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Book Excerpts From Lethal Confidence by Bart Smith

Get a sneak peek into Lethal Confidence by Bart Smith by reading a few of the hand-picked book excerpts below. If you like what you read here, then you'll definitely love the book or perhaps the audio version. Enjoy these excerpts!


Message From The Author

CONFIDENCE, or a lack thereof, seems to be weighing on the hearts and minds of a lot of people today. It seems like more and more people are going through life with little to no confidence in the way they ...


Where Does Confidence Come From?

From my personal experience and accomplishments through four decades (40+ years) of living my life, keen observation, not to mention, deep internal perspective, I have determined solidly that there are SIX (6) KEY ELEMENTS or sources that help contribute to growing extreme levels of solid confidence in one’s life and in everything we do, and they are ...


Why Aren’t Some People Confident?

Specifically, humans with low self-esteem, self-worth or self-confidence may have suffered from the following, if not a combination of one or more of these situations ...


Cultivate The Following For LETHAL Confidence

To achieve any degree of LETHAL Confidence one must cultivate the following which I go into. For example, cultivate a Growth Mindset, as in, you’re always hungry for knowledge, wanting to learn, grow, consume information, you’re a sponge of knowledge, an avid reader, you don’t stop learning, experiencing or growing. Allow me to share more ...


People With LETHAL Confidence

This section goes into the personal characteristics and life experiences (of those with LETHAL Confidence) have when it comes to experiencing life among others around them. For example, those with LETHAL Confidence are dangerous and unpredictable and can easily be a threat to the status quo, small-minded people and the like.


Top 31+2 (Out Of 51) ENEMIES Of Those With Lethal Confidence

That’s right, did you know there actually are enemies of those with Lethal CONFIDENCE? Who would ever think there were any, right? Well, in my own experience, yes, there are. They are not our adversaries. They are not ...


The TOP 10 FRIENDS Of Those With Lethal Confidence

While it's important to know exactly who your ENEMIES are, when you have LETHAL CONFIDENCE, it's also important to know who your FRIENDS might be so can make friends with easily and stay friends for the ...



“I think I need a title after my name (i.e., PhD, MD, NMD, MA, MS, CHt, MBA, etc.)

"... in order to have more confidence in myself.” → The only reason to have any title after your name is to indicate what you ARE, what you DO, or what you’ve COMPLETED in ...

Book Excerpts From Lethal Confidence by Bart Smith


Message From The Author

Lethal Confidence Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

CONFIDENCE, or a lack thereof, seems to be weighing on the hearts and minds of a lot of people today. It seems like more and more people are going through life with little to no confidence in the way they live their life, make decisions throughout their life, in addition, to how they pursue their own degree of happiness and follow their passions in general. In essence, people really aren’t living out their best lives. Like driving on fumes, so many people today are just existing, and not truly → LIVING!

Well, I say, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!” You know, with all the books out there today written about confidence, why do so many people still suffer from a lack of confidence? Is it because what’s written out there (on confidence) doesn’t really hit the mark as to what confidence is, where it really comes from, let alone how you really get it and get it FAST? What’s more, who are these people writing about confidence? What’s their background? What’s going on in their lives? Do they have confidence? To what degree? What level? Do they ever doubt, have down days or have difficulty making decisions? Would or could any of these people actually inspire you to greater confidence if you read their story? Maybe some, but not most.

In writing LETHAL CONFIDENCE, I reviewed some 48 other books written on confidence in ONE NIGHT. I just wanted to see what was out there. When writing my book, Rich Coach ✦ Broke Coach, I read some 50+ books on coaching only to find out they all said the same thing. So, for my research on the competition, I went to Amazon.com, and read the table of contents, available book excerpts, as well as every books’ description, author bio, and 1-star, 2-star, 3-star and some 4-star reviews. Well, do you know what I found? With roughly 90% of all the books out there today written on confidence, I found NOTHING more than the SAME OLD regurgitated mumbo jumbo, boring, cliché, New Age woo-woo, hot air, stupid mindset B.S. advice that left so many readers saying things like in the comments section of each confidence book I reviewed:


✦ "I'm really surprised at all the positive reviews for this book. First, the author has zero credentials except a “passion“ for self improvement. Just another “all you have to do is think it and it will happen“ or "you got this" bullsh** self-help book."

✦ "I think if a book promises total self-confidence, it ought to deliver …"

✦ "The book starts off great and then the "woo-woo" kicks in full force with new age garbage

✦ "The overuse and abuse of the words "unshakeable," "unstoppable," "personal power," and other cliché terms leads me to think these authors don't know ANYTHING about confidence except how to blend in with the crowd of other authors on their same inexperienced level of both confidence and writing. Those authors don't know anything about "mastering" (=overused term) the "power" (=bullsh** term) of "unshakeable" (=overused term) confidence. Those authors are a complete joke. Especially when they start blaming their lack of confidence on their caregivers or parents. THAT'S laughable when I read that accusation by one author on unshakeable confidence."

