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Hair Care, Hair Loss & Hair Growth by Bart Smith

Hair Care, Hair Loss & Hair Growth Report

© 2005-2024 by BartSmith.com


Hey everyone, BART SMITH here with an amazing article on hair care, hair loss and hair growth! At some time in everyone’s life, HAIR LOSS AFFECTS MILLIONS OF MEN AND WOMEN worldwide, no matter the age.

Well, just like working out, taking care of your mind and body and eating right, a healthy head of hair requires proper care inside and out. As you will learn, there are a host of reasons why we lose are hair and how we can encourage hair growth and healthy hair. 

Here’s a little information that I believe causes hair loss and how you could either get some of it back or simply maintain your current strong healthy head of hair right now!
I’ve been adhering to what you’re about to read below for going on 30+ years.

So, a ton of my methods and hair care discovery has been tried, true and tested beyond any shadow of a doubt. BUT, you be the judge and apply what works for you and monitor your own results. Note, I was 52 years old in the picture you see (taken Summer 2021) and just before I got my hair cut! Yikes! Look at that mop! I'm 54 years old now and my hair is still growing strong!


In fact, every time I want into a room or a store or I got on a Zoom call, it doesn't matter, my hair attracts people's eyes and comments: "Look at that hair!"  "I would kill for your hair." → "I wish I could grow my hair out like you did."  "Your hair reminds of some 80's movie!" → "My female health clients would do anything to have your hair." You can imagine. Well, without any further adieux, let me tell you my story and share my hair care/growth regimen. Ready? Let's go!


  • I am NOT going to get all scientific on you and talk about what all the other hair growth companies and so-called experts and gurus talk about when it comes to reasons why you experience hair loss and how you go about experiencing hair growth.

  • I find all their explanations to be overly scientific, unrelatable, over our heads, full of B.S. and a waste of our time. So, you're not going to find any of their talking-points or mumbo jumbo in MY hair care/growth report. Thank heavens, right?

  • Those companies and gurus can get all labbed out and scientific on someone else, but not you and I. Hence, I'm not going to talk to you about DHT and other (whatever else) they hurl at us in their long-winded ads about why people experience hair loss and why you need to buy their expensive solution.

  • These so called hair growth experts don't impress me one bit. WHY? Because they ALL leave SOOOOO MUCH other important stuff OUT when it comes to WHY we lose our hair and HOW to grow it back in more natural ways that don't cost us an arm and a leg.

  • That said, you're only going to come across → common sense, down to earth language, every day hair care, hair loss, hair growth wisdom from someone who's lived it, experienced it and for more for than 30+ years!!!

  • That being said, let's get at it, shall we? The TRUTH about hair loss, hair care and hair growth NO ONE has EVER told you before until .... NOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! 

  • WHAT Causes Hair Loss?

  • Poor Nutrition → If you didn’t know this already, once we grow up, and leave mommy’s house; we no longer have access to the nutritious meals Mom used to feed us. Instead, we’re on our own, which means fast food, hot dogs, pizza, ice cream, beer ’n’ tacos. I’m exaggerating to make a point. But, seriously, where are the nutrients in these foods? There aren’t any. Hair needs nutrients to grow.

  • Poor Scalp Circulation → As we get older, our once great circulation system can lose some of its efficiency. Among them is proper circulation to the scalp. When blood isn’t circulating to the scalp, nutrients can’t get (a ride) up there.

  • Clogged (Scalp) Skin Cells → Hair has a hard time growing when the surface of the scalp is clogged with oils and sebum.

  • Poor Hair Care → Must wash, condition, and brush your hair often.

  • Abuse Of The Hair → Don’t pull, yank or over chemicalize your hair. You'll damage it. Hair is fine, not tough and rugged to be abused.

  • Stress, Stress, Stress → Stress destroys cells and a lot more. Stress can rob your scalp of needed blood flow, which causes the hair follicles to not get the nutrients they need.

  • Little Sleep → Three hours a night won’t cut it!

  • Over Shampooing Your Hair → Many shampoos contain chemicals and cleaning agents that are not good for the hair.

  • Hereditary Causes → Are your relatives losing their hair? Look to your mother’s father? BUT, don't fret. Both of my grandfathers (mother's/father's side) lost their hair and I haven't. So, there's hope here.

  • Hormonal Problems → Maybe there are imbalances.

  • Some Medicines → Absolutely ...

