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 Laws Of The Bedroom -- What Women Want From Men Inside & Outside Of The Bedroom by Bart Smith

Laws Of The Bedroom

What Women Want From Men Inside & Outside Of The Bedroom

by Bart Smith

Written for men, for the benefit of the woman they’re in love with. “Mandatory reading for every male,” says every female! Seriously, guys, this is the book we need to live by when it comes to wanting to be the best we can to the woman we’re in love with in every which way. 

Just show her this book and watch her eyes light up and smile wide! Tuck it under her pillow only to discover it, read what’s in side, and say to you, “I want you, NOW! Will you do this to me? Can we do this? I like his hotel getaway checklist. Let’s do that next weekend!” Sound good so far?


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300+ pages of relationship and intimacy wisdom for all guys (and for her amazing benefit) …

Laws Of The Bedroom  can literally take your current (or future) relationship to heights of love, ecstasy and personal fulfillment that you’ve never experienced. What have you got to lose, when you have so much to gain by taking in this knowledge and using it? In fact, get the book and share it with the one you love. See what their reaction is and you’ll have your answer!


Take a peek inside this insightful book on how men can improve themselves for the benefit of the woman they’re in love with … there’s no book like it! Then order the paperback or the online version and read + listen to it on any device.


Laws Of The Bedroom is THE MAN(UAL) for MEN, teaching them how to please a woman inside and outside of the bedroom in ways her body craves to be touched by a man, how to treat her, care for her, look out for her … It also teaches men what to do BEFORE, DURING and AFTER MAKING LOVE to a woman and in the PROPER ORDER (of events and positions) to send her into a total physical, nerve-twitching, leg-jerking, lip-biting, fist-clenching, multi-orgasmic, tongue-wagging state of mind, body and soul! (i.e., A place/experience no man has ever taken your honey before — until you came across this book.)


The Problem With Sex & Relationships Today


Self-Improvement (For The Man) For Better Sex & A More Fulfilling Relationship With Her


Warnings, Safeguards & Precautions


Romancing Her Like She’s Never Been Romanced Before


What To Know & Do BEFORE Making Love


What To Know & Do WHILE Making Love


What To Know & Do AFTER Making Love


  • To pique your curiosity about this book, check out these hand-picked excerpts that come right out of the book. If you like what you read, then you'll definitely love the book or perhaps the audiobook version. 


    I also recorded the entire LAWS OF THE BEDROOM book (20+HOURS) in audio format so you can listen to it laying in bed, on the couch, or anywhere else. Listen to the sample below. If you like what you hear, you can listen to the ENTIRE audiobook for FREE on my YouTube channel. Just subscribe (for FREE) and start listening!


    “Finally, a no-nonsense, ‘tell it like it is’ book written for men, by a man. It’s about time this book was written. I’m a therapist who is paid to communicate every day with my clients, and yet even my own husband didn’t know how to please me as Laws of the Bedroom™ suggests a man (really) please a woman, sexually. Bart, this book is long overdue. I’m very familiar with many books written on the subject of sex and improving relationships between a man and a woman. And, by far, Bart, your book stands head and shoulders above them all. Why? Because, it’s real. You’re real. You really live what you write about and that’s inspiring to me and my husband. You tell-it-like-it-is and how making love (between a man and a woman) should be! Now, I’m getting exactly what I need in bed and in our relationship. That’s the plus! My man loves me deeper as I have turned to love him more too. Thank you, Bart!” — Janice F., Ph.D., Psychologist

    “While browsing for a podcast, I noticed the Laws of the Bedroom™ as a favorite download. My wife who, is much younger, had expressed interest in reconnecting our relationship; so I attempted to order the podcast to see what the ‘Laws’ could teach me at my age (almost 60). But, there was a problem! Bart was revamping his web site and his podcast show … Well, this started a really cool adventure with Bart Smith. My eMails to him (inquiring about the status of his podcast shows/site) were answered with book excerpts and direct, personal, relevant advice. From there, I listened and learned. My next romantic marital encounter went a little different. Following Bart’s advice, I was more patient, less direct, more fun, less predictable. The result was off the schzam! Bart’s Laws of the Bedroom™ aren’t that much different than any man would write if he could think like a woman. But since all of us need to think like a woman to please a woman, somebody needs to show the way. At least for me, it never came as naturally and unselfishly as it did after understanding the Laws! Thanks again, Bart.” — John P., Michigan

