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Book Excerpts From Laws Of The Bedroom by Bart Smith

Get a sneak peek into Laws Of The Bedroom by Bart Smith by reading a few of the hand-picked book excerpts below. If you like what you read here, then you'll definitely love the book or perhaps the audio version. That said, enjoy these excerpts!


Message From The Author

Laws Of The Bedroom is written for the enlightenment of men and for the benefit of the woman they love. With so many books and audio books on the market, no doubt, I’m sure you’re asking yourself what’s so ...


Problems Men & Women Have With Their Relationships & Making Physical Love Together

Well, the FIRST PROBLEM is very clear ... What WOMEN are not getting! WOMEN are NOT GETTING ...


Where Are Men’s Teachers?

Parents? What did they ever teach you about sex? How to protect yourself from getting someone pregnant? “Don’t have sex!” For the most part, they’re not ...



Cultivate The Right Attitude About Yourself From This Day Forward!

Your attitude will determine much, if not all, of your success when it comes to pleasing a woman in ways you never have before. You must ...



Work On YOU First!

Before we really get into the LAWS, let’s begin with you. Don’t presume that you know who you really are or ...



She Comes First, Before You Do – Always! No Exceptions. No Excuses. She Comes First!

Your single ambition, aside from you working on you and chasing down your own dreams, should be to please the woman in your life before yourself! Here's why and how ...



When You’re With Her, There’s No Other Place You’d Rather Be Than With Her!

Whatever else “was” on your mind, that’s just it, it “was” on your mind. Now, SHE’S on your mind lovingly and ...



Cultivate A Sensuous & Soothing Tone Of Voice! Speak To Your Woman, Sexually Speaking, In A More Relaxing Tone Of Voice Every Time!

During the day and normal moments in life, your tonality should be normal, level-sounding, of course. But, at ...



Understand The Life Consequences of Dating Many Women vs. Dating A Few & Marrying One

If you’re still single and dating (throughout the years of your life) realize the fact that as you enter your late twenties, thirties, even early forties, that many ...



Know What It Takes To Be Romantic

Patience – Romance cannot be rushed. No fast kissing, no rushing to the restaurant, no rushing into “doing it,” ...



Get Away As Often As You (Two) Can

When was the last time the two of you took a real vacation together? The more experiences you can share ...



She Always Comes First, Before You Do – Always! No Exceptions. No Excuses. She Comes First!

She receives pleasure first! Allow her body time to warm up. Then, throughout that time, be pleasing her, ...



Memorize The Law’s Three-Prong Sexual Pleasure Secret (Recap)

Just to add emphasis to pleasurable simplicity, as a recap, here are the Law’s three most important ...



Remember Your Attitude “Going In” Is Important

Remember WHAT TO SAY = keep your conversation focused on her. Ask questions like ...



Be As Intimate As You Can With Her! & For As Long As You Can With Her!

No quickies here. No leaving her unsatisfied, while you got yours in LESS THAN two minutes. C’mon. Give your ...



Please Her & Keep Pleasing Her! For Hours & Hours & Hours

The benefits, for you? Huge! You have a woman totally turned on because you put her first. You have a woman, ...



Kiss Your Honey Throughout Making Love To Her! Kiss Her Deeply; Kiss Her Often & Kiss Her Plenty!

So many women are never kissed long enough during the time men make love to them that they wonder ...



Stimulate & Excite Every Erogenous Zone On A Woman’s Body That Craves To Be Touched By Her Man On A Regular Basis

Every woman needs to be touched by her man and in so many places before, during and after making love to ...



Know When Your Honey’s About To Have An Orgasm

When her body starts to shake, rattle and roll. When her breathing picks up, and yet she pauses for air to ...



Fake Orgasms Don’t Exist When You Obey The Laws Of The Bedroom!

The fact of the matter is, how can she fake an orgasm (or need to fake one) when she’s having one or two or …



Respect Sexual Wisdom

Loving your gal isn’t always “sexual.” And, I’m sure you know this. It goes without saying: sex isn’t everything in a relationship. A couple cannot live by sex alone ...



Relax In Bed With Your Honey After Making Great Love To Her

Where are you going? No you don’t, get back there! Don’t go anywhere, don’t fall asleep, don’t start reading the ...

Book Excerpts From Laws Of The Bedroom by Bart Smith


Message From The Author

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Laws Of The Bedroom is written for the enlightenment of men and for the benefit of the woman they love.

With so many books and audio books on the market, no doubt, I’m sure you’re asking yourself what’s so different about this book on relationships, intimacy and pleasing a woman, why should you read it?

The answer is really quite simple. The problems men and women experience in these areas persist and much of what is written caters more to women versus men.

Not convinced? Just read articles online or check out podcasts or YouTube channels that try to address the problems with relationships today between men and women.

Look around. How many people do you really know that are completely happy and satisfied with their relationships or have experienced divorce or are trying to navigate rocky roads? The divorce rate, ever on the rise, is somewhat skewed because many committed couples are no longer getting married so there are no statistics. You should be asking, “What is the successful relationship rate?”

My suggestions for better relationships, intimacy, and more compelling sex are outlined in Laws Of The Bedroom and they could potentially take your current relationship to even greater heights of love, ecstasy and personal fulfillment.

Many self-help books are written on a desultory and philosophical level and are based on clinical theory and rambling concepts. They give you little worthy information that you can actually use. From my own research, experience and observations, this creates a real problem when you can’t depend on the “experts” for valuable insights, understanding or solutions. So, be prepared to reserve a spot on the therapist’s couch unless you prefer a more practical application that the Laws can offer.

Few books have little to say about the heartfelt love naturally associated with intimacy and relationships unlike the Laws. The truth is, today many couples are grappling with chaos in their lives on many levels. As a result, what suffers is their attitudes, energy and behavior toward each other. How do you cope and get past the obstacles? How do you overcome stagnancy in a relationship, for example, without ground rules and respect in and out the bedroom?

Laws Of The Bedroom delivers pragmatic information that is tailored to meet your personal/intimacy needs. It is supplemented with applicable strategies specifically designed to enlighten you and to deliver the results that you may be searching for. These strategies are so powerful that I refer to them as Laws in my book because they should be part of the ground rules for embarking on healthy relationships or enhancing the one you have. Physical love is natural and beautiful and it should be what you both experience ... forever.

The Laws are presented in a logical format and crafted for quick reference and easy implementation. They consist of the following key elements:

✦ PART 1: The Problem With Sex & Relationships Today

✦ PART 2: Self-Improvement For Better Sex & Relationships

✦ PART 3: Warnings, Safeguards & Precautions

✦ PART 4: Romancing Her Like She’s Never Been Before

✦ PART 5: What To Know & Do Before Making Love

✦ PART 6: What To Know & Do While Making Love

✦ PART 7: What To Know & Do After Making Love

They cover what men need to know about their own libido and sexuality plus how to really satisfy a woman. There are comprehensive authentic recommendations for intensifying relationships with the goal toward having better sex and profound intimacy. It also discusses issues regarding sexual performance and how to troubleshoot the problems that could negatively impact you and the woman in your life.