  • Certain Infections → Very possibly ...

  • Birth Control Pills (Women) → It’s been known to happen.

  • Pregnancy (Women and Men!) → Stress and other issues …

  • Vitamin And Mineral Deficiencies → Nutrition again ...

  • In many cases, prevention can help thwart present and future hair loss, and in some cases, slow it down or stop it all together!

    HOW Can You Prevent Hair Loss?

  • Avoid shampoos with these ingredients: sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), sodium Laureth sulfate (SLES), and ammonium lauryl sulfate. They are all different types of sulfates that can potentially cause allergic reactions on the scalp even hormone issues after prolonged use. It’s like using laundry detergent on your hair. UH NO! Seriously, these shampoos are typically found/bought at grocery stores, department stores, and pharmacies. Avoid them at all costs. Check the shampoo(s) in your shower right now. IF you see these ingredients in your shampoos, toss them out and replace them pronto! 

  • Add B-complex vitamins to your diet. The B-vitamins include: Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic acid (B5), Pyridoxine (B6), Biotin (B7), Folate (B9), and Cobalamin (B12). You can opt to take your vitamins in liquid, pill, capsule, gel or gummy form. Recommendations are shared below in this report.

  • Avoid costly surgeries and risky operations. Hair transplants can also have risks, including: bleeding, infection, scarring, unnatural-looking new hair growth, complications from general anesthesia, such as allergic reaction, and nerve damage, including permanent loss of sensation. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS Google reviews and complaints are worthy testimonials when you are considering hair care/growth options. Hair transplants, grafting, scalp reduction, or tissue expansion procedures are expensive and don’t work for everyone. So, do your homework, and check out the issues before you spend a single $1.

  • Consistently clean your comb and brush of dead hairs weekly/monthly. I was my combs after every use with a little running water and let them air dry.

  • Consume fresh foods, fruits and vegetable greens. After we leave home at 18 and started living on our own as adults, our diets changed. How so? Well, we went from, possibly, good home cooking from Mom to fast food, junk food, bad eating habits, etc. Over time, those poor eating habits robbed our bodies of the needed nutrition our scalps need to thrive and grow. I provide my diet regimen below.

  • Cleanse your intestinal tract (with a colon cleansing formula) so you can absorb more nutrients and vitamins from the foods you do consume. A blocked intestinal tract cannot absorb all those nutrients. So, we gotta work on that.

  • Cut your hair often to trim those split ends! Split ends are generally bad and sign that there's a problem with your hair which should be assessed. Split ends also can prevent hair growth and may even cause your hair to snap.

  • Don’t blow dry your hair if you can avoid it. Gently towel pat down your hair or go outside (if it's not too hot or cold) and let the wind dry your hair naturally in under 2-3 minutes. Roll the car window down and let the wind dry your hair. All up to you, but avoid blow drying your hair with that high concentration of heat.

  • Don’t use someone else’s hair brush; it’s unhealthy. Use your own. Who knows what kind of hairy “creepy crawlies” lurk in their hairbrush. What's more, after reading this report, I bet they don't take care of their brush like you do yours.

  • Follow up with a good conditioner after you shampoo your hair every time. Simply shampooing your scalp isn't enough. That will leave your hair ultra dry after you get out of the shower. In addition to shampooing your hair, always apply a good conditioner and don't be in a rush to rinse it out. Let it lather up and stay on your hair for a good 2-5 minutes. Do something else while your conditioner sets in and does its moisturizing job. Shave, soap up, clean the shower while you're in there, etc. Then, rinse your hair with cold (not hot) water to lock in those conditioning nutrients. 

  • Keep away from pool chlorine and other harmful chemicals as best you can that might break down the hair follicle. Otherwise, just monitor your experience in such environments. I swim in our community pool and don't really see a problem IF I rinse my hair with fresh water just as soon as I exit the pool. Typically, there's a shower near the pool to rinse all the chlorine off you before you head home.

  • Don't over color or treat your hair with too many chemicals way too often. There is the chance you can damage your hair by subject it to too many treatments, colorings, chemicals, you name it. Be kind to your hair.

  • Brush your hair often to generate stimulation to the scalp, yes, but don't brush too hard or pull on your hair in the process. Again, the hair is fragile and can be pulled out by the root if yanked or pressured by your brushing. Use large toothed combs on wet hair and don't always brush the hair back; instead, change it up and comb it to the side from time to time. We don't want your hair to start feeling like it must always be brushed back exposing more and more of your forehead. Allow the hair to dry in different directions when possible.