✦ I noticed more than 70% of all the authors who wrote a book on confidence don't show their face via a basic author photograph on their Amazon author (description) page. Some of them even had broken links to their website or didn't even have a website (not that you need one), but we are talking about a topic where the author should show some signs of being able to inspire you in one way or another, right? Why do you think this is? What's more, the photos of authors I did see I would challenge what they really know about confidence. As in, I wouldn't be inspired by most of them to improve my confidence with what they're most likely peddling in their books. Think about it, if you can't see the (face of the) author who's supposed to inspire you and/or if you can't even get inspired by the authors bio or story ... then what's left to boost your own confidence from their written work? Uh, not much if anything. Next author please ...

"This book is a hype book, it's all about positive mindset with nothing to really do besides 'change your mind' …"

"Unreadable for anyone with an IQ more than a washing machine …" (MY FAVORITE!)

 "This is a 400 page book with (being generous) about 10 pages of useful information, BUT if you have read any books in this genre it's information you already know …"

✦ "Vague, confusingly worded and basically, says all the stuff every other book says. Is utterly useless …"

✦ "Many of the author’s talking points are completely parroted by other people …"

✦ "It basically tells you things you already know: 'Stop doubting yourself, you got this!'"

 "Lacks originality, freshness and content. The book is plagiarism."

✦ "It's quite simply just a bunch of random nonsense. First book that I’ve thrown away. This book is trash."

 "This book was quite annoying to read. There's a lot of repetitive terms and sentences throughout the book."

 "I'm unsure if the doctor is unable to translate her thoughts into common words or the writer is unable to realize that the way she is wording the concepts is confusing and wrong."

✦ "The book was full of profanity."

✦ "I think this book is for children."

✦ "Now this is my own personal experience, but this book did not help me. It just showed me that there is one more book that I cannot use."

Confidence is a serious topic not to take lightly under any circumstance. It’s my firm belief that if you’re going to write a book about confidence, you should have it (in abundance and for a very long time), you should know where it comes from, exactly how to get it and how to share it with others. Or, would you rather read a book about someone who never really had confidence until a few months ago when they discovered their “personal power” and along with scientific studies, they now feel credentialed to share their take on confidence, where it comes from and how to get it? Uh, no thanks. I’ll skip having a slice from that pie.


Here’s what I will say though and I’m not going to mince words with you. Inside LETHAL CONFIDENCE I’m going to respect your time and your intelligence and I’m going to get right to the heart of the matter where confidence is concerned. This entire book is dedicated to confidence, learning where it comes from, how to get it, why most people don’t have it, what’s it like to have LETHAL CONFIDENCE, my personal list of 222+ a**-kicking affirmations that run through my brain 24/7/365, as well as 45+ real-life scenarios where people experience low self-confidence and what I would SAY or DO about it if I were in their shoes.


You see, in all those other books on confidence, you will never find any author addressing real-life scenarios beyond simply describing what confidence is and how that person might feel if they suffer from a lack of confidence. “Someone who has low self-confidence in the bedroom might feel ____ and tend to be shy and not ____. They need to work on it.” OH, puh-lease. You see, I’ve read about as much garbage and time-wasting articles on confidence and their lack of real-life advice than I can stomach. Well, now that you know what else is out there (and it’s not much) where it relates to confidence, books on confidence and what people will tell you about confidence, I’m here to take my stab at it because, well, when it comes to confidence, I just don’t have your regular dose of it, I have what I term to be:


You see, it's important that you get the facts, be told the truth and get to what will help you be successful in life, where confidence is concerned, and not waste your time, or, worse, let you down. Well, in 2015, I came up with the phrase “LETHAL CONFIDENCE” and wrote about it inside my book, B.S. THE BOOK: BECAUSE THE WORLD IS SO FULL OF IT! Your How-To Guide On Cutting Through Personal B.S., which was originally published in 2004. Then, in 2020, I recorded that “LETHAL CONFIDENCE” section and uploaded it to my YouTube channel in 2021 for the world to listen to for free. Basically, inside that one section, I got right into where confidence comes from and how you can get it. Literally, that section takes up two (2) whole pages inside B.S. THE BOOK.

What’s more? It only took two (2) pages because I’ve lived with LETHAL CONFIDENCE practically all of my life and so I know quite well where and how you get it and I summed it up for you in just two (2) measly pages. So then, why write a 232 page book, which I wrote in 23.2 days, on confidence like this one? Mainly because I have that much to say about a topic that literally is the gasoline that will fuel your success the second you put this book down and apply everything I say inside. How’s that for starters? 

