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Book Excerpts From Fantasy Boyfriend by Bart Smith

Get a sneak peek into Fantasy Boyfriend by Bart Smith by reading a few of the hand-picked book excerpts below. If you like what you read here, then you'll definitely love the book or perhaps the audio version. That said, enjoy these excerpts!


Message From The Author

“If you’re worth it, he will invest in you, do his best to be the best guy for you and give you everything he’s got and … without you ever even asking for it.” I love that quote. I’d like to say I live by it. That is, the gal of my dreams will experience that. I will invest in her, be the best guy to her, and give her what she needs all without her ever asking for it. Why? How? Isn’t that what every woman wants in a boyfriend and ultimately, a husband?


Part 1 – Romantic Beginnings

“Hello, nice to meet you. Come, sit with me ...”

It’s been said that women love men to approach them if they’re interested or she finds the man interesting in return. Today, though, it’s not so easy. Many women are turned off by men approaching them or messaging them online only because too many men approach a woman and not always with the ...


Part 1 – Romantic Beginnings

“I’ll call you tonight!”

At 7:45 pm, he sent her a text to let her know he’d be calling at 8:00 pm and to see if things were still on for the night to share some of his romantic writings. She responded, “Yes, I’m looking forward to it.” He texted ...


Part 2 – Erotic Adventures

Taking a break from chatting it up, and enjoying the romantic candle ambiance of the bedroom, she laid her head back down on his chest where she ...

He kissed her on the side of her lips just as she finished her statement. As they maneuvered around under the covers for a new and better snuggling position, she felt so good to be held in his arms in the way he held her. Legs entwined, bodies as close as they can be, and her ...


Part 2 – Erotic Adventures

“As morning came, so did morning kisses, more cuddling, and … breakfast in bed!”

She leaned in to kiss him again. Her hands touching his warm body under the covers with his arms around her body keeping her close. This time, nearly wide awake and not so tired, they kissed each other, deeply, for a good 15 to 20 minutes long. They just couldn’t believe how much they enjoyed kissing one another and with nothing pending to pry them apart, they continued to kiss more and more and more. Non-stop morning kissing, and they both loved it.


Part 2 – Erotic Adventures

She pulled her head back a little from all that kissing, and placed it on his chest and said, “Why are you so good to me?”

She smiled sweetly and with a bit of relief, although this was a very exhilarating moment. She enjoyed him talking about his plans for her because it was still a very nervous moment in her mind. She hadn’t been with a man in years, and the last one she was with, she had such a horrible experience with him that she cried for months afterward and swore off dating for a whole year. Truth be told, she hadn’t dated anyone in nearly five years. Her love life and her sex life had been quick to fizzle out of their situationship status. So, tonight, she was putting her fate in the hands of a new man who was demonstrating that he really cared about her. What was this approach he talked about? She was all ears.


Part 3 – Random Realizations Our Lady Has

Random Mental, Emotional, Physical & Psychological Realizations Our Lady Has When Dating Her Fantasy Boyfriend!

Going forward, for now, when she wasn’t either on the phone with him chatting it up and catching up or paying another visit to his place for more fun and relaxation, there would be certain days she’d have thoughts and conversations with herself about some of the new changes taking place in her life where he was concerned. While most of them were good and put smiles on her face, some of them were more along the lines of personal self-discovery, deep reflection, random ...


Part 3 – Random Realizations Our Lady Has

“I’m smiling a lot more (now that I’m seeing my fantasy boyfriend) and it’s obvious to people.

"They make statements like, ‘Did you see your man? I can tell. You’re always smiling and happy and skipping when you do. I wish my man would have that kind of effect on me like yours does with you.’ I guess it’s true. Every time I think of him, which is a lot, I smile. When he calls or texts, I smile. When I’m with him, I smile."


Part 4 – Our Love Story Continues

"I’ve been alone so much of my life. ‘Boys’ have shattered my heart plenty of times."

Our love story picks back up again where our lady in love decides to return to her fantasy boyfriend’s place for a few days. TORTURE! That’s what she’s been going through, time and time again after she leaves his place to go home for a while. The emotional and physical urges she has for him when they’re apart have grown to become like torture to her (in a fun and loving way) during her days and especially at night.


Part 4 – Our Love Story Continues

It’s the combination of these sounds and bodily moves (she makes) that allows her to focus 100% solely on her ...

Picking up where he left off, he began kissing her again. You have to know, kissing her must be done in silence, as in, he must be as silent as possible while she has nothing to focus on but her own breathing, bodily movements, and the sound of his fingers twitching back and forth on ...

Book Excerpts From Fantasy Boyfriend by Bart Smith


Message From The Author

Fantasy Boyfriend Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

“If you’re worth it, he will invest in you, do his best to be the best guy for you and give you everything he’s got and … without you ever even asking for it.”

   I love that quote. I’d like to say I live by it. That is, the gal of my dreams will experience that. I will invest in her, be the best guy to her, and give her what she needs all without her ever asking for it. Why? How? Isn’t that what every woman wants in a boyfriend and ultimately, a husband? Women output what they receive. Since they’re natural output algorithms are that of joy, fun, sharing, nurturing and pleasantries, why not amplify their output by being so good to them beyond the norm? Most guys don’t, and as a result, our ladies don’t live up to or experience their full loving potential.

    Granted, many women today have also lost what it means to be a woman, which is best described as feminine, sweet, kind, caring for (one) man in her life, knowledge of how to run a home and raise children, among other things. Instead, she’s told to have sex like a man, sleep around, spend her prime years chasing after multiple jobs (e.g., 10% of women have careers; 90% have jobs they hate and quit every 3-5 years; that’s reality for ya).

    I’ve heard women are told to embrace some kind of “hoe phase” and other crap. To be honest? Where does that really lead her? Alone. Single. It’s used by several men and with no man left to call her own in the end. Not all women are like this, but you get what I’m trying to say. Besides, there are women who aren’t like that at all, who don’t sleep around, and yet they too find it hard to find the love they deserve from the men they encounter, attempt to date; hence, they too wind up alone, single and still on the hunt for love and romance!

    Guys aren’t off the hook either. They too should focus their energies on making money, improving their intellect, making a life for themselves and saving themselves for the right woman to walk into his life who could enhance it and not drain it.

    It’s probably fair to say both men and women want to find someone, potentially marry and maybe start a family one day. Or, if they’re divorced, widowed or single with kids, hey, no one likes to be alone. We all want somebody to love and to love us back.

    Alas, how we have strayed far from the way things ought to be where dating, love and romance are concerned. Today, so many people, specifically, women, are single, drifting, putting themselves out there, only to get hurt or taken advantage of time and time again. Well, I say, “ENOUGH! NO MORE!”

    Having written other relationship books, I finally decided to write Fantasy Boyfriend to share with you (in fantasy+reality) what’s truly possible when you find and date a real life fantasy boyfriend. That is, how does he treat you? How is he patient with you? How does he look out for your well-being and not just for his own physical needs and urges? What kind of conversations would you have inside and outside of the bedroom? What questions would you ask him? How would he answer? How does he make real intimate love to you? Does he make you orgasm? Multiple times and before he gets his? Do you come first in the bedroom? Why not? You better! That’s RULE #1, ladies!