  • Gently massage the scalp and hair three times a day (morning/noon/night). Stimulate your scalp, and brush your hair before you go to bed! Another technique is to take your hands and pull your hair back from your forehead and sides and then back to front. By doing this, you gently pull the hair to stimulate blood flow. See how your head is flush pink/red when you do this? That’s blood flow bringing nutrients to the scalp.

  • Remember, your hair didn’t fall out overnight. Keep in mind that it won’t grow back overnight, either. 

  • MY PERSONAL Hair Care Routine!

    In this section, I’m going to share with you my personal routine, steps, procedures, products and more that I use and implement on a regular basis to help prevent hair loss, stimulate hair growth and keep my hair as healthy as it can be. 

    I believe my methods are natural, doable, duplicatable, affordable and above all healthy for you now and for years to come. I’ve been following my own set of hair care steps and procedures for more than 30 years. So, for me, I know this works.

    Am I open to trying new vitamins, products, shampoos and conditioners? Absolutely. But, what’s interesting though, when I do, I usually wind up coming back to what’s tried and true for me. Which is ... the following (and what you’re about to read, picture yourself doing these same things ...).



    BEFORE I GO TO BED, I'll shampoo my hair! Throughout the next 6-8 hours (while sleeping) my hair gets to benefit from the awesome treatment and care a good shampoo and conditioner can provide. Then, when I wake up, whenever that may be and as soon as I can, I shampoo and condition my hair again. I want my hair to constantly have a fresh dosage of vitamins and nutrients from the shampooing and conditioner all day/night long.

    Now, I use two (2) shampoos and one (1) conditioner substituting a couple other custom types of shampoos as needed from time for a little variety. BUT, the main shampoos and conditioner I use are:

    Renpure Biotin & Collagen Thickening Hair Shampoo for All Hair Types, 32 fl oz

    STEP 1:
    Biotin & Collagen

    Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Shampoo

    STEP 2: 
    Trader Joe’s
    Tea Tree Tingle

    Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Shampoo

    STEP 3: 
    Trader Joe’s
    Tea Tree Tingle

    My Shampooing Procedures Are As Follows: 

  • STEP #1 → Start with this RenPure Biotin & Collagen Shampoo available on Walmart. Leave on your hair for 3-5 minutes before rinsing. Soap up your body while you wait (with regular soap of course). Nicely effective and doesn’t break the bank, unlike some of these other shampoos that run $40-60 per bottle and you don't even get that much shampoo. Uh, no thanks. I'll pass on ALL OF THEM. This shampoo costs approximately $8 in the store and for 32 oz. Now, THAT'S more in my budget and bang for my buck, wouldn't you say?

  • STEP #2 → Then use Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle Shampoo. Leave on hair for 2-3 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. This shampoo costs approximately $5 in the store. Online? It varies.

  • STEP #3 → Lastly, I’ll condition my hair with Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner. I also shave my face during this time to let the conditioner really moisturize the hair. So, the conditioner stays on my hair for 5-10 minutes. Now, rinse with cold water; not hot. This conditioner costs approximately $5 in the store. Online? It varies.

  • Simply, I'll "rinse and repeat" these same three small steps with every shower. After I towel off, I'll comb my hair when it's wet. I don't brush it. When your hair is wet it's at its weakest stage and can break easily as opposed to when it's dry.

    As mentioned before, I don't blow dry my hair. For those who must, perhaps partially blow dry your hair then let it dry naturally. Blow drying your hair day in and day out can dry out and damage your hair over time. In a hurry to dry your hair? Step outside in the wind (if it's not too cold or hot) or got a fan? Let that cool air from the fan dry your hair. Just avoid direct HEAT onto the hair at all costs.

    Again, from time to time, I’ll mix up my shampoos and conditioner with some other brands to test them, but I always come back to these shampoos and conditioner after trying others.




    Have you heard of "hair shakes?" Every morning, I’ll ask myself, “When was the last time I had a hair shake?” I usually have a hair shake a few mornings per week or after a workout because I like a chilled, refreshing shake after working out. Sometimes, I’ll have a shake for 2-3 days in a row, and then I’ll take a break.

