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Book Excerpts From B.S. The Book by Bart Smith

Get a sneak peek into B.S. The Book by Bart Smith by reading a few of the hand-picked book excerpts below. If you like what you read here, then you'll definitely love the book or perhaps the audio version. That said, enjoy these excerpts!


Why I Wrote This Book

Learning from others is a great way to make life a lot easier. Ever have a friend show you a better way of doing something or a quicker way to get to your final destination? Well that’s what B.S. The Book is all about.



Are you a victim of B.S.? How do you know? Are you aware of the never-ending stream of B.S. that fills our daily lives from the media; TV commercials, soap opera dramas; reality show B.S.; and morning/nightly news programs; our ...


Eating Right For Life: What Are The Benefits?

When You EAT RIGHT FOR LIFE, YOU AVOID: Sickness, death, disease, suffering, pain and surgeries. When You EAT RIGHT FOR LIFE, YOU INCREASE: Life’s longevity, awareness, vitality, satisfaction, fulfillment and ...


Top 7 Ways To Overcome B.S. In Your Life Almost Instantly!

At the time, I was living in Eagle, Idaho when I came up with this 7-step list to help a friend out. On the spot, I generated these steps for him, or anyone, myself included, to be able to overcome nearly any form of B.S. in their life.


Talk Less, Listen More ... Here’s Why!

What’s the benefit of talking less and listening more? For starters, you don’t speak prematurely or say something inappropriate when you should be listening. 


Compare Yourself To No One Else!

Comparing yourself to others is such a waste of time. Focus on you, your priorities, your talents, and your ...


Either Way, You’re Gonna Feel The Pain! So, “Do What’s Right,” ... FOR YOU!

It’s so true. If faced with a decision to do something or say something to someone that doesn’t feel comfortable to you, either way, (1) you’re going to ...


If It’s Meant To Be, So Be It! Otherwise ...

You know, there are some things in life that are just meant to be. There are some people that will always be who ...


Embarrassment & That B.S.

A few words about embarrassing comments … First of all, it’s natural to find yourself in awkward situations from time to time. We all do. Duh! Next. The trick is to not ...


Envy, Jealousy & That B.S.

Do you envy someone for the wealth they have? Are you jealous that somebody made it first and you didn’t!


My “F.M.” Solution For Overcoming People’s B.S. Towards You

So, what should you do, say or think when people who don’t support you, help you, stand behind you, believe in you, yet instead put you down, (try to) discourage you, etc.?


I’m Not Paid To Be Your Therapist!

What this means is, unless YOU are getting paid to counsel someone and their problems, anyone who unleashes their fury of mental and/or emotional B.S. onto you doesn’t ...


Grace Under Pressure (“Never Let Them See You Sweat, EVER!”)

... and I mean that. Keep this one thing in mind, how you perform, live, act, react, be, present yourself, what you ...


Don’t Get Comfortable

This is a good one, “don’t get comfortable.” In many situations that are not comfortable, or you want out, or complain about whatever it is you’re going through, or ...


Don’t Complain

I say this only because I hear so many people complain about x-situation when they could just do ...


Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should!

So very true. You may have all the right skills, talent, training, want or desire, but I caution you, ...


No One Can Hurt You! Here’s Why/How!

Many humans tend to have the strange impulse and talent of hurting others. Why so? Most likely, it’s because they ...


Perspective (Seeing Life Through Someone Else’s Eyes or Situation)

Many people experience hardship and feelings of hopelessness. Life can be tough. Some will say that life ...


Trust No One – Suspect Everyone

... and I’m not kidding, either! Now, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t trust people altogether. Generally, ...


A.D.D. (Avoid, Dodge & Delay)

Did you know I have A.D.D.? No, not Attention Deficit Disorder, but what I have (or do) is apply my ...


My 1/3 Rule For Life/Living/Surviving It!

You know, I’ve come to observe something very peculiar about life and living it. When you see what I see, I think you’ll start having more faith when faith is really needed,


Grieving? Words For Those Left Behind!

Has someone close to you passed away? Are you still feeling the loss? Keep them close to your heart with ...


How To Deal Tactfully & Creatively With Marketers & Solicitors Alike

These two concepts rarely go hand in hand, however, I include this little tip in this section because solicitors ...


Invoice People (& Companies) Who Bug You, Seriously!

This is a real quickly, and similar to how you might respond to solicitors and tele-marketers who interrupt your time.


Enemies & Dealing With Their B.S.

Enemies come and go, but no matter, they’re all B.S. and not a lot of fun. So, how do you deal with them? Well, here’s how I handle them depending on the situation ...

Book Excerpts From B.S. The Book by Bart Smith


Why I Wrote This Book

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Learning from others is a great way to make life a lot easier. Ever have a friend show you a better way of doing something or a quicker way to get to your final destination? Well that’s what B.S.The Book is all about.

At first glance, you might think I have a lot to say about everything. Well, I do! There’s an ever-increasing amount of B.S. out there in the world today with little sign of it slowing down.

Simply stated, I felt I had witnessed enough B.S. intruding on the lives of my friends, family, neighbors, strangers, lovers and enemies alike, that I had to take a stand on it, rise above it and state for the record that “this world is full of it and I’ve had enough of its B.S. and I’m not going to take anymore!”

No More B.S.


My mission, and that of my book, is to share my personal insights, resources, experience, attitude and perspective on life, living and surviving it. I will also share how I personally cut through my own load of BULL life deals me on a daily basis. Take what you want, leave what you don’t. 

The source of my material comes from my own knowledge bank, life experiences and many, many hours, days and years of research and keen observations of life and living it myself. I would like to believe I live out about 90% of what you read in this book, as it is a true “part of me.” The remaining 10%, I hold in reserve for when I need it most or I simply researched other topics in the book I thought would be interesting and worth sharing with you. 

Hundreds of thousands of people one day will read B.S. The Book cover to cover, over and over again. Why? Because it is filled with practical, useful information that is ultimately positive, empowering, informative, entertaining and motivating.

Writing B.S. The Book wasn’t work so much as it was therapy for me and a real joy! See if you too enjoy reading B.S. The Book as much as I did in writing it. B.S. The Book will always be a “work in progress.” That’s a good thing. As I intend to continue my research and quest for knowledge and truth for the rest of my life.

The more B.S. I uncover, the more B.S. I expose, the more I will share my findings, research and insights with you helping to make your life easier, more relaxed and hopefully, more enjoyable. Visit my website, BartSmith.com for updates! So, in advance, I look forward to a long and rewarding friendship between you and I. With so much to say, I practice what I preach and I stand by my word. Look into my heart, my mind and spirit and you will find the truth in me every time. 

Here’s to your life, your success and happiness! All of which, are in your total control after reading this book!


