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Book Excerpts From Wake Up Ladies by Bart Smith

Get a sneak peek into Wake Up Ladies by Bart Smith. If you like what you read here, then you'll definitely love the book or perhaps the audio version. That said, enjoy these excerpts!


Who Is This Book For? Both MEN & WOMEN!

This book's message is about preparing WOMEN for their best “relationship” future! LADIES, don't go into the future blindly. Go into it confidently armed with an abundance of ...


Are Women Oversexualizing Themselves & Creating Problems Among Themselves, Impressionable Teen Age Girls, Men & Boys As Well?

This book's message is about preparing WOMEN for their best “relationship” future! LADIES, don't go into the future blindly. Go into it confidently armed with an abundance of ...


Are Women Happy Today?

It quite depends on the woman. There are happy single childless women, and there are miserable single childless women. There are happily married mothers and miserably married mothers. Women can have ...


Are Women Being Mislead?

As I stated in this book, women have been brought up from a very young age to do things that are against their best interest. Everywhere they look, the worst things for women are marketed to them as the best things. Talk about ...


Current State Of Affairs In The Dating World?

What is the current state of affairs when it comes to the world of dating and relationships? Well, allow me to ...


Today’s Modern Woman (True or False?)

What’s she like? Do any of these descriptions describe her? How well? On target? Close? Spot on? Not so? Let’s see …


Masculine Women + Soy Boys Don’T Help Women Find Good Men To Date & Marry

Young men are being taught that being a man is toxic and that there aren’t even any genders in the first place. That would mean if a boy didn’t want to be ...


Have Men Given Up On Women & Dating?

What’s more, those men who do know they are men, don’t want to go to jail or lose their jobs either, so they are curbing their natural behavior and are approaching women far less than they used to


Are Women Driving Good Men Away?

Shame, insults, guilt, character assassination, social reputation annihilation, unfair/unjust criticism, verbal attacks, and the need to be right. What’s more, men ...


Did Women Kill Chivalry?

You can’t demand equality and chivalry at the same time. Guess why? Chivalry in and of itself exposes and is ...


Have Women Become Their Own Enemy?

HECK, yes!!! Uh, I mean, well, yes, perhaps, maybe, of course. Let’s not ignore the fact that women, in general, are ...


Ladies, Think, What Is It You Really Want?

Ladies, when asked these questions and given only one answer to choose (per question), how would you choose?


10 Things Women Should Be Afraid Of, Specifically, Now & Going Into The Future

Here are 10 things women should honestly be afraid of going into the future. Check this out ...


Wisdom & Realities For Women To Adhere To

After everything you just read in PART 1, women should be preparing to be a mother and a wife, which take ...


Re-Defining Terms & Overused Meanings (i.e., High Value, etc.)

We hear this (term) all the time. Women want a high value man. Men want a high value woman. Well, what (and who) defines “high value?” Well, I’ll take a stab at it. In fact, ...


What Men Are Thinking, What Men Want, What Men Like/Don't Like, Are Saying, Are Doing & More

This is a huge and insightful chapter for women to go through. Simply peruse these excerpts to find out quickly what men are going through, observing, thinking, ...


CONFESSIONS: What Many Women Today Are Confessing As True To Them & Their Experiences

What are women saying today? What's going on in their hearts and minds? Well, here are some average confessions from women today ... What do you think? True? Not true?


PONDER THIS: True or Not, Ponder These Realities, Ladies

Now, ponder these concepts, thoughts and realities. What do you think about the topics you’re about to read? Pause, ponder and reflect. Good? Bad? Alright? Not so bad?


OBSERVATIONS: Have You Observed These Things Happening Today?

Would you agree with some of these observations happening today in the world of dating, men and women and in general?


TRUE OR FALSE? When Presented With These Situations, How Would You Decide?

What do you think about these concepts, thoughts and realities. True or false?


Onlyfans, Porn, A.I., Sexbots & Legalized Prostitution (Facts You Need To Know)

This book wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t touch upon a few very sensitive social topics (i.e., porn, OnlyFans (and like websites), A.I. sex models, sex robot dolls and brothels, legalized prostitution, etc.) that can be and are becoming extremely detrimental to women’s mental health, their safety and their potential to find love, get married and start a family.


Women In Porn & Those Who Create Adult Content Online

So, there’s a lot of porn out there. What else is new? Well, here are SEVEN THINGS you need to know about women and porn ...