While this book is 232 pages, I’m still going to be brief, cut to the chase, write as matter of fact, skip the long drawn out explanations at nauseam on what confidence and self-esteem are and why you need it. Yeah, we know why we need it. You just want to know how to get your fair share of it to rock your world. Am I right? You bet I am! Everything I know about confidence, specifically, LETHAL CONFIDENCE, and without any fluff, muff, hot-air woo woo cliché talk with the hopes of trying to convince you that confidence is some far-off mental realm that you have to play tricks with your mind, and repeat a bunch of silly phrases, or breathe and tap into your “authentic self” to secure it for its use. uh, no. 

Instead, I wrote this book as if I personally wanted to read it to understand where LETHAL CONFIDENCE comes from, what it's like to have it, and how do I get it. What more could you ask for, right? Well, I have it → LETHAL CONFIDENCE → and I’m going to share it with you as promised. That said, here’s what you should know about me and why you’re going to love this book: 

1. What I share with you inside this book comes from my having had LETHAL CONFIDENCE myself for over 40 YEARS! In fact, jump to the ABOUT THE AUTHOR section (page 205) and find out exactly who and what type of person wrote this book!

2. I also live every word, sentence, phrase, paragraph, tip and suggestion you're about to read inside this book, of which everything you’re about to take in comes from me and practically no other source.

3. Lastly, I don't see myself taking anyone else's advice on confidence other than my own. Besides, there’s no other level of confidence I’d rather have than → LETHAL CONFIDENCE!

Now, it’s your turn and I hope you’ll be just as successful attaining your own level of LETHAL CONFIDENCE faster than I can wish it upon you. Having said that, let’s jump right into where confidence comes from and what exactly is LETHAL CONFIDENCE and how you can get it TOO! 

In advance, here’s to your success,

Bart Smith, Author



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Where Does Confidence Come From?

Lethal Confidence Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

From my personal experience and accomplishments through four decades (40+ years) of living my life, keen observation, not to mention, deep internal perspective, I have determined solidly that there are SIX (6) KEY ELEMENTS or sources that help contribute to growing extreme levels of solid confidence in one’s life and in everything we do, and they are:

1. Education, Training, Research, LEARNING, Knowledge, Information & Understanding → When you know a lot about a certain subject, and I mean A LOT, you have “acquired” confidence in a specific field or area of interest through study, education, research, knowledge and understanding.

When you know the truth, when you know what options you have, when you have information, you now have the confidence to make the best decision for you (or your family, team, business, etc.) or to perform specific tasks with successful, surgical precision. 

For example, if you knew nothing about playing the piano, your level of “confidence” (when it came to playing the piano in front of a crowd) would naturally be less than if you had been “studying” to play the piano for years. Simply stated, you can acquire LETHAL confidence through the intense study, education, research and understanding of any particular topic you choose! Apply this same approach in other areas of your life and your confidence will grow fast in those areas as well.

2. Experience, Observation, Participation, Patience & Wisdom → If you have never “experienced” something before, your “confidence” in that area is naturally going to be less than if you had experience in that area. For instance, you may “know” how to play the piano, but if you’ve never “experienced” playing in front of others, then you might lack the “confidence” to perform like a seasoned pro. Well, “experience” will give you confidence if you’ll simply play as often as you can (in front of others). Start with a small crowd, perhaps your family; then friends; then their friends. Before you know it, word will get out, “Hey, you’re good! Will you come back and play for us again? We’ll even pay you!” Wow, talk about gaining confidence fast! Coincidentally, did you know that with experience, comes more information and knowledge about making better decisions and performing certain tasks with less fear and hesitation? With “experience” you now have more knowledge and understanding about your surroundings and a history of successful decisions and performances on which to draw more confidence from. Again, see how simple that works?


You see confidence and you are like gasoline to an automobile. Confidence is the fuel that drives you to go places in your life, either fast and far or not so far at all. The more confidence you have, and the more confident you become, the further you’ll go in life! Again, pretty simple.


3. Faith, Courage or Belief In Oneself → Sometimes, believing in your own abilities (or simply someone believing in you, like a parent, a spouse or a friend) and having faith and a vision (perhaps even based on planning, research, study or experience) can provide you with just the right amount of confidence to put that first foot forward towards success and achieving your goals. Then, simply by the act of doing and moving forward, you acquire experience and expertise (which means knowledge, information, study and understanding); all of which adds to having greater confidence in yourself so you can convert your dreams into reality!


4. A Plan (or Planning) → So, let’s say you have an idea, but you have no idea how you’re going to implement it so it can come true. Well, no worries. PLAN your idea out so each step is well researched, perhaps rehearsed, and bam! Your confidence in achieving that idea, goal, vision, dream or fantasy is fast on the rise!