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B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Are you a victim of B.S.? How do you know? Are you aware of the never-ending stream of B.S. that fills our daily lives from the media; TV commercials, soap opera dramas; reality show B.S.; and morning/nightly news programs; our own government with its unending stream of legislation; our state of health, mind and soul; our families, relatives, boyfriends and girlfriends, husbands and wives, our own children and neighbors; jobs; teachers; parents; employers; doctors; and so-called experts? 

Even the weather has its hand in adding to the mess of B.S. we humans seem to find ourselves in everyday ... and tell me the list doesn’t go on and on and on ... ugh! 

Since the day we were born, ’til the day we all die ... B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. It’s everywhere, in everything and around everybody ... always lurking, always finding its way into our lives, hindering us from improving our quality of life, living it and enjoying it with those around us freely and to its fullest.

No More B.S.


Now, how would you define B.S.? Well, I’ll tell you how I define it. I define B.S. as anything that causes us to have poor health, stress, worry, sorry, despair, bills, depression, enemies, unemployment, pain and struggle, strife, low self-esteem, no self-esteem, loneliness, bankruptcy, divorce, death, murder, rape, robbery, wars, shootings, gangs, starvation, dying, sickness, fevers, coughing, vomiting, medical bills, hospital visits (when you’re the guest of honor), gray hair, no hair, over population, breakup, heartache, arguments, strife, fights and failure … to me, they all spell just one thing in my book … B.S.

What’s more, anything that wastes our time, causes us to pain and suffer or prevents us from moving forward in a positive, progressive manner, I consider to be nothing more than … B.S. And, I don’t want it in my life. How about you? As I’ve stated earlier, B.S. runs rampant through our daily lives; stealing time, thoughts, energy, minds and money swiftly from us whenever our guard is down. Have mercy!

 Inside B.S. The Book, I have spent over 35 years of my life to:

✦ IDENTIFY the B.S. that exists in our life today, on the areas of health, weight-loss, personal growth, faith, and relationships, and ...

✦ SUGGEST possible, yet many tried and true, solutions to helping you get through your own of B.S. (in this areas).

Oh, one more thing. Just as “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” so is B.S. For me, living life and cutting through its barrage of B.S. boils down to two simple tasks: 

✦ IDENTIFY & BREAK DOWN B.S. – i.e., Break life’s problems (i.e. B.S.) down to their most common denominator (i.e. two choices: Yes or No! A or B? Stay or go!, etc.)

✦ BE DECISIVE ABOUT B.S. – Take a stand, respect myself, make my decisions swiftly, and stick to it! Right or wrong, either way I’m going to feel the pain, I might as well do what’s right in the end!

“I have no regrets, because I know I did my best ... all I could do!” – Midori Ito

B.S. The Book is designed to help you in your life, health, work, relationships, education and much more. Whether it be in the home, at the workplace, at school, making and saving money, raising a family or starting one! 

B.S. is usually intrusive and untimely, but is also usually PREVENTABLE! It is my core belief that B.S. need not occur when one has but one thing ... One thing can save us from a lot of B.S. and that is ... INFORMATION!


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Eating Right For Life: What Are The Benefits?

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission


✦ Sickness, Death and Disease

✦ Suffering, Pain and Surgeries


✦ Life’s Longevity, Awareness and Vitality

✦ Satisfaction, Fulfillment and SO MUCH MORE!

Yes, sex gets better when you Eat Right For Life … How’s that for motivation. Eat right for great sex! With the right INFORMATION, anyone CAN better his/her health and lifestyle choices by making small but significant changes in their daily diet routine. Here’s how!

Let Food Be Our Medicine

I don’t know about you, but I never take medicine because I don’t have any! For me, medicine is 100% B.S. I can appreciate special circumstances, but for the average person, a consistent healthy diet sustained over many years, will keep the doctor away. Fact: Healthy diets have been known to cure many medical ailments. Let’s see.

✦ An apple a day may not keep the doctor away, but a study found that an apple a day can keep the pharmacist away; works for me.

✦ Let food be your medicine. Eating the right foods and spices—avoiding the wrong ones—goes a long way toward staving off everything from gut ailments to cancer, says Johns Hopkins University experts.

 Invest in fruits and vegetables. They are nature’s preventative medicine. Buy wholesome products that promote health; not tear it down.

Imagine the money you will save by being fit, trim and healthy before its too late! Make time to plan what you eat and always buy fresh! You’re worth it. 

In this chapter, I will cover a number of important topics regarding health and fitness that I can personally attest to because it’s what I do to stay health and I believe it can work for most anyone. I believe in keeping it simple and offer practical solutions for what works and what doesn’t. 

Common sense: the ability to think and behave in a reasonable way and to make good decisions. That’s the approach I will take. Who needs long, drawn out explanations? Otherwise, see your doctor or visit the library for stacks of information. Like you, I like concrete answers; something I can work with. But, I also want the truth for my questions such as ... What makes for a long and prosperous life? How can I achieve it? Repeat the next line (with me) ... “Want to live healthy right now!”

“I Want To Be Healthy & Wealthy & That Life Starts Right Now!”

This is not to imply that change can happen overnight. Look at this as someone who is encouraging you to take control of your life and not waste time on false starts and avoidable failures. You have ONLY ONE BODY and ONE LIFE so promise yourself that you will start now, because, what you are about to read is a lifestyle that works. Let me give you a few tips on what I eat and drink and what I don’t eat and drink that keeps me loving my life. 

I hope what you learn will positively impact some of your life choices. The first step is health eating: 

✦ Variety – This is the spice of life! Mix up your food choices. 

✦ Balance – A healthy, proportionate meal means everything! 

✦ Moderation – Never overeat, eat what you need, not how much you think you want. 

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Top 7 Ways To Overcome B.S. In Your Life Almost Instantly!

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

At the time, I was living in Eagle, Idaho when I came up with this 7-step list to help a friend out. On the spot, I generated these steps for him, or anyone, myself included, to be able to overcome nearly any form of B.S. in their life. So, check this out, follow it, and see how you do. See if the B.S. in your life doesn’t subside and ultimately make room for progress, success, and what you really want ... out of LIFE!

(1) PARTY ATTITUDE ... Life is good, or at least it can be, if you make it that way. First, if you can think life is good, then it will be good 99.9% of the time. Don’t let anyone bring you down! When someone tries to get in your face, or says negative things to you or about what you’re doing, just ask him/her to leave or you walk away from the person who doesn’t add value to your life. BYE. No one can prevent you from smiling, having a great day, or going after your dreams. NO ONE. Think of palm trees, sandy beaches, great music, great times, fun drinks, great company/friends, you name it. Whatever puts a smile on your face 24/7/365. That’s what I’m talking about here. Life is a party, and that’s how you live yours. Always lookin’ for a good time, or at least keeping to a great attitude all the time!

(2) F*** EVERYONE and their opinion of you, what you should do, who you should be, etc. Do your own thing. All the way! If you are dedicated to your vision, through good times and bad, nothing should shake you from reaching your goal. 