    As you read this book (or listen to the audio version of Fantasy Boyfriend recorded by the author himself) you will discover exactly how your fantasy boyfriend should act, think, talk and treat you. Fantasy Boyfriend, the book, is like going on a multitude of adventures and having multiple conversations with the type of boyfriend you would love to have in your life.

    Pay close attention to the topics that come up and how he (and the female character) responds. Can you relate in some instances? Do you like what you read, hear or experience throughout this book? By the end, you might just ask yourself, “Where is this type of man? I want him and only him!” If that’s the case, then how far would you go to find him? How long would you wait for him to walk right into your life? How would you save yourself and best prepare yourself to win his heart and love for a lifetime? Could you even spot him? Perhaps he’s got his eye on you and you don’t even know it or you brushed him away thinking he wasn’t the one for you? Little do you know that he probably could be the one for you. Who knows, right?


# # #





Part 1 – Romantic Beginnings

“Hello, nice to meet you. Come, sit with me ...”

Fantasy Boyfriend Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

         It’s been said that women love men to approach them if they’re interested or she finds the man interesting in return. Today, though, it’s not so easy. Many women are turned off by men approaching them or messaging them online only because too many men approach a woman and not always with the most wholesome intentions. After a while, this can become a turn off to women. Can you blame them? So, with time, some women (if not most) just grow cold to the idea of any man approaching them. Wow, romance is already shot down into flames before it could ever get started.

         As a consequence, they wind up sitting there, alone or with a friend, sipping their coffees or other beverages and wondering, “Will the right guy ever approach me? Where is he? I’m tired of going out alone to do things everyday by myself. The single life stinks, and I’m not sold on how great it is anymore when you long for someone to connect with.

         When will this prison sentence of relationship isolation end? I would like to fall in love, an emotional connection, experience deep romantic days and nights, but where does anyone go to find that experience? What does it look like? WHO does it look like? I guess until lightning strikes, I’m left single, sad, alone, depressed, and somewhat bothered by it all.

         As they say, ‘tomorrow is another day.’ Maybe tomorrow, the man of my dreams, who I’ve been fantasizing about since I was a little girl, will walk right into my life. Until then, I guess I’ll just keep fantasizing. It’s all I have for now.”

         Who can relate to this woman? Well, let’s see what happens when someone does appear out of nowhere and into her life and see how one man can change her life in ways she’s never experienced before in all the years she’s been dating, looking for love, having sex, experiencing multiple broken hearts and, well, you know how the story goes.

         So, one day, our sunken heart gal sat at a local coffee shop with her friend. It was a crowded scene of men and women. Amidst them all, she saw a rather good looking man sitting there alone, who kind of stood out to her. He stood out because he looked like he was quite content just to be in his own world of thoughts, thinking deeply, reflecting on the day or tomorrow’s future, as he would slowly glance around the room, while he wrote away with pen and paper. He wasn’t on his phone or talking to anyone in the room, and he wasn’t gawking at the women walking by his table. Sure, he noticed if they looked his way, and with a gentleman-like subtlety, he acknowledged their presence, and went on with his work. So, she then pondered, “Hmm, I wonder what he’s like to talk to?”

         As she continued to check him out, his inner senses alerted him and he looked directly at her. He smiled and with a slight nod, he said, “Hello,” without even saying a word. She smiled back, and for some reason, she couldn’t seem to take her eyes off of him. He held his gaze at her in such a way that she didn’t feel threatened or even think he could be one of those sleazy creeps you see lounging around the room with their buddies. He’s just sitting there, confident in his own space, knowing he doesn’t want to upset her or make her feel uncomfortable at all. He really seemed in no rush to do anything. He looked down to finish his thought, made a few notes, and then … looked up again at her. She continued to look at him, which again, allowed for another connection between two people using only their eyes and a smile.

         He smiled again. This time, he gently chuckled as if he were enjoying the attention from her. He stared at her long enough for him to make a slight gesture for her to come over and sit in the chair that was vacant at his table. The friend she was with was on the phone and distracted so our curious gal took the opportunity to sit with him. From there, the conversation kinda goes like this …

         After names were exchanged with gentle handshakes, she noticed his hands were soft, warm, yet strong, as he graced her hand for only a few seconds. This first physical connection with him made her want to shake his hand again, as silly as that might seem.

         It’s been awhile since someone, who she showed somewhat of an interest in, touched her hand in the way he did. “Could this be the one? Haha, stop kidding yourself. It’s too early to tell,” she thought to herself. “He’s certainly off to a great start, though. Let’s see where things go. Oh, thank goodness, my friend is still on her phone. I did wave to let her know I’m okay talking to this man. She seemed okay, and kept on talking … Good. Now, I can focus on learning more about this man who I came to sit with, she thought.

         So, she then jumped to ask, “So, what are you writing? I mean, you seem so focused and writing a lot. If I may ask, what are you writing about?” Doing something out of the ordinary, like writing with a pen and paper, when everyone else is pecking away on their phones and computers. This really helps for him to stand out of the crowd. Not to mention, he’s dressed rather nicely for just being in a coffee shop. Not overdressed, but dressed fashionably, which was very appealing to her. Compared to all the other guys in the room wearing shorts, tee-shirts and tennis shoes, he stood out.

He replied, “Well, I’m writing notes that come to me for my next book. It’s a romance novel. My first.”

         “Wow, you write (books)? I love romance novels”, she replied.

         “Actually, it’s not just romance,” he said, “it also contains a bit of, well, romantic erotica. But, I assure you, it’s nothing obscene or domineering. No, in fact, it’s heavily laden with romance, love, sexy seduction, creative spontaneity, lots of smiles, curled lips, clasped hands, multiple orgasms, and scenes most women probably wish they could experience in real life, but maybe never have. I say that only because most of the women I know and talk to have never experienced what I’m writing about. I’ve never even heard them talk about it. I’ve never heard or seen anything like (what I write about) in movies, in books, or anywhere.”

         “Wow, I’m all ears. Tell me more.”

         “Well, since you asked, and thank you for asking. As I said, I like to take my readers to places they’ve never been. Experience things they’ve never experienced. It helps me sometimes to come to places like this (or anywhere) where I can be alone with my thoughts. I people-watch and daydream for inspiration, particularly in places where no one knows me. That is, until someone like you pops over to my table and strikes up a conversation, which I’m glad you did. I saw you when you walked in and sat down with your friend. What brings you here and are you in love?”

         “In love? Huh, I wish.”

         “I ask that question to people all the time (when I talk about my writing) because isn’t that what we all want? To find someone to love, be loved, to share intimate moments of growth and intimacy in life with? You know, the stuff you can’t order online, have delivered to your doorstep, or go down to the grocery store and pick it off the shelf and take home.”

         “The way you put it, I guess I’ve never been ‘in love.’ I mean, I’ve been in relationships before. I was in love once, kinda, but it didn’t last. Since then, it’s been hard to find someone I can truly connect with. It just seems like romance (and love) is dead these days. Everyone just wants to hook up or wants it (sex) all the time or isn’t ‘emotionally available.’ I mean, I want a relationship that will last as long as the Century City mall construction.”

         “Century City mall? What’s that?” he asked.

         “Oh, it’s near where I used to live. It’s a mall that was under construction like forever.”