5. Hard Work → NOTHING generates confidence like hard work does. Roll up those sleeves, put that nose to the grindstone and put in the hours. Push yourself, increase your stamina and endurance and watch the fruits of your labor or R.O.I. (Return On Investment) of time, labor, money, etc. turn into a success or failure (i.e., learning moments).


6. Attitude / “No Regrets” / “I Gave It My Best” → When you don’t have a plan, per se, or you don’t know what you’re doing, and yet you still want to go forward with what it is you want to do, when you can blanket that action with 1-2 positive statements in your favor that release any fear, stress or anxiety if things don’t work out the way you want → a positive attitude coupled with a “no regrets” or “I gave it my best shot” thought process goes a long way to you quickly building confidence. So, take the plunge and go for what you want using one or more of those “attitude enhancers.” Then, watch what happens! Did what you attempt pan out into a success or failure! No matter, you now have experience doing what it was you wanted to do. If you failed, you learned and still gained experience. Your confidence is now stronger to make another attempt. Again, see how easy that was?


Combine any or all of these elements, factors or components together and you will quickly begin to acquire a great level of CONFIDENCE fast, if not LETHAL CONFIDENCE in anything you want to do. At least, that’s been my personal experience for practically → ALL MY LIFE!

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Why Aren’t Some People Confident?

Lethal Confidence Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

As my "confidence tree" (in the book) analogy describes, if the plant or tree doesn’t get healthy soil to grow in, enough water, enough sunlight, perhaps some helpful plant food (which acts as a primary nutrition source for plants), but instead, a turbulent environment and a lack of all that helps foster a healthy growth cycle for such plant or tree over the years, then you can imagine, that plant or tree is going to have a difficult time growing and blossoming into the most healthy version of itself possible. Period.

The same goes with humans. Specifically, humans with low self-esteem, self-worth or self-confidence may have suffered from the following, if not a combination of one or more of these situations:

 They didn’t grow up in a positive home environment

 They didn’t have positive role models, mentors, parents, coaches, or guardians to help guide them through life’s upbringing stages …

 They were never encouraged to study, given the right academic opportunities as other kids might have had and grew up not knowing how to read (very well), do simple math, have an understanding of some of the basics in geography, sociology, writing and English, among other important academic studies …

 They never got to participate in any variety of after school extracurricular activities which teach so many valuable lessons in life; such as the value of teamwork, hard work, dedication, stamina, endurance, commitment, dealing with wins/losses and success/failures …


 They were exposed to horrible, terrible and detrimental circumstances that might have led to either them breaking the law, getting in trouble and possibly serving time whether as a juvenile or an adult or someone close to them experienced such that might have traumatized the young soul …


 Perhaps their health wasn’t cared for as well while growing up (or even living as an adult). Malnutrition, poor eating habits, and other health issues such as obesity, anorexia, diabetes, etc., have set in and taken their own toll on their overall self-confidence and how they see themselves (i.e., body image, etc.) …


 Exposure to abuse of any kind: verbal, emotional, mental, physical or sexual. Not good under any circumstances …

 Then, as a child / teenager / young adult, there’s bullying, peer pressure, being made fun of, not fitting in, not being included in with others, not being chosen or picked, not being approached or asked out, not being attractive according to the standards set by others nearby to them, … you name it!!!


Did I miss anything? Maybe I have, but I think you get my point here. So many things, words, circumstances, elements, a lack of _____, too much of _____ and the negative events in one’s life can contribute to a stunted growth when it comes to developing one’s own confidence through the years. At least that’s what I’ve seen and observed in others throughout my lifetime. What say you?

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Cultivate The Following For LETHAL Confidence

Lethal Confidence Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

1. A Growth Mindset → you’re always hungry for knowledge, wanting to learn, grow, consume information, you’re a sponge of knowledge, an avid reader, you don’t stop learning, experiencing or growing.

2. Positive Self-Talk → I know people who just spew out all kinds of negative talk to others. I can only imagine what’s going on inside their heart and their brain. Well, as they say, those who hurt on the inside, hurt others on the outside. So, don’t you be one of those people who talk negatively with every word that comes out of your mouth. Yes, there is negativity in the world. That doesn't mean you have to go jump in the mud puddles every time you see one. No, instead walk around them or jump over them. Negative self-talk eventually robs you of your progress, future victories, growth and advancement, let alone that of others. So, avoid negativity like the plague. I do and so should you.

3. Resilience → The capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; a toughness about you; never let anything get you down or hold you back. You might get knocked down from time to time, but get right back up and fast!


4. Self-Care → You gotta treat yourself like #1, do you need to be reminded? Be sure your daily life is filled with things that support your health and progress and your down time to rest and sleep is also time spent in heaven on a super comfortable bed with a fluffy down comforter and soft sheets.