(3) BE PATIENT / BE KIND always. Hide your anger, walk away from arguing, bite your lip, always. Doing that really displays (and takes) REAL POWER. Screaming and yelling are what children do who cannot express themselves. You’re not like that. You’re in control and powerful with your patience, silence and kindness. Take the high road and walk away from arguments or verbal abuse. Also, good things come to those who wait. So, be patient. Your boat will soon come in. Keep workin’ at what you’re doing. 

(4) GET YOUR SH** DONE related specifically to what’s preventing you from getting to what you want or where you want to be. Assess what you have to get done. Are you taking the right actions? Make your do-lists, and get ‘er done!

(5) DON’T LOOK BACK ... You can’t live life constantly looking in the rear view mirror. If you do, you’re bound to run into a tree, hit a telephone pole, another car, or simply run off a cliff. Stay focused, eyes forward, and don’t take your eyes off the prize.

“Don’t look at me, look at the road! That’s how accidents happen.” – Rambo I

The only reason you would be allowed to look behind you is for quick reference or information regarding how far you’ve traveled or how much you’ve accomplished. So, here’s the rule: Only look to the past briefly with eyes focused on your personal path. Focus on your strengths to make dramatic efforts. Eyes forward. Eyes on the prize. Eyes on the finish line. 

(6) LIVE “YOUR” LIFE and not someone else’s. This is one of the biggest wastes of time we all have a habit of falling into every now and then. Not to mention, how we spend way too much time thinking about, dreaming about, etc., which is, thinking about (or wishing) we were living somebody else’s life. Hey, wake up call, hello, you have your own life to live. Make your own movie. Direct it, star in it, and sell it! Hey, make money off what you love doing. Money doesn’t have to be the end result, but you know what I mean here. Besides, who cares if no one watches it. You will and those closest to you will. That’s what matters. ‘Til the day you die, live your life. 

(7) DIE HAPPY! Oh, we just talked about that in step #6 above of breaking through B.S. The question is, how do you “die happy?” You live your own life, you get your sh** done, you forget what people have to say about you (while you’re working towards your goals), you are patient to let things mature, you don’t look back until you crossed that lifetime finish line (i.e., goal/accomplishment), and maintained a party attitude every step of the way. That’s how you die happy. You owe no one an apology for living your life the way you see fit. Dare to live YOUR life to its fullest. Starting NOW!

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Talk Less, Listen More ... Here’s Why!

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

What’s the benefit of talking less and listening more? For starters, you don’t speak prematurely or say something inappropriate when you should be listening. In certain situations, it’s better to just put your own foot in your own mouth, than to realize later that you might have said the wrong thing at the wrong time. Mark Twain, author and historian, once said, “It is better to keep your mouth closed, and let people think you are a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.” So true!

What’s more, thinking before you speak allows you time to craft a relevant response with a few choice words. This comes in handy when you really want to make an impact. Fire hosing a spray of words is rarely productive when you could say the same thing in just a few words or short sentences.

Another time to use the listen more/talk less technique is when you’re in trouble (depending on the kind of trouble you are in). Allow the other person that might be speaking on your behalf, to attest to your character or motivation. Sometimes, it’s best just to face a tense situation with honesty and take responsibility for it. The rule should be 99% listening and 1% talking. You’ll get your chance to be heard if you are patient and respectful. 

Speak when spoken to, and keep your responses short and to-the-point to prevent saying the wrong thing and getting yourself in more trouble. Seriously, calmly take the lashing, look them in the eye to show you’re listening and then speak only when necessary, and with carefully chosen words. For example, “Yes, you’re right. What I did was wrong, and I’m sorry. I won’t do it again, [and explain] here’s why ______.” Or, “I only did what I did [explain] for these reasons ______.” 

Then, shut up. Afterwards, the person you got in trouble with might say (or think), “Wow, I spoke my mind, they listened, they didn’t put up a fight or respond with much, but instead, I really think they meant they were sorry and learned their lesson. Wow, I feel good about that discussion. I kind of feel bad I came down so hard on them. They (you) really did LISTEN well to what I was saying.”

Granted, while every situation is different, you get the idea. Talk less, listen more. Even if it’s tough on you to NOT respond with words or what you’d like to say in the heat of the moment. Best to just zip it, and respond with SILENCE, understanding, and the idea that you will do the right thing next time. That is, unless you have something specific to say in your defense. Then, of course, state your claim. Still, keep it short, and to the point. 

By listening more and talking less, you push the other person to talk even MORE! In some situations, that’s a good thing. Suppose you wanted to get the truth out of someone, or you just wanted to learn more about a specific subject. Maybe something’s going on with the other person, emotionally, that they really need to get out and be heard. If you’re doing all the talking, how is the other person going to “spill the beans!” They can’t! 

In another example, try NOT to ask too many questions. Instead, ask one or two questions or make an effective statement, such as, “So, tell me about __________. What’s going on?” and then, even when you feel you want to say more, take a break and allow the other person to respond. Maintain silence and listen for a long period of time. YOUR SILENCE can/might be deafening, yes. No one likes to sit in a quiet room without some form of noise going on! Watch as the other person hints that it’s your turn, and that you could respond, but don’t give in to those subtle suggestions. Instead, remain quiet, UNTIL? The other person starts speaking again, unloading more of what’s on their mind. This technique really helps you get to the bottom line, in time, and whatever B.S. might be going on in their lives. You’re bound to get more out of someone with silence, than with a barrage of questions. Just wait, patiently, for them to spill it all out.

As I mentioned, listening gives you more information. Can you learn (even think) when you’re talking? No. When your mouth is running, brain shuts down. Can you think while someone else is speaking? Yes, you can thinking because your mouth is not moving, your ears (and mind) are wide open, taking in (and processing) all kinds of information. Allow the other person to speak. This can only work in your favor. The more time you have to think about your response (or no response). Think about it, speakers speak (i.e., information going out), and the audience listens (information going in for processing). I know basic stuff, right? Apply this more often than not wherever you go and see what happens. You might just be surprised about what you learn! 

Plus, the more you DON’T speak, but listen and respond with specific, well-crafted responses, the more you come across as someone who is caring, understanding, a deep thinker, and someone who just doesn’t speak because they like to hear the sound of their own voice. People who go on and on talking incessantly are so annoying! They don’t listen! They don’t learn! They can’t get any feedback because you can’t get a word in edgewise! THEY just run off at the mouth until they run out of air. Then, when you try to respond, you can’t get a word in during due to non-chatter. They cut you off before you can adequately express yourself. Then, the cycle starts all over again. How does this make you feel? Disrespected? Frustrated? Angered? Talk less, listen more is still the rule. 

Pausing, is probably one of the best techniques you can use in any conversation to assist in you listening more and the other person talking more. Pausing adds emphasis to whatever it is you want to say. Pausing makes you look good, because it shows you’re not in a rush to talk over the other person’s words. Pausing helps bring out more from the other person in the conversation, because it leaves the floor open for that person to keep talking. 