A.I. Models Are Replacing Real Actresses & Nude Models (It's Happening NOW!)

A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) is on the verge of replacing OnlyFans (and other) nude models and female influencers.


What About A.I. Generated Housewives & Girlfriends (Wake Up Ladies)

Maybe women ought to take becoming a housewife more seriously before they get replaced by female robots ...


Passport Bros & Joes (What Women Need To Know About This Movement)

Another fast growing development occurring in the dating market is the exodus of men leaving Western countries for other countries in search of a “traditional woman.” 


“I’m Tired Of Being Single!” (Female Confession)

“Yeah, I’m tired of being single. I turn 30 this weekend and it will officially be nine (9) years of me being single and I’m tired of doing everything. At first it was fun, I had my freedom ..."


Ladies, Does This Describe You In Any Way? Can You Relate?

I am ___ years old and I’ve been single for ____ years and I’m not happy about that. I spent most of my 20s ...


35+ Regrets Women Have In Their 30s

“Accepting that I’m 38, single and haven’t had children yet. All my friends are married with children and I’m feeding my ..."


Regrets Women Have In Their 40s, 50s & 60s

For women in their 20s and 30s, here are some of the regrets women who are older than you are having. Wake up if any of them resonate with you.


Reasons Why You Might Be Having A Hard Time Finding A Relationship

Granted, there are a myriad of reasons why you might be having a hard time finding the right man to enter into a relationship with, but do some of these reasons ...


Top 10 Qualities Women Need To Work On To Attract A Man

Here they are ladies. The TOP 10 qualities men look for in a woman to date and eventually marry. How do you rate?


21 Things Women Can Say To Her Man To Make Him Feel Loved

Whether you’re already in a relationship with a man, or you hope to be in one day, here are 21 things you can say to ...


Relationship Advice For Women

Okay, this is a BIG SECTION with LOTS of great relationship advice for women to help you either land that man to be yours or help keep him around for the long haul.


Sex, Sex & More About Sex

Ladies, here's what you need to know about sex, having sex and all things ... SEX! Really, check out these realities!


7 Reasons Why Men Are “Not” Going To Sleep With You So Fast Any More

1. NO RELATIONSHIP / NO SEX: First, he enjoys a lot of sex, and the best way to get that is in a committed relationship honoring monogamy and exclusivity. Sure, he would ...


Ladies, Body Count Matters! Here’s Why!

If you are the prize, ladies, as you say you are, there's only ONE WINNER (i.e., one special man) and not 20+ men ...


Ladies, 5 Reasons To Hold Out, Hold On, Not Have Sex & Wait Before Having Sex

(#1) You won't get pregnant if you don't have sex. (#2) You won't catch a disease if you don't have sex. (#3) ...

Book Excerpts From Wake Up Ladies by Bart Smith


Who Is This Book For? Both MEN & WOMEN!

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

This book's message is about preparing WOMEN for their best “relationship” future! LADIES, don't go into the future blindly. Go into it confidently armed with an abundance of knowledge and a real plan on how to land that MAN of your dreams sooner rather than later, IF, that’s a desire of yours, which for most women it is. While much of what’s mentioned inside Wake Up Ladies is directed at mainly single women in their 20s and 30s, the lessons, words and messages can also benefit men as well. Even parents and older men and women can find many reasons to share this book with those in their life who it might help. Then, please, do!

MEN, in particular, are waking up and walking away from the dating game in droves and never entering relationships with women. Why so? Mainly due to how they’ve been treated by women today and by society at large. Men don’t feel needed. “I don’t need a man, I’m strong and independent,” says the modern day woman. Men are told they’re the enemy. “Men are toxic and should be avoided. Go away creep.” Among other negative and even psychologically detrimental statements made to men to make them feel like trying their hand at the dating and marriage game with women is not even worth the squeeze (any more).

Where does this leave WOMEN? Alone, on their own, for years and years on end, and maybe even used just for sex. Is that what women want? I don’t think so (for the majority of women out there) and deep down, they don’t want to be alone either. So, someone must come forward with the right kind of message and overall game plan for these types of women to grasp, see the light and ultimately wake up to what’s real or else? Face a lifetime of loneliness, remaining single, used, broke, abandoned, childless, and on their own, if not erased, invisible and forgotten. Never before has their been more single men and women looking for love only to wind up going nowhere fast. Ladies, specifically, time to WAKE UP to what’s really going on, how you’re coming across to men and how you can change the entire narrative on dating and relationships for the better between men and women → FOREVER!

