Coach goes into when it comes to how coaches should run the business-side of their coaching practice. WOW!


Take a peek inside this amazing book on the business and marketing aspects of coaching! You won’t find this kind of intense training on how to start, run and profit from your own coaching business like you will inside Rich Coach ✦ Broke Coach. See for yourself and then order the paperback or online version where you can read and listen to this book on any device!


Here’s what you can expect to learn inside this master volume of coaching business/marketing/money-making book:


Introduction & "Rich Coach" Definitions & Coaching Lifestyles

Welcome To Coaching!

❏ What is Coaching?

❏ Why do people hire coaches?

❏ What are the basics for coaching?

❏ What does it take to be a coach?

❏ How do you start a coaching business?

❏ What kind of income can you earn?

Let’s Define “Rich Coach” & “Broke Coach”

❏ First, let’s define the word …“Rich!”

❏ Qualities of a “Rich Coach”

❏ Qualities of a “Broke Coach”

❏ What makes a “Rich Coach” … “Rich?”

❏ Why do most coaches go … “Broke?”

Rich Coach Broke Coach -- 101+ Coaching Business & Marketing Tactics To Start, Run & Explode Your Coaching Business & Your Income by Bart Smith


Starting & Running a “Rich Coach” Business

❏ The “Rich Coach” Secret Formula

❏ Choose Your Coaching Niche & Get Rich

❏ Roadblocks For Becoming a “Rich Coach”

❏ Custom Coaching Business Management Software Solutions

❏ Plan Your Coaching Business With My Simple “Rich Coach” Business Plan Formula

❏ Should You Get Certified As A Coach? (Yes/No/Maybe?)

❏ Should You Get Your Own Coach ? (Yes/No/Maybe?)

❏ Outsourcing & Getting Help (So You Can Focus On Marketing, Coaching & Making Money)


Fees, Income & Making Money As A “Rich Coach”

❏ Know Where Your Money Comes From … Study The Rich Coach “Money Pie”

❏ Study, Master & Implement The Rich Coach “Money Funnel”

❏ Get Rich By Following The Rich Coach “Coaching System”

❏ Create & Name Your Coaching Services, Packages & Programs

❏ Coaching Package Naming & Creation “Wisdom”

❏ Determine Your Rich Coach Coaching Rates & Fees

❏ Rich Coach Coaching Package “Pricing Wisdom”

❏ Getting Paid From Your Coaching Clients & Customers Who Buy Products

❏ Coaching Payments Through Your Website & Shopping Cart Systems

❏ Custom Coaching Software Invoicing & Collecting Payments Online

❏ Help More People & Make More $$$ With “Group Coaching”

❏ Create A Real Plan For Making Passive & Residual Income

❏ Great Product Ideas For Both Broke & Rich Coaches

❏ More Money-Making Tips & Ideas For All Coaches

❏ Avoid These VERY REAL “Coaching Profit” Killers!


Finding & Working With Clients

❏ The Secret Formula For Finding Your Ideal Client

❏ Client Welcome Packets/Letters, Coaching Agreements, Worksheets, Logs & Templates

❏ What Other Coaching Forms, Worksheets, Questionnaires Would Be Helpful?

❏ Client Welcome Packets & Why Should You Send One To Clients

❏ Create A Thorough & Very Useful Client Questionnaire/Self-Assessment Form

❏ Coaching Session Formats, Working With Clients & Firing Them When Necessary

❏ Finding & Attracting Your Ideal Coaching Client (Create Your Ideal Client Profile)

❏ Why Can’t You Help Everyone? (Your Package(s): This Is What You’re Selling!)

❏ Where Are Your Target Market Clients Congregating?

❏ How Do You Find Your Ideal Client?

❏ Marketing Doesn’t Help You Find Clients … "Emotional Archaeology" Does!

❏ What To Say When Someone Asks You, “What Do You Do?”

❏ How To Sell “Client Transformation” / “Bridging The Gap” More Than Anything Else!

❏ Enrolling Clients: Closing A New Client Is About Enrolling Them, Not Selling Them

❏ How Do You Get Your Ideal Client To Hire You For Coaching?

❏ Free Sessions: What Should Your Coaching Format Be? (20/20/20 Rule)

❏ Overcoming Objections, Answering Questions, Follow-Up & Closing New Clients

❏ The “Top 10” Objections: What They Mean & Suggested Replies

❏ More Tips On Handling Objections & Excuses

❏ Follow-Up, Checking In & Clients On The Fence & Closing Tips For Coaches


Fees, Income & Making Money As A “Rich Coach”

❏ Accounting Resources

❏ Affiliate Content

❏ Affiliate Software

❏ Animated Videos

❏ Audio Loops & Music

❏ Audio Sales

❏ Audio mixing

❏ Blog / Themes

❏ Blog / Plugins

❏ Book Publishing & Printing

❏ Cloud Phone System

❏ Cloud Storage

❏ Coaching Software

❏ Coaching Directories

❏ Coaching Resources

❏ Coaching Websites

❏ Customer Rela. Mgmt. (CRM)

❏ Domain Name Registration

❏ eBook Publishing

❏ eMail / eZine Software

❏ Fax-To-Email

❏ Fonts

❏ Fulfillment

❏ Graphic/Photo Editing

❏ Green Screen Software

❏ Icons Galore

❏ Images & Free Photos

❏ iPhones, Apps & More

❏ Landing Page Software

❏ Membership Software

❏ Mobile Payments

❏ Online Payments

❏ Online Surveys

❏ Password Manager

❏ Podcasting Services

❏ Presentations

❏ Printing Biz Cards

❏ Project Management

❏ Remote Support Software

❏ Scheduling Software

❏ Screencast Software

❏ Shopping Cart Platform

❏ Social Media Management

❏ Support Application

❏ Tele-Seminar Services

❏ Telephone Services

❏ Video Calls

❏ Video Editing

❏ Video Players

❏ Web Hosting

❏ Webinar Software

❏ Webmaster Tools

❏ Website Builders


Marketing Tactics For ALL Coaches

❏ Marketing & Selling Mindset of Rich Coaches

❏ What Should Be In Place BEFORE You Start Marketing?

