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B.S. The Book (Because The World Is So Full Of It!)  Your How-To Guide On Cutting Through Personal B.S. by Bart Smith

B.S. The Book

(Because The World Is So Full Of It!)

Your How-To Guide On Cutting Through Personal B.S.

by Bart Smith

Here’s the book that will set you FREE of B.S. in your life like it does for me! I wrote it for me and I wrote it for you, because throughout my life, I’ve seen how people are affected by B.S. that comes into their lives and they don’t know how to overcome it so easily in ways I like to confront and overcome B.S. that comes into my life. 

B.S. THE BOOK is about LIFE and the PERSONAL B.S. we all encounter and how (yours truly) breaks through it all to a healthier, lethally confident, stress-free me, which can also be YOU TOO after reading or listening to this book!


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Over 700+ personal “BART BUILDER” attitudes/outlooks inside …
… you, too, will be ready to take on any situation or anybody’s B.S. that comes at you or stands in your way of living a fun-filled, stress-free and rewarding life! I live by every principle shared inside this book and wouldn't live (my) life without it! 



There’s no B.S. about this book. It’s chock full of personal B.S.-busting life tips, strategies, what-to-do’s, how-to-do’s, and so much more that I know you’ll be 99.9% B.S. free in no time after implementing all that I’ve shared inside this one-of-a-kind book! I love it, live by it and I’ll die by it! My personal BARTISMS, BART BUILDERS and BARTMAN PHILOSOPHIES (i.e., my principles for living life on high and free of B.S.) are that strong, grounded, tested and prevail under any circumstance B.S. creeps into your life! Take a look and tell me, you wouldn’t be more B.S. free living out what’s inside B.S. THE BOOK!

About The Author … xi

Why I Wrote This Book … xiii

How To Use This Book … xv

Warnings & Disclaimers … xvii






• Eating Right For Life

• Healthy Bodies Work Right, Think Right & Live Longer (p1)

• Mixed Messages About What To Eat & What Not To Eat (p4)

• What Are The Benefits Of Eating Right For Life? (p5)

• Let Food Be Our Medicine (p6)

• Ways To Eat Right For Life & Live Life Full Throttle! (p8)

• Create Your Own B.S. “Food Pyramid” (p12)

• Today’s Food Guide Pyramid (p14)

• My B.S. Food Guide Pyramid (p15)

• Grocery Shopping & Avoiding B.S. (p16)

• Drink More Water, Water, Water (p17)

• What’s For Dinner At Bart’s House? (p19)

• If You Want To Lose Weight, Do It Right & Avoid B.S. (p22)

• Diet & Weight Loss “Commercial B.S.” (p23)

• *NEW* Diet Products/Programs Come Out EveryDAY! (p24)

• My Philosophy On “Weight Loss” (p24)

• Are There Secrets To Weight Loss? (p25)

• What Causes Weight Gain? (p25)

• How Can You Lose Weight Safely & Naturally? (p26)

• What About Weight Maintenance? (p27)

• Extreme Approaches To Weight Loss! (p27)

• When It Comes To Losing Weight & Feeling Great (p28)

• My Formula For Losing Weight (p33)

• How Can You Tell If You’re Losing Weight? (p34)

• Forget Pills & Juice For Real Energy (p35)

• Bart’s “Protein Shake” Recipe (p37)



• Get Fit Now: Fitness For Optimum Health (p39)

• Fitness Time Is Really “Play Time!” (p39)

• The Benefits Of Exercising (p40)

• The Consequences Of Not Exercising (p42)

• Get Psyched For Fitness (p42)

• Safety, Safeguards & Precautions (p42)

• Getting Started (p43)

• What To Wear! (p43)

• When To Workout! (p43)

• Worth Keeping In Mind … (p43)

• Where To Work Out (p44)

• My Personal Philosophy About Working Out (p46)

• Bart’s Personal Exercise Routine! (p46)

• Bart’s “A.A.B.B.” Workout Routine (p47)

• Buying Exercise Equipment & Avoiding Buyer B.S. (p52)

• In Conclusion (p72)



• The History Of Medicine (p55)

• Why Should You Take Better Care Of Yourself? (p56)

• Control Your Medical Costs, … (p56)

• Anti-Aging & All That B.S. (p57)

• Psycho/Prescriptions, OTC* Medication & Pharma B.S. (p59)

• Take Care Of Your Teeth Or Buy New Ones! (p62)

• I Brush My Teeth With … Tooth Soap® (p64)

• Other Recommended Articles & Special Reports (p67) – Hair Care/Hair Growth/Hair Loss B.S. – Improve Your Eyesight Without Laser Eye Surgery B.S. – Intestinal Cleansing For Better Digestion & “Gut Busting” B.S.




