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Lethal Confidence -- Where It Comes From & How You Can Get It Too! by Bart Smith

Lethal Confidence

Where It Comes From & How You Can Get It Too!

No Cliché, New Age Mindset Babbling, No Mumbo-Jumbo Or Any Other Crazy Hot Air Woo-Woo B.S.

by Bart Smith

WANT MORE CONFIDENCE? FORGET about UNSTOPPABLE confidence or UNSHAKABLE confidence or any other TYPE of confidence SOLD to you today. For me, there’s only one TYPE of CONFIDENCE that gets me through 40 years, through the hard times and helps me be my best! 

For me, all I’ve ever known and have (IN ABUNDANCE) is → LETHAL CONFIDENCE! Want some? I’ve got PLENTY to share. Inside LETHAL CONFIDENCE, I tell you exactly WHAT Is Confidence, WHERE It Comes From & WHAT Is → LETHAL CONFIDENCE?


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222+ pages of straight truth about where confidence comes from and how you can get LETHAL CONFDIENCE like me too ... CONFIDENCE, or a lack thereof, seems to be weighing on the hearts and minds of a lot of people today. It seems like more and more people are going through life with little to no confidence in the way they live their life, make decisions throughout their life, in addition, to how they pursue their own degree of happiness and follow their passions in general. In essence, people really aren’t living out their best lives. Like driving on fumes, so many people today are just EXISTING, and not truly → LIVING!

Lethal Confidence  Where It Comes From & How You Can Get It Too!  by Bart Smith


Take a peek inside this one-of-a-kind book and authority on what confidence is, where it comes from and how you can get it too! Then order the book (or eBook) off Amazon.com or listen to the audiobook for free on my YouTube channel on any device.


With all the books out there today written about confidence, why do so many people still suffer from a lack of confidence? Well, not to worry, peruse the TABLE OF CONTENTS for my book, LETHAL CONFIDENCE, and you be judge and jury! 


What Is Confidence, Where Does It Come From
& What Is Lethal CONFIDENCE?

Why Aren’t Some People Confident
& Can You Learn To Be Confident, Let Alone, Lethally CONFIDENT?

How Can You Increase Your Confidence
& Become Lethally CONFIDENT?

Characteristics, Traits, Enemies & Friends

If You Want To Change
& Want To Become Lethally Confident How & Where Do You Start?

222+ LETHAL CONFIDENCE ”Affirmations”
Bart Has Running Through His Brain 24/7/365 & So Should You! (a.k.a. “Bart Builders”)

: How To Overcome Life’s Many Hurdles When You Don’t Have The Confidence, Wisdom, Experience or Knowledge To Get Past Them! (What would Bart SAY or DO?)





Confidence is a serious topic not to take lightly under any circumstance. It’s my firm belief that if you’re going to write a book about confidence, you should have it (in abundance and for a very long time), you should know where it comes from, exactly how to get it and how to share it with others. Or, would you rather read a book about someone who never really had confidence until a few months ago when they discovered their “personal power” and along with scientific studies, they now feel credentialed to share their take on confidence, where it comes from and how to get it? Uh, no thanks. I’ll skip having a slice from that pie.

Here’s what I will say though and I’m not going to mince words with you. Inside LETHAL CONFIDENCE I’m going to respect your time and your intelligence and I’m going to get right to the heart of the matter where confidence is concerned. This entire book is dedicated to confidence, learning where it comes from, how to get it, why most people don’t have it, what’s it like to have Lethal CONFIDENCE, my personal list of 222+ a**-kicking affirmations that run through my brain 24/7/365, as well as 45+ real-life scenarios where people experience low self-confidence and what I would SAY or DO about it if I were in their shoes.


(#1) What I share with you inside this book comes from my having had LETHAL CONFIDENCE myself for over 40 YEARS! In fact, jump to the ABOUT THE AUTHOR section (page 205) and find out exactly who and what type of person wrote this book!

(#2)  I also live every word, sentence, phrase, paragraph, tip and suggestion you're about to read inside this book, of which everything you’re about to take in comes from me and practically no other source. 

(#3) Lastly, I don't see myself taking anyone else's advice on confidence other than my own. Besides, there’s no other level of confidence I’d rather have than → LETHAL CONFIDENCE!

Now, it’s your turn and I hope you’ll be just as successful attaining your own level of LETHAL CONFIDENCE faster than I can wish it upon you. Having said that, get this book and jump right into where confidence comes from and what exactly is LETHAL CONFIDENCE and how you can get it TOO!