5. Stamina → Constantly test, push and improve your ability to work, play and/or deliver ___ at the highest level possible for a set period of time. For example, if you’re going to work out, work out for x-amount of time, but give it your MAX! Think of it like sprinting as hard and as fast as you can for a short distance. Today, you ran the 40 yard dash in 5.5 seconds. Tomorrow, you run it in 5.2 and then 5.1 the next day. Each day you practice until you're able to maximize your output to run the 40 in 4.9 seconds time or faster. The same can be applied to your mind and working on your projects.


6. Endurance → Where stamina is about delivering your MAX OUTPUT during a set period of time, endurance is about delivering a high level of output for a MAX PERIOD of TIME. Think of it like jogging a long distance until you can’t run any more. You’re tired, done for the day and go home. You might run 1 mile today; 1.5 miles tomorrow, 2 miles the next day. Over time, your endurance grows until you’re running 5-10 miles a day. A good thing. Don’t let up or you’re back to square one and have to build up your endurance all over again.


7. A Toughness About You → Mentally speaking, a mental toughness is a character trait about you that determines your ability to perform consistently under stress and pressure, and is closely related to qualities such as character, resilience, grit and perseverance. That’s you, right? Physically speaking, it’s the ability to keep working when you’re tired, dealing with pain, or being challenged. Boy, have I been there, let me tell you! You get physically tougher by working each day to get bigger, faster, and stronger.


8. “Eyes On The Prize” or “Tunnel Vision” Mentality → Keep your attention on what you’re working on or trying to achieve, even when it becomes difficult to do so. I remember running a 110 hurdle race where the guy next to me kept slapping my leg (illegally) trying to slow me down and hoping he’d get ahead of me. Well, I focused on the prize (i.e., the white tape and medaling). I ran ahead of him in between each hurdle until he couldn’t touch me. That said, I won and he lost. Too bad, buddy!


9. Progress, Progress, Progress → Never confuse movement with progress. Track/measure how far you’ve come since you started doing ____. Sure, take time to rest and recoup. Then, get back at it!


10. Be 100% Accountable → For your thoughts, deeds and decisions. Don’t blame others or trick yourself into thinking it’s not your fault when maybe it really is. Take responsibility, confess, accept what comes to you, and grow from it. Onward and upward, soldier.


11. Strengthen Your Weaknesses → We all have them, sure. What are yours? List them out and work on them until they’re diminished or demolished! Don’t be afraid and you don’t have to share or admit them to anyone. Work on them (in secret) until they’re no longer a weakness. Discover your strengths and amplify them by spending more time enhancing them.


12. Create Confidence Out Of Clutter & Overwhelm → This is done by chunking things down and organizing them into smaller pieces that are better able to be stored. For example, I’m confident I can find anything in my computer because of the way I’ve organized the 567,326 FILES and 35,612 FOLDERS I’ve created. That’s how many bits of data are inside my brain that I can call upon in SECONDS!!! Imagine your life being that organized? Clean up your computer, desk, bedroom, office, house or life like that. Less is more. Imagine how confident you’d be inviting someone over to your home if it were either a total MESS or CLEAN, TIDY and everything was well-arranged? Exactly. I’ve had people over to my house only for them to say, “Bart, your house is immaculate.” How do you think that makes me feel?

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People With LETHAL Confidence

Lethal Confidence Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

 Are dangerous and unpredictable and can easily be a threat to the status quo, small-minded people and the like.

 Are quick thinking and think fast on their feet.

 Are self-reliant and rarely depend on others for anything.

 Are cut from different cloth. They can’t be compared to others easily. Apples and oranges, all the way. 

 Are resourceful and seek answers to problems on their own and fast without relying on anyone … ever. 

 Are movers and shakers to say the least …

 They get ALL jobs done quickly, unless they take their natural sweet time, of course. There is little room for procrastination.


 They search for their own answers to questions and don't waste people's time.


 They pick up the phone and make magic happen when they need something done, need help, extensions on bills, etc.


 They make strangers feel good in their presence, always! Why? Because they're confidence allows them to talk to strangers easily. They’re not empty inside needing to talk about themselves either. It’s more about the other person in front of them who’s important in that very moment.


 They look busy, focused, and driven ... Because THEY ARE!


 They respect, model, channel the energies, gifts and accomplishments others have had into their own personal motivational “secret sauce” to get things done and accomplish BIG THINGS in their own life!!!


 Have no regrets, well, maybe 1% regret, BECAUSE every decision was made with 99% assurances. Win/lose, they accept the consequences, learn/win/gain/lose and move on!


 They don't cry. No need. They’re too busy. Unless there's a real reason like the loss of a loved one (out of their control), the birth of a child, accomplishment of a child, etc.


 They push themselves, CONSTANTLY! Never letting in, never letting go, always always always!! Makes you stronger, smarter, wiser!


 Know how and when to barter for goods/services to save money and make new friends/relationships!


 They know if there's a problem, there’s a solution. Lethally confident folk work diligently until problems are solved.