         “Oh, I know what you mean. That’s why I’m writing this book. To help ignite that romantic spark inside each and every one of us that we all want in our lives and, so many have yet to experience it or, sadly, never have, or for some reason, never will. So many women, for example, have either been treated poorly in relationships or never taken to heights where intimacy is concerned. That, to me, is where life really develops its true meaning. Not just a connection, but a real close bonding, a oneness, in the flesh with someone you want to be with.”

         “Yeah, who doesn’t want that, but for so many people (me included) that just sounds like a fantasy.”

         “Exactly! Sounds like a great title for a book, doesn’t it. What if I told you my romance book involved sort of a fantasy boyfriend type character in it. Would that make you want to read it and learn what a true boyfriend could be like, even if he were just a fantasy boyfriend?”

         “Absolutely, is it done? Can I read it? When will it be done? I’ll be your first book customer! Will you autograph it, too?”

         “Absolutely! The book will be done as soon as it gets done! Haha, I’m kidding. Actually, I think I’m a few weeks away from finishing it. Then, I get it edited, order a proof copy in print, read through it again for any last-minute corrections; make those corrections and resubmit the book to the printer for a final printing.”

         “Sounds exciting,” she replied.

         “I have an idea. Would you like me to read some of it before I go to print?”

         “Really? I’d love that. How do I do that?”

         “Well, you give me your phone number, or a way to contact you, I call you and read some of it to you over the phone or we could do a Zoom call or meet in person again and I could just read to you in person.”


# # #





Part 1 – Romantic Beginnings

“I’ll call you tonight!”

Fantasy Boyfriend Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

         At 7:45 pm, he sent her a text to let her know he’d be calling at 8:00 pm and to see if things were still on for the night to share some of his romantic writings. She responded, “Yes, I’m looking forward to it.”

         He texted back, “Great! Be sure to get comfortable so you can enjoy my readings. Maybe grab your favorite beverage, perhaps a glass of wine, tea, maybe some chocolates (haha), and maybe relax on the bed or couch with a comfy pillow/blanket so you can enjoy what you’re going to hear. Oh, and if you have candles, light those as well, and then turn the lights out or just dim them.”

         She texted back, “I will. Thanks for the suggestions. Can’t wait.”

         Having been told this, she really got her excited. It could be like watching some romantic movie or listening to an audio book or podcast at home in bed. She grabbed a glass of wine and a few pieces of chocolate, then changed clothes, and then got into her favorite super soft button down sleep shirts by Victoria’s Secret. Within minutes, she was ready for his call, laying in bed, ready to listen to whatever he wanted to read to her. She was very excited. No one had ever offered to do this for her before.

         On the dot, he called. “Wow, punctual. I like that,” she thought.   “Hello?”

         “Hi, how are you?” he asked in what sounded like a very sexy phone voice.

         “I’m doing great. It’s so nice to hear from you,” she said.

         Sadly, most guys don’t call or they’re told to wait three days before calling or some kind of B.S. Not this man. He knows to call her when he says he’ll call. He doesn’t waste his time or people’s time, for that matter.

         “So, did you enjoy the rest of your day?” he asked?

         “I did. Thank you for asking. After I left the coffee shop, I couldn’t stop thinking about our call tonight. You really kind of made my day.”

         “Well, it’s my pleasure and I want to thank you for taking the time to hear some of my writings. Your feedback will be helpful to me and again, thank you for that. I also hope you like what you’re about to hear tonight.”

         “I’m sure I will. I’ve read a few romance novels in the past. Some good, some blah. So, I’m curious to hear how your book reads. I’m what you call a hopeful romantic, not hopeless.”

         “As we all should be! Hopeful that the love of your life will appear out of nowhere some day or be the person you least expect it to be. So many people don’t really put in the effort to picture, prepare, then look (hard) for the one for them. Even with all the dating apps, speed dating events, relationship experts telling you what to do or how to go about finding the love of your life -- I believe, it all starts from knowing how to be romantic, live your best life, prepare yourself to meet the one for you, and then when you do meet, you’re patient, and take your time to get to know the person and then -- as a connection might be made, and chemistry or sparks ignite between two people, that’s when the man should lead her into a world of love, trust, growth, protection, leadership, and intimacy that all women crave so deeply in their minds, bodies, and souls.”

         “Wow, I like how you said that. I like what I’m hearing so far. How did you get into writing romance? You surely sound as if you know what you’re talking about. Did you read other books? Were you ever in love? Are you dating or married right now? I’m so nosy, aren’t I? I’m curious.”

         “I’ve never been in love (yet), been close, but I’m still looking forward to falling in love with the right gal. I’ve been in mostly long-term, monogamous relationships. I don’t do hookups or play the field. I bring too much to the table to spread myself too thin like that. Besides, the last thing I need is 100 women knocking on my door or calling me to ask me to spend time with ALL of them. So, I lay low, keep to myself, do my own thing, make my own money, and when the right gal enters my world, well, then I show her respect (just as I would want her to respect me), and from there we see if there’s chemistry, common interests, do sparks fly, is there a real attraction, etc. You know, how it’s supposed to work?”

         “I know, right? I mean, today, it’s so messed up. Most, if not all of my girlfriends are single, that is, those who are married. Some aren’t happy or they’re bored. If they’re dating, they’re not really happy or someone’s always cheating in the relationship. It’s just so disheartening how dating has evolved today.”

         “I know, hence the idea to write a book called, oh, I haven’t told you the title yet of my romance novel, have I?”

         “No you haven’t. What is it?”

         “Well, after giving it a lot of thought, and with all the romance novels out there, I thought it best to write a romance book based on what every woman wants, that is, before she ever gets married to her husband. The man, however, must first start out as her boyfriend.”

         “Makes sense,” she said.

         “So, my romance novel is called … Fantasy Boyfriend!”

         “Ooh, I like the title. I want a fantasy boyfriend. Where do I find him.”


# # #





Part 1 – Romantic Beginnings

Taking a break from chatting it up, and enjoying the romantic candle ambiance of the bedroom, she laid her head back down on his chest where she ...

Fantasy Boyfriend Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

           Knowing how warm and cuddly he was on the couch, she could only imagine what it would be like to sleep with him all night long! After years of sleeping alone, crying herself to sleep sometimes, she might, for the first time, go to bed with a smile on her face all night until she fell asleep. This was no fantasy, either. Tonight, she was to sleep with him for real.

           He pulled away for a second to lead her to bed. He pulled the covers back so she could slide in next to him. His sheets were soft, all white with a white, fluffy down comforter and a solid mahogany headboard. The pure whiteness of the bedding gave off sort of an innocence about what they were doing. Granted, these were two adults who had a growing desire to spend more time together. Their first night would be one to enjoy, snuggled up closely together, side by side all night long, and well … you know how scenes like this pan out.

           “I want to thank you …,” she said softly.


           “Just how you handle me. I mean, I’ve been hurt before, and yet you are so gentle with me. I love how you’re patient and seem like the kind of guy who doesn’t rush into anything. Someone I really liked once literally stopped dating me last year because I wouldn’t perform certain, ahem, duties on him. You’re not like that at all.”

           “You’re right. I’m not. In fact, by morning tomorrow, you’re going to be able to say the exact same thing you just said about me just now again. Word for word.”