Laws Of The Bedroom, written from a male perspective, is a good resource for anyone seeking a loving relationship or wanting to step it up ... for the man that has a commitment and for women, how they should be treated.

Learn how to better understand women by using some basic principles. Discover what makes them tick ... what they want ... what they need ... and what they fantasize about. The Laws will help you to figure out who “she” is, what makes her special, and how you to please her.

Following the Laws should result in an increase in your confidence, your performance and your overall self-image, personally. Not to mention, the quality of relationship you’re in with the woman you love.


Bart Smith, Author
Laws Of The Bedroom

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Problems Men & Women Have With Their Relationships & Making Physical Love Together

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Well, the FIRST PROBLEM is very clear ...

What WOMEN are not GETTING ...

WOMEN are NOT GETTING the TIME, ATTENTION and the RIGHT TOUCH they NEED from MEN – beyond the mere “physical contact” almost always devoid of any emotional, spiritual and passionate nurturing women crave so naturally.

The SECOND PROBLEM with sex today:

What MEN are not DOING ...

MEN are NOT GIVING women ENOUGH TIME to BECOME AROUSED and the RIGHT TOUCH to EXCITE A WOMAN’S EMOTIONAL, SPIRITUAL and DEEP-ROOTED PASSIONS that all women were born with – naturally, inside them, inside their hearts, inside their minds, inside their bodies and inside their souls. 

Men are not always as romantic as women might like them to be. Men aren’t interested or show signs of even wanting to be romantic. When was the last time (or ever) that a man bought his gal flowers? Men must know better and want to take the initiative to demonstrate these (romantic) affections towards the woman he loves.  

Maybe, in some situations, these shortcomings are not gender-specific, but we are talking about men, here. First and foremost, men (and women) need to feel secure and confident in their relationships with women. Let’s see how Laws Of The Bedroom handles this.

There Are Many Reasons Why Men Are

“Not Giving” A Woman What She Needs

Outside The Bedroom

Thoughtfulness (or a lack thereof) ...

Specifically, this falls into the area of what a woman really needs to be happy in a relationship. It’s not usually something men need or want, but by nature, this is something a woman must have. Appreciating the differences in how men and women think and behave is important.

For a man to effectively communicate that he cares deeply for a woman and that he is willing to dedicate time to their relationship speaks volumes. It’s not unusual for men to become preoccupied with their careers, personal pleasure or ambition.

A man will principally talk to relay facts or make a point while women speak for all of these reasons as well as to relieve stress and create intimacy and more. Men are generally interested in pleasing their gal, they just don’t know how sometimes. Ultimately what women want is love.

Are men giving it to them? Do their actions and words prove it? Are their mutual affections thriving and flourishing? If complacency is occurring in a strangled relationship, then a closer look is warranted. What’s going on? 

Inside The Bedroom

✦ Lack of Personal Knowledge

As a man; of what to do and say to a woman: before, during and after making love to her. Understanding the relationship between information and knowledge is prescribed for every couple that wants to feel adequate, loved, fulfilled and secure in their relationship.

✦ Lack of Physical Performance

Technique – Some men don’t know what to do with what they’ve got. They just think it goes in. “You mean that’s not what she wants? You mean there’s more you can do to please your woman?”

Self-Control – A majority of men cannot control their own physical and mental emotions enough to take care of hers ... FIRST!

Stamina & Endurance – Some men do not have the physical strength and endurance to last long enough for women to become completely and totally aroused, let alone to reach satisfactory levels of orgasm.

Impatience – Regrettably, some lack patience to enable a woman time to become emotionally involved in the moment and sexually inflamed. A man in a hurry to achieve and satisfy his lady loses on both counts. Sorry, this goes against the Laws Of The Bedroom!

✦ Fear, to be Quite Honest

Fear – Some men are afraid to “express themselves” in the bedroom or “open up” to a woman emotionally, physically, and intimately. Some men are even afraid of “losing their masculinity” or “manliness” if they were to take a soft, caring and thoughtful approach to how they treat a woman in bed and otherwise.

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Where Are Men’s Teachers?

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Parents? What did they ever teach you about sex? How to protect yourself from getting someone pregnant? “Don’t have sex!” For the most part, they’re not really the kind of resource you could turn to for information about pleasing your girlfriend or wife, sexually. Besides, talking to parents, for most of us, can be an uncomfortable way to learn about subjects such as pleasing your girlfriend or wife sexually.

Friends? To say that young people today know more about sex than we did in school, is not realistic. In hindsight, many of us learned what we thought we “knew” from our friends or maybe porn. All too often, the information circulated lacked substance and morality so little has changed in that regard. With a thimble of information, men and women still struggle with intimacy. The younger they are, the chances are high they don’t even have a clue about what I’m going to talk about. They should listen in. The older (your friends are), if they don’t know what I’m going to share with you here in this book, they too, cannot be relied on for help.

Sexual Education Programs? Yeah right, those classes are so devoid of emotion and no teacher could teach this stuff in a class without everyone getting naked and start doing what I’m going to talk about right there in class! NO WAY! That cannot be shared in the classroom. What’s more, poor judgment and a lack of discipline continue to be primary reasons for unwanted pregnancies and STIs. Classes on the mechanics of how male/female bodies work to create life are pale to discussion about passion, love, sexual urges, and emotions that can easily get out of control without self-restraint. School just isn’t the place to learn what you’re about to learn inside Laws Of The Bedroom. 

Relationship Books, Magazines & Coaches? If they were doing their job, men would be pleasing women all around the world and women would be pleased every night the way they deserve to be pleased. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Besides, magazine articles only give you bits and pieces of the whole puzzle. Who can wait for more issues to churn out more tidbits of knowledge. Books? I’ve never seen or read any books which satisfactorily dealt with this subject as I do in this book. What’s more, you’ve heard the old saying, “practice what you preach”? It’s hard to find people today who can give advice to others who actually follow their own advice themselves. So, for now, we’ll set aside these resources as well.

Your Girlfriend or Wife? Your best teacher in life should be the person you are in a relationship with and that should be the person who you confide in and share your dreams with. A man should be asking a woman how she wants to be loved and cared for. Listen up because you will learn what most women want, particularly her.

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Law Of The Bedroom #1

Cultivate The Right Attitude About Yourself From This Day Forward!

Laws Of The Bedroom Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

“Being a sex symbol has to do with attitude, not looks. Most men think it’s looks,  ... most women know otherwise.”

Your attitude will determine much, if not all, of your success when it comes to pleasing a woman in ways you never have before. You must begin now … to cultivate the right attitude, towards and around pleasing your woman exclusively. I know you know what you know. And that’s all right. All we’re going to do now is ADD to that which you already know, with what I know as well, for that much more knowledge on the subject of pleasing a woman. Before we get started, there’s something I want to share with you. There’s one very important element in cultivating the right attitude inside you for pleasing a woman: the TONALITY you use when you SPEAK … and, when you THINK!