Try this: Let the other person finish their sentences) completely, then (you) pause before responding. Watch what happens. Practice pausing (for 5-10 seconds; that’s all that’s needed) on the phone or in person after listening to someone say something. It takes a little practice, but pausing can really become one of the best tools you can rely on in any conversation. Your timing and hesitation can be powerfully effective, add meaning and influence a worthy conversation. 

Lastly, the person who does most of the talking really isn’t in control of the conversation. More often, it’s the other way around. Why so? If you’re asking the right questions, listening, and allowing the other person to respond, guess who’s controlling the conversation? You are. 

So, what’s the bottom line? Talk less. Pause (throughout) the conversation. Listen more. Do more thinking. Ask more questions. Ramble. Stop fire-hosing people to death, if you do. Pause and allow people to respond to what you have to say every few minutes. Don’t hog the microphone in the conversation. Allow for others to get in on what you have to say. Keep your talking points to bite-sized word patterns; making them easy to respond to. 

Think before you speak. Take time crafting your responses while the other person talks so when it’s your turn, every word you speak has meaning, punch, impact, influence, and leaves the kind of impression on people that really lasts a lifetime. (“I’ll never forgot what you said to me when _____. Your words really made an impact on me. Wow! Thank you!”) How would you like to be the kind of person to receive that kind of response from people? They might not openly say it to you and do you really care? You know your truth, what’s going on. Set the tone for every conversation going forward. Talk less, ask more questions, listen more, and for all the right reasons.

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Compare Yourself To No One Else!

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Comparing yourself to others is such a waste of time. Focus on you, your priorities, your talents, and your offerings. There was a very famous body builder who was asked what he thought about the competition. His reply? “What competition. I only compete against myself.” Wow, if that doesn’t say it all, what does? I’ll take that same position. How about you?

“Comparison is the seat of all unhappiness.” – Proverb

With the time you waste comparing yourself to others, wishing that you could be just like another person, you could be working on yourself and be that person you respect and admire. Eyes off what others are doing – get into what you’re doing … right now!

With the time you waste comparing yourself to others, wishing that you could be just like another person, you could be working on yourself and be that person you respect and admire. Eyes off what others are doing – get into what you’re doing … right now!

The best thing about gaining “lethal confidence” is that you can do all of the above 100% ON YOUR OWN! You really don’t need anybody to get you started gaining the confidence you need to succeed in life. YOU can study. YOU can perform your own research. 

YOU can start small, start local, start where you’re at. YOU can read books, magazines, listen to audio programs, etc., on your own. YOU can “experience” on your own. And, YOU can believe in YOU right now! 

So, instead of looking outward, focus on looking inward and remind yourself of your accomplishments. What was something that you did that you never thought you could? Recognize your strengths and pat yourself on the back for some of your successes. There is always room for improvement in all of us, so start small, research new ideas, listen to audio programs to “experience” a positive, enriched YOU.

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Either Way, You’re Going To Feel The Pain! So? You Might As Well “Do What’s Right” → FOR YOU!

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

It’s so true. If faced with a decision to do something or say something to someone that doesn’t feel comfortable to you, either way, (1) you’re going to feel the pain no matter what (if you don’t speak your mind vs. keeping quiet or not doing what you know in your heart you need to do, (2) so you might as well do the right thing (despite the pain) that leans in your favor.

Don’t worry about hurting. For example, if you have to quit your job or move to a new state or tell a someone something, which you know is best, but it hurts to tell them ... if you don’t tell them, if you don’t do what you’re supposed to do, either way ... you’re going to feel the pain. So, do it (i.e., the right thing) any way, and think nothing else of it. Either way, you’re gonna feel the pain.

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If It’s Meant To Be, So Be It! Otherwise ...

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

You know, there are some things in life that are just meant to be. There are some people that will always be who they are, and there’s just no changing them, no matter how hard you try.

There are things in life that happen just because they were ... meant to be. During moments like that, sometimes it’s best just to say, “Well, I guess it was just meant to be...”, and move on. Sure, you can take time to reflect on such matters, or try one more time to change something you’d rather not be labeled “meant to be,” but also, don’t waste your time/energy trying to (change/alter/grieve over) if it really wasn’t meant to work out the way you wanted. That’s life.

Life is a game of lessons. What can you take away from what just happened? What’s the lesson? Look for the lesson, and move on. Next. This attitude saves you time, energy, money, and more when applied to just the right situation.

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Embarrassment & That B.S.

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

“Man is the only animal that blushes or needs to.” – Mark Twain

A few words about embarrassing comments … First of all, it’s natural to find yourself in awkward situations from time to time. We all do. Duh! Next. The trick is to not let it ruin your life. Watch out for them though. Be on guard.

Watch what you say, how you say it, what you do and how you do it. Although certain embarrassing moments can last a lifetime, ruin friendships and intimate relationships, just remember in a 100, even 1,000 years, no one’s going to remember what you did or said? So, don’t worry.

Apologize, yes, if necessary. Don’t repeat the offense either. Learn from your mistakes, always. But, move on with life. Life is too short to be brought down by life’s little embarrassing moments.

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Envy, Jealousy & That B.S.

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

“The secret of happiness is to admire without desiring.” – Francis H. Bradley

Do you envy someone for the wealth they have? Are you jealous that somebody made it first and you didn’t! Well, forget about them! Instead of focusing all that time on them, spend it on you! Find out what how they did it, duplicate those actions and voila! You have your own success.

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My “F.M.” Solution For Overcoming

People’s B.S. Towards You ...

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

So, what should you do, say or think when people who don’t support you, help you, stand behind you, believe in you, yet instead put you down, (try to) discourage you, etc.?

Simple, tune into my favorite radio station on the virtual “F.M.” dial of your mind, and say after me ... Really, try this right now! Say, “F.M.” ... (“F.M.”) ... Now, faster ... (“F.M.”) ... faster ... “‘F ‘em!” 

That’s right. Now, you’ve got it! “Fu’get about them!” That’s my “F.M.” program for dealing with people who don’t see my vision, believe I can make it, or even want me to succeed. “F’ ‘em!,” I say. Simple, isn’t it? I think so. Next!

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I’m Not Paid To Be Your Therapist!

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

What this means is, unless YOU are getting paid to counsel someone and their problems, anyone who unleashes their fury of mental and/or emotional B.S. onto you doesn’t deserve your time or attention.

Why? Because they have internal mental and emotional issues, for which they need to seek professional help for.

Not to mention, you just don’t have the time or the skill to provide such. Seriously, that’s what I say to myself about someone who unloads their B.S. on me in ways that are more negative towards me, than sharing something true and personal. Hey, “I’m not paid to be your therapist. So, please, go about your business elsewhere.”

Now, this is not to say if someone does come to you and wants to talk about an issue and has a harmless, gentle spirit about them. Sure, I will listen and provide feedback when asked. BUT, in most cases, when someone unleashes a tirade of B.S. on you, you now know to kindly send them away by saying, “Listen, obviously something’s troubling you on the inside that I can’t help you with.