           “But, what if I wanted to, you know, what if I … you know, wanted to ravage your body and take advantage of you? How would you respond? Would you take advantage of me?”

           “I would receive, respect, and play with your advances in a way that would only want you to want me that much more,” he said with a smile. “I will say this, though, to the degree you want to do anything to me, with me, in the way that I think you’re thinking, ahem, I say, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Why rush it? Remember this: I will always be more interested in you wanting to let me know when you’re ready for me to do anything to you, I mean for you, together, but again only when you’re ready. I won’t rush anything. By taking our time, when that time does come, and you choose to open yourself up to me, which could be five minutes from now, haha - I’m kidding, that’s when I’ll get the best out of you and all of you. For that special moment in time, I’m quite capable of waiting. Besides, I don’t like to rush into things. I’d rather they come to us when we’re ready. Then, we swing into action and do what we do best.”

           “See? That’s what I mean. I love that about you. You make me want to jump you right now. It’s like, you want it, but you’re waiting for me to want it, too. That is so sexy, to be honest with you, and romantic at the same time.”

           “Well, when you do attack me, lovingly, I might put up a little resistance to hold you back some. Knowing that I am stronger than you, I would hold you back, just a little, making you want me even more, as you make some ground. I would only give you an inch before I give you a mile!”

           “How do you do that?”

           “Do what?”

           “Reverse how a man makes love to a woman.”

           “What do you mean?”

           “I mean, you’re so patient, waiting on me to climb all over you, and only give me a little bit of you to make me want you even more. I can see it might reach a point where I can’t stand it any longer and then I would want you to, ahem, you know, …”


           “... to rip my clothes off and climb all over me and, well, you can imagine where that might lead to.”

           “Well, it’s just something I’ve grown to like about my approach for our first time, you know, our physically romantic encounter together, if you know what I mean.”

           “Oh, I do, I do,” she says eagerly with a great big smile while she closed her eyes to imagine how that might be.

           Taking a break from chatting it up, and enjoying the romantic candle ambiance of the bedroom, she laid her head back down on his chest where she became enveloped in his arms and loving every warm moment of them lying next to each other under the covers of his super comfy bed.

           “Wow, this bed is really comfortable. Where’d you get it?”

           “Actually, you’d be surprised. It’s just your average, everyday home department store. I chose this particular brand and not some fancy-dancy bed with all the form-to-your-body features or special gadgets for three very specific reasons that cater mostly to my needs: relaxation, sleeping, and making love. I even remember buying a bed once at a mattress store where I had to educate the sales clerk why I wasn’t interested in the most advanced bed that conforms to your body.”

           “Wow, I gotta hear this story. Tell me.”

           “Well, I told him that kind of bed was terrible for having sex on. Right there in the store. I explained that there’s no spring, no bounce. You just sink into it like quicksand. That’s terrible for the guy who’s wanting to leverage a little bounce from the perfect mattress with his own gyrating actions and physical movements while on top of his gal. He can save bodily energy and avoid fatigue while making love to her for hours on end with the help of a really great mattress in that manner. I don’t know if you’ve ever made love on a water bed, but it’s the same thing. You sink and can’t get up and bounce up and down so easily. Maybe sometime I’ll share with you what the ‘bullet train’ technique is when making love to a woman.”

           “Bullet train? I’m curious, yes, do tell.”

           “So, that bed was a total ‘no go’ in my book. The clerk looked at me and said, ‘Uh, oookayyy, come this way, I think I have what you might be looking for.’ It was hilarious. I went with a friend and he was just laughing his butt off at how I schooled the mattress clerk with my unforeseen consumer buyer’s response and knowledge. I think he wanted me to work there with him and sell mattresses. It was funny.”

           “I bet. I just got a real education on how to buy the perfect mattress for having sex. Thank you. You need to do a public service announcement about this. The world needs to know. For the best sex, you need to buy x-mattress.”

           “I know, right? Sheesh!”

           He kissed her on the side of her lips just as she finished her statement. As they maneuvered around under the covers for a new and better snuggling position, she felt so good to be held in his arms in the way he held her. Legs entwined, bodies as close as they can be, and her feet touching his feet to keep warm. It couldn’t get much better for the two of them at this lil’ point in time.

           She moved her head up slightly again and kissed him on the lips. Not wanting to stop, they kissed for a few moments longer. She reached her hand over to his and clasped it. He knew the significance of holding her hand as often as he can, so to him, this was just something he loved to do. She sensed it and held on to it while she closed her eyes and kissed him again.

           Before getting into bed, he had put on a space-like, ambient soundtrack from the 1982 movie, Blade Runner, to play in the background all night to set the right mood for falling asleep or making out or making love to.

           Throughout the night, he was careful not to touch her in any of her sexually sensitive areas. They’d synchronize turning over and he’d keep his arms around her pulling her closer to him making her feel safe and secure all night long. There’s a sense of anxiety and vulnerability most women have when they first sleep with a man. That is, they’re testing you, secretly. How thirsty are you to touch their parts? How long can you go? Can you wait for her to make the first move? Will you be all over her like an octopus like so many (thirsty) men are?               

           These are the areas that most men wanna touch as soon as they lay this close to a woman. Well, not our Casanova. He’d rather win her trust before unleashing the tsunami of romantic love, erotic foreplay, and sensuous moves only he knows to bestow on her when the time is right. You see, he’s not so much interested in “getting his” share of the sexual experience. No. He’s more interested in her getting more than she’s ever experienced from a man before. This is only done by NOT doing those things that might push her away (in the night; or the next day), but by drawing her in, closer, with trust established over time.

           Patience, they say, is a virtue. Also, good things come to those who wait, right? He doesn’t buy into the, ‘if you snooze you lose,’ mentality either, or you ‘have to strike while the iron’s hot and she’s in your presence.’ Uh, no. He trusts this process because it is the perfect approach for him. Maybe some guys want to rush into things or go for what they can get or be all grabby-grabby. Again, not our Don Juan. He likes to take his time, take things slowly, and let her make all the moves when she’s ready no matter how long it takes.

           There’s no rushing what she might experience when SHE’S ready. He knows all too well. Besides, he obeys the Laws Of The Bedroom, which states, he must allow her body, mind and heart time to warm up to the idea of making love and be equally ready to enjoy the act of making love together in a style he will introduce to her. Through the years, this rule has never failed him (for her). A true win-win situation between two love beings when they’re ready to join one another, in the flesh and together as ONE!

           What’s more, throughout the night, they would each wake up to notice they were still snuggling tightly. This would move them to kiss each other more when their mouths were close enough to steal a kiss from one another in the night.

           “I am in heaven right now,” she said, thinking to herself. “I cannot get over how warm he is, how soft his touch is, how thoughtful his moves are, and how quiet a sleeper he is. He doesn’t snore. I can barely almost hear him breathe. I have to say, I have no complaints thus far. I love falling asleep with all these candles around us. He even got me a water to have by my side in case I got thirsty during the night. The single rose on the nightstand near me was   


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Part 2 – Erotic Adventures

“As morning came, so did morning kisses, more cuddling, and … breakfast in bed!”