There’s something all women love to hear, and that’s the sound of your voice when you say things like, “I love you.” When you say things like, “I miss you.” When you say things like, “What can I do for you?” … Convey these messages to her often and with the right tonality every time.

Sensual, sincere, direct-melodies of your voice … she only has to hear the message once. Your voice is very impressing upon her mind. ’Cause it penetrates, it vibrates, and it even resonates throughout her mind, her heart and her soul … every time you speak to her. Say her name, and you’ve doubled her aural pleasure. Try it the next time you’re with her. Say to her, “Honey, do you know how much I love you?”

Before you even touch her, the sound of your voice can soothe her very existence over and over drawing her closer to you without any more effort than moving your lips and saying something as soothing as … “Come over here.”

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Law Of The Bedroom #2

Work On YOU First!

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Before we really get into the LAWS, let’s begin with you. Don’t presume that you know who you really are or what you feel passionate about or what you want from life without close self-examination. The hard part for most people is getting to know that special person in your life when you don’t even know yourself. Hopefully, in your search will discover a good balance between vices and virtues. Above all, be honest. It makes it so much easier to love yourself and to be loved.

So, when you ask yourself, “What are my priorities when it comes to sex and intimacy?” By knowing yourself, you should be able to answer that question.

Accepting the fact that you will change over time, renew yourself. Allow yourself to grow freely into the person you are fully meant to be and enjoy the journey. Self love is healthy and will give you confidence to treat her as your equal.

Knowing what is truly important to you will help you to better understand that special one for you. Respect for each other is a lifelong process that can only be maintained through regular attention. So, the more passion in life that you can share, the richer your relationship will be. Laws of the Bedroom were created as guidelines to help you on that journey.

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Law Of The Bedroom #3

She Comes First, Before You Do – Always! No Exceptions. No Excuses. She Comes First!

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Your single ambition should be to please the woman in your life before yourself! Save yourself unnecessary heartache and frustration by making a conscious decision to put her wants and needs first.

When it comes to the bedroom, men and women need to interrupt the auto-pilot we’re all on, and focus on your physical and emotional commitment you made to each other. She needs to know that she is not only important to you, but she has your full attention. Allow her brain and her body time to warm up, while at the same time, be pleasing her and helping her to achieve heights of physical pleasure.

Study after study suggests that the majority of women are capable of multiple orgasms – if they wish to have them, and if they have an understanding, helpful and knowledgeable man. The average man will find that his sex life with the woman he cares for will improve immensely the more he opens up to her emotionally. The highest compliment a man can pay to a woman is to make her the focus of his life.

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Law Of The Bedroom #6

When You’re With Her, There’s No Other Place You’d Rather Be Than With Her!

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Whatever else “was” on your mind, that’s just it, it “was” on your mind. Now, SHE’S on your mind lovingly and exclusively. Sometimes, you may have a hard time figuring out what she wants, or you may get lazy and forget to show her that you love her. You are only human! Make up for it by making a concentrated effort with meaningful gestures, kind and sensitive words, and more. Let her know you’re thinking about her. She will instantly feel like a priority if you are confident enough to show her how you feel about her. The more you give of yourself, the more you are likely to get back in return.





Law Of The Bedroom #8

Cultivate A Sensuous & Soothing Tone Of Voice When You Speak To Your Gal Every Time!

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

During the day and normal moments in life, your tonality should be normal, level-sounding, of course. But, at the spur of the moment, be ready to kick into that special, loving tonality that only draws her closer to you, when you want to be closer to her or you sense she wants to be closer to you.

Soothing, sensuous tonalities are low, slow and grinding in nature. Even confident, assured and absolutely relaxed ... They’re not hurried, high-pitched or high-strung. Take your time, kick back in your chair, nestle deep into that voice box of yours and let ’er roll ... “Yeah, baby, you’re all mine – come here ...”

Pausing between spoken thoughts is good too. Stimulate your woman to wonder what’s on your mind and in your heart. Pull them in with carefully chosen, loving language. 

Tonality is everything. Be fun, entertaining, and make her laugh. She has hard days too you know, and being a woman, in today’s world, her days might run twice as rough as ours. Make it easy for her to enjoy being around you quickly. 

In leisure conversation, skillfully describe adventurous situations and stories! Ask questions. Describe your experiences, those of other people as well with detail and creative imagination. There’s more on this subject of “story telling” inside Chapter Five: Foreplay. Definitely, check it out! 

When you talk to her in person, sexually and sensuously in nature, tonality is key. When you talk to her on the phone, tonality is key. When you making love to her, tonality (again) is key. Tonality wins her over, tonality wins her heart and wins her soul for the both of you to enjoy on a greater, more intimate and sensuous level every time. 

If you listen to the audio program of Law Of The Bedroom, listen to the tonality of my voice. Keep this in mind the next time you speak with your woman on this level. Also, listen to the fluctuation in my voice and the tones I use and when I use them. I might choose to end my statements on a high note? Like this? But that might insinuate a question or hesitation. Instead, I’ll communicate more by embedding my statements with a low note. Such as this: “Come over here.” 

Ending your conversation on low notes tends to imbed a command … “come over here.” Or, “What would you like me to do to you?” It arouses a response within her, whether physically, mentally or even verbally. 

Now, only use this knowledge of conversation in the greatest of moderation. Reserve it for loving purposes to help her and you achieve closer intimacy through the use of carefully chosen conversations and the use of tonality. 

Again, listen to my voice. Cultivate your own style and slowly with precision begin to communicate with her in a whole new way.

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Law Of The Bedroom #70

Understand The Life Consequences of Dating Many Women vs. Dating A Few & Marrying One

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

If you’re still single and dating (throughout the years of your life) realize the fact that as you enter your late twenties, thirties, even early forties, that many of those around you, about your age, may have settled down already to start families. (“Bye bye friends” ... their lives are going to change.) 

What’s more, women may wonder, “Why doesn’t he have someone? Why isn’t he married? Is he a workaholic? A womanizer? Does he have issues with commitment and intimacy? Maybe I should shy away from this one?”

Maybe you have your own reasons for staying single. Maybe you just feel more comfortable dating, while you work on “life projects” motivated by personal passions ... or you’re still waiting for the right gal to come along who you can share your life with. Why is this so important for you to know this? Well, let’s say you’re in your late twenties or thirties ... sure, you can still party and rock ’n’ roll like you were in your early to mid twenties ... ah, but one thing is different as you get older and older ... Unbeknownst to you, time does not befriend you like it used to in your early to mid twenties. 

More importantly, if you want to start a family and have children before you reach your late thirties, forties and of course, your fifties, you should consider finding just the right honey to share these plans with. Reason is, you don’t want to grow old alone and single and (if you wish to have a family one day) you will want to be able to spend youthful, quality time with your children as they grow up. You certainly don’t want to be 60 years old when your first born just enters high school. Oh, and you’ve got two others right behind the first one. Yikes! Then, think about your grandkids? Do you want to be 80 when your children have children? Time, my friend, keep your eye on the clock. That’s all. 