What’s more, I’m not paid (for this time) to be your therapist. So, please take your B.S. elsewhere. Thank you! I wish you well.”

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Grace Under Pressure! “Never Let Them See You Sweat ... EVER!” 

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

... and I mean that. Keep this one thing in mind, how you perform, live, act, react, be, present yourself, what you say (and don’t say), what you do (and don’t do) will be remembered FOR-EV-ER on the minds of those you interact with during certain stressful situations bound to happen to us all. Sometimes, in those instances where that pressure moment is short-lived (time-wise) and didn’t last longer than a few minutes, hours, days, maybe weeks, maybe months ... it’s what we remember on the mind that lasts ... FOR-EV-ER.

So, on the contrary, if you NEVER show your hand, stress or worry, and yet instead you exhibit absolute grace under pressure from beginning to end — yes, it’s tough, stressful in its own way (inside you), but in the end, when the race is over, and you paid that bill that was way overdue, or you got out of that draining/dead-end relationship, or away from that sh**hole company and life-sucking job or whatever it was that was causing you major stress on your heart, mind and soul, I say to you ... 


I said it earlier, either way you’re going to feel the pain. Better to FEEL the pain (inside you; holding your tongue) than to SHOW (outwardly) your feeling pain with harshly spoken words, emotional outbursts, name calling, voice raising, backlashing antics, whether verbal, emotional, psychological or physical. I say to you again, NEVER EVER LET THEM SEE YOU SWEAT. Promise me, always, you’ll exhibit GRACE UNDER PRESSURE. Try it. It can be hard in the beginning, but you will get stronger and stronger at it, until one day when you’re really put on the spot or your patience and inner strength is put to the test, you watch (and reap) all the benefits of NEVER LETTING THEM SEE YOU SWEAT, and always keeping your cool, and always exhibiting ... GRACE UNDER PRESSURE.

There, it has been said and you have been told. Now, live by these words forever and ever. Over time, you will see just how (at peace) you will be knowing folks you come in contact with don’t have negative memories of you on their minds, but instead, they think to themselves: 

“Wow, you know, he/she was under a lot of pressure from XYZ happening to them (or some form of B.S. that had him/her stressed out immensely). What I remember most, years later, was how calm he/she remained throughout. He/she (i.e., you) never raised his/her voice, showed signs of stress, was polite, cordial, self-controlled, well-mannered ... Wow, I wish I had his/her strength. No doubt, I have my own run-ins with pressured situations. I’ll always remember how he/she acted/reacted; with class and grace under pressure.”

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Don’t Get Comfortable

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

This is a good one, “don’t get comfortable.” In many situations that are not comfortable, or you want out, or complain about whatever it is you’re going through, or you haven’t quite reached the goal you set out to accomplish (no matter how long ago) and you wish for better circumstances, days, etc., in these situations it’s better to embrace those feelings of being uncomfortable so that you don’t settle and instead get tough about really dealing with your situation.

When one is comfortable, they tend not to do something about that which NEEDS to be done. Procrastination or acceptance (of mediocrity) set in and you’re stuck in the mud of going nowhere towards reaching your end goal. So, I say to you (and myself), “don’t get comfortable.”

Embrace the pain, the drudgery, the lack of support/service, anything that’s causing you whatever discomfort you’re going through with the purpose of building up all the energy, passion, drive, reason, motivation, and wherewithal needed to do exactly what should be done to reach your ultimate goal (sooner or later).

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Don’t Complain

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

I say this only because I hear so many people complain about x-situation when they could just do y-whatever to get themselves out of whatever it is they’re complaining about. Hey, I’m all for venting and unloading what’s on your mind from time to time, sure.

BUT, if you’re not comfortable with something or someone, do something about it and stop complaining. The time and energy is the same. Besides, complaining never gets you anywhere anyway.

What’s more, if you keep telling the same ol’ story about whatever it is you’re complaining about, then definitely DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! No complaining allowed, going forward. Ya hear? Do something; don’t talk about it anymore. Action, not words!

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Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should!

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

So very true. You may have all the right skills, talent, training, want or desire, but I caution you, “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should” go through with what you can/could do.

Whenever you are posed with a situation of doing something, weigh the pros and cons to see if holding back and not doing whatever it is you were going to do leaves you better off than if you did take the plunge and go forward with whatever it was you were going to do.

In my own life, I’ve had opportunities to do certain things based on my own skills and abilities, etc., but I stopped myself before I committed to doing xyz only to realize I was better off NOT going forward with what I could do. So, take this advice to heart and practice it often. You’ll be glad you did.

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No One Can Hurt You! Here’s Why/How!

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

“Those who hurt others on the outside, with their words/deeds, are really just people hurting on the inside themselves.” – Unknown

Many humans tend to have the strange impulse and talent of hurting others. Why so? Most likely, it’s because they themselves are hurting on the inside, or tend not to be so positive (about life, themselves or others) most of the time. Life really does have some that are down for the count or at least their life isn’t as rocking as yours, maybe.

Add to that, the lack of self-control when it comes to holding back anger, negative comments, and other not-so-positive actions. Honestly, they just don’t put out the effort required to control what they say or what they do. It’s easier just to lash out versus reigning in one’s behaviors. It’s easier to vent, than it is to bite their lip and zip it for just one minute, or an hour, or forever!

Further, if they haven’t read this book, cover to cover, and they don’t know why and how to treat themselves like #1, and do the same with others around them, they again are vulnerable to hurting others some day, some way, and how! Because of these human facts, they’re naturally susceptible to routine outbursts, verbal assaults, emotional lashings and (maybe) worse, physical harm. 

If you happen to be in the way of any of that B.S., well, here’s what to do, how to think, how to “take it,” survive, and how to lead by example so you potentially curb any and all future outbursts towards you as much possible. 

THE RULE FOR YOU: If you take to heart, and understand (100%) of the time that most people who hurt others (you included) do so because they (1) are hurting themselves, (2) don’t have a party attitude like you, (3) they don’t have the strength, will or desire to hold back their negative waterfall on you (or others) and then (for you, the rule is) in that moment, YOU should always take the “higher ground” and let their words (and more) bounce right off you, through you, around you, from your head to your toes. Let it go -- wash down the drain of your brain in such a way that in a few minutes, maybe an hour, maybe tomorrow, or next week, maybe in a year, sooner or later, you just might hear -- an apology? 

Like a bank, I’d rather build up an account of apologies from all the people around me who try to hurt me, bring me down, tell me I can’t do something, than to make withdraws of my own, spending my time, thoughts, and feelings on outwardly, negative behavior and events that would sabotage my character from the positive person I am. 

Better to just take it, look them in the eye while they’re dishing it out, nod that you’re listening and then when it’s all over, simply ask, “Are you finished? I’ve heard you and I’m now leaving ...” and walk away. Say nothing. Do you really need more of the same? 