    These shakes can sometimes be very filling, which is why I don’t have them every day or I’ll skip a few days and only have shakes 1-3x per week. Note that I always have these shakes in the morning so they keep me satisfied all day. The shake powder I use is NaturesPlus Ultra Hair Thick Shake. I purchased it on Amazon.com for $22-$25 per canister, and I can make one canister last between 2-3 months! So, no bad at all cost-wise.

    Now, my hair shake recipe does make a lot (upwards of 16-18 oz). So, ladies, feel free to cut everything in HALF! Your body size doesn’t need to consume as much as a man’s body; so you might consider making a smaller shake. That's all.


    ★ 1 scoop NaturesPlus Ultra Hair Thick-Shake powder.

    ★ 1 banana. (OPTIONAL: You can freeze bananas and then slice them into the blender to make for an even colder shake.)

    ★ 1 cup frozen blueberries or ice, but I prefer berries for that berry flavor and they chill the shake nicely. Also, I prefer blueberries because they don't have seeds. I love mixed berries with raspberries and blackberries and strawberries, but I just found the seeds in those berries didn't make for a great shake experience. You try it and you be the judge. For me, I'm stickin' with blueberries. 

    ★ 1/4 cup of almonds (optional; almonds are very good for the hair).

    ★ I USE WATER although you could use Almond milk or some other milk. Water just has ZERO calories. Try it. See if you don’t miss using a milk of your choice. You’ll save about 150-300 calories.




    l LOVE and take these Hair Vitamins, Hair Gummies with Biotin 5000mcg and Vitamin E & C, Biotin Gummies which support hair growth, are Non-GMO, for stronger, beautiful hair, skin and nails. Believe it or not, they really make you SMILE WIDE when you chew them. Other gummies aren't that good, they're hard and aren't a joy to consume like these.

    Typically, I'll take two of these gummy supplements a few times a week when I’m not having my hair shake or taking Natrol Biotin pills. Watch out thought, because they can be quite addictive and yummy at the same time. They're not candy. They're supplements.




    On days when I don’t have a hair shake or if I'm out of my Hair Growth Gummies, I might chew up to four (4) 10,000 mg Natrol Biotin Beauty Tablets. I chew them slowly (in the mouth / don't swallow them whole) to fully absorb them into my system NEAR MY HEAD! Doing this for 2-3 consecutive days per week, on and off, is all the body needs. This also helps me conserve my other hair care/growth pills, gummies and hair shake powder. 


    Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide)


    Vitamin B3 Niacinamide 500mg Per Capsule, 400 Capsules | 1,000mg Flush Free Niacin Per Serving, Essential B Vitamin Supplement | Skin Care Health & Energy Support | Non-GMO, Gluten Free

    From time to time, I might also take 2 capsules of Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide) every day; not worrying if I miss or skip a day. 

    ★ Niacinamide can help hair grow faster and thicker by improving blood circulation in the scalp and providing nutrients to hair follicles. It can also help reduce oxidative stress, which can damage hair follicles and prevent hair growth. 

    ★ Niacinamide can help hair look and feel healthier by increasing body, suppleness, and sheen. It can also help improve the texture of damaged hair by building keratin. 

    ★ Niacinamide can help regulate oil and balance the scalp, and reduce inflammation. It can also create a protective layer that supports healthy hair growth. 


    Vitamin D3


     NatureWise Vitamin D3 2000iu (50 mcg) Healthy Muscle Function

    From time to time, I might also take 2 capsules of Vitamin D3 every day; not worrying if I miss or skip a day. Vitamin D3 can have several benefits for hair, including:

    ★ Stimulating hair growth → Vitamin D3 can help create new hair follicles, which can lead to thicker, fuller hair. It can also help regrow hair in areas that are thinning.

    ★ Reducing hair loss → Vitamin D3 has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce hair loss caused by inflammation in the scalp. One study found that female patients with alopecia had significantly lower levels of vitamin D3.

    ★ Improving nutrient absorption → 
    Vitamin D3 can help hair roots absorb other nutrients.

    ★ Supporting protein cells → When the body doesn't have enough vitamin D, the protein cells in hair follicles can't function properly, which can lead to stunted growth and shedding.




    Check this out, I did some research on what foods you should eat that could help you with hair growth and which also might slow hair loss down (a lot). Well, guess what I found?

    I found a TOP 10 LIST of foods you could eat that are great for your hair and do you know what?