    “Had Shakespeare been able to read the Laws of the Bedroom™ back then, his infamous quote would have read: ‘If The Laws be the food of love, play on.’ Bart Smith has written a book that definitely plays the tune of love and sex like no other. Peppered with refreshing notes that set it apart from other books in genre of sex and relationships, the Laws is about making love in the heat of the moment as well as in the chill of daily distraction. It’s about making love that not only brings both the man and the woman more pleasure, but brings them closer together on all levels to create a love that lasts.” — Dawn H., San Diego, CA

    “I have to say, I have experienced the Laws of the Bedroom™ first hand. I took your ‘laws of the bedroom’ and used them with my man. We were able to use these ‘Laws’ and enjoy each other more than we ever had before. Wow, there is no substitute for this knowledge … The physical and emotional intensity between us, while we made love together, grew so much once we started to use these ‘Laws”. We changed our ways of thinking and realized that this was the only way to be together, romantically, sexually and in life, as a couple! Once our physical relationship changed our emotional relationship changed as well; all for the better and all because of the ‘Laws!’ The different positions that Laws of the Bedroom™ talk about enhances the passion that can be experienced in a loving relationship. It brings more perspective to me, as a woman, and the feeling of ‘just getting it done and over with’ is long gone. It places more attention on pleasing me and helping me to be able to focus on making love to my man.” — Debra H., Los Angeles, CA

    “When my own husband finally read your book, Laws of the Bedroom, he finally got it! Wow, what a difference your book made in our sex life. Thank you! Thank you! Oh, and, your hotel getaway ‘check list’ and recommendations for (the choice of) music to listen while we made love was so hot I’m melting inside just thinking about when I’m going to make love to my man again. Work? Job? Huh? What? I want my man right now … I can’t think about anything else! Thank you, Bart, for writing Laws of the Bedroom.” — Tami F., Los Angeles, CA

    “I listen to your audio on the way to work in the car. Bart, I’m what, 15-20 years older than you, and I’ve never heard any one give the kind of advice you do in the way that you give it. I’m just amazed at how you explain things, and how in depth to each you go. You are wise beyond your years.” – Ted R. San Rafael, CA

    “Always, your Laws come to my rescue! I’m very impressed with your Laws. You seem to cover everything a woman could ask for when it comes to pleasure, sex, relationships, being taken care of (intimately) by her man. This book is amazing! And, the part I was most impressed with? You don’t disrespect women. In fact you exalt them! You’re not like any of those other sex-women-chasing-seduction type teachers. No, you’re the complete opposite. And, that blows me away!” — O.B., Huntington Beach, CA (Woman)

    “Your Laws are so good to me! I can’t get enough of my man now! I see him, I want him. It’s like some kind of magic potion – I’m hooked on him! The Laws are to blame.” — Heather D., Los Angeles, CA

    “The Laws ‘broke me,‘ and now no one can fix me … your Laws are powerful!” — Cathy C., Costa Mesa, CA

    “Hey Bart, I read your Laws book, and from a woman’s point of view, here’s what I have to say, … ‘I LOVED IT!!!’ I cannot believe you wrote all this. Where did you get all this knowledge? It was easy reading and I got through it pretty quick. The material is so fun to read. My husband also read some (he doesn’t read much), and even he said it was great!” — Lindsay, Los Angeles, CA

    “I had to put the Laws down within minutes of picking it up, it made me so horny!” — Cindy, Los Angeles, CA

    “Because of where I work (e.g., book printer), I can’t really sit around and read all day, or I’d never get anything done. But, when I opened up your book file to check it before putting in to print, I definitely started reading it. Then, all of a sudden, I had to stop! Whoa! The question I have is how do you know what you know? I see a lot of books on this material come my way, but never anything like yours. You’re truly an amazing man.” — Peggy, Indiana