If you have to say anything, reply with, “Okay, I’ve heard you. I’m not sure I like what I heard, so, I’d like to some time to think about what you said (or did).” That will just stop them in their tracks! Whoa! 

Knowing, firmly in your mind, that you don’t have time for their B.S., time to be down, depressed, distracted, mad, sad, but only glad, happy and ever so happy with (your) life 24/7/365, armed with that attitude and emotional shielding, there’s no way anyone can hurt you.

It’s normal that some people will let you down from time to time. Just like the weather, we can’t always have blue skies. Life has a way of raining on our parades. Are you prepared for inclement weather? Of course, you are. Can you withstand negative outbursts from others? Of course, you can. People will disappoint you, but you will survive. They will tug at your emotions, possibly for a lifetime, but you can deal with it. 

Sometimes, life can let you down. Above all, don’t let B.S. to get you down. Try to view negative experiences as neither personal nor permanent. By being mindful of your thought patterns, you can choose to be positive. Take action to move forward. A “party” attitude is what we should be looking for. 

NOTE: Whenever you are faced with physical harm, you may need to call 911 for your protection and that of others. If in doubt, don’t hesitate. Make the call. Get help. 

You don’t have time to be with anyone who hurts you, physically or emotionally. You should adopt a “no-tolerance” position regarding physical abuse of any kind whatever the circumstances. Either way, you’re going to feel the pain. You might as well feel the pain of putting that person behind bars, if the situation calls for it. Think nothing of it, and always do the right thing.

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Perspective (Seeing Life Through Someone Else’s Eyes or Situation)

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Many people experience hardship and feelings of hopelessness. Life can be tough. Some will say that life isn’t fair. Truth is, we all have it tough. Honestly, it’s the feelings that we experience that can distract us from achieving our goals. Looking at things from a different perspective can actually help you transform your life. What can you do when these feelings occur? I take 60 seconds and take a different perspective on my life. I assess my accomplishments, skills and achievements, put myself in someone else’s shoes, try to see life through their eyes and, usually within that time, I’m back on track and appreciating what I have.

When I do that, I gain an instant appreciation for where I’m at, even though I think I don’t have much going for me, which I do. We all do. We just need perspective. So, when you’re feeling down, discouraged, saddened or disappointed with your life, progress, the job, dating situation, marriage, etc., here’s what to do. Just think of:

(1) SOMEONE ELSE less fortunate than you who doesn’t have what you have. Imagine someone else wanting what you have, where you’re at, what you’ve accomplished to date, etc. Many people would trade places with you in a minute if you told them they could. That’s a good thing ... for you! Congratulations, you’re okay!


(2) SOMEONE ELSE in another country who REALLY doesn’t have your opportunities (i.e., education, travel, living conditions, entertainment, restaurants, shopping, shelter, career options, business opportunities, Internet access, rights, protections, etc.). These may sound like basic, but these items really help put you in the driver seat for succeeding in your own life. Make a list, count your blessings, and know you just might have it made BIG TIME compared to someone else starving in another country, with really no hope. It’s pretty bad out there in other parts of the world.


(3) SOMEONE ELSE younger or older than you might prefer to be eager to start a new job in a slow economy versus someone looking at the iffy future of social security. If you’re older, think about all that you’ve accomplished professional and personally. If you’re younger, think about the open fields of opportunity to go anywhere, do anything, because you are just starting out. Look at life as your canvas and start painting. Be grateful.


(4) ANY COMBINATION of the above should communicate that each of us has the capacity to change our perspectives and directly influence our feelings. We are not restricted by our experiences. This ongoing capacity to change and improve is what makes life such a great adventure.

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Trust No One – Suspect Everyone

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

“Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. There’s no better rule.” – Charles Dickens

... and I’m not kidding, either! Now, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t trust people altogether. Generally, it means that you should guard your emotions, your money, and all things important to you. Only after people have proven themselves trustworthy to some degree, might you give regard to what they say. And, even then, always be on your guard ... suspecting, ready for surprises, always on the watch. Give them the benefit of the doubt – then verify! 

Think about your life and the relationships you’ve had over the years. Think about all the times this ’lil’ B.S. Tip might have saved you time, money, headache, frustration, madness. “Trust no one – suspect everyone” is a frame of mind for the B.S. buster inside each of us. It’s about protecting what belongs to you such as your emotions, heart, mind, talents, wallet and so much more! This is admittedly a sad state of affairs and, yet, it properly reflects today’s reality.

It’s a simple fact that most people just cannot be trusted. That people have ulterior motives for what they do. Survival of the fitness goes to the most cunning, not always the most cooperative. At some point in time, some people will always be looking to take advantage of others, including you. Just be on the lookout for these time wasters, emotion drainers, life cheats and thieves with this stealth-like attitude ... “Trust no one – suspect everyone!”

“One’s first step in wisdom is to question everything, and one’s last is to come to terms with everything.”

– George Christoph Lichtenberg

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A.D.D. (Avoid, Dodge & Delay)

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Did you know I have A.D.D.? No, not Attention Deficit Disorder, but what I have (or do) is apply my personal A.D.D. approach with people who (knowingly or not) take up and/or waste my time. I’m talking about an approach to handling people who you know will bother you, take up your time, etc. In these cases, I ... 

AVOID → their calls, eMails, texts, visits, invitations to visit or talk, etc. Any kind of communication that comes your way that you know will wind up causing you to lose time and/or money, disrespect for your time, feelings of being uncomfortable, etc. AVOID these people!

DODGE → their calls, eMails and requests to have you do something you really don’t want to do. Whoa! Did you see that coming? Yep, and you dodged it! Good for you. You avoided answering that call. Next.

DELAY → getting back to people you don’t want to talk to, because you know, if you give an inch, they’ll take a mile. So true. So, DELAY in getting back to them and maybe they’ll forget about you or why they called you or they got what they wanted to talk to you about addressed, or my favorite, they got the hint that you don’t want to talk to them. Bam! You’re off the hook. Next.

Try it out! Avoid, dodge and delay getting back to people who don’t add (anything) to your life, but only take away from it. Say it proudly, “I have A.D.D. and I use it to my advantage!”

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My 1/3 Rule For Life/Living/Surviving It!

1/3 (Action) + 1/3 (Reaction) + 1/3 (Fate)

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

You know, I’ve come to observe something very peculiar about life and living it. When you see what I see, I think you’ll start having more faith when faith is really needed, trust when trust is needed and above all, from my 1/3 + 1/3   + 1/3 rule, you’ll have a higher level of peace than you ever had. Check this out ... IN LIFE:


1/3 of what happens to us is under our control, effort, actions, activities, etc. You want something? Go get it! Go do it! You’re in control! Don’t do anything? Remain inactive, lazy, etc.? Then, watch what happens ... good and/or bad comes in response.