Fantasy Boyfriend Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

    Call it a coincidence, but neither Romeo nor our Juliet were early risers. Each found working at night better for the kind of work they enjoyed doing. So, it was up all night, sometimes, and late to rise in the mid to late morning. Quiet hours at night, no one to bother them, they could get their work done and any client work was done quickly, and without interruption.

    As morning came, so did morning kisses, cozy cuddles, snuggling hugs, and … breakfast in bed!

    “Good morning, darling,” he said to her, in this morning’s sexy voice, as she opened her eyes, still wrapped in his arms from being held all night.

    “Good morning,” she replied back with a morning yawn, bright eyed and smiling.

    “How’d you sleep?” He asked.

    “Like a baby. I can’t believe you held me all night long. I loved it.”

    “Did you know that the best side to sleep on is your left side?”

    “No, I didn’t know that.”

    “What’s also interesting is that our bodies (male/female) were designed in such a way that I could sleep on my left side and hold you all night long. Imagine if we were to sleep on our right sides. That would make it kind of odd to hold each other, whereas you’d be holding me, and that wouldn’t work out after several hours. I say that because it’s natural sometimes for the man to sleep on what appears to be the left side of the bed (when looking at it). In this manner, by design and our male/female creation makes ‘romantic sense’ for us to sleep on our left sides with the man being able to hold his gal every night until they both fell asleep. Okay, I know that was a mouthful, but you get the idea.”

    “That’s very interesting. I never thought about it like that before. Wow, you really know a lot about this kind of male/female romantic stuff.”

    “Well, … Hey, last night, before we dozed off, we were in the middle of something that I wanted to pick up with you this morning.”

    “Sure, what was that?”

    “I think we were … kissing a lot ... like this,” as he took his hand and moved her mouth closer to his for her first morning kiss with him.

    “Oh, yeah, right,” she giggled. “Okay, I think I remember that, too. Like this?”

    She leaned in to kiss him again. Her hands touching his warm body under the covers with his arms around her body keeping her close. This time, nearly wide awake and not so tired, they kissed each other, deeply, for a good 15 to 20 minutes long. They just couldn’t believe how much they enjoyed kissing one another and with nothing pending to pry them apart, they continued to kiss more and more and more. Non-stop morning kissing, and they both loved it.

    By this time, they were comfortable moving their hands around to more sensitive parts of their bodies without going too far. Still, wanting to preserve the dignity of their first night together, they still pushed the proverbial envelope in ways that started to get our two beating hearts thinking about taking things a bit further and beyond just kissing.

    Her body was really warming up to the idea that she could share it with him in ways she had been fantasizing about for awhile now. What she didn’t know is that he was more into her having her fun, her way, on her timeline of comfort before he chose to dive deeper into her world of moist wet cherry love.

    She lay there wondering, “Do I make a move? Is he? Will he? I’m also just loving lying here with him. Well, I’ll wait and see. I know he doesn’t seem like the kind of person to push anything on me, so yeah, I’ll just wait and see. Ugh, he’s so sexy. I love just looking at him in bed across the pillow like we are. His eyes. That look he has. I really do want him, but I should act like a lady, shouldn’t I, for as long as I can? What’s the rule? Is there one? I have NO experience in this area. I’m so delightfully confused. While I could leave it up to him, my body is starting to cry out for more. (Haha) Listen to me! I’m a bumbling bumbler in love …,” she thought to herself and smiled.

    “So, what’s the plan?” she asked.

    “Well, are you hungry?”

    “Kinda, yeah! What’s on the menu?”

    “Well, I have choices. I’m thinking, breakfast in bed, first off. Second, I could make us a fruit bowl or a Belgian waffle or an omelette … what fancies you most, my dear?”

    “I like the Belgian waffle with some blueberries if you have them,” she said.

    “Now, I like syrup, a lot of syrup with my waffles, which I warm up on the stove while I cook the waffle, and I like warm butter when I spread you, I mean spread it over the waffle. What do you like on me, uh, your waffles?”

    “Haha,” she giggles. “I like a little syrup and blueberries sound good. I like how you warm up your syrup and pour it on me, err, the waffle with melted butter all spread out like you talked about. That turns me on, I mean, makes me hungry,” she said really close to him, lying there, discussing the morning’s menu face to face on the pillow together.

    “Hey, I’m into warming up everything, especially my syrup. Okay?” They both smiled and kissed each other.


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Part 2 – Erotic Adventures

She pulled her head back a little from all that kissing, and placed it on his chest and said, “Why are you so good to me?”

Fantasy Boyfriend Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

     She pulled her head back a little from all that kissing, and placed it on his chest and said, “Why are you so good to me?”

     “Because. I like you ... a lot!”


     “Yes. I want you to feel special and comfortable in my surroundings and in the way I treat you. Perhaps, if you like how I make you feel, you might choose to stick around and we might go on to make something more out of what we feel for each other.”

     “I like how you said that. I’ve been thinking the same thing. I like you a lot too,” as she reached her head up to kiss him again. “You know, we don’t have to wear all these clothes to bed.”

     “Oh? Really?” he said with a cute, boyish and puzzled look.

     “No, I normally don’t wear anything to bed. I usually sleep naked. I feel more free. I just wanted to show some respect for you and me being in your home so I wore something to bed.”

     “So, what do you want to do?”

     “Get naked and watch the movie.”

     “Need some help?” he said with a cute, impish and juvenile grin on his face.

     “Of course,” she replied with a sexy smile.

     He helped her unbutton her nightshirt slowly while they continued kissing. He wanted to prolong the act of undressing her for the first time. He was about to see her completely naked for the first time. For her sake and his, he chose to take things ever so s-l-o-w-l-y!

     When there were no more buttons to unbutton, she sat up to take off her nightshirt while he held parts of it so she could slide her arms out of the sleeves. Sitting up, he could see her back, butt, bum crack, arms, her sides, legs, and her breasts as she turned around to face him again, lying down.

     He then got out of bed, took off his boxers, rather slowly, and then slid back into bed. This was her first exposure to his entire body, standing beside his bed, naked, and for only her eyes to see. No hiding under the covers, taking off his boxers, no. He got out of bed so she could check out his entire body, and boy was she impressed. From head to toe, he was lean cut, in great shape, had somewhat of a tan going and absolutely digestible by her sexual tastes and standards of desire in what her ideal man might look like.

     He slid back into bed, pulled her close and started kissing her again. This time, when he ran his hand down her backside, there were no jeans, nightshirt, let alone panties, between his hand and her skin. It was all in the open to touch and caress her flesh from top to bottom.

     She too, ran her hand up and down his body, feeling his muscles and masculine structure. She loved it! She even crossed over his midsection (down there) and came across something growing stiff and hardening.

While they were kissing and he was feeling her backside, with his chest against her breasts, his cock was clearly getting hard. She could feel it pressing up against her body and thought to gently cop a feel.

She liked it, grabbing it with her free hand, stroking it some, sliding her fingers up and down his smooth shaft for the first time. She could feel it getting harder and longer the more she stroked it. She could feel the veins in it popping out along the outside and yet how soft it was at the same time. She moved her hand down to feel his balls and felt those too. She was impressed with the whole package. His cock and balls, in her hand, finally, fingers fondling it softly, and she loved it.