    I discovered I've been eating 90% of those foods for the past 30 years!!!! That means, and what I've concluded to be the #1 THING YOU CAN DO to help your hair loss, hair growth and overall hair care is??? In WHAT YOU EAT and drink.

    So, I'LL SAY THIS HERE once and foreverYOUR DIET HAS MORE TO DO WITH your hair loss, hair growth and maintaining a healthy head of hair than all the pills, potions, shampoos, conditioners, micro-needle rollers and transplant surgeries combined!

    ★ WITHOUT A HEALTHY DIET, you might as will KISS ALL YOUR MONEY GOODBYE as the results you get from taking any of those advertised hair growth drugs, pills and scalp serums won't do you any good once you get off them. So, hint, save your money with whatever is advertised by doctors, scientists and other so-called hair guru experts and invest that money better in what you eat/drink for better hair growth!

    ★ I TRULY BELIEVE, it's been my DIET and WHAT I EAT, don't eat, drink and don't drink that has helped me maintain a healthy head of hair for the past 3 DECADES plus, and remember, I'M 54 YEARS OLD!!! I'm not in my 20s, 30s or 40s. So, I think this alone says a lot. 

    Now, you might ask, what foods should you eat to help maintain a healthy head of hair and promote hair growth and slow down any signs of hair loss? Well, that information is available in a special report I sell for $97 on my website! I'M KIDDING! Here ya go! All the foods you should be eating to help maintain healthy hair and hair growth:

    Salmon (i.e., fatty fish)
    Sweet Potatoes
    Nuts (i.e., almonds)

    Hemp & Chia Seeds
    ✓ Lentils

    Fruits (i.e., lemons, oranges, grapefruits, apples and bananas)



    Now, what foods might worsen hair growth and cause hair loss? Well, sugary foods for example can negatively affect blood vessels in the scalp decreasing circulation of nutrients to the scalp. Foods like fried foods, greasy foods, candy, cakes, and cookies should also be avoided, except in moderation of course. 

    So, having said all that about food and diet and what to eat, did you know? Like I said, I eat 90% of what's mentioned in that list above. For example, I make sure to eat my "World Famous" Salmon / Spinach Salad at least 2-3 times per week and my Sautéed Sweet Potatoes at least 1-3 times per week. (SEE PHOTOS BELOW)

    My salad always includes spinach, parsley, and other healthy greens along with hemp seeds, slices of red grapes, steamed carrots and other ingredients. My sautéed sweet potato dish always include steamed broccoli, cauliflower, crushed pecans and your choice of protein (i.e., salmon, chicken thighs, chicken breast, etc.). 

    Consuming high-nutrient, hair-beneficial meals like these can do wonders for your hair, sustain hair growth and slow down hair loss. Don't believe me? Look at those with unhealthy diets and who eat a lot of sugary foods. How's their hair? Thick or thin or none? Then, you've got those who drink a lot of sugary sodas. I haven't had a soda in (going on) 30 years. 

    I only drink LOTS of water, fresh juice from my juicer and a beer or margarita from time to time. Whenever I stray from these two (specific) meals for too long, I see and feel my hair suffer little by little. What's more, all the pills and oils and scalp serums can't do what a good healthy diet can do. Trust me, I've got 30 years on this very subject tried and true.

    What's more, you know I make the world's best chocolate chip cookies, right? Now, imagine, I've probably eaten some 15,000 cookies in my lifetime (I lost track). What does that mean? It means I HAVE eaten A LOT of sugary foods. I also love chocolate cake, ice cream, berry/apple pies, milk chocolate peanut butter cups, candy bars, etc. Well, without an amazing diet and the meals I eat on a regular basis, I could NEVER COMBAT all that sugar intake potentially doing my body, my scalp and my hair (growth) harm. THANK HEAVENS I do eat healthy like I do. Right? You bet.

    In the morning, I may just have an apple, perhaps some slices of another fruit, or I’ll juice fresh fruits or vegetables as well every other day or so. I rarely ever eat cereal, oatmeal, muffins, bread, toast or bagels for breakfast.

    So, as you can see, I’m getting a lot of healthy nutrients from the fruits I consume for my scalp, hair and body. No red meat for me, which takes up to 3 days to digest in the body. I've seen some people who told me they never eat fruit or they eat a lot of meat and no greens. Their hair? Thin and getting thinner. So, go figure, eh?

