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Feminism B.S. (The Good, The Bad & The Ultra-Ugly!) + “TOXIC FEMININITY” – FEMINISM Is About CONTROL (Not Choice) & Destroys Romance, Love-lives, … It For What It Is: “Toxic” For All by Bart Smith

Feminism B.S.

(The Good, The Bad & The Ultra-Ugly!) + “TOXIC FEMININITY” // FEMINISM Is About CONTROL (Not Choice) & Destroys Romance, Love-lives, Families & Civilizations. It's Time To Eradicate Feminism & Call It For What It Is: “Toxic” For All Humanity

by Bart Smith

Traditional feminism is not the focus of this book, but rather today's radical, angry, culturally Marxian code word for a far-left movement that only seeks to undermine what their hearts truly desire … to find love and be loved in a crazy world overrun by a male-bashing media, bias family courts against fathers, male-blaming academia and hostile feminist organizations still crying “wolf” and female “victim hood,” which driving men fast and far away from the very women they’d rather love and cherish. Women need to spurn the label of “feminist” N.O.W. 


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260+ pages of pure FEMINISM B.S.

Being the avid writer that I am and having an interest in not just writing about relationships, but politics and culture as well, I knew I had to write a book about this topic (feminism) sooner or later. It was just in the past 5-10 years or so that I saw the writing on the wall with regards to women entering their 30’s and 40’s alone, without a man (boyfriend/husband) and without children or with children and still without a husband. Yikes! NOT GOOD!


Take a peek inside this eye-opening book on the worst side of Feminism and how it’s destroying relationships between men and women today. Then order the paperback or the online version and read + listen to it on any device.


It would appear to me, and I KNOW I’m not alone on this one, but it seems Feminists, feminism and Western women have created a landscape of confusion, even hostility towards men, and, worse, broad atmospheres of fear that permeate throughout our culture, society and among the hearts and minds of both men and women that make both genders question … does love still exist? What about romance? Is romance dead? Kindness? All gone? courtesy? Down the drain? Gentleness? Chivalry? Out with the trash? What’s left?

Well, this book is for all men and women with the hopes that I can expose (and eradicate) third-wave feminism for what it is … B.S. Check out the TABLE OF CONTENTS for this masterpiece and if any of it piques your curiosity, order the book or read it online right here at BartSmithWorld.com.

PART #1:

Feminism (Anti-Family Agenda, Social Fraud, Cost …)

• How Feminism …

• Negatively Affects WOMEN

• Negatively Affects MEN

• Negatively Affects FAMILIES

• Negatively Affects HAVING CHILDREN

• Negatively Affects SOCIETY

Books I Recommend You Read After Feminism B.S.

PART #2:


(Random Notes, Absurdities, Hilarious Contradictions, Delusional Double Standards, Non-Conformers & Total Feminist Lunacy)

• Absurdities

• Blame Game / Taking Responsibility / Ownership For Her


• Brainwashing

• Career

• Chivalry

• Dating & Relationships

• Delusions / Denial

• Double Standards

• Entitlement B.S.

• Equality B.S.

• Family, Law, Etc.

• Fears Men Have

• Female Nature

• Feminism B.S.

• Future Predictions

• Humor (Have A Laugh On Feminism)

• Hypocrisy / Lunacy

• Laws

• Let Me Help You Out Here

• Love

• Main Goal Of Feminism

• Make Up Your Mind / Double-Speak

• Male Privilege

• Male Treatment, Male Bashing, Anti-Male, Anti-Men Attitudes

• #Metoo

• Men & Women Are Different

• Non-Conformers

• Our Design (Man/Woman)

• Pay Gap (Fact, Myth Or Part B.S.)

• Sexual Liberation

• Stacked Against Men, Nothing Equal/Fair In These Areas

• Stats

• Toxic Feminists

• Toxic Masculinity? (Not Really)

• War Against Boys & Men

• Welcome To The World Of Men

• What Men Do For You & Society

• What Women Once Had

• So, Where Do You Stand?

PART #3:

Chapter EXCERPTS From “Watch Out Ladies”

by Bart Smith

Chapter #2 (EXCERPT)

Sex: With Multiple Men For Too Many Years

Chapter #4 (EXCERPT)

Postponing Marriage/Motherhood Into Your 30s/40s (Not The Best Idea! Here’s Why!)

Chapter #5 (EXCERPT)

Too Career Focused & For Too Long (Pros & Cons)

Chapter #7 (EXCERPT)

Personal Habits, Traits & Behaviors (That Can Drive Him Away!) = “TOXIC FEMININITY!“

Chapter #8 (EXCERPT)

Having Higher Income/Education Requirements Of Men (Here’s What To Do & Say To Him!)

Chapter #9 (EXCERPT)

Mr. Perfect vs. Mr. He’s Good Enough (“Yes, I Will …”)

Chapter #10 (EXCERPT)

M.G.T.O.W. (Men Going Their Own Way) “Ladies Be Worried ... NOW!“

Chapter #11 (EXCERPT)

Porn, Fapping, PMO, Sex Bots & “No More” Sex For You, Ladies! (“You’re Being Erased From His Mind!”)

Chapter #14 (EXCERPT)

Pop Culture & The Media (Nothing But Lies & More B.S. That Cause Women To Suffer Even More)

Chapter #15 (EXCERPT)

“The Wall” & Sexual/Marriage Market Value (Watch Out! oh, and … “Meowww!”)