❏ Top 10 Marketing Tactics For Coaches

❏ Website Design, Hosting & Domain Registration

❏ Advertising Tactics

❏ Affiliate Marketing Tactics

❏ Audio Marketing Tactics

❏ Blog Marketing Tactics

❏ Book Marketing Tactics

❏ Branding Tactics

❏ Business Card Marketing Tactics

❏ Celebrity Marketing Tactics

❏ Coaching Directory Marketing Tactics

❏ eBook Marketing Tactics

❏ eMail Marketing Tactics

❏ Flyer Marketing Tactics

❏ Interview Marketing Tactics

❏ Networking Tactics

❏ Podcasting Tactics

❏ Publicity, Press Kits, Press Rooms & Press Releases

❏ Referral Marketing Tactics

❏ Social Media Marketing Tactics

❏ Speaking & Training Tactics

❏ Tele-Seminar Marketing Tactics

❏ Testimonial Marketing Tactics

❏ Video Marketing Tactics

❏ Webinar Marketing Tactics

❏ 51 Website Marketing Tactics


Rich Coach Goals & Start-Up Checklist

❏ 15 Rich Coach Goals I Have For You …

❏ Here Are Your “Rich Coach” Goals (15-Point Checklist Format)


  • To pique your curiosity about this book, check out these hand-picked excerpts that come right out of the book. If you like what you read, then you'll definitely love the book!

    Then, come back to this very web page to purchase the paperback, eBook or listen to the audiobook version for free on my YouTube Channel.



    I also recorded this book in audio format so you can listen to it any where you are. Check out this audio sample below. If you like what you hear, you can listen to the entire audiobook for FREE on my YouTube Channel. Just subscribe (for FREE) and start listening!


    “I have been a successful franchise business owner and coach to franchise owners for over 20 years. I would like to say that Rich Coach ♦ Broke Coach has been one of the most impressive books I have ever read on coaching. Not only as a book, but as a companion study guide with worksheets and nearly unlimited resources to everything one needs to be a successful coach. The way each chapter teaches, gives resources, then gives the worksheets to be completed as ‘homework’ so to speak … leaves me utterly amazed. It’s one thing to READ a book about coaching, but, WOW, much better the way Bart helps a person take action and builds on their existing coaching practice or helps people as they start (a coaching business) from scratch. Thanks, Bart! Just AMAZING!”

    Angela H., LeadershipElevateHer.com, Waxhaw, NC

    Todd Woods, Woods Consulting Group

    Salt Lake City, Utah

    “The last time Bart and I talked, he gave me a number of great ideas to help bolster my webinar coaching business, ALL based on his book Rich Coach ♦ Broke Coach. The layout of the book is incredible. I’ve never seen anything like it. The way Bart breaks down so much information, it's almost like a university of coaching in one book. On one occasion, I can remember our phone call. Specifically, I was told to focus my reading on creating packages and naming them, as outlined in CHAPTER 2. Then, come up with my ideal client, based on his formula, and go after ’em! It is incredible how he thinks like he does. We both agreed and now I’m off to creating a whole coaching program based on my webinar niche. To date, I can seriously say that Bart’s coaching advice (and book) is paying off. This book is essential for anyone who wants to take their coaching business to the next level and reach for the stars with their passion and intellect. Thanks, for being such an inspiration, Bart. RCBC gives you everything you need to get started with your (coaching) business and I mean EVERYTHING! Think of Rich Coach ♦ Broke Coach as the most affordable investment into your coaching business/education that will help you make money as Bart says, both online and offline. You should also know, I’ve known Bart for close to a decade and you need to know, he is one serious and extremely talented entrepreneur who knows his stuff, is highly technically proficient (which you’ll benefit from greatly, just as I did), and since he’s written so many books, you know he’s an idea man and a great teacher. You’re really in for a treat by joining this website and taking in all that Bart has to share with you.”

    Alicia C., Real Estate Trainer & Investor, Dallas, TX

    Sherrie R., Webinar Coach

    San Diego, CA


    What I like most about Rich Coach Broke Coach is that it’s strictly business, marketing and money-making focused. Most coaching books on the market today are either too general in nature or philosophical and miss key areas coaches suffer most in, which is how to run the business side of their coaching business. I hear it from coaches all over that that’s their weakest area. Hence, my motivation for writing the book, Rich Coach Broke Coach .

    For example, having read over 50 other coaching books found on Amazon just to see what’s written out there, you would be surprised to know that 99.9% of them never mention the use of client forms, agreements, logs, and journals in conjunction with working with coaching clients. Strange, isn’t it? If they did mention such forms, they certainly didn’t provide you with any real sample ones, which I provide inside the book (word for word; line by line).

    Other coaching books don’t go into money-making ideas for coaches besides mentioning “group coaching” or “retreats.” Okay, fair enough, but there’s more money to be made for coaches, which I go into heavily inside the money-making ideas chapter of Rich Coach Broke Coach . Among other great sections which are included inside Rich Coach Broke Coach, I know many people have said it helps them improve how they charge clients for their coaching services, how they run their free sessions, how they structure their coaching business to serve their clients better. That, is what Rich Coach Broke Coach was meant to accomplish. I can only hope that it does that for you too.