Here are some thoughts to keep in mind when living life and searching for a “life-honey” ... You can only give yourself to and please only one woman (at a time) for the rest of your life. You can’t please every woman. It’s impossible. 

What’s more ... When you can find a woman you can “trust” and she loves you and will do anything for you, go anywhere with you, support you and your dreams and life pursuits, among many other important qualities ... Save yourself the heartache, time and struggle and consider spending the rest of your life with the woman you’ve been dating or just met (and have dated for some time) ... 

Avoid reaching those regrettable years and saying, “Gee, I had her and then I lost her ... I should have married her when I had the chance. Now, I’m alone and on my own and, with age, it’s becoming harder and harder to find a life mate ... Wow, and now I really want to start a family ... My job’s going good, I’ve money in the bank, a house, a nice car ... and no one to share it with ... All those years of dating were fun and I certainly enjoyed my freedom ... But, now, just a few years later ... Wow, I sleep alone every night ... Gosh, only if I would have asked for her hand, we’d be living together today and I’d be the happiest man alive!” 

Now, the question comes in, are you ready to start a family? How old are you right now? Is your career in place? Does it have to be? Has the right gal come along yet? If she has, again, consider marrying her. She’ll be the one who’ll stick with you through thick and thin. Remember, sex isn’t everything ... “life” is! Never settle with a woman just to have someone in your life, especially for sex. You want to find someone you can be great friends with. Someone you can share your life with, on a day-to-day basis. 

Note, where marriage is concerned, it is still recommended you take your time (especially if you’re young and in your twenties, kissing, brushing up) when finding your lifelong mate. The rest of your lives together will depend on the results of your decision and the “getting to know one another” period of time. This process can take several years. In some cases, what if it does? It can save you both 40-50 years of potential grief and heartache. Further, save yourself the heartache of getting married, only to find out you married someone too fast, and you both wind up divorced. Now, the second time you get married, you’ve already “been there, done that.” The enthusiasm won’t be so grand the second time around, perhaps. Besides, women would always rather choose to be your first wife than your second or your third. 

So, take your time, keep your eye on the clock, think hard about what you really want (10-20 years down the road) and how the decisions you make today will affect what happens ... down the road for you and your honey.

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Law Of The Bedroom #75

Know What It Takes To Be Romantic

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Patience – Romance cannot be rushed. No fast kissing, no rushing to the restaurant, no rushing into “doing it,” no hurry-up-’n’-go ... Romance is not a race! Slow down, take your time, enjoy the “getting there” process. Savor every moment. Make romance last as long as possible.

Thoughtfulness – Take the time to carefully pick out each rose and every greeting card. The more time you take, the more thought and preparation going into the matter, arrangement, event, evening ... the more she’ll see you care! Hearing the words isn’t enough anymore. A woman wants to see you care by what you do for her. Write her little notes, eMail her at work, pick up little gifts for her when you’re out of town. Thoughtfulness is being romantic! 

Spontaneity – Don’t plan everything you do with your woman. Occasionally, just “go for it!” If you do plan, certainly don’t tell her what you’re planning. Planning can be boring. Here’s the remedy. Don’t fill her mind with useless details. Keep her mind focused on the excitement of what you’re planning. (Entertain her!) No one likes to know about all the preparation that goes into a concert – people just come to see the show! Make the arrangements, necessary phone calls, deposits and hush up. All she wants to know is that you’re both going (to do something; go somewhere); not how you planned it, the obstacles it took to make that reservation, etc. Leave only the exciting aspect of what you’re (planning) open to discussion. “Honey, guess where we’re I’m taking you this weekend?” (And then, don’t tell her!) 

Surprise – Don’t tell her of your plans to take her somewhere or what you’re going to give her ... Keep it a surprise every time! You can tell her, “Dress for tropical weather!” Or, “Bring a jacket, we’ll be outdoors tonight ...” 

Passion & Affection – Showing your love in a passionate, affectionate way, most often (without sex) goes a long way to winning her heart.

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Law Of The Bedroom #83

Get Away As Often As You (Two) Can

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

When was the last time the two of you took a real vacation together? The more experiences you can share together, the happier you will be. While you are exploring, relaxing or learning about other cultures, you are also discovering more about that special one in your life ... her! 

Get away at least once a month. Even if it’s just a drive to a neighboring town or the countryside for the afternoon, even the happiest couples need a break from the routine and the stress of work and home. When a couple rejuvenates their relationship by getting away, they have a lot more to give back when they return, including enhanced motivation and increased productivity.

Offer to plan a weekend. “Honey, you just sit back and relax. Wait until you see what I have planned for us!” Consider going someplace that you’ve never been before. Make a list together of places you’ve never been, budget for them and go there! Knock ‘em off your list! 

MY checklist for the perfect hotel getaway. Flowers (bring your own vase); a romantic greeting card or two; perhaps a gift or two; candles; matches/lighter; body/bubble bath soaps; bathing sponge; sex games and toys; body paints; body foods; lubricants; lotions; chocolates; light beer and/or wine; beer bottle opener; wine bottle opener; wine glasses; cooler (if there’s no refrigerator in the room); snacks and favorite munchies for when you get hungry at 3:00 A.M.; bottles of water for working; silverware (two sets just in case); portable music stereo box; your own music mix; colored light bulbs and more. Plan clothing for a variety of day and night activities. Surprise her with new lingerie and/or sleepwear. Don’t forget contraceptives (if needed) and have fun nonstop!

Make hotel reservations with special consideration. Ask for a room away from elevators, stairwells, ice machines and high traffic unless you plan to make a lot of noise then these locations might be ideal. In some cases, you may wish to see the room in advance to determine if it meets your “romantic” needs. Ask if there are any planned conventions, sporting events or groups staying at the hotel when you plan to be there to avoid any disturbances. If you plan to stay at a hotel, ask if they’re running any specials. You never know. Ask and you shall receive. Also, ask if you can check in early if the room is ready and how late can you check out. Ask for extra towels, pillows, etc. Just ask. Most places are very accommodating.

Repeat your hotel experience! After having a few hotel experiences did you find the perfect hotel getaway location(s) for you and your gal? Was there a hot tub in the room? What was your experience? If it was amazing, rinse and repeat! Make reservations again and get away ... again! You could also find 3-5 hotels you like, within driving distance, and get away as often as you can!

Don’t believe everything you read in tour propaganda. Do your own investigation. What you might hear is a paradise, in actuality, could be a real dump when you get there! Also, just because a hotel says they have jacuzzi rooms, doesn’t mean they’re well-kept and beautiful. The whole room could look cheap and cheesy! See for yourself.

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Law Of The Bedroom #101

She Always Comes First, Before You Do – Always! No Exceptions. No Excuses. She Comes First!