    For other meals, I might dine on my very popular BBQ chicken thigh soft tacos (or mini-burritos) with sautéed bell peppers, Mexican rice and black beans 1-3x per week. Even my "world famous" homemade pizza has fresh toppings on it that include fresh bell peppers, sliced mushrooms and freshly sliced pineapple.

    For other healthy meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, be sure to check out my cookbook Who's Hungry?



    For decades, I've been using a massaging hair brush to brush my hair and massage my scalp. Regular brushes cannot stimulate the scalp like a massaging hair brush can. Side note, and for what it's worth, I do NOT like those derma roller microneedle rollers. The amazing comfort, stimulation and circulation generation a massaging hair brush can do to your scalp does the trick every time!

    Daily, I’ll use the BACK SIDE of the MASSAGING HAIR BRUSH to massage the front, top, sides and back of the scalp for a few minutes until I feel the blood flowing and then I might do it again later that day when passing by the bathroom. It just takes 30 seconds or so to feel the warmth of scalp stimulation.

    When you do this, WATCH your hair EXPLODE off your scalp into thicker hair!!! I might be exaggerating to make my point, but try and and you'll see! For me, my hair thickens and looks like a bird's nest! A good thing, of course. The point is, those hair follicles were getting tons of blood and other nutrients flushed into them via the massaging hair brush. Hey, why not keep the massaging hair brush at your desk (and bring it to bed with you) to stimulate your scalp non-stop throughout the day and before bed and when you wake up?

    If you buy more than one of these massaging hair brushes, which you should, keep one in the car, in the bathroom, by your bed, by the couch or TV, at the office, you name it. The point is, you could be massaging your scalp every day and everywhere you go. You see, when the scalp isn't stimulated, the only time it gets blood flow is when you lie down for bed and even then? You might be STRESSED and can't sleep. So? Massage your scalp throughout the day no matter where you are. 

    Now, I've bought two kinds of massaging hair brushes: (#1) a $20 to $30 massaging hair brush off Amazon and (#2) $3-4 ones off AliExpress.com. You know about AliExpress, right? They're out of China and shipping runs approximately 2-3 weeks, in most cases; unlike shipping here in the USA domestically.

    Anyhow, check out these prices, and consider buying the Amazon version first. Get it soon and start massaging your scalp sooner than later! THEN, order 6-10 of the smaller/cheaper models. Typically, these brushes have about a 8-12 month life cycle until they're a little warn out from (heavy) use. So, it'd be nice to have a few extra massaging brushes on hand. Here are my notes on what AliExpress offers:

    This is a good alternative massaging hairbrush and it's inexpensive. Cost $3.XX per brush. You could easily order 6-10 of them. Pricing subject to change from time to time, of course.

    This is a good alternative massaging hairbrush and it's inexpensive. Cost $3.XX per brush. You could easily order 6-10 of them. Pricing subject to change from time to time, of course.

    … and another for $0.51 per brush! WOW! Pricing subject to change from time to time, of course.

    Consider the possibilities and TAKE HAIR GROWTH MASSAGING ACTION NOW and BUY 5-10 of these brushes after you get your first initial massaging hair brush from Amazon. That’s what I did. Get one brush in a few days and start using it. Then, while you have that one brush, order 6-10 other ones for real cheap to serve as your backup brush(es). You can even massage your scalp with two massaging brushes at the same time. With one in each hand, go for it!



    While I try to watch what I eat so I don’t eat foods that might clog up my intestines, to ensure my body can absorb the most nutrients it can (from what I do eat that's healthy) for proper hair care and hair growth, I'll cleanse the intestines 1-3x per week. 

    If all you ate was junk food, over time, your intestinal walls might clog up. If you don't get enough fiber in your diet, your intestinal walls might clog up. As a result, you would begin to absorb fewer and fewer nutrients from the foods you eat. Not good where your hair is concerned.

    So, again, usually 1-3x a week, I'll cleanse my intestines (on an empty stomach) with a cleansing product like this (or similar) sold on Amazon, which I'll take in the morning on an empty stomach when I wake up.

    NOW® WHOLE Psyllium Husk (24-Ounce) NOW® Psyllium Husk POWDER (24-Ounce)

    If you want to increase your fiber intake like I do, then here's a great product to incorporate into your dietary regimen. Keep in mind, they have two versions: (1) the WHOLE psyllium husk version which consists of white flakes of psyllium husk, and (2) the POWDERED version which is like a ground powdered version. I like both, but prefer #1 the WHOLE husk version because of it's taste.