     With all that ball fondling and a growing cock in hand, she was getting quite aroused herself. She opened her eyes after kissing him during this time to look at him. He pulled his head back some to look at her, too. One hand remained on her butt cheek, while the other clasped her other free hand in between her breasts near his chest.

     She then said to him, in a sweet sexy voice, “What do you want to do to me?”     He remained silent a bit as to let her question sink in. This tiny silence also drew her in closely, as she awaited his answer.

     “Well, there’s a lot I want to do to you right now. Something I have in mind was something I was going to talk to you about at some point. Perhaps through an adventure I might take you on, but maybe now is a good time to bring it up.”

      “Sure, what is it?”

     “Well, I have a certain approach I’d like to take with you. That is, yes, we’re naked. Yes, we’re turned on and, yet, I don’t want to rush into anything quite too fast if you know what I mean. Yes, I do enjoy your ...


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Part 3 – Random Realizations Our Lady Has

Random Mental, Emotional, Physical & Psychological Realizations Our Lady Has When Dating Her Fantasy Boyfriend!

Fantasy Boyfriend Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

      Now back at her place, getting back into the swing of things wasn’t too hard. Even though her phone was on do-not-disturb for those days at his house, she was still able to return phone messages, emails and respond to social media inquiries while in bed with him. So, stepping back into her old routine was actually a piece of cake.

         What wasn’t so easy was the stark contrast between staying at his place and returning to hers. His place was warm and cozy, romantic and nurturing in nature. Her place was sort of cold and dark due to the lack of sunlight that entered her home, even though there was a long, huge skylight over the stairs. Her house was average, old construction, nothing special, and on returning home (alone) reminded her a lot of her past, where she’d spent many days and nights home alone!

         Going forward, for now, when she wasn’t either on the phone with him chatting it up and catching up or paying another visit to his place for more fun and relaxation, there would be certain days she’d have thoughts and conversations with herself about some of the new changes taking place in her life where he was concerned.

         While most of them were good and put smiles on her face, some of them were more along the lines of personal self-discovery, deep reflection, random mental, emotional, physical and even psychological realizations as they related to dating her fantasy boyfriend turned real boyfriend.

         With no one to pillow talk with at her place or distract her from what her mind would say to herself or her body went through, she was forced in isolation from him to confront these random thoughts about conversations they had, amazing experiences he put her through, numerous stories and erotic adventures he’d take her on, how he behaved (like a gentleman), how he treated her, how he spoke to her, his mannerisms, insights on life and living it, among other things. While contemplating her past, her present and her future, here were some of those random thoughts and physical occurrences she soon started to experience.

Her Many Thoughts

         “When I was with him, the world seemed to stop, literally. I know I’ve said this before (to myself), but now that I’m back home, my world is on the go, doing my thing, people/clients/sponsors calling me and I’m engaging with them. When I’m at his house, it’s as if he lives in a world where no one bothers him. Sure, he has his own clients/sponsors/deals to tend to, but they never called (all the time). His world was quiet. I guess he has it that way because he was sure able to focus a lot of his time on me. I loved that. I’ve not had that kind of attention on me, ever. He wasn’t watching sports or talking to his guy friends. He’s not like most guys, where that consumes their time and they don’t really spend (much) of their time with the gal they’re seeing. Only when they want sex. It’s an hour or so of socializing (with her) in exchange for an hour of sex. Not with my fantasy boyfriend. No, it was hours and hours of socializing and hanging out together, for, well, hours of sex. HAHA!”

         “Whenever I miss him, I text him. Not constantly, but usually once a day or every other day. If he’s free, he will text back. I trust he might be busy and I appreciate the time we take off between us. Whenever we do talk on the phone, it’s a time that again makes my world stand still. I just love the sound of his voice. After we hang up, if it’s at night when we talk, I sleep so soundly. I love it when he reads to me in bed, too. I can always fall right to sleep to his voice if he reads me a bedtime story.”

         “Again, I’ve just never been treated this way before by any man. I’ve had my share of horrible, heartbreaking experiences. My heart’s been broken so many times I’ve lost count. Yet, he was so patient with me. He romanced me, took me places (in my mind) which were almost as good as experiencing the real thing. He didn’t push me at all in any way. Perhaps, that’s what makes him so different from the other guys I’ve come across. How’d he get this way? Maybe I’ll ask him next time I talk to him.”

         “Because I did start spending several days not seeing him, he would call me to check in and see how I was doing and how I was processing certain thoughts now that I was back at home on my own alone. It’s as if I left him physically, but mentally we were still engaged via conversation. We even did live chats over Zoom so I could see him, not just hear him on the phone. Talking to him from afar, from my house, gave me a different perspective, both physically and mentally, in order to process what I had been through while staying at his place for almost a week. It was in this time away from him that many of the following thoughts and mental conversations came about.”

         “He taught me so many things I’ve never heard of before. I learn a lot from him just when I’m with him. Most guys I meet or dated are either blah, dumb as a box of rocks or just plain ignorant. Not my fantasy boyfriend. He’s well-read, knowledgeable, smart about the world, history, culture, technology, business, making money and life itself. I can ask him just about anything and he would have a sound answer. If he didn’t know the answer, he would admit it and then research it and together, we’d find out the answer. He’s not afraid to ask when he doesn’t know something. He wants to learn; is what I gather. A nice quality to see in a man. No matter, he is an extremely gifted conversationalist. I mean he’d say things someone with a PhD or a Masters degree couldn’t even articulate. His depth of knowledge in certain subjects is dumbfounding.”

         “When I’m away from him, I find myself going through powerful sexual withdrawals. As if I want to drive back over to his place, in the middle of the night, knock on his door, surprise him and say, “I need you right now. Open the front door.” Like an itch you can’t scratch or only he can. It’s as if I’m experiencing some kind of heavy ‘sensuous addiction,’ mentality and physically speaking when I’m away from him. I’m not kidding either. When you’re taken to such highs, physically speaking, and you come down a few days later, you begin to want it again. If you’ve never had it in a long, long while, well, then you’re kind of numb to it all so you don’t suffer. Well, in this case, every few days I’m away from him, I begin to suffer these powerful sexual withdrawal symptoms. I guess that’s why I stay over at his place for a few days in a row, not just one night. I just don’t want to come once when I’m with him, but 3-5 times or more.”

         “He told me to watch out for the coming cycle of friendship peaks and valleys. At first, my closest friends would be happy for me. That would last about a week or two, maybe three at most. Then, they’d start to get curious about him. ‘Who is he? Why do you spend so much time with him? Where’d you meet him? Can we meet him? Does he have a brother we can date too? I think I want to find a man like him!’ While they’d be supportive during the early stages of me seeing my fantasy boyfriend, it wouldn’t be for long. Soon, they’d start to get upset and accuse me of ignoring them. That, I can’t see them or hang out with them like we used to, all because I was spending most of my time with my new guy (and a lot of that time in bed, mind you). It’s interesting how, when you’re lonely and single, everyone’s happy and hanging out. I guess it’s that ‘misery loves company’ syndrome. Then, when you find someone, and you find yourself spending more time with them, your friends are no longer ‘friendly’ to you and they start to resent you dating someone with so much impact on you, even if it’s a positive change in your life. I guess, they are comparing their lives with mine and seeing how their boyfriends don’t treat them as nice or they are in and out of relationships. Maybe I’m smiling more (because my man helps me smile more) and they can’t relate, so they get mad at me. He told me about this and I’m starting to see it happen right before my eyes. Every week, he’ll make a new prediction as to how my friends will respond to me and it will almost always come true. How he knows this, I have no idea. Dating my fantasy boyfriend is a lot like dating a fortune teller, let me tell ya. His ability to predict the future and people is unbelievable.” 