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

She receives pleasure first! Allow her body time to warm up. Then, throughout that time, be pleasing her, helping her to achieve heights of orgasm like never before, over and over and over again. Let her come before you do, no matter how long it takes her. After hours of pleasing her, you can turn to her and say, “Honey, can we do it this little special way? It’d really be nice ...” Most always, her reply? “Absolutely, honey, you’ve taken such good care of me, what can I do for you? I’ll do anything for you. Wow, the way you treat me? It’s my pleasure!” So, remember that the #1 Law Of The Bedroom is ... “She comes first!”





Law Of The Bedroom #106

Memorize The Law’s Three-Prong Sexual Pleasure Secret (Recap)

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Just to add emphasis to pleasurable simplicity, as a recap, here are the Law’s three most important Law Of The Bedroom you should follow when it comes to pleasing your woman, helping her reach multiple sessions of orgasm and experiencing and expressing what she loves about making love to you:

LAW #1 = TIME … Men must give a woman’s body time to warm up and experience what she likes most about making love with you and to experience feelings, sensations and orgasms she’s never felt before as a woman. Only TIME can help them do this. So, give your woman time to warm up, every time you make love to her.

LAW #2 = INTRODUCE … Introduce new and exciting things to her you think she might like to experience in the bedroom with you. It is our duty (as men) to research, learn, experiment, observe and master new ways to please our woman.

LAW #3 = ASK … Ask her what she would like you to do to her. Maybe she already knows what she wants (you to do to, I mean for, her). Instead of just lying there wondering what you could do – ASK HER! The more information you can gather about what your woman wants from you sexually, the more you’ll be able to please her. Ah, see how easy that works? 

And, it goes without saying, always … SHE ALWAYS COMES FIRST!

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Law Of The Bedroom #107

Remember Your Attitude “Going In” Is Important

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Remember WHAT TO SAY = Keep your conversation focused on “HER.” Ask questions like, “What would you like me do to you? How would you like it? How can I please you?”

Remember HOW TO SAY IT = Always use the right tonality and frame of voice. Use soft, low-tones of voice that resonate throughout her entire mind and soul while you’re making love together. “Honey, I love it when we’re together. You really are my world.”

Remember WHAT TO DO to her first, positions, technique priorities and more … Read on!





Law Of The Bedroom #108

Be As Intimate As You Can With Her! & For As Long As You Can With Her!

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

No quickies here. No leaving her unsatisfied, while you got yours in LESS THAN two minutes. C’mon.

Give your honey at least an hour of lovemaking pleasure. In rare occasions, when it’s understood you both have about 15-20 minutes to make love (’cause you’re off to see a movie that night; and you’re both feeling wonderfully horny after drinks ’n’ Happy Hour) then, by all means! Go for it! But, only when it’s understood.

Make it up to her later when these short lovemaking sessions come ’round. Guys, perhaps the most important thing to realize about female climaxes is that for women, it’s not a mechanical thing as it generally is.

For women, it’s more about stimulation and emotion, time, build-up, and sustaining continued pleasure until she releases outward in, you know, orgasmic fashion. So, be as intimate and as sensual as you can with her, every time you’re with her. That includes how you talk to her, your tonality, hugging, holding hands, cuddling, smiling, kissing, brushing up alongside her, gesturing, and on and on … Never stop being the best man to your woman that you can be.

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Law Of The Bedroom #109

Please Her & Keep Pleasing Her! For Hours & Hours & Hours

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

The benefits, for you? Huge! You have a woman totally turned on because you put her first. You have a woman, in love with you because you spent hours and hours pleasing her like she’s never been pleased before. You now have a woman, who will love you so deeply for the rest of your life and do anything for you, just as you, would do anything for her, lovingly and openhearted ... This is a very powerful turn-on for you and for her!





Law Of The Bedroom #110

Kiss Your Honey Throughout Making Love To Her! Kiss Her Deeply; Kiss Her Often & Kiss Her Plenty!

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

So many women are never kissed long enough during the time men make love to them that they wonder ... “is this all there is? I want to be kissed more! I want romance!” That be known, men ... kiss her!

Start off with a kiss, then kiss her throughout ... and while you’re at it, why not kiss her all over! Kiss different parts of her body, from the front (heading south), down the sides (all around), on her back (from behind), to her thighs (in between), to her feet and every other part in between. You’re not restricted solely to the mouth, even though she’d love you to kiss her there all throughout making love to her ...

Experiment on every part of the body (kiss and nibble a little on her neck and shoulders, even her earlobes, arms and hands ...) and everywhere else on her body that craves the sweet touch of your lips ... Remember, it’s the Law!

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Law Of The Bedroom #113

Stimulate & Excite Every Erogenous Zone On A Woman’s Body That Craves To Be Touched By Her Man On A Regular Basis

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Every woman needs to be touched by her man and in so many places before, during and after making love to her. Not knowing where, how or when to touch a woman can lead to a very unhappy woman. Such unhappiness can affect her outlook on life, her moods, her health and even the way she treats others … oh, especially you. Wow, better pay attention!

What are the Laws Of The Bedroom, when it comes to touching a woman’s soft, feminine, loving erogenous zones?

✦ Naturally, take it slow. I’m sure you know this much already, but not all men are PATIENT ENOUGH to really “take it sloooowwwww!’

✦ Don’t focus on the major areas without first given attention to the minor ones … Remember, allow her whole body time to warm up to yours. You can help her warm up by taking your time in caressing, nurturing, kissing and massaging her entire body along with those “sensitive to the touch” erogenous zones.

✦ You can run your fingers around them, but don’t go there, not yet. Stimulate her body (a little longer) by other less obvious means. This is where your little games of sensual delight and “tease ’n’ please her” acts of stimulation throughout her body will create waves of anticipation, fascination and ultimately … heights of multiple female orgasmic celebrations every time you’re with her.

✦ Let her signal you when she’s ready to receive you (inside). After a little while of you warming her up and turning her so on inside, she’ll be ready for you … She’ll even guide you. No, she’ll insist you stick it on inside … Have you ever heard the ole’ sales adage, “always leave your customers wanting more – never leave them fully satisfied – and, they’ll keep coming back again and again for more, more, more!” Well, the same theme applies here … Keep her wanting more; never leave her fully satisfied. Sure, “spent” at the end of the night. Oh, yeah! But, always … stir her body up, from the inside out (emotionally, sensually and with raw passion) … drawing her to you every step of the way!

✦ Every time you’re with her, take mental note of her reactions as you gently touch and stroke each and every one of her hot lil’ love zones. Did she grab hold of your arm? A leg? A knee? What is she grabbing for NEXT? Did she squirm among the sheets? Did she shake a leg or twitch a neck movement? Did she throw her head back into the pillow and close her eyes fantasizing all about how good you’re making her feel? You bet she is. Did she then open her eyes only to look into yours, whispering all sorts of unspoken, “I love you …” “kiss me” …

✦ Make sure she remembers (her own reactions) as you may have stroked a little something she found quite pleasurable. If you sense she liked something once, immediately (within a few seconds), repeat it so to implant a second mental impression upon her mind and nervous system’s memory banks. Later in the day, or the next, she’ll remember what you did to her, because you did it twice and made it memorable. You might even say something like, “Did you like that? How was that? What? Again? There you go … Mmm, how’s that?” This helps to focus and emphasize a particular movement, touch, stoke or other sensational motion she found to be of sheer delight.