1/3 of life that happens to us is a direct result of what we do or don’t do. When we act, we cause a reaction in the world back at us, good or bad; whether it be joy back at us, pain, payday, rewards, mistakes we made (and can learn from), a smile we put on someone’s face, in their heart or sadness and a frown. Keep in mind, the more GOOD we do, the more GOOD will come to us. So, work hard, chin up, constantly learn new skills/knowledge, be good, and do your best always and see how the world (and people) react in your direction ... hopefully AMAZINGLY ... GREAT!


1/3 of life that happens to us happens without our doing, knowing or pesonal influence. Such as, you’re walking down the street one day and you find a $100 bill on the ground. Wow, you needed money that week to pay a bill. You didn’t work (action) to earn that $100. You weren’t paid by someone outside of you (as a reaction) of you doing something. FATE stepped in and just gave you $100. 

This happened to me once when I was helping a friend with his website. I knew I’d be on the phone with him for a couple hours, and knew I wasn’t going to be paid for it. Not that I expected it, but everyone’s time is valuable, right? We work, we want to be paid, or wish we could even when working with friends. Well, I needed some money that week to pay a huge cell bill coming up in 3 days. Cash was tight for me that week. In working with him on his website hosting account, I noticed he paid approximately $450 for 4 years and was due a refund if he was to cancel only a year into the contract. I quickly did the math and estimated his refund would be around $310-ish. He said, “If you can get that money refunded to me you can have it for helping me.” 

Whoa, I never saw that opportunity coming. So, 1/3 of life/fate stepped in on me in that instance. Who knew his refund would wind up in my pocket? Now I had to act (1/3) and see what kind of reaction (1/3) we’d get from the hosting company. We got them on the phone, I made the refund request and we got it! WOW, talk about fate stepping in. Sure, I put forth action, but who saw that my friend could get a refund if we didn’t look. That morning I woke up, I didn’t know $300 would just fall into my lap. You can be sure, it was a pleasure to finish helping my friend with anything he needed on his website. 

So, the lesson to all of this and my 1/3 rule of life is? As with life, when you least expect it, and you put forth your wishes/desires out to the universe, and you work hard, and you’re grateful for what comes to you ... wow, you’ve got that added 1/3 wind to kick into your sail that good things can, do and will happen to you outside of your own actions and those of others and the world in your direction. You’re not alone when it comes to solving your problems and B.S. The universe is watching over you too, and is there to help you when you least expect it. That’s a nice comfort knowing that. I think ... and believe!

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Grieving? Words For Those Left Behind!

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Has someone close to you passed away? Are you still feeling the loss? Keep them close to your heart with these affirmations:

✦ Live your life in their honor. Frequently, do something special in their honor, and in memory of their life. You’ll show them the respect they deserve for who they were and how they lived their life. 

✦ Find one thing about their character that stood out, that made them the unique individual they were to you. Add that quality to the sum total of your character, and they’ll be a part of you for the rest of your life. 

✦ Ask, “What would he/she want me to do at this point?” While that person’s body is gone from us, their spirit lives on within us. Know what that special someone would want for you and make it happen. They would want you to be happy. That much is true.

Grief is a uniquely personal experience and it takes time to reconcile one’s feelings about it. While time is a great healer, often people need to develop coping mechanisms to support them during a recovery period. Sometimes the grieving process can get complicated if one is feeling vulnerable, regretful, guilty, even relieved if it was a difficult relationship. Support from others is helpful, but circumstances may require professional help. Overall, it is important to get on with one’s life. During the transition of loss, try to focus on the joy that the person gave you. Be thankful for the time you had together as family or friends. It’s important to express your feelings and take care of yourself. Cherish the memories, but don’t forget to live. This is one way you honor and show respect for your loss.

“Beginnings are often scary, endings are often sad, but it’s the middle that counts. You should remember that when you find yourself at the beginning.” – Steven Rogers

Focus on that joy. Surely, the time spent and memories shared with them are greater than the grief of their passing. Be thankful for the years they were given to you. Cherish those memories. Think on those things. Honor them by being thankful for their company for as long as you had it. Remember, but live.

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How To Deal Tactfully & Creatively With Marketers & Solicitors Alike

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

These two concepts rarely go hand in hand, however, I include this little tip in this section because solicitors and tele-marketers are people, too. Granted, these folks interrupt your dinner hour, they knock on your door (or call) unannounced, they push products/services on us that we don’t really want or need. Right? What do you do when these people are coming at you?

I’ve got a few simple responses that will actually entertain them, make them laugh, instantly get them to understand and accept, “No thanks, I’m not interested.” My experience has been that they walk away or end a call laughing (and thanking me) for telling them to go away in a creative manner. For folks who interrupt our valuable your time, I tell them that I feel obligated to charge them for my time! When I tell unwanted callers that I charge $25 per minute for them to talk to me, it gets their attention. Then I might add, “Do you have your checkbook ready?” It is priceless until they realize that you are serious. They become speechless and confused. If they press me again, I reiterate my fee, and ask for a credit card, cash or a check on the spot. It’s a creative way for YOU to get YOUR message across without being rude. You’re just stating the facts.

Another response I might use might be, “Hi, how much is that?” (“Only $14.95.”) “Really? That’s how much I charge per minute for you to talk to me. Do you have your check book ready?” WHOA, you should see the look on their face when I say that to them. They’re speechless, smile, and confused. If they press me again, I just give them my fee, and ask for a credit card, cash or a check on the spot. They soon get it, and ... go away, laughing/giggling. I bet they’ve never heard that one.

Another tried and true response to an annoying or bothersome interruption is to ask, “Do you have an appointment? I only work by appointment. I could squeeze you in right now, for $100 CASH! What do you say? Do you have that kind of money on you? Otherwise, we’ll have to set up an appointment for later, I’m eating right now, and that appointment only costs $50, PRE-PAID NOW! Can I set up a time for us to discuss your product/service? Oh? You’re not interested? Well, have a nice day.”

By interrupting their interruptions with creative requests of a financial nature immediately at your end and up front, hopefully they get the idea quick that you’re not interested. It takes a few minutes to get their attention, it’s a fun way to interact with them, and without being rude they get the message and move on.

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Invoice People (& Companies)

Who Bug You, Seriously!

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

“When you get something for nothing, you just haven’t been billed for it ... yet.” – Franklin P. Jones

This is a real quickly, and similar to how you might respond to solicitors and tele-marketers who interrupt your time. When people bug you or annoy you, don’t get upset or angry? Give them an invoice for the time they spent committing acts of B.S. against you and be done with it. Watch how they look respond as if you’re the crazy one. Seriously, stand your ground. Present them with a bill for all the time you had to listen to their B.S. and watch them fade into the woodwork.