 They’re confident they can overcome, adapt, improvise and work through hardships of any kind. Bring ‘em on!

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Top 31+2 (Out Of 51) ENEMIES Of Those With Lethal Confidence

Lethal Confidence Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

That’s right, did you know there actually are enemies of those with Lethal CONFIDENCE? Who would ever think there were any, right? Well, in my own experience, yes, there are. They are not our adversaries. They are not on our side. They do not like or support us. These are people who we cannot change their opinion about us nor will they just let us be.

You see, having Lethal CONFIDENCE also means accepting the fact that there will be people who will not like you having so much confidence → which usually leads to you doing your own thing, doing your thing in private, not sharing your goals anymore, going your own way, sticking to your guns, not changing your mind, not conforming, not asking people for their permission to do what YOU want to do → I could go on and on!!!

Having Lethal CONFIDENCE can, and often does, generate, yes, ENEMIES. Who are these people? Well, allow me to divulge so you can be on the lookout for them. Here we go:

# 1. The JEALOUS → These people are JEALOUS that you know what you want, you’re working on your dream (and not theirs), that you’re going places and if you succeed you might leave them behind and take all your new riches with you. Well, if they spent more time on themselves and worked on their own plan as hard as you did, maybe they wouldn’t feel so jealous. Oh well, their problem, not yours.

# 2. The ENVIOUS → These people are either discontented or resentful due to your strong work ethic, accomplishments, speed to which you progress, rate of success or??? Well, they can drown in their own envy as a lesson to not be so envious. We wish them well as we move on.

# 3. The CONFORMER → These people don't like it when those with lethal confidence go off on their own, do their own thing, don’t consult with others (for their approval). These people would rather you stay with the group, sit down, shut up and behave like them. Uh, NO! Buh-bye!

# 4. The UNINFORMED → These people know not what you know, what your capabilities are, your skill-set, what your vision is all about, and usually make the dumbest remarks about you NOT succeeding or that you should stop what you’re doing. Oftentimes, they’re just comparing their own failures or lack of life progress to yours and think you’ll fail like they did or would if they tried. So, fu’get about ‘em like I do.

# 5. The NO-VISION type of person → These people don't see what you see. They don’t have your vision because they don’t have the skills you have. They haven’t done the research you have. They aren’t working on a plan, if any, as big as yours. You know where you’re going. They don’t, and they despise you for it. Oh well, and we wish them well.

# 6. The NERVOUS / ANXIOUS (PERSON) → These people get nervous for you because, again, they can’t see what you see. They can’t do what you do. They think what you’re after is too much and you’ll never succeed. So, they’re nervous for you. This nervous energy is a distraction to you, because you’re not nervous, yet in control of what you’re doing. These people need to be sent back to the stands where they can watch you perform down on the field. They don’t belong on the field with you nor should they be calling any shots for you. Tell them the proper C-word they can do for you → which is → they can CHEER you on, but not → COACH → you as to what you should be doing.

# 7. The NON-BELIEVER → These people are just stuck in their own mud, and think you can’t succeed no matter how hard you try or what plan you follow. These people never believed in themselves or no one ever believed in them. So, they’re just passing along their tired old disease in hopes you catch it and fail. Uh, no. Sorry, bye. Here’s another C-word for ya → “C-YA!”

# 8. The LAZY → These people’s only job in life is to weigh you down. Imagine running a marathon and you have to carry these people on your back. Yeah, they're too lazy to do the same kind of work you’re doing to get ahead, achieve their goals like you, etc. Well, trick them into disappearing by saying, “Wait right here. I’ll be right back,” and never come back!

# 9. The SCARED / THREATENED / INTIMIDATED → These people are scared and threatened of you and what you know, what you’re doing and the influence and impact you just might have on others around them. Run from these people.

# 10. The CONTROLLER → Does it ever end? This person is just one heck of a dictator in your life and wants to control what you do, where you go, what you have to say and how you want to live. Uh, there’s the door and either you walk out (on them) or you tell them to take a hammer and hit the road. You don’t want them controlling your life. They’re not your master. Have them produce the paperwork that shows they can control you like they’re trying to. They can’t. Walk. Real quick, how’d you like to know who’s trying to control you as you sprint down your life’s journey towards your life’s dreams and goals? Just look to see who either … (#1) SUPPORTS you in your choice to chase down your dreams on your own terms = GOOD, or (#2) WHO gets MAD or UPSET and shows blatant signs of DISAPPROVAL = NOT GOOD! Those are the people trying to control you for sure. Show them the door, encourage them to go play in the street or near the edge of an active volcano and wish them well.

# 11. The JUSTIFIER → This person tries to justify everything they say (about you or themselves) so they look good and you don’t. That there’s something wrong with what you do and what they do is the right way.