✦ What’s more, over time, you’ll have helped her accumulate a great number of these reactions in her mind because you helped her to remember them. All this, ultimately helps her to make deeper, more sexually fulfilling love with you … You can put your trust in these Laws … She will be so turned on, so filled with memories of your pleasing her that she cannot help but to give all of herself to you like no one has ever given themselves to you before.

 Now, with your honey all warmed up, whenever you’re making love to her physically, with a free hand, apply a little love ’n’ caressing to one of these hot, erogenous zones. Surprise her senses with even more arousal and delight while you double up on all the feelings you’re helping her to experience. Double, triple her pleasure; double even triple yours! Gee, see how that works?

So, knowing these truths, it is vital that you touch every single loving erogenous zone possessed by your honey that craves to be touched by her man on a regular basis. Perform, touch, lick, kiss, suck and squeeze these hot zones every time you make love to her.

The 25 Erogenous
Zones Of A Woman

I remember doing some research on this subject decades ago. Would you believe all I found were articles listing 8, 10, and 12 erogenous zones? I couldn't believe how many articles left out sooo many erogenous zones of a woman. Well, in Laws Of The Bedroom, I've got 25 erogenous zones for you to go after with your time, touch and attention. Oh, you wanna know what they are? Well, here ya go ... 

1. Her mouth ... everywhere inside this moist, loving hot zone are thousands of nerve cells, no wonder we go there first (to kiss) ...

2. Her lips ... succulent, beautiful, so full of life and love. They must be kissed every day and every night ...

3. Her tongue ... wild as can be, a mind of its own, sexy when she whips it around ... grab hold of it yourself with yours and wrestle (with ’em) lovingly together ...

4. Her teeth and gums ... (she cares for them very much, and her gums are sensitive too) ... run your tongue along the inside, up and down them all ...

5. Her earlobes ... so sensitive, gently nibble her earlobes with your lips and teeth; even take one into your mouth (gently) while entering her loving pink area down below; the ticklish sensations she feels while you nibble her earlobe while simultaneously entering her on inside her pink valley of sweet love simply sends shakes and shivers throughout her body ... Yeah, she likes that, you can count on it!

6. Her eyebrows ... close to the eyes that see, like her hair, they are fine and need stroking with your finger ...

7. The nape of her neck ... is there anywhere on a female more erotically charged and sensitive than this part of the body? Kiss her yes, on the lips, sure ... then on the neck! Each side, all around, don’t miss any part of this highly charged and sensitive erogenous zone.

8. Right underneath her arms and along down her sides and all around her rib cage … when you hug her, grab hold of these areas with strong, confident hands. When you can, kiss the underarms and all around this area ... it doesn’t receive that much attention, hence why it’s very sensitive to the touch ...

9. Her hands, palms, wrists and fingers all crave to be kissed, sucked and massaged …

10. Her breasts and nipples ... do we have to remind you? Women love to have their breasts played with and nipples kissed. Balance your time here though with the rest of her body. Don’t pay too much attention to one particular area ... But, nonetheless, do pay loving attention to her breasts. You might even ask her, “how can I play with your breasts? What would you like me to do to you, I mean for you, for them (your nipples)?”

11. Her cute lil’ belly button ... Run your finger inside it like you would penetrate another opening down south a little.

12. Her lower abdomens around the panty line, very sensitive to the touch ... rub your finger across it slowly and watch her squirm!

13. Her back, up high, around the middle and the small of her back just above her cute lil’ booty ...

14. Her cute little booty crack, near the top is very sensitive to the light touch of a finger, right between the crack. Just run your finger through there, slightly (near the top, and just above her back door entry) and watch her eyes flutter shut with thoughts like ... “Ohhhh, mmmm, my man is pleasing me ... I love that! Where’d he learn to do that?”

15. Inside her thighs, up and down; gentle, this is sensitive territory …


You know, after reading through all this material so far, it kinda goes without saying that a woman’s body is one entire erogenous zone. Tease and please it until she can’t stand it anymore! Then, continue giving her all that you’ve got ... everything just for her! And know very confidently, your turn’s coming up!

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Law Of The Bedroom #119

Know When Your Honey’s About To Have An Orgasm

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

If she doesn’t outright tell you, “I just came (kiss me) ...”, just look for some of these wonderful sexy signs …

When her body starts to shake, rattle and roll … When her breathing starts to pick up (and yet, she pauses for air in quick gasps to experience the pleasure even more intensely) … When her nipples get lickity hard and pointy like erect pillars of suckling love (that beg to be kissed and given your loving lip ’n’ tongue’s attention) … When her face and body turn a blush red from all the blood pumping through her veins, rushing to the surface of her skin in hurried excitement … Watch her eyes roll back and her lips curl as she bites them … Then, watch as her mouth opens in an “open, say ahhh” like formation … When you start to hear her moan and groan (“keep it up, keep it going, don’t stop, I’m almost there”) ... keep on doing exactly what it is you’re doing to her (don’t break stride or deviate from the course – she’s on her way) Towards the end, just listen for her scream; something like “Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah … Yessssss, yessssss yeeeeeeessss! …” Whew, at that time, you’ve just made her the happiest woman on earth!

Now, repeat these pleasures with her every night you make love to her. Remember, it’s simple; she comes first, before you do. No question, no arguing, no nothing. She comes first. That’s it. That’s the Law! Now, can you imagine what all that coming and those wet multiple orgasms are doing to your honey’s psyche? Then, what about her heart and her body, and, for that matter, her overall health and outlook on life? Wow! You’ve got one happy camper on your hands, let me tell ya. She’s now healthy, inside and out, and loves you for it. 

Do you realize the impact (of her coming and reaching multiple orgasms time after time, night after night, year after year) has on her performance levels at work or in the home raising a family, looking after you, loving and living life happily ever after? … All because you obeyed the Laws Of The Bedroom … You graciously, as a gentleman in the bedroom and in her life, took the time (every time) to take care of her needs first … Pretty simple math, in my book, my friend. 

Now, with all this pleasing her, where do you come in? Well, imagine sharing an evening with a naked woman for 2, 3, 4, maybe 5 hours (or all night long ’til morning) filled with HOT wet love making and so pleasing that when it comes time for you to get yours, guys, after you’ve spent hours giving her what she needs as a woman, you simply ask her, “Honey, did you come? Oh, you did? Oh, that’s so gooood. Can I come now?” (Her reply is always, “OH YES! I want you to come.”) And you say, “I’d really like to come ‘this way,’ can we do it that way?” (Her reply? “Absolutely!”) … Yours, “Thank you, darlin’!” 