What Should Women Do After Reading All This? Well, …

Summary & Words Of Encouragement

• What Women Have To Understand, Accept & Declare

• What Else, Must Be Done?

• If Women Don’t Understand, Accept & Declare

 Feminism As Pure B.S. Then …

• How Can I Help You Decide?

• To The Naysayers About This Book

How are men and women supposed to interact among each other if only to come together for the occasional carnal lust-filled episode of a fast hookup via their favorite app?

I don’t know if where we’re at today is progressing or regressing into some dark and lonely period in our lives where women postpone marriage into their 30’s and 40’s only to realize the BIG LIE feminists told them about having it all, or your career comes first (for 10 years while you ride the c**k carousel), family second if ever … 

Wow, sadly, what’s happening on the whole is women are entering their 30’s and 40’s single, alone, with a few nice friends who are single too, no boyfriend/husband and no children.

Not that having children or getting married is the end all for everyone, but most would agree being in a relationship has its perks and having your own family sure beets living with cats for 40 years.



  • To pique your curiosity about this book, check out these hand-picked excerpts that come right out of the book. If you like what you read, then you'll definitely love the book or perhaps the audiobook version. 

    Then, come back to this very web page to purchase the paperback, eBook or listen to the audiobook version for free on Bart's YouTube channel!



    I'm in the process of recording this book. It's coming along great. For now, you can listen to my other audiobooks for FREE on my YouTube Channel. Just subscribe (for FREE) and start listening!


    It would appear to me, and I KNOW i’M not alone on this one, but it seems Feminists, feminism and Western women have created a landscape of confusion, even hostility towards men and, worse, broad atmospheres of fear that permeate throughout our culture, society and among the hearts and minds of both men and women that make both genders question ... Does love still exist? What about romance? Is romance dead? Kindness? All gone? courtesy? Down the drain? Gentleness? Chivalry? Out with the trash? What’s left? 

    How are men and women supposed to interact with each other if only to come together for the occasional carnal lust-filled episode of a fast hookup via their favorite app? I don’t know if where we’re at today is progressing or regressing into some dark and lonely period in our lives where women postpone marriage into their 30’s and 40’s only to realize the BIG LIE feminists told them about having it all, or your career comes first (for 10 years while you ride the c**k carousel), family second if ever ... Sadly, what’s happening on the whole is women are entering their 30’s and 40’s single, alone, with a few nice friends who are single, too, with no boyfriend/husband and no children. Not that having children or getting married is the end all for everyone, but most would agree being in a relationship has its perks and having your own family sure beats living with cats for 40 years. 

    From decades of observation, it seems feminists and third wave feminism have been tearing at the fabric of our society that makes any society “civil” towards one another. Do I open the door for her or risk getting a nasty look. Do I approach her to strike up a casual conversation or do I get the “creep, get away” nasty look. Do I help her or get accused of harassment. Do I or don’t I? Eh, why bother! I’ll just be on my way, it’s easier. Perfect example, a guy can open the door for another guy if they happen to be going into a store at the same time and usually the response is, “After you ...” (“Thank you.”) Gee, that wasn’t so hard. But try offering to do something kind for a woman today and you’re risking your life, career, bank account, social status, ... all for offering to take 5 seconds out of your day to do something nice for someone (particularly a woman) and then risk them screaming bloody murder or worse, getting offended adding, “I can get my own door, thank you.” Sheesh! You’re with me on this, right? I just shake my head at what’s going on today. 

    The problem with TOXIC, third-wave feminism for most people, men in particular, is that it paints men as monsters, rapists, sexual predators and more, which is not true at all. For those men who are, they’re caught, hopefully, tried and put in jail for a period of time. ALL MEN being monsters is the first LIE. Feminists instill in women daily across the airwaves of TV, print, radio, media, in our schools, and on the Internet. Okay, two can play that game. It’s easy in today’s world (for men) to think that all women are bat sh** crazy, because they can’t make up their minds as to how they want (men) to treat them. So, “BYE,” says men. Now, guess who loses in that scenario the MOST? Women! Keep reading ... 

    As a result of women’s conditioned nastiness and toxic hostility toward men, men are choosing to check out in droves, not wanting anything to do with women anymore. That goes for dating, relationships, marriage, even working with them is a no-no or helping (mentoring) women .. Uh, NO WAY! It’s now the “Pence Rule” everywhere men go. (Vice President Mike Pence says that he avoids any appearance of impropriety by never dining or having drinks alone with a woman other than his wife.) While never being alone with a person of the opposite sex is an effective way to avoid both harassment and accusations of that behavior, Pence’s approach has been widely criticized as unfairly limiting mentoring and networking opportunities for women. Well, boohoo! 

    Gee, sorry ladies, you somewhat allowed all this to escalate. Now, your relations between you and men are made. As the saying goes, “You’ve made your bed, now lie in it.” Men are simply “going their own way” (MGTOW) to protect themselves and create an atmosphere of peace and harmony devoid of women’s state of confusion and potential for interaction among unknown toxic female hostility. Isn’t it funny? And then women wonder where have all the good men gone? You’ve scared them away, ladies! But, do women make that connection? I wonder.