• Self-Improvement For The Mind & Your “Attitude!” (p71)

• If You Want To Change, Where Do You Start? (p71)

• Top 7 Ways To Overcome B.S. In Life Almost Instantly! (p72)

• 201+ Attitudes & Affirmations That Run Through My Brain Every Day! (p74)

• Want More Affirmations? You Got It! (p90)

• More “Bart Builders” (p90)

• Ask & You Shall Receive (p94)

• Be Different (Be You) (p95)

• Control Your Rage & Anger (p96)

• Conviction (p97)

• Depression & All That B.S. (p98)

• The Depression Pit (p100)

• Identifying The Source Of Depression (p101)

• Does Your Life/Situation Suck? (p101)

• Don’t Give Up (p104)

• Don’t Look Back (p104)

• Live In The Now! Right Now! (p105)

• Dreams (p105)

• Either Way, You’re Gonna Feel The Pain! (p105)

• Embarrassment & That B.S. (p106)

• Envy, Jealousy & That B.S. (p106)

• My “F.M.” Solution For Overcoming People’s B.S. (p106)

• Money-Making Ideas (p107)

• “Forget Passion” & “Get Pissed” (p113)

• Hard Times (p113)

• How To Live (p114)

• Humble Your Ego, Cool Your Ego & Arrogance (p114)

• Improve Your Memory (p114)

• If It’s Meant To Be, So Be It! (p116)

• I’m Not Paid To Be Your Therapist! (p117)

• Lethal Confidence! Where’s It Come From/How To Get It? (p117)

• Life Business Plan (p119)

• The Wheel Of Life (p125)

• Talk Less, Listen More … Here’s Why! (p147)

• Music For Every Mood (p130)

• Multi-Tasking (p132)

• No One Can Hurt You! Here’s Why/How! (p133)

• Opinions (p135)

• Passion For Living (p136)

• Perspective (Seeing Life Through Someone Else’s Eyes) (p137)

• Should I or Shouldn’t I? My Pro/Con Stay/Go Chart) (p138)

• Suicidal Tendencies & Suffering B.S. (p139)

• Trust No One – Suspect Everyone (p143)

• What’s On Your “Bucket List?” (p144)

• What Else? Where Else Do You Suffer From B.S.? (p145)

• Your Heart & Mind Are Your Castle (Be Careful …) (p145)

• Who Cares? / I Could Care Less! (p146)

• Actually, I Do Care! (p147)

• A.D.D. (Avoid, Dodge & Delay) (p148)

• Not My Problem (p148)

• I Don’t Care Who You Are, Treat Me Bad, I’m Outta Here! (p149)

• 50 Years From Now, We’re All Dead (p149)

• I Don’t Stress/Worry (Worrying’s a Waste Of My Time) (p149)

• Don’t Get Comfortable (p150)

• Don’t Complain (p150)

• Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should (p151)

• Grace Under Pressure (p151)

• My 1/3 Rule For Life/Living/Surviving It! (p153)

• “F’ The Rest, You’re The Best” (p154)

• What’s Your Purpose? What Were You Born To Do/Be? Are You

• Doing What You Love? (p155)




• The Importance Of Faith (p159)

• Are You Religious or Spiritual? (p159)

• Why Are Rules Important? (p162)

• Why are we here? What am I supposed to do … (p163)

• What (or Who) Is God? (p164)

• Why Is There Such A Decline In Religion Today? (p166)

• Why Don’t People Like Going To Church? (p167)

• How Can Faith Save You From Addictions, Inner Torments & Other Forms Of Mental/Physical B.S.? (p168)

• What Should You Do If You Want Spiritual Wisdom Through Religion? (p169)

• My Religion (Bartology) (p171)

• A Life In Balance (p172)

• Abundance (p173)

• Positivity & Being Positive (p174)

• Count Your Blessings (p174)

• Humility (p175)

• Love, Loving & Being Loved (p176)

• Quiet Time & Meditation (p177)

• Strength (p178)

• Time (p178)

• Wisdom From The Ages (p179)

• Grieving? Words For Those Left Behind! (p187)

• Death & Dealing With Your Own (p189)




• Give To Yourself “First,” So You Can Give To Others (p193)

• Getting Along With Others, Loving Life & The Ones … (p194)

• Making A “World Of Difference” In “One Person” At A Time! (p195)

• Watch What You Say, Which Can Take Seconds, But Can Last A Lifetime! (p197)

• Resolving Conflict (p199)

• Communication Is Key To Avoid B.S. (p201)

• Family: My Definition: (Under/Over 18; Would We … (p203)