And then, without any guilt at all, after hours of pleasing your honey in ways she’s only dreamed of, for the few minutes you need to shoot your rocket off inside her, … do just that! Get into her all for your pleasure and delight now! It’s her turn to please you and she’s loving it!

Get all into her and loving her at the height of one exhaustive evening surrounded by the naked flesh of your honey, her eyes, her lips, her breasts, her stomach, her hips, her cute lil’ pussy ’n’ wet moist box of love, her juicy thighs and cute lil’ feet and toes to boot … Take all of that in and the entire night and let it come!!!! It’s now your turn to get some and do you ever … Very cool! 

By this time, hours later, you’re both probably feeling a little spent. Knowing you’ve pleased her and she’s come (and now you’ve come), time to kiss each other goodnight (and fall asleep in each other’s arms) or rest up a bit and go at it all over again come the “twilight hours.” You know that almost dreamlike state when you’re half asleep and half awake? Yeah, sex tastes so good in those half asleep states. I think that’s called, loving her all night long and in the darkest part of the night. 

Either way, she loves it. She’s come all night long; you’ve treated her first for what she wants and needs as a woman (with all the pressures she goes through in her daily life) and wow, how can she not love you right back that much more. See, you obeyed the Law! and took care of her FIRST, for hours. Then, she took care of you! Rock on! How can it get any better than that! So, when it comes to sending your honey into tremendous heights of wet orgasmic bliss time after time, again and again, just remember this Law! … SHE COMES FIRST! For her pleasure and for yours immensely, every time!

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Law Of The Bedroom #120

Fake Orgasms Don’t Exist When You Obey The Laws Of The Bedroom!

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

The fact of the matter is, how can she fake an orgasm (or need to fake one) when she’s really having one … or two … or three real ones in a single session of your love makin’? How can she fake an orgasm when you’ve taken your sweet time to warm her body up by giving her great oral sex with that all-consuming tongue, kiss ’n’ wet lip action of yours … And, what about your stimulating her cute lil’ clitoris in wet rhythmic ways of pure naked pleasure for hours on end? Then, don’t forget about her G-spot and all that rapid “come here” finger friction you’ve been giving her down under, up top and inside her moist, hidden valley of pink wet love … Yeah! Then, later … how you gracefully swapped fingerin’ to slidin’ your rocket on inside for a little pipeline friction as you continued to stimulate her clitoris in that fast rhythmic and loving way …

The greatest question of them all? How can she fake an orgasm when you do all these things to her? The answer? She can’t! She wouldn’t! It would be a waste of her time and yours, let alone all that fake energy “faking it!’ Besides, I’m sure you know this by now, but keep this in mind … a loving, gentleman in bedroom always inquires about her ”status of pleasure” like this … “Did you come yet, honey? No? How can I help you come? It’s all about you tonight … No worries, take your time … I’m into you and your pleasure and that’s all you have to know!” 

Still, why do some women fake their orgasms? 

✦ To protect your “performance ego.” But, you don’t have one; an ego that is. Rather, you have a “silent, humble confidence” about you … You know you’re honest and good to her in bed and you know you love to take your time to warm your honey up, turn her on and let her come all night long (whenever she wants) from all that awesome, wet, hot button stimulation you’ve always got in mind for her. Hence, there’s really no need to fake an orgasm. 

✦ To get “it” (i.e., sex) over with. Hmm, this doesn’t happen to you. Or, at least it won’t any more. You see, your communication with your honey is so open, always clear and honest. If she’s not finding pleasure in what you’re doing to and with her, you should pick up on this. Remember? Gentlemen always ask, “How are you doing honey?” Now, if you’ve run out of time and you both have to get going somewhere, that’s another story. Faking it does nothing for the two of you. Just say to her, “Honey, I owe ya one!” That’s always cute. Then, come through later and everything will be all right.

Now, it goes without saying, if you’re doing your job as a good lover, following every Laws Of The Bedroom and your gal is faking an orgasm, ask her why and ask her to stop. Together, work on ways you can help her relax, come undone and come all night by you stimulating what she wants you to touch, kiss, lick, twitch and well, you know. Follow her guide.

How can you tell if she didn’t have an orgasm?

✦ Mechanical moaning. Ask her to stop if you hear her making “fake” sounds, that is of course, if she likes to make such noises; then let her moan away! 

✦ She quickly leaves the bed (or wherever you had sex) and starts to do something else. For example, she might throw her clothes back on, start talking on the telephone, tending to personal matters, etc. If she really had an orgasm, most likely, she’d be wrapped up in your arms afterwards kissing and thanking you for pleasuring her so much.

✦ Her face and body lack a certain pinkish color. Remember? During an orgasm, there’s a lot of blood rushing to her face and body. 

✦ Her eyes don’t look dazed and (naturally) out of it. The eyes tend to roll back as she turns inward concentrating on her pleasure when she’s about to have an orgasm.

✦ If she can switch gears breathing, or anything else, just like that, then she’s faking it. If she were having an orgasm, or working her way towards one, her entire body would be consumed with her quest to have one.

Now, if she’s never experienced an orgasm before and still doesn’t know her own body to know what turns her on … No worries! Take your time; experiment with her; encourage her to experiment on her own, in the bathtub, in the shower, in bed lying next to you while you’re asleep … it doesn’t matter. The two of you are now on a quest to find out exactly what turns her lights on and flips her over the orgasmic mountain of ecstasy. When you find that hot button, turn it on, work it, and rehearse it … until she comes every time you’re in bed together makin’ love.

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Law Of The Bedroom #144

Respect Sexual Wisdom

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

“Love is something that cannot be explained. It’s the force that drives us to protect the ones we care about.” — Unknown

✦ Loving your gal isn’t always “sexual.” And, I’m sure you know this. It goes without saying: sex isn’t everything in a relationship. A couple cannot live by sex alone. Remember, she’s still your best friend, life companion, confidant, trustee, mother of your children and so much more. As your years together accumulate, your “bonding” really should become more of a “spiritual” one, not so much relying on your “getting physical” all the time (like you did when you first met). Memories, goals, achievements, activities and common life fulfillments ought to be your quest and zest for living life with your honey.

✦ Develop a relationship before sex. No relationship = no sex. The most meaningful sex comes from (within) relationships. Not before. Remember, you can’t hurry love either. Take your time.

✦ Like romantic walks, evening sunsets and late night talks, sex is a gift for the two of you. It is not the “end all, make all, we’ve got to keep having more and more ...” No, in fact, when you do have sex, don’t have sex for just a little a while, right after! Wait until you both naturally grow hungry for each other again? Just because your refrigerator is filled to the rim with food and drink doesn’t mean you have to eat it all in one night. That’s ridiculous. The same goes with sex. Just because it’s there, doesn’t mean you have to taste test it every night. Wow, talk about a fast track to boredom.