  • To pique your curiosity about this book, check out these hand-picked excerpts that come right out of the book. If you like what you read, then you'll definitely love the book or perhaps the audiobook version. 

    Then, come back to this very web page to purchase the paperback, eBook or listen to the audiobook version for free on Bart's YouTube channel!


    I also recorded LETHAL CONFIDENCE in audio format so you can listen to it as you work, wait, play, drive, ride, etc. Check out this audio sample below. If you like what you hear, you can listen to the enter audio version for FREE on my YouTube Channel. Just subscribe (for FREE) and start listening!


    When I say I'm 87 years old, I say that to tell you I've seen everything and heard everything on confidence. That said, Bart's book on confidence says it all and he says it like it is. I've learned a lot from Bart about having more confidence to stand up for myself and not let others treat me like a doormat. Ever since Bart and his book, LETHAL CONFDIENCE, has come into my life, I'm a completely changed person. I'm putting my foot down more with those who pushed me around verbally and when it comes to making decisions for myself, I can do so now with so much more clarity with Bart's help and suggestions in this book. Thank you, Bart, for writing it. The world needs more confidence and you're just the person who can show them where it comes from, what it is and how to get LETHAL confidence like you. I'm on my way to having lethal confidence and I love it. I also see how people today lack confidence like never before since reading Bart's book. The way he describes where confidence comes from, it's clear ... Bart knows what he's talking about.” — Frances T., Las Vegas, NV

    I've been working with Bart for over 2 years now. I've been in business for 25 years. I've never met anyone like Bart. Literally, his level of confidence in what he knows, does and how he goes about helping his clients is through the roof. His energy is far beyond that of anyone I've ever met and his creativity, work ethic and sense of humor is contagious. All I can say is I'm not surprised Bart wrote LETHAL CONFIDENCE in 2 weeks. That's right, he wrote a 234 page book in 2 weeks. WHO DOES THAT? He also designed everything himself (i.e., covers, interior pages, etc.) and he recorded the audiobook, he told me, in 10 days. Folks, read this book cover to cover and you too just might catch what Bart has ... LETHAL CONFIDENCE in everything he does. I wish I had this book years ago. I would be lightyears ahead of where I'm at today. I know having it now in my life, my life will never be the same. Thanks, Bart, for coming into my life and helping me in ways I never thought I could be helped before. ” — Wanda A., Jackson, Mississippi

    In writing LETHAL CONFIDENCE, I reviewed some 48 other books written on confidence in ONE NIGHT! I just wanted to see what was out there. When I wrote Rich Coach Broke Coach, I read some 50+ books on coaching only to find out they all said the same darn thing. 

    So, for LETHAL CONFIDENCE, I went to Amazon and just read the table of contents and every free book excerpt as well as the books’ descriptions, author bios, and 1-star, 2-star, 3-star and some 4-star reviews.

    Well, do you know what I found? With roughly 90% of all the books out there today written on confidence, I found nothing more than the same old regurgitated mumbo jumbo, boring, cliché, New Age woo-woo, hot air, stupid mindset B.S. advice that left so many readers saying things like:

    ✦ I'm really surprised at all the positive reviews for this book. First, the author has zero credentials except a “passion“ for self improvement. Just another “all you have to do is think it and it will happen“ self-help book.

    ✦ I think if a book promises total self-confidence, it ought to deliver …

    ✦ The book starts off great and then the "woo-woo" kicks in full force with new age garbage …

    ✦ This book is a hype book, it's all about positive mindset with nothing to really do besides ”change your mind” …

    ✦ Unreadable for anyone with an IQ more than a washing machine

    ✦ This is a 400 page book with (being generous) about 10 pages of useful information, BUT if you have read any books in this genre it's information you already know …

    ✦ Vague, confusingly worded and basically, says all the stuff every other book says. Is utterly useless …

    ✦ Many of the author’s talking points are completely parroted by other people

    Now, I’m not here to disparage anyone who wants to write about a topic like confidence, as all of the authors were very nice people from what I read about them. I will say this, if you do write about a topic like confidence, please, you have to hit the mark and not waste people’s time or insult their intelligence.

    Here’s what I will say though and I’m not going to mince words with you. Inside LETHAL CONFIDENCE I’m going to respect your time and your intelligence and I’m going to get right to the heart of the matter where confidence is concerned.

    This entire book is dedicated to confidence, learning where it comes from, how to get it, why most people don’t have it, what’s it like to have Lethal CONFIDENCE, my personal list of 222+ a**-kicking affirmations that run through my brain 24/7/365, as well as 45+ real-life scenarios where people experience low self-confidence and what I would SAY or DO about it if I were in their shoes.