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Are Women Oversexualizing Themselves & Creating Problems Among Themselves, Impressionable Teen Age Girls, Men & Boys As Well?

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

HEALTH: Teen girls are struggling with mental illness at record levels, with many persistently sad and borderline suicidal. Contrary to the boys, they seem to be going through life just fine. Why do you think that is? Do women put more pressure on themselves to attract a man because they're competing with other women who are stripping down to their bra and panties on Instagram and even more (naked) on OnlyFans.com and other like websites? While men get to just sit back and enjoy all these tantalizing views, women are making all the sacrifices with little in return but likes, financial tips and subscriptions. 

True or false? So, the question is, what can women do to help change this? You're certainly not going to stop men from looking because women crave the attention. So, women are going to have to talk among each other and come up with some kind of dress code, right? But that'll never happen, will it? So then are women part to blame for not putting a stop to this growing trend of soft porn on social media and full-fledged porn everywhere else?

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Are Women Happy Today?

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

It quite depends on the woman. There are happy single childless women, and there are miserable single childless women. There are happily married mothers and miserably married mothers. Women can have no family and no children and enjoy their single lifestyle for years on end, which they have chosen from personal choice and with reason and logic. Not just because they are rejected by society and want to be alone out of incompetence. 

If you’re a human being who believes that having a family is a heavy responsibility and you may not be able to handle it, you are wise to not start a family. If that is your choice, rock on with that! 

HAPPILY SINGLE FEMALE: “As for me, single and child free, I knew my parents would often express envy for what I'm doing at any given moment. I have never expressed envy in return. This might indicate I made the right decision → for me.”

UNHAPPY SINGLE FEMALE: “I chose to chase my career and have my fun throughout my 20s. I wanted to settle down, but never found the right guy. Now, I’m in my 30s and I’m worried I won’t find someone. While I can manage living single, I don’t like the idea of being alone. I want someone to do things with, experience life with, perhaps start a family. Sadly, I don’t think that’s going to happen. Where did I go wrong? Why haven’t I found someone yet? Will I remain single for the rest of my life?”

Sure, today’s gal is all smiles on camera, in their non-stop photo op on their Instagram accounts, but when the cameras get put down at the end of the day and they have to return to their regular routine of living a normal life, like millions do, they ponder and wonder, “Is this all life has to offer me? I’ve got a semi-good job that pays (somewhat/very) well, I’ve got my girlfriends, I’ve got a huge wardrobe of clothes and a million pairs of shoes and all the makeup I could ever want; so, then why am I not happy?”


The short answer might be that women have been lied to as they grew up. They were told any number of nearly impossible expectations, and then may have become frustrated as the constraints of reality exerted themselves thwarting their ability to achieve such visions as they grew older. Women are told repeatedly that they can have it all → a powerful, lucrative career; a supportive, nurturing husband; loving children; a comfortable, tidy, fancy home, etc. Yet, when that fantasy meets reality (on a daily basis for years on end) women eventually start to feel some level of victimization by everyone around them. What was once promised to be the perfect life, turns into a disappointing walk down the aisle of life → all alone!


It’s hard to be happy with your life if you believe you were misled by those you thought were in your corner, your advocates, your cheerleaders, people whom you trusted and looked up to (i.e., friends, parents, teachers, the media, government, academia, etc.). Later in life, women might start to feel betrayed, even lied to you, and that by believing such lies, they might come to the conclusion that they may have made some, if not a number, of bad decisions now affecting their life with no one truly to blame → but themselves.

THE SOLUTION? As hard as it may be to swallow, is to accept that everyone’s reality should be mixed in with a huge dosage of humility, personal responsibility and accountability. Realizing that we are not infinite and perfect, but finite, imperfect, and everyone must truly carve out the life they want with hard work, focus, drive and sacrifice. Consciously, women need to examine the choices they’ve made and will continue to make to ensure they reach their ideal goals of??? A career? Marriage? Family? A combination of those? Whatever is most important to them, make sure you don’t put off one thing, thinking you’ll work on something else later, only to find out life doesn’t work that way sometimes and there are forces that move and change with time that you might not see. Just because you see plenty of male prospects around you when you’re 25, doesn’t mean they’ll be there when you’re 30, 35 or 40? The notion that you can “have it all” takes tremendous sacrifice, focus, and stress on one’s schedule to get everything done day in and day out. To find the perfect man (for her) she must be the perfect woman (for him), and so forth. Women have discovered that to be all things to all people can become tiring, frustrating, and oftentimes feeling like a failure; not because of bad intentions or a lack of trying, but again because of the unreal expectations and the reality of human constraints.