    “I know a lot of smart people, people with PhD’s and degrees. Bart, I’ve never heard anyone talk like you do. Where did you get your training? Education? Where? You’re a dynamite conversationalist, and what you wrote in the laws book, is simply in a class by itself.” – Adam, Irvine, CA

    [Regarding the Audio Version of the Laws] “Bart, what I really liked about the audio is the tone and intonation of your voice on the audio recordings of the Laws. Being a professional studio sound engineer in the recording industry here in Los Angeles, I’ve seen and heard the very best come and go through my studio. Your voice has that pro sound to it! Also, I have to admit, I’ve used some of your Laws suggestions to great effect. As a matter of fact, I have a great new girlfriend who would absolutely attest to your program being a success! We’re both looking forward to hearing your other audio files. Amazing material you’ve recorded here. You should have your own radio show … You do, don’t you?” — G.M., Los Angeles, California (Gentleman)

    “Bart, I’m not sure what motivated you to write this book, but I thank you. Your intention is certainly in the right place. Men need to be shown how to worship a woman, sexually-speaking. Wow, I can’t wait to hear the audio version of Laws of the Bedroom. You’re going to blow people away.” — Andrea P., Newport Beach, CA

    “Laws of the Bedroom™ has made the experience of ‘having sex’ turned into ‘making love’ with my man. It brings the love (I’ve been missing) to life and makes us both all the more happier. Thank you, Bart.” — Dorothy H., Pasadena, CA

    “Bart Smith is right on with his Laws Of The Bedroom™. Everything he says should be made law!” — Heidi B., Los Angeles, CA

    “Bart, when did you write this book? How old were you? The (Laws) itself are ancient nuggets of wisdom? The Laws is going to help so many people, it’s crazy. Wow, you are officially ‘the man’ to write the Laws of the Bedroom … simply, wow!” — Jens C., San Jose, CA

    Believe it or not, this book, Laws of the bedroom, was going to be part of B.S. The Book. I know, huh? Reason is, I’ve heard so many women tell me, “Bart, it’s B.S. that men don’t know the LAWS!” Funny, that was my original thought when I thought about including it inside B.S. The Book. Then, reality set in. That is, my first book, B.S. The Book, would have been around 800 pages. YIKES! We couldn’t have that, could we? So? I thought, debut two books instead of one. After I wrote B.S. The Book (originally 555 pages), I wrote Laws Of The Bedroom back to back in 90 days. I just poured out of me what was already in me and what I thought was important for a man to know, possess, behave and act like towards the woman he’s in love with. Pretty simple.

    Fast forward a decade plus later and the material still holds up. Anyone who reads Laws Of The Bedroom cover to cover, or listens to the audio version, and actually implements anything and all things they learned from it, they will see instant results and a positive reaction from the woman they’re with. Designed for couples, or singles if they want to learn a little something before getting into a relationship, again, what a great conversation piece to have with someone you’re with, dating, married to or would like to get to know. 

    That is, you’ve crossed fist base and you’re ready to get intimate. “Hey, have you heard of this book, Laws Of The Bedroom? No? Here, let me read something to you and get your opinion …” I remember reading out of Laws Of The Bedroom at a party once for 2 hours straight. The audience was captivated by its content and smiling the whole way. I bet some couples couldn’t wait to get home to do you know what!#@$^&

    The LAWS do not disappoint and they will not fail you. Laws Of The Bedroom, written from a male perspective, is a great resource for men (and women) seeking a loving relationship or wanting to step it up to the next level! Whether you’re a man in a committed relationship or you’re single, the suggestions inside Laws Of The Bedroom for better relationships, intimacy, and more compelling sex are outlined throughout the book with detail not found in other books on this subject matter. These relationship and intimacy strategies are so powerful that I refer to them as LAWS in my book because they should be part of the ground rules for embarking on healthy relationships or enhancing the one you have.