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Listen To Sample Interviews With Bart Smith, Author Of Self-Help Business & Personal Growth Books

Below, you’ll find a playlist of real interviews with Bart Smith about his books and websites. If listening to a particular interview inspires you to interview Bart Smith, then by all means, you can click here to request an interview with Mr. Smith.

Your audience will love Bart's humor and the words and wisdom he has to share. Choose from 25+ books to interview Bart about.


Dr. Emily Morse (Sex With Emily) Interviews Bart Smith About His Book, Laws Of The Bedroom

Dr. Emily Morse (SexWithEmily.com) Interviews
Bart Smith About His Book, Laws Of The Bedroom

Brian Kelly (Mind Business Body Show) Interviews Bart Smith About His Book Rich Coach Broke Coach

Brian Kelly (Mind Business Body Show) Interviews
Bart Smith About His Book Rich Coach | Broke Coach

Carol Allen (Karma Radio) Interviews Bart Smith About His Book Laws Of The Bedroom

Carol Allen (Karma Air Radio) Interviews
Bart Smith About His Book, Laws Of The Bedroom

Cindy Marinangel (Big Media USA) Interviews Bart Smith About His Book Laws Of The Bedroom

Cindy Marinangel (Your Dream Wedding Show) Interviews
Bart Smith About His Book, Laws Of The Bedroom

Shoshana Bennett, Ph.D. (World Talk Radio) Interviews Bart Smith About His Book Laws Of The Bedroom

Dr. Shoshana Bennett, Ph.D. (World Talk Radio)  Interviews
Bart Smith About His Book, Laws Of The Bedroom

Renee Piane (Rapid Dating Radio) Interviews Bart Smith About His Book Laws Of The Bedroom

Renee Piane (Rapid Dating Radio) Interviews
Bart Smith About His Book, Laws Of The Bedroom

Playboy Radio

Bart was also interviewed live on Playboy Radio’s “Night Calls” with Juli and Tiffany in Los Angeles, California; at the Playboy studios. While most interviews last between 20 minutes to an hour; this particular interview lasted almost three (3) hours LIVE on XM radio!

Bart kept both Juli and Tiffany asking all kinds of questions from the book, about life, relationships, fielding phones calls from Playboy radio listeners; to which, Bart responded to every question with gallant confidence and humble charisma.

The interview would have gone on longer, but there were other guests in the producer’s office, backing up, waiting to have their shows aired in the same studio room. Oh well, “to be continued!” Oh, both Juli and Tiffany (and Marie, their Segment Producer) loved the chocolate chip cookies!