To illustrate something else is to look at how men and women (should, but aren’t) interacting with each other when it comes to mating and pursuing one another for courtship and marriage. For example, women may not be as happy today because they misunderstand “male sexual nature” and are using their (female) bodies in ways that actually work against their best interests in the long run. For example, men are natural hunters. Hey, we all gotta eat right? “Honey, go out and kill us something while I make us a salad to go with that mammoth you’re gonna kill for dinner. See you in a little while. Be safe and don’t get killed yourself or I’ll starve to death in this cave you call a home,” said the cave wife. Men like to pursue (something) because it raises their adrenaline, which makes them feel excited, great and alive. Men particularly like to pursue women they find attractive. It’s in their biology. When there’s no pursuit, men usually get bored and lose interest. Think of the lion who made his kill for the family and is now lazily napping underneath the tree yonder while the family eats. He’s done (working) for the day (to feed his family) and doesn’t want to be disturbed.

Well, given this life reality, young women who offer up sex and/or declare their love and devotion to a man far too soon in the process, oftentimes kill the man’s innate desire to hunt, chase after and snag his prey (i.e., the woman he finds attractive). When the chase is over (too soon), before the man puts in more time and a sincere effort to win her over, he loses interest fast and oftentimes feels unmotivated to commit. Think about that. How many men have slept with a woman TOO SOON only to wind up leaving her TOO SOON thereafter for another woman. Versus, women who make a man wait for sex, force men to keep chasing her only for him to learn more about her, bond with her intellectually/emotionally, see beyond (his personal sexual urges) and see her for more than just a quick dance between the sheets. Instead, someone who he can perhaps fall in love with and stay with a while (i.e., months/years/decades) and build a life with. When the candy, er, sex is offered up too soon, men behave like kids in a coochie, er, candy store only to then be off in pursuit of another woman who would offer him more sugar, candy, er, coochie without having to commit. What ladies aren’t grasping is that sex lasts only hours, maybe minutes, for some. Once it’s over, what next? Does he stay or does he go? Because men are leaving for more candy elsewhere, women are burning through their 20s, even 30s, having sex with men, too soon, too often and without something in it for them in the long run (i.e., commitment). In summary, here is this male in front of you, ladies. He’s stronger than you, yet, desires you. Trust in the fact that you don’t want to fight him or compete with him in any way. His every instinct is to pursue you, provide for you, protect you and love you. You do want those things don’t you? Then, DON’T MESS IT UP, ladies! That’s what nature has equipped him to do.

When women convince themselves that they should start behaving like men and have sex like men, without commitment, but just for fun and jollies, you’re finished before you can even start cooking. A woman’s power is not in competing with men, but in making him desire to use his great strength to obtain you, impregnate you, feed you and the children you make together, and to protect you and provide for you → something men are actually willing to die for in the process of doing. Just think of the line of work some men engage in to bring home the bacon so you can cook it. Men put their lives on the line every day in some occupations just to? Support their families. Now, there are exceptions to what I’m talking about, but typically this is the norm out there.

It’s time to wake up ladies, prepare yourself for love, find your man, don’t have sex with him too soon, or say I love you (yet) and be happy letting him be who he is, while you continue to pursue your personal goals, constantly growing, learning and becoming the best version of your female self for you and for him. Sure, chasing after a career is fine, but why not chase after a man too at the same time? Where does happiness lie? Not on the job, but when you come home and you’re tired, hungry and just wanna cuddle up with your man after a long day and a delicious meal and/or checking in with the kids on how their day went, etc. True or false?

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Are Women Being Mislead?

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

WATCH OUT LADIES: As I stated in this book, women have been brought up from a very young age to do things that are against their best interest. Everywhere they look, the worst things for women are marketed to them as the best things. Talk about getting scammed. Sleep around with a bunch of random guys and get an STD or pregnant out of wedlock or just get dumped on the curb and abandoned after sex with no relationship in sight. Take this birth control pill and experience weight gain, mood swings, decreased sex drive, headaches, spotting / breakthrough bleeding, etc. Eat whatever you want and get fat. Smoke and be cool and develop a habit you can’t break, have more irregular or painful periods, and if pregnant it raises your baby's risk for birth defects, including cleft lip, cleft palate, or both. GREAT! NOT! Drink alcohol like a man and develop alcohol-associated hepatitis, a potentially fatal alcohol-related liver condition, than men who drink the same amount. Boss men around, make demands and have bossy, toxic behavior; sure, if you want to drive men away. Treat men like dirt, they’re evil, and toxic; and women wonder why all the good men have left them behind and want nothing to do with them.