    : FOR ME, I choose to:

  • Take this product 2-3x per week, in the morning, and on an empty stomach. I might eat an apple afterwards for something to eat, but I won't eat much if at all for 4-6 hours after I consume this product. I want it to do its job without it competing with a heavy meal, if that makes sense.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon (for us guys; for ladies, one teaspoon might be plenty) into 6 oz. of room temperature bottled water. I use a plastic funnel filter to pour the powder easily into the bottle in seconds. Then, screw on the bottle's top after pouring the powder into the bottle, shake/mix quickly and consume immediately. I say 6 oz. because you can drink 6 oz. faster than 12 oz.

  • Note, psyllium husk powder solidifies fast in water. So, it's best to drink this water+husk combination in small dosages (i.e., 6 oz. vs. 12 oz.). Make sense?

  • If you wait to drink the mixture of water and husk, then it gets too thick to drink and you have to toss it away and start anew. If you drink it right way then it’s really easy to drink and it has no real taste to it. 

  • If you've not cleansed your intestines in a while, you might not notice anything in the beginning where hair growth (or slowing down hair loss) is concerned.

    Yet, over time, if you're consistent with cleansing your intestines, you'll begin to absorb more nutrients from the foods you eat and the liquid supplements you drink. In that time period ongoing, you'll start to see your hair not fall out so much, or remain strong and healthy or you might start to see more hair growth. Why? Because your hair is now finally able to consume the very nutrients it was intended to absorb, but couldn't because your intestines were clogged. Well, clogged they be no more, right? You bet!



    Wide Tooth Combs for Women and Men

    Hair that's wet and filled with moisture is more fragile than hair that's dry, which can result in snapping when brushed. So, it's best to comb wet hair. As such, it's recommended to brush hair in a dry state. This may mean allowing your hair to air-dry post-shower before beginning to comb through hair strands. 




    No matter how long or short your hair is, but when it's dry, take your hands and pull your hair back to the point where you feel like you're pulling your hair out of your scalp. You're not really, but what you're doing is creating blood flow to the scalp which helps nourish you're with needed circulation and other vital nutrients.

    Imagine if you didn't do this and you just let your scalp sit. Do you ever feel those needle-like pricks in your scalp? Kind of like you wanna scratch your scalp? Well, think of those prickly sensations as a call to massage your scalp and in addition to your massaging hair brush and scratching your head/hair, add on this technique of pulling the hair in your front back and the hair in your back to the front. You can pull your hair on the sides too.

    All this helps, again, generate blood flow to the scalp. When I do it, as you can see in the video above, my scalp gets really red. I love that. That means my scalp is getting blood flow. Then, after you do this quick procedures, which takes only 30-60 seconds or so, look at your hair? How does it look? Fuller? Healthier? Mine does. 

    HAIR CARE TIPS #12-14


    12. I also keep my hair trimmed, even if it’s a light trim or shaping just to cut any loose ends, dead ends, or shaggy bits in my hair. Don't let your hair go too long without a cut or let it grow longer than it should. Keep your hair short enough (for your desired style) so the blood flow doesn't have to nourish longer hair, but shorter hair. Hence why men and women keep their hair short(er) as they grow older. The hair just isn't getting the nutrients it used to when one was younger. Does that make sense? 

    13. Now, there was a hair care product I used in the 90’s that would cleanse my scalp of oils and sebum and clean the hair follicle shaft, as well as stimulate the scalp to generate natural blood flow to bring nutrients to the scalp. Stay in touch with me while I continue to find the ideal replacement for that product. or manufacture it myself! I’m still testing different products. FOR NOW, the premise was something similar to taking a cotton pad and adding about 2-3 eye-dropper size drops of rubbing alcohol on those cotton pads and wiping the scalp with it in areas that were balding, thinning and where you had normal hair growth. The concept is that it cleans the scalp from unwanted oils and stimulates the scalp too at the same time. Try it, lightly, and see what you think. It's no where near this original formula I used to buy and use for years, but it's close ... for now. I do this 1-2x a week. 