# 12. The ARGUER → This person argues with you at every turn. You can’t do anything right. The arguer is negative and finds flaws in whatever you do and argues with you. Never supports you.

# 13. The DOWNER → They can’t stand to see you up all the time so the downer likes to constantly bring you down to their miserable level.

# 14. The STUBBORN → These people cannot say they're sorry to save their life. You've identified how their words or actions are ill towards you. All that's needed is an apology, but you never get one. So, these people go on being negative towards you with no sign of ever changing their ways or mind. They’re stubborn and thick headed.

# 15. The COMPLAINER → These people complain about anything, everything and the tiniest things. They don’t have the confidence to play fairly, honestly, put forth hard work, want to take the easy way out, … I could go on.

# 16. The FEARFUL → They’re afraid. They fear that which they can’t control, can’t see, can’t do … like you! So, their fear (they hope) will scare you too into not going after what you want with life, living it and more. Sorry, being scared is a personal thing. Here’s a blanket. Go crawl under it and hide from your fears. Onward and upward for me. → See ya!

# 17. The CRY BABY → Since these people can’t get their way around someone with LETHAL CONFIDENCE, they cry their way into getting what they want or to stop you from doing what you want to do. Well, tough bananas. Here’s a tissue.

# 18. The DENIER → These people will outright deny their own reality or the one they live in with you. You try to present the facts of a situation and they just can’t accept them. They walk, live and think in denial. So, keep a mile away from them at all times.

# 19. The BETRAYER → These people can’t stand you living your life your own way and on your own terms. So, secretly and behind your back, they betray you in ways that disgust you.

# 20. The UNCOOPERATIVE → These people can’t stand that you know the right thing to do (99% of the time), which path to go, etc. They soon choose to be uncooperative because they can’t stand yielding authority or other form of command over to you. So, they fight you almost every step of the way. In fact, these folks are a hindrance and/or will not cooperate with you on any level. It’s their way or the highway. Well, those of us with lethal confidence are glad to take the highway.

# 21. The DOUBLE-TONGUED → These people say one thing to your face and then another behind your back. They’re hypocritical all the way and deceitful in their speech.

# 22. The SABOTAGER → They can’t stand to see you succeed, so they sabotage any progress you make in any way they can.

# 23. The COPYCAT → Since they can’t beat you and they don't want to join you, they might as well … copy you and steal your ideas for their personal gain. Why? Because they’re lazy, not as talented as you, etc. Protect your work and all you do.

# 24. The THIEF → Many times, these people find stealing from you to be easier than??? Doing the work, learning new skills to help themselves get ahead honestly. Watch out for them.

# 25. The BITTER → To sum things up, these people are just bitter because they can’t compete at your level, they can never win against you, you leave them in the dust often no matter how hard they try. So, since they can’t be glad for you or at least learn from you, they just allow themselves to become bitter, resentful and even hateful towards you in some cases. All we can do is wish them peace and go do our thing!

# 26. The FORGETTER → These people forget all the good you’ve done for them over the years and decide to turn coat on you in a second because what’s built up inside of them is (or has been) jealousy, envy, fatigue (trying to keep up with you or compete with you), etc. Contrarily, they’ll forget all the mean things they’ve done to you and instantly want to be friends with you because you’ve made it, you’ve achieved the level of success you always talked about and they don’t want to be left behind. "Sure, you dragged me down all these years (with your negativity) and NOW you want to be friends and hang out? Have you forgotten to say, 'I'm sorry?' Well, I haven't forgotten. The answer is, no, and ... buh-bye!

# 27. The PUTTER-DOWNER → These people put you down every chance they get. It’s in tearing you down, putting you down, bringing you down to their level they hope you won’t be as successful as you are (or going to be). In other words, misery loves company.

# 28. The BLAMER → They blame everyone else (for their own loss or misfortune) and never themselves.

# 29. The POSER / WANNABE / CLONE → This person has no original thoughts or ideas of his/her own. So? They choose the lazy way out and pose like someone who has their stuff together. They choose to be a clone of someone who’s done all the hard work. They wanna be (someone else), but can’t because … they just haven’t got “IT!”

# 30. The HYPER-CRTIC → These folks are ultra critical about everything you do. They haven’t a nice thing to say, ever.

# 31. The UNINTELLIGENT/ FEEBLE-MINDED → These people are unable to make intelligent decisions or judgments. So? They either can’t keep up with you and might slow you down or they’ll hurl personal attacks at you to damper your lethal enthusiasm and zest for life.

So, what do you think so far? Can you relate to having any of these types of enemies? Perhaps they feel threatened by you. Maybe they're jealous, envious, or??? Hey, how about a quick bonus to this list? While there are 51 enemies I've found, here's #51 for ya, which I think is probably the worst kind of enemy you could ever have.