WATCH OUT LADIES (THE MEN HAVE SPOKEN): Men of every age these days have come to the realization that they are happier and more successful without a woman being attached to them. It's hard to argue with this chosen lifestyle. Men in droves are choosing to be single for several reasons. They’re now focused not on pursuing women, but on pursuing the art of being the best they can be personally. Since women have chosen to “chase their career” and not a man, men have chosen to chase themselves for personal self-improvement reasons. Men are happy with the opportunity to do whatever they want and whenever they want. Because they’re ignoring women, women tend to flock to them. (Women love male attention.) Sadly, these men can choose to have their fun with these ladies socially and sexually and then decide whether to keep them or send them home, but they will never commit to any of them. Their success and their circle of buddies mean more to them than any woman possibly could. Why so? Is it because women aren’t bringing to the table anything, but their bodies a smile and a list of (financial) demands from the start? The days of a guy working his butt off for a family that doesn't appreciate him, are gone. For many men these days, they’re skipping out on interacting with women, they’re not having children, and they opt to live out there in the manner they want. Can you blame them? I mean, aren’t women supposedly doing the same thing?

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What Are The Current State Of Affairs In The Dating World?

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

1.  The problem is, outside of college, meeting people is extremely difficult, and asking someone out in places like work is not a smart option. So, where does that leave you to go find someone? Dating apps? We all know how those (don’t) work.

2. More people today are looking for long-term, serious relationships and they’re NOT finding much luck with their pursuits.

3. The idea of a happy strong relationship is hard to picture now, too many people are stuck on worldly attachments and life's problems and they don't want to do anything about it or take responsibility or accountability.

4. Too many options can ruin your chances of picking someone. Like Costco, they don’t have 10 brands of shampoo. They have 3-5. Pick one. Only 3 types of BBQ sauce. Pick one. With online dating, you have 3,000,000 choices …

5. This is why men are no longer approaching. Men are being misled, dropped, ghosted or rejected suddenly for no apparent reason. Men also don't want to be called creepy or annoying or get accused of something they didn't do simply because they tried to strike up a simple conversation. Women wanted men to stop approaching them in public so men did. Now, women don't like it well you asked for it. You can't have it both ways.”

6. The modern woman has been conditioned to expect her wants, feelings and desires satisfied without feeling the need to reciprocate. Men who've been on dating apps and who are literally invisible to all women for years have chosen to move on and pursue personal self-development projects and hobbies.

7. Back in the day, women were conservative, beautiful and had self-respect. Today, so many women are selling their naked bodies like a hoe in the street. So now, men have to work harder and in return they get less of a woman than their grandfathers had access to. That’s “hoe”-“(in)flation” There are MILLIONS of women selling themselves on OF, etc. There are MILLIONS more naked women you can see for strips for free. There's NO value to something that is abundant. Women have lost their value, their self-respect and are virtually mentally living as a woman from the streets.

8. The internet and social media has overwhelmed a woman's need for attention and validation to unreachable levels. Back in the good ol’ days, women were stuck with whatever guys would approach them in real life. Literally, that was the only way they could get interaction with men. Fast forward to now: literally, almost any woman can have 1,000’s of men complimenting them on their social media accounts. Plus, add all the men who will “like” at least 60% of women whenever they post a new tit or butt pic. On the other hand, women only “like” guys’ posts and like only 5-10% of the men who approach them. They are absolutely overwhelmed with options.”

9. Men aren’t putting anything on the line anymore. Those days are over. Men are realizing that they don't need women, weed, alcohol or anything. All that stuff just holds men back from their dreams. Men are getting focused on what they want, and in most cases, it doesn't always include a woman. There's plenty of fun activities and hobbies out there for men to dive into and that can last them a lifetime of entertainment time fulfillment etc. What do women have that they can look into for a lifetime of fulfillment? I'm just asking. Because while you go through that. Of time, all those decades alone, you still have to live, and many women don't like not having a man around. In their older age.