You see, no one wants to pay a bill that they technically don’t think they owe. So, what you’re doing here is playing on their psychology by making them aware that they’re wasting your time, which is highly valuable to you. So, invoice them, and companies too, make sense. How often have you heard this line from a representative of some company, “Our company might contact you after this call to inquire how we can improve the way we do business.” Your reply might be, I CHARGE FOR THAT KIND OF INFORMATION AND FOR MY TIME. Do you have a credit card ready to ensure that my bill is paid?

I swear, if I have to participate in another phone (or online) survey about how a company is doing, I want a piece of their bottom line. That’s like grocery stores that ask if we have one of their club/member cards to receive a discount. Honestly? You know they just jacked up all the prices, then suckered us into getting one of their discount cards to bring the prices back down, and for what? So they can track our buying habits? Hey, I’m all for inventory control, and knowing how much of what product was sold and what the store needs to reorder to restock shelves. I’m all for it, but you know what? I’m tired of discounts and all the games. I would just rather have lower prices without responding to, “Do you have our store rewards card?”

If you want me to help you (company) improve your bottom line, then I want to be paid. Period. No more freebies for you. You’re a business, you want my money, and repeat business, well, it’s going to cost you. Pay up. They don’t, and they won’t. So? We have to punish them a little, by not filling in their surveys, etc. Do you get what I’m talking about here? I hope so. Time is valuable, and we don’t have much of it left to spend doing what we love, when we’re bombarded with such time-sucking surveys and such. Sheesh! Okay, ‘nuff said. Onward and upward. Next topic ...

Real quick, I have a new response I tell cashiers when they ask me if I have one of their store discount cards. I reply with, “No, I like to pay more. It gives me incentive to MAKE MORE (money).” They look at me and laugh. I further reply, “That’s the problem with society today. There’s no incentive to make money. Everyone wants a discount, a handout, you name it! Hey, not for me.”

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Enemies & Dealing With Their B.S.

B.S. The Book Excerpt
© 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

“That old law about ‘an eye for an eye’ leaves everybody blind.” – Martin Luther King

Enemies come and go, but no matter, they’re all B.S. and not a lot of fun. So, how do you deal with them? Well, here’s how I handle them depending on the situation ...

“Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults.” – Benjamin Franklin

✦ Keep your friends close; your enemies closer (so you know what they are up to) and be prepared to deal with adversity!

✦ Kill ’em with kindness! They hate kind acts of goodness. Besides, it looks good for you on record, and it might end up working in your favor, perhaps, ultimately turning them around. It’s hard to get mad when someone smiles.

✦ Living well is the best revenge. Drive by their house, work or apartment in a limousine. Stick your head out the roof window and yell, “Hey ____, have a great day!”

✦ Be the better person. They’ll get theirs eventually and without your having to lay a finger on them or say a word if you’ll just let them go. Keep your nose clean. Let someone else break theirs.

✦ Pray for them, for they know not what they (are really) doing to you, and how (silly) they look acting like such a fool.

✦ If they can change for the worse – they can change for the better! Encourage them to do so. Send them a nice card with a gentle note saying such.

“You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you.” – Eric Hoffer (1902-1983)

✦ Get to know your enemies’ friends and their whereabouts. Know who they hang out with and where!

✦ Know where they live, who they live with (if you can find out such information).

✦ The more you know about your enemy the better.

“Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” – Unknown

✦ They’ll always be there and you’ll always make them.

✦ Enemies will waste your time and money. The safest protocol to follow is “out of sight and out of mind.”

✦ Never show your emotions in front of your enemies. Keep your composure and keep them thinking.

✦ Sometimes it is best to simply forgive, forget and let live.

✦ Lead by example: remain good natured, mature, honest and professional.

“Don’t ever slam the door; you might want to go back.” – Don Herold

✦ Don’t say or do anything that could be used against you. The enemy would love to “trip you up” and influence you to stoop to their rotten level. Don’t give in to temptation. Just hush up and walk away quietly.

✦ The less you say and do will make the enemy look foolish and feel insecure. Don’t let your body language give you away.

✦ Speak to them in your lowest voice possible. Never raise your voice. Let them, instead be the loud mouth. They’ll look the fool and be remembered as the hostile one.

✦ Keep your cool, if anybody’s going to mess up, cross the line or break the law – your enemy will, not you.

✦ You will remain humble, full of honest spirit and in perfect control while the enemy breaks down before you. So what if they spit on your car or try to rough you up (and cause you to fight). When they approach you – you fall down. With witnesses around, you will walk away the victor while the enemy faces potential harassment and assault charges.

“Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame.” – Unknown

✦ There’s more than one way to have your revenge. Now, in the present is not the time. Later – later you will find satisfaction. Patience, my friend. Their time (and yours) will come.

“Always forgive your enemies. As nothing annoys them so much!” – Oscar Wilde

✦ Come out unmarked by any word or action on your part.

✦ If the person causing you grief has broken the law, prosecution, fines, time in jail will keep him/her occupied for some time.

✦ Keep your mark clean. Let your enemy move ahead of you, building up all the evidence against him.

“Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame.” – Unknown

✦ Let others (with more resources) pursue/dispose of your enemy.

✦ The enemy is not to be disposed of single handily by you. No, that’s what authority figures are all about. Let the higher up deal with them.

✦ Keep your nose clean. Keep detailed records of all transactions, conversations, events, time, dates, people involved, etc. Carry with you a small (pocket) notebook and pen to jot down dates, telephone numbers, names, license plates, order of events, etc. When you can document it, people are more apt to believe your story than if you didn’t.

“A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.” – Baltasar Gracian

✦ Build your case against the enemy with heavy documentation and fact-finding. Then, deal with them according to law. Document the activities of someone who aggravates you either in writing or personally. Try to get a witness or someone to validate your findings.

✦ In the end you will be proud of yourself for keeping your cool and will reap the rewards when you see the enemy get exactly what they deserve.

✦ Justice does not take place overnight, in one day, in a week, a month, sometimes a year and sometimes, in some other lifetime.

✦ Get professional help or be sure that you have a support group to assist you with unethical situations.

✦ Rely on authority figures to assist you with a stalker or antagonist. Don’t try to handle things on your own.

✦ Keep your nose clean. Keep detailed records of all transactions, conversations, events, time, dates, people involved, etc. Be prepared to take notes as events occur including phone numbers, license plate numbers, and any documentation that would be helpful should you ever need to bring in the law.

✦ Build your case against anyone attempted to harm your character, your business, or people you care about by fact-finding and disclosing what you know with authorities.

✦ By remaining calm and contacting authorities as needed, you will reap the rewards of peace and resolution by seeing that the “enemy” gets exactly what’s deserved.

✦ Justice does not happen overnight, so, be patient and cooperate with the “system.” Work with the experts who are trained to deal with your situation.

✦ Revenge does not convert a wrong into a right. It is mostly concerned with retaliation and becomes useless. Bitterness is useless. Forgiveness can be noble and healing, as well as hoping they bite down on a fork wrong and break a tooth.

“Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you, not because they are nice, but because you are.” – Unknown

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