# 43. The TITLE-ABUSER → Sometimes, you run into people who rely 100% on their title(s) to impress you because they have NOTHING ELSE. For example, PhD. Let’s see, the "earned" kind or the "mail order" kind like the one I know this one guy got with the help of a ghostwriter who I personally know as well. Now he calls himself a “DOCTOR.” Really? Of what? Okay, whatever, Mr. Doctor (of B.S.). I mean, Mr. PhD in his own B.S. You see, this particular "doctor" had nothing else going for him so he thought becoming a "Doctor" (via a PhD in, of all things, hypnosis) and stating he was a "Doctor" and having interview hosts announce his name as a "Doctor" would give him the (false) confidence he needs to peddle his NLP bullsh**. Uh, I don't think so. 100% Grade AAA crap from my perspective of 40+ years of seeing these kinds of "gurus" try to pull the wool over people's eyes with their snake oil talking points and ... TITLES!

# 51. The FRIENDSHIP DESTROYER → After it’s all said and done, if these people can’t keep up with you, get ahead themselves like you are or they get caught time and again putting you down, being negative on you and you call them on it and they do or say? NOTHING in regards to your observations and direct assessment they just end the relationship/friendship. No discussion like grown adults. Similar to a hit and run, they hit you (your heart, efforts, etc.) and run so you can’t talk to them. Talk about being a coward. These people lack confidence in facing you and talking things out like grown adults. They act more like children. What took years to build between you both (a relationship/friendship), memories made, bonds established, is now destroyed overnight out of jealousy, envy, ego, … you name it. Oh well, onward and upward for you and … without them!

Oh, I bet you're wondering what the other 18 enemies of those with lethal confidence are? Well, you'll have to get the book or listen to the audio version to find out. They, too, are some pretty bad people to have in your life. 


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The TOP 10 FRIENDS Of Those With Lethal Confidence

Lethal Confidence Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

While it's important to know exactly who your ENEMIES are, when you have LETHAL CONFIDENCE, it's also important to know who your FRIENDS might be so can make friends with easily and stay friends for the long haul through life? So, who should you look for to be your friend? 

# 1. The NEWBIE → Someone new to what you’re doing and is impressed with what you know or do and has no problem accepting you for who you are.

# 2. The UNDERDOG → Someone who struggles in some form and looks to you for support and as a potential role model.

# 3. The LEARNER → Anyone who desires to learn is respected.

# 4. LIKE-MINDED FOLK → Similar minds do like and think alike.

# 5. ALLIES, ADVOCATES & ASSOCIATES → They’re there to support you, wish you well or even desire to work with you.

# 6. FANS, FOLLOWERS & SUBSCRIBERS → They love and admire what you do, want to meet you, hang out with you, etc.

# 7. TEAM PLAYERS → They’re welcome to join us if they qualify.

# 8. SOME FRIENDS & FAMILY → Their support / respect is appreciated.

# 9. The RESPECTFUL → Those who learn what we do and what we’re after and respect us, get our respect in return.

# 10. The ADMIRER → We thank them for their admiration in what we do and how they might cheer us on.

… among others who find those with Lethal CONFIDENCE someone to model themselves after, be like or just wish us well!

Having gone through this list of potential FRIENDS of those with LETHAL CONFIDENCE, you can see how these types of people can really become blessings to your life unlike your ENEMIES would, right? Just be on guard and when you make a friend, be a friend back to them and your LETHAL CONFIDENCE might just rub off onto them as well.

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#49. “I think I need a title after my name (i.e., PhD, MD, NMD, RN, RD, MA, MS, CHt, MBA, etc.) in order to have more confidence in myself.”

Lethal Confidence Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

#49. “I think I need a title after my name (i.e., PhD, MD, NMD, RN, RD, MA, MS, CHt, MBA, etc.) in order to have more confidence in myself.” → The only reason to have any title after your name is to indicate (#1) what you ARE, (#2) what you DO, or (#3) what you’ve COMPLETED in a "respected" field of study. Otherwise, you could have all the titles in the world after your name and still be horrible at your job or a scammer.

Instead, focus on helping others (i.e., clients, customers, patients, etc.) to such a degree that THEY sing your praises to others (via rave reviews, testimonials, case studies, etc.), because those titles certainly can’t sing a single note on their own sometimes. It’s better to have crowds of people talking highly of you among their friends and family than some title that only hangs after your name, and which many times people don’t know what they stand for. 

What’s more, write a book about what you know. Your book will take you places and speak volumes for you from so many rooftops where you can’t go or be when your title does nothing but collect dust on your website, business card or the like. I don’t have any titles after my name. In fact, I tell people I have a B.S. in B.S. ;-) Also, my 25+ books; huge websites; 1,000+ videos and hundreds of rave reviews are all the credentials I need. People are excited to work with PEOPLE, not CREDENTIALS. Remember that.

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