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Part 3 – Random Realizations Our Lady Has

“I’m smiling a lot more (now that I’m seeing my fantasy boyfriend) and it’s obvious to people.”

Fantasy Boyfriend Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

         “I’m smiling a lot more (now that I’m seeing my fantasy boyfriend) and it’s obvious to people. They make statements like, ‘Did you see your man? I can tell. You’re always smiling and happy and skipping when you do. I wish my man would have that kind of effect on me like yours does with you.’ I guess it’s true. Every time I think of him, which is a lot, I smile. When he calls or texts, I smile. When I’m with him, I smile. I started noticing how my lady friends didn’t smile as much or like me, even though they had boyfriends. It was as if my smiling all the time was making them sick with envy or jealousy. After a while, I had to start hiding my smile(s) from them as I didn’t want to conjure up thoughts that I had been with my man and remind them of their own disappointing relationships, if they were in one.”

         “I just don’t know how he knows all that he does about how to treat me, pleasure my body; he really knows what a woman wants! He also knows a woman’s body almost as good or better than a woman. THAT is impressive. He would say things that my lady friends would say and I would always ask, ‘How do you know that?’”

         “I asked him what his past relationships were like and why they didn’t work out. Being told he only had a handful of long-term, monogamous relationships, for whatever reason, it just might not have been the time or the right person for him to stay in those relationships. Perhaps, one gal’s family was crazy or too intrusive on his quiet lifestyle. Maybe he (or she) had to move and one of them couldn’t go with them. Maybe he (or she) wanted one thing that the other couldn’t fulfill at that time. No matter, any breakup he did have with a woman was as amicable as possible. He’d even not date until the other found someone and started dating again. This showed he wasn’t in a rush to replace her and that her heart was important that she find someone soon. Wow, I’ve never dated someone like that. Kinda makes it hard to break up with a person like that.”

         “One thing I’ve noticed when I’m away from my fantasy boyfriend is that he doesn’t bother me when we’re apart. He doesn’t call constantly or text me every hour on the hour. He’s so secure in himself, and yet he lets me come to him when I’m ready, hungry or want attention or physical affection from him. I love that. I can get my work done. I can focus on something I need and not have my time interrupted by some man’s insecurity about where I’m at or why haven’t I called him since yesterday. He gives me a level of freedom I’ve never experienced before when I’m away from him. His level of trust in me is so high. I’m starting to learn how to trust like him too. I know now not to call him every hour on the hour to see where he’s at either. I know he’s busy with his work and because I’m so appreciative in the way he respects my time, I respect his time just the same.”

         “Since I’ve experienced so much pain in my life, he’s the kind of man I can see who would actually love me for who I am. He’d take me with all of my flaws; my skin, my hair, my body, my face, my breasts, … everything about me was accepted unconditionally in his eyes. What he really only wanted was ME, not (just) my body parts. Because of this, I knew he was a real true love to be snatched up so no other woman could have him. Plus, I could end my quest to find love myself.”

         “One thing I’ve noticed when I’m away from my fantasy boyfriend is that he doesn’t bother me when we’re apart. He doesn’t call constantly or text me every hour on the hour. He’s so secure in himself, and yet he lets me come to him when I’m ready, hungry or want attention or physical affection from him. I love that. I can get my work done. I can focus on something I need and not have my time interrupted by some man’s insecurity about where I’m at or why haven’t I called him since yesterday. He gives me a level of freedom I’ve never experienced before when I’m away from him. His level of trust in me is so high. I’m starting to learn how to trust like him too. I know now not to call him every hour on the hour to see where he’s at either. I know he’s busy with his work and because I’m so appreciative in the way he respects my time, I respect his time just the same.”

         “He’s sober! Meaning, he doesn’t drink (unless we’re sharing a beer or a margarita) together. He doesn’t smoke. He doesn’t like that people smoke weed (around him). He’d say smoke on your own turf, but not around him. He just doesn’t do anything that is harmful to his body. This is refreshing, because one of my last boyfriends would drink a lot when I was with him or before he’d come see me. While he would never get physically abusive with me, just the fact that he could, being that he was drunk, scared me. With my fantasy boyfriend being sober 24/7 like he is, it is so reassuring. I feel safe around him. I know he won’t let substance issues overtake him and what’s nice is he insists I stay as sober as I can too. No smoking, no weed, no CBD, no nothing; of which I don’t do any of those things anyway. Again, we’ll have a beer or margarita from time to time, but we usually share one when we have one. Since I’m not a big wine drinker, you’ll never catch me having more than one glass anyway (per week/month), so that’s nice too for him and for me. He drinks a lot of water, which I want to start doing more too.”

         “Something I’ve noticed, spending all this time with him, he never watched porn, snuck away to watch it or even talked about porn. He didn’t correspond with a dozen other women on his phone like I’ve seen other men do. He doesn’t follow half-naked women on Instagram who are only there to show off pictures of their butt every single hour of their life to the public like a whore walking the street looking to make a sale. He doesn’t objectify women’s bodies like I’ve seen a lot of men do. When women are looking for attention or acceptance parading their bodies on Instagram, he doesn’t give one iota about them. He says those women are single, lonely (inside), they all own a dog (in the absence of having a man in their life), and will remain single because they’re looking for validation outwardly because they don’t have a man (in their life) to give them validation inwardly, hence why they parade their photoshoots daily looking for that wee bit of attention, all added up to what one man would normally give them. Perhaps if men were more like men and not little thirsty boys, women wouldn’t need to parade around so much half-naked online; hence, he didn’t want to put it all on the women’s shoulders where this was all concerned. When we’d go out to the store or to the beach, I never saw him stare at other women. It’s as if his attention was always on me. In today’s world, men seem so obsessed with sex, watching porn, staring at women online/offline, they womanize, and they cheat. My fantasy boyfriend stands out as the kind of man every woman wants to be with. He truly is the epitome of a one woman kinda guy. He’s not looking to sow his wild oats. He’s looking for that one special woman to add to the life he’s already created for himself. I find that kind of man completely irresistible.”


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Part 4 – Our Love Story Continues

“I've been alone so much of my life. ‘Boys’ have shattered my heart plenty of times.”

Fantasy Boyfriend Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

         Our love story picks back up again where our lady in love decides to return to her fantasy boyfriend’s place for a few days. TORTURE! That’s what she’s been going through, time and time again after she leaves his place to go home for a while. The emotional and physical urges she has for him when they’re apart have grown to become like torture to her (in a fun and loving way) during her days and especially at night.

         “I can’t go long without seeing him,” she says to herself as she thinks back to all the times they made love together, laid naked between the sheets, cuddling together, coming multiple times in his arms only to be held and cradled in his arms as she lay there in the fetal position while his body wraps around her for warmth and protection afterwards. “We’ve made love so many times together,” she’d say to herself over and over again. “I want to make love to my man again. Only he can take care of my needs like he does.”