Remember the old sales adage, “Always leave your customers’ wanting more, never leave them fully satisfied ... (so they’ll keep coming back for more and more and more year after year after year for the rest of their lives!)” So, there you have it ... keep yourself and your honey “always wanting more, never leave yourselves fully satisfied (in a sense) always hungry for the next time!”

✦ Have you ever heard your honey say something like this before? “You’re not interested in me anymore? I’ve lost my sex appeal? I want more romance. You don’t make love to me anymore.” Men, this is a call for help. Her self-confidence, her self-image (and her connection to you) is crumbling and you’re the only one who can really save her.

Perhaps, a few years have passed and one or both of you have gotten a little out of shape. (That can be fixed.) Perhaps, a routine of sleeping together for years and years has drowned your appetite for the fresh flesh ’n’ loving skin of your honey during times of her arousal. (This can be remedied.) Maybe, you have desires (or she does) that neither of you have “communicated” to each other! (Well? Do that! Communicate!) Maybe you are experiencing a time in your life where you’re more stressed out than ever before, concerned about your appearance, look, or your performance and you just can’t seem to bring yourself to loving her like you used to. (Again, this can all be remedied.)

No matter what the cause is here, what you must do in this very desperate situation is to act now and act fast. Do not let your woman sleep another night (alone in her heart) wondering, “Does he still love me? Will we ever get back to the love we had for each other when we first met? Why is he not attracted to me anymore? I’m so alone in my heart, like never before! I’m married/dating/engaged to the man of my dreams, yet I feel so alone even when I sleep next to him. Who can help me? I know of no one! Why doesn’t he talk to me about my feelings?”

Sir, you can help her. Here’s what to do ... For starters, do you love this woman, still? Have you started a family with her? Do you have children? Does she want children? Does she want to marry you? Have you been dating for years and (you have) not proposed to her, yet? Then, for her sake and the sake of your future (and possible family) and the commitment, dreams and ideas you have placed in her head and in her heart ... If you still love her (and you’re thinking 10, 20 years down the road) and you want to stay with her, there’s only one thing you need to do FIRST!

Simply, you need to pledge to her that you “will” work on this very desperate “heart-saving” situation until it is overcome satisfactorily to her and then to you. She needs to know you still care about her and can provide her the affection and touch you once provided her when you first met her.

Oh, there it is! The secret to solving this very emotional dilemma! “When you first met her!” Simply, and actually ironical as it sounds, YOU need to distance yourself from her immediately and for just a little while. You need a time-out! Time enough to break the routine of familiarity you’re both in. Time to step back, and from a distance, really look at what you’ve got! You know the old saying, “You don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone.” Well, this couldn’t me any further from the truth. You desperately need to “experience” the feeling of (really) losing her ... Then, and only then, will you say to yourself (at night, sleeping alone) ... “Gosh, what have I done? Why haven’t I been there? I was once? I don’t want to lose her. Can’t I/we be again? I want to get back to the ‘old times’ too. Yes, I know we can! I (the man) have that power to bring us back together. I’m not going to lose her ... (Honey? I’m coming home, I’m yours and you’ll never have to live another day without me!)”

Now, isn’t it interesting. Like working a job, 365 days a year, if you don’t get time off (like a 2 week vacation once a year, which still isn’t enough) you’ll probably wind up jumping out a (first floor) window from the stress and pressures and monotony built up inside from doing the same thing over and over and over again. Eh? No one can really stick to something day in, day out for years without taking some kind of break. Sure, you could go on a trip together, but truthfully, you both need to get away ... from each other – so you can “miss each other!” People need time and space to reflect and really view what they’ve got in a relationship ... You’ve heard the old saying, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder!” Well, it’s true. How many times have you longed to see family you haven’t seen in years, but when you stay too long, wow, look out! Yeah, well, the same may be somewhat true with your honey.

I know you’ll see and find her attractive all over again if you’ll position yourself away from her (for a little while) and to the point where you really do start missing her, and a lot! What if you both took time off (to miss each other) only to find ... “Gosh honey, I’ve been apart from you and I’m really missing you ... You’re all that I can see. You really mean the world to me! I can’t stand losing you for another minute. Please, will you take me back? (And, she will!) What do you want to do? Where do you want to go? I’ll take you anywhere because I really love you. I’m never going to let you go, because in my heart I know you belong to me and I belong to you!”

✦ The secret to a long lasting and fulfilling relationship is understanding the other person in the relationship and helping them to understand you: your emotions, your desires, your quirks, idiosyncrasies, your strengths, your weaknesses, your faults and your perks. “Well, that’s just her way, and I love her for it!”

✦ While physical/sexual love can weaken as you get older, friendships grow stronger and stronger, which is why it’s very important to bond with someone you can truly be “best friends” with, someone you can share your life with ... forever.

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Law Of The Bedroom #145

Relax In Bed With Your Honey After Making Great Love To Her

Laws Of The Bedroom Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Where are you going? No you don’t, get back there! Don’t go anywhere, don’t fall asleep, don’t start reading the newspaper and do not turn on the TV! Basically, spend some time with your gal, in bed, after you make love. Don’t go anywhere (too fast), but stick around a bit!

✦ After a wonderful round of lovemaking, the first thing your honey usually wants to do is to rest with you, lay by your side and spend time with you. She loves cuddling and snuggling. Give her what she wants. Remember, she comes first ... 

✦ As things wind down a bit, relax, maintain a level of deep sensitivity and intimacy with your sweetums ...

Women love relaxing in bed. Don’t you? You should learn to appreciate the finer things in life, like relaxing with your sweetums after love makin’.

 Your woman (really) wants to know you’re still there for her and it wasn’t all just for you. Women can be like that. So, cuddle, snuggle, towel off (if you need to), talk, hold hands, spoon a little ... among other things you might think of to do together.

 Make it a point to give her any number of “thank you” kisses for her loving you like she did. She is beautiful and you know how much you love her. Just let her know if you want her love to continue ...

✦ Make the most of your time together, when you’re by her side. Chitchat about anything under the sun. Plan your day. Order breakfast in bed! Ask her what she liked most about the two of you spending time together. “Honey, what was your favorite part about last night?”

 Now, it’s probably safe to say, after talking a bit, or if you’re both really tired, you really could fall asleep. You might say something like, “Hey, I’m really feeling kinda tired, can I have a kiss? Do you mind if I just hold you and fall asleep in your arms?” I don’t think she’d say “no” to something like that if you said it with real sincerity and heart!

 If you do happen to fall asleep, make sure you fall asleep together. That’s all. Hold her tight, kiss her good night and dream of loving another again, some other time ... Throw the covers over you both and rest.

“So, fall asleep love, loved by me ... for I know love, I am loved by thee.” – Robert Browning

✦ Feel the deep rhythm of your breathing taking over the two of you. Wow, sink into this feeling with her. Bond the both of you tighter this way. It’s a loving bond, for sure.

 She loves your hand on her heart. Cup one of her breasts if you’re spooning together, while falling asleep.

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