    14. While I’m open to trying new products, vitamins, even shampoos, etc., that purport to stimulate hair growth, I’m also very SKEPTICAL that they → MIGHT NOT WORK AT ALL!!! Did you know? 80% of the time, I find ADVERTISED PRODUCTS DON'T WORK as much as they say they do. These hair care/growth products are just the latest scam on the block to help give you hope that you can maybe grow your hair back possibly kinda well sorta perhaps. Talk about your SALES JARGON GARBAGE! Well, in my book and my keen observation(s) they're all bull to me. After researching 40+ hair growth products online extensively, then seeing how much they cost, absolutely poor reviews shared on Amazon and other review websites, and how little they work, I simply revert back to my 30+ YEAR TESTED, self-prescribed hair care/growth routine that I've laid out for myself (and you) and I’m 110% fine with just sticking to what I know and do best as described here on this page you're reading.

    Now, whenever you hear about ANY hair care/growth product being heavily advertised anywhere, Google that product or service name with the words “complaints” or “reviews” or “returns” or “sucks” after it and see what comes up? Also, head on over to Amazon.com, look up the very product you're interested in trying and read the reviews. Here's how I gauge a good product → I must see 70% or more 5-STAR reviews and LESS THAN 7% 1-STAR reviews.

    Here’s an example, “simfort” (shampoo). Then, read the search results for about 15-20 minutes. What did you find? Testimonial reviews like this one: “I am still on my first bottle (of Simfort shampoo) and have not seen any change in growth or thickness. In so many cases, companies like these DON'T CARE. It's a numbers game to them. If they sell 100,000 units and only get 10,000 returned/refunded, they still made a nice profit. BUT, 10,000 people weren't openly happy and another 10,000+ who didn't return or review the product go unheard from. NOT GOOD by any account.

    What's more, you might get stuck on some recurring billing B.S. that charges your credit card on a recurring monthly basis "... for $124.60 a month. I’ve been notified by a company that it would take 25 business days to return funds or the company just refused to cancel the subscription. Now if they had a reputable product, would they really need to conduct business in this way!?!"

    Or, how about this video review on YouTube or this comment that was left: "Everything I've ever bought from YouTube ads has been extremely disappointing, ineffective and left me feeling like I got scammed. Never buying anything ... without long and thorough research. Over $1k in purchases that were mostly ineffective in accomplishing what they claimed."

    BOTTOM LINE? Do your own deep research when it comes to ANY AD YOU SEE! Especially, hair transplants complaints and hair transplant reviews. Granted, not everyone will experience what others have experienced, but still, I'd rather research any service that wants to charge you thousands of dollars for ____??? What are they promising? What will you get for your money? How long will the process take? How much PAIN will you be in during/after the transplant? And, what if you have problems with the transplant and the doctors aren't around to help you or they don't want to? They got their $X,XXX and now they're ggggone!!! Again, I'd rather save my money and execute my hair care, hair growth program for at least a year before you go under the laser, the knife, spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on some gimmick product/service, you name it.

    Again, read the lowest Amazon reviews for any hair growth product you might like to buy. As a side note, whenever I shop for ANY product on Amazon, if the 5-star ratings (for a product) are UNDER 70% and their 1-STAR rating are OVER 7%, chances are there's something wrong with the product ... AND I DON'T BUY. Too many people have spoken their honest opinion(s) and experience(s) to save you the time, money and trouble with ordering such product(s) and returning them for a refund.

    So, always do your own research and read the reviews others have taken the time to leave behind in order to make up your own mind whether to buy x-hair care/growth product or not.

    Lastly, if you see an ad on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube, look up that same product on Amazon. Chances are, the company sells it on Amazon for more exposure and more sales. Here's where you can see what others before you have to say about such product before you waste your time, money, and hope in using said product to help grow your hair.


    Thanks for reading! After 30+ years of research and testing, I know I've found the go-to solution for hair care and hair growth for ME! My plan (and products used/recommended) are affordable, easy on the body, good for you in many cases and easily doable by anyone who applies my methods to help stimulate hair growth and slow down hair loss.

    Catch me 20 years from now and I'll still be utilizing the same hair care/growth formula I've been using for the past 30+ years. THAT right there should say something about how reliant my regimine is.

    Hey, I hope you found this article helpful and I hope you too experience the kind of hair growth you've always wanted. Knowing everyone's different, still, I think your odds at growing healthy hair now have a fighting chance that won't break the bank and should be good to your body.

    Let me know what you think. Contact me through my website. I look forward to reading your comments about my hair care / hair growth report.


    Bart Smith
    Hair Nest Owner