         It goes without saying, but our loved starved bunny has been hopping back and forth to his house now for quite a few weeks now and in this 2 to 3 month period of time she’s made more love to this one man than all the men she’s ever had in her entire life, and probably her girlfriends’ love lives combined. Having had so much time, over the past several weeks and on her own time, to process the mental, emotional, psychological and physical reflections, discoveries and realizations, it’s evident, she’s falling more in love with this man every day.

         She wakes up and thinks about him. She goes about her day and thinks about him. She’s on the phone with her girlfriends talking about him. “My man did this … and my man did that …” Her friends are starting to wonder where this is all going and they’re happy for her. “You sound so happy, sis,” one of her friends says to her. “Yeah, I’ve been alone so much of my life. ‘Boys’ have shattered my heart plenty of times. I look back on my life and only see my heart broken so many times that I never thought I’d ever meet someone,” she replies back almost with tears in her eyes as she spoke on the phone with friends.

         Because there have been now several times in which she had to leave his place to go home, every time she left for a few days, maybe a week, the physical bonding withdrawals she’d experienced always came crawling back into her mind and affected her body. Sure, she’s fine a day or two after she leaves his place, but then within days, his touch, his voice, his sweet care would call upon her. She tries to avoid it or put her feelings out of her mind, but to no avail. NOTHING would ever fix what he had broken (in a positive way), which was her mending heart to fall in love with someone, him, notably.

         It’s been observed now within her that she can’t go more than a week or two without seeing him. Sure, they’d talk on the phone at night or in the morning for hours, but that’s not enough when she wants him in the flesh to lie beside her, hold her, keep her warm at night, snuggle with her under the covers, make good love to her throughout the day and night, give her non-stop kisses. What woman could resist staying away from all that?

         “Hey, great to see you,” he said as she walked through his door for another stay for a few days.

         “I couldn’t wait to come see you, baby,” she replied with a whimper smile and a puckered lip looking for a kiss and a hug. “I missed you.”

         “C’mere, give me some sugar, honey,” he replied with his arms wide open to greet her with a hug and a kiss. They stood there near the doorway, leaned up against the back of the couch while they kissed for some time. Arms wrapping around bodies, hands feeling sides and butts and the backs of one another, lips locked on one another’s lips, tongues dancing across tongues … this went on for a little while and why not?

         She looked up, “Mmm, I missed ‘THIS!’”

         “… and I missed you,” he replied, in his soft spoken sexy voice while smiling back at her.

         “I just couldn’t stay away. I had to come see you. I can’t be away from you for long periods of time I’m starting to realize. You draw me in like I’ve never felt before.”

         “… and I’m glad you came over. I missed you being here too. Talking with you on the phone is great, but it just doesn’t do it for me either. I want more.”


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Part 4 – Our Love Story Continues

It’s the combination of these sounds and bodily moves (she makes) that allows her to focus 100% solely on her ...

Fantasy Boyfriend Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

         Picking up where he left off, he began kissing her again. You have to know, kissing her must be done in silence, as in, he must be as silent as possible while she has nothing to focus on but her own breathing, bodily movements, and the sound of his fingers smacking back and forth on her wet clit.

         It’s the combination of these sounds and bodily moves (she makes) that allows her to focus 100% solely on her coming. She wants to come. She needs to come. If he were to do things that distracted her from coming, he would only postpone the inevitable and she might even grow tired and say to him, “Maybe later, honey.” Uh, no! That will not happen on his watch, ever. So, he knows to keep still and quiet while performing is love-making, clit-twitching, female coming duties.

         In doing so, he also gets to observe so much about her body as she goes through this whole process. He learns, studies, applies, and gets to know more about her body than even she does.

         Pretty soon, her body does start showing signs of her coming. Her body shivers and twitches some, her breath grows somewhat quiet, and it’s just when he’s observing for the very final second before she pops into the world of coming, that he then (and precisely then) knows to stop his clit twitching throbbing, freeze for one second only then slowly twitch and throb her clit as to slowly prolong her orgasm.

         Like walking in slow motion, he was moving his hand in slow motion. It paid off too. She was coming and for a longer period of time this time. Seeing that she hadn’t come for quite awhile, since their last visit and this was her first with him tonight, having a longer orgasm was so therapeutic and long overdue for her.

         He continued throbbing and playing with her clit until she had been fully satisfied. This time, lying there, happy, spent, mind-blown, she was really in need of his arms to hold her. He pulled her legs up into the fetal position, draped over his bent legs as he lay on his left side.

         He then pulled the sheets up and over them both as to keep her warm. He then pulled her closer. Her arms folded across her breasts. His left arm, underneath her, wrapped around pulling her tight. Their faces, finally meeting, they kissed and he just held her close. He didn’t say a word to her. Her body was doing all the silent talking. “I’m in love. I’m spent. I’m out of my mind (and body) right now. I just want to lay here in bliss and beside myself. My man made me come again; this time longer and somewhat harder. I feel so good right now. Just hold me, baby, just hold me,” she probably said to herself.

         Holding her there, warm, close to him and in this position he had her in (i.e., the fetal position) safe and sound, continued once again to feed her heart and mind with the idea that he truly is her protector. He makes her come (feel good), then allows her time to enjoy the aftermath of that sensation, only to then quickly shelter her from the cold, keeping her warm, and letting her have all the time in the world to come back to reality. This was a kind and giving man, no question. All she was to do was lie there and enjoy the state of bliss she was lost in.

         After regaining some level of strength and consciousness, she spoke. “Honey, I feel so good.”

         He then replied, in an almost sexy, whispery tone of voice, “Oh yeah? You feel good, baby?”

         “Oh, yeah …”

         “How was that? Did you like how I made your orgasm seem to go on longer?”

         “Yes. It did. You did it, baby. I came much longer than I used to before. How did you do that?”

         “Hey, it’s my little secret. When you want that done to you again, you come to me, okay?”

         “I will. Thank you, baby. You’re so good to me.”

         “Well, my pleasure is your pleasure, remember.”

         “I remember, but how can I please you?”

         “You do, just by being here, naked with me, doing the things we do. I get a lot out of our just being together.”

         “I know.”

         “Later, we can have some fun and you can please me. Right now, just relax and enjoy this moment. It’s all you and I want you to learn from what you just experienced. How your body’s affected, how you feel. In fact, did you know? The reason I wanted to give you a slower, more long-lasting orgasm, was so the other parts of your body could feel what you just went through? Like watering a plant. Why make the leaves wait for water by just watering the soil. No. Give them some water directly and water the soil. It’s kind of like your other body parts are calling out, we want to feel as good as her pussy region feels. This is your knee talking and your thigh and your foot and your hands and fingers and breasts.”

         “I can see what you mean. When I came, my entire body felt it this time because it wasn’t just over in a few seconds, but instead it lasted way longer. You’re right. My whole body felt it this time. I even think you helped my orgasm reach a deeper part of my mind as well.”

         “Then, there you have it. I knew what I was doing and I knew I wanted you to have a new kind of orgasm this time around.”

         “Thank you, baby. You’re always so good to me.”

         They kissed and held each other a little while longer until they both were ready to take a little break before the movie started.


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