• Parenting: My Thoughts, Observations, Perspectives, Advice & Suggestions (p205)

• Another Point Of View About Children (a.k.a., “Temporary Residents” & Their Options When They Turn 18 Years Of Age! Tough Love & Options!) (p211)

• More Family Relationship B.S. Tips (p214)

• Children (p214)

• Absent Fathers / Absent Mothers (p218)

• Ten Ways To Be A Great Dad (p219)

• Mothers (p220)

• Siblings (p221)

• Nephews, Nieces & Cousins (p222)

• Grandparents (p222)

• Step-Parenting & Step-Children B.S. (p223)

• Jealousy & Envy Are Total B.S. (p224)

• Cheaters & Two-Timing B.S. (p225)

• When Things Don’t Work Out (p226)

• What Do Women Want Most From Men? (p227)

• Unhappy With The One You’re With? (p228)

• Abusive Relationships (p230)

• Mean, Nasty & Jealous Exes & Their B.S. (p231)

• Divorce B.S., Court Rooms & The Law (p232)

• 5 Ways To Help Children Through Divorce (p232)

• Starting Over (p233)

• Friends, Best Friends & Soul Mates (p234)

• Making Friends & Keeping Them! (p235)

• Co-Worker, Customer, Client, Boss & Associate B.S. (p235)

• How To Deal Tactfully With Marketers & Solicitors (p236)

• Invoice People (& Companies) Who Bug You, Seriously! (p237)

• In-Laws & Their Potential B.S. (p238)

• Enemies & Dealing With Their B.S. (p240)

• Fighting, Arguing, Screaming & Yelling (p244)

• Situation “A” / Somebody Wants To Fight You! (p244)

• Situation “B” / You Want To Fight Somebody! (p245)

• Loneliness (p245)

• Looking For That Special Someone? (p246)

• Longevity (p247)

• When Someone Yells At You (How To Deal With That B.S.) (p248)

• Outcasted? Banished by Friends or Family? How To Win Them Back or Simply Fu’get About Their B.S. (p249)

• Silent Treatments, Dog House & Intellectual Punishments (p251)





  • To pique your curiosity about this book, check out these hand-picked excerpts that come right out of the book. If you like what you read, then you'll definitely love the book or perhaps the audiobook version. 

    Then, come back to this very web page to purchase the paperback, eBook or listen to the audiobook version for free on Bart's YouTube channel!



    I also recording a lot of the book in audio format so you can listen to it as you work, wait, play, drive, ride, etc. Check out this audio sample below. If you like what you hear, you can listen to the entire audiobook for FREE on my YouTube Channel. Just subscribe (for FREE) and start listening!


    “I love B.S. The Book. When I’m feeling down about something, I can open it up in PART II: Self-Help From B.S.  and find something to pick me up. I think Bart’s attitude and philosophy on life is inspiring in and of itself. Then, he has to go and write about it in this amazing book. I love PART III: Relationship B.S. where he talks about how to deal with friends/family members who give you B.S. and what you should do about them. Love it! He’s spot on, too. He helped me put in perspective how my mother was treating me over the holidays when I’d go visit with her. Thanks, Bart. You helped me see things differently, which gave me the ability to go and have a good time and not let her words harm my heart.” — Jill S., San Pedro, CA

    “Life isn’t easy. In fact, don’t we all wish it came with an owner’s manual? At least when it comes to how we should treat ourselves, treat others and defend ourselves against those who wish to commit acts of B.S. on us? Well, you’ll never be without words to say (when the moment (B.S.) comes) having read Bart’s book. I’ve actually spent time with Bart and when I told him of a few situations going on in my life where people were giving me a hard time or whatever, he’d cite something right out of B.S. The Book that made them … GO AWAY! and nicely too! He’s so creative in how he responds to situations and it’s all in his book.” — Peggy H., Newport Beach, CA



    B.S. The Book  was written to help you in FOUR very critical areas of LIFE where PERSONAL B.S. is concerned:

    1. Health & Fitness 

    2. Self-Help From B.S.

    3. Faith & More 

    4. Relationship B.S. 

    I took some of the  HOTTEST B.S. TOPICS  that, not only affect my life, but the lives of my friends, family, clients and casual acquaintances when it comes to B.S. and how it causes them stress, pain, setbacks, heartache, strife, poor health, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, you name it! B.S. is virtually EVERYWHERE!

    Well, not to worry!  B.S. The Book is chock-full of my personal, spot-on, proven advice and time-tested mental strategies , as well as highly usable tips on a wide range of life-enhancing subjects. All of which are designed to help empower you with extreme levels of “LETHAL CONFIDENCE” and an “UNSHAKABLE POSITIVE ATTITUDE!”