10. If you ask a man what can you do to make a woman feel special or feminine on a first date, you can actually get some answers such as open doors for them, open the pull out the chair for them, etc. Ask the same question to women about how they might make a man feel special on a first date and you'll get blank stares. Men are tired of dealing with these cafeteria feminists who expect tradition only when it benefits them, but do not know how to reciprocate it.

11. Gender wars seem to be at an all-time high between men and women. Would you agree to some extent? Men and women aren’t trusting one another, they’re not looking out for one another, they’re only interested in their own needs, wants and desires, neither want to give, they only want to take from someone else. True or false?

12. Men can see combative, argumentative, brainwashed women a mile away and they are avoiding them.

13. Back in the day, certain women’s groups were screaming about pin ups and bikini calendars in fire departments and hostile work environments since the 80’s. Now? We have cross-dressers and drag queen shows and soft porn storytelling books in kindergarten classes and allowing men (who think they’re women) into the women’s locker rooms, showers and restrooms. My how times have changed, eh?

14. Men are now acting like women and women are now acting like men. How do we end this state of confusion?

15. Even older men are joining their younger brothers in jumping off the rob-all-men financially and emotionally while sucking the desire to live out on their boat. Because it's not just the younger women, they are infectious and are spreading to the older women, the ones that used to act like they had since.

16. Women today act no more like hookers with the only thing they have to offer is their kitty cat. They don't cook, they don't clean, they sometimes don't want to work, they don't want to have children, basically hookers at some point, not every woman, but most of them. When you listen to a woman who has an OnlyFans account, which would eventually slip out of her mouth is the fact that she sees clients in person on the side for extra money. That is a hooker.

17. The main winners from the world of hookup culture and porn are not the women who are either forced or fall into the role of serving the excesses of male lust. Women should not see sex outside of a relationship or marriage as empowering but they should listen to their inner voice that says I'm actually suffering. I’m not getting anything out of this but a few moments of some pleasure, if any at all.


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Today’s Modern Woman

(True or False?)

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

What’s she like? Do any of the following descriptions describe her? How well? On target? Close? Spot on? Not so? Let’s see …

 •  Women today, more than ever, are addicted to attention, drama and problems, instead of being addicted to finding a good man who can help shelter them from the world of drama, problems and chaos? True or false? Are fewer women interested in finding a man who can help them build generational wealth, a family, a legacy, or start a family?

•  Today’s modern woman acts more like a dictator sometimes, acting tyrannical in their demands? True or false? Do they tend to go down the path of woke ideology for identity purposes? Which, by the way, is a huge turn-off for men.

•  Today’s women comprise a generation of narcissistic females who have been cultivated through the rise of social media, online dating and feminism, and have been taught they are not responsible for any poor choices they might make. True or false? No longer are women brought up with a mentality of class and decency and a sense of responsibility. No. Instead, bad choices are now glamorized. So, if you want to be a sex worker, that's great. Do you want to post tit and ass and camel-toe pictures on Instagram where minors can see them, that's okay. That’s empowering. Every poor choice is glamorized and every internal reflection is seen as gas-lighting yourself. So, you'll never have any internal reflection helping you to see if your choices are good or bad for you or others. So these females are trained not to reflect on themselves because they've been told they've been oppressed for decades, if not centuries, and that now’s the time to do whatever they want and without any accountability. Then, when it comes to relationships, if they don't feel completely satisfied all the time, the man is deemed boring and she leaves. He’s the problem, not “maybe I should see more of his good qualities and life in general is typically boring and I shouldn’t put that on the man.”

•  They don’t want a good (boring) man. They want drama and to be abused? (i.e., the wrong kind of attention) The nice guys she passed up for years are causing today’s woman to wind up single, childless (or single mothers) and not married to good, stable, boring men. Today’s modern woman is making really bad decisions, and oftentimes, too late in the game, and they say women mature faster than men. Uh huh, yeah, right.

•  Have women become strident, harsh, angry and demanding in ways that are really quite off-putting? Do men these days feel hounded and browbeaten and expected to not be men around women? Is the whole “toxic masculinity” actually a projection of women who are suffering from “toxic femininity,” which is only real in the sense that it makes them attack males for their maleness? The women in places where women are feminine have a much better ability to tame and handle such men, and they don’t use terms like that anymore than people who tame and train wild horses have to use terms like “toxic horseness.” The women in those places are just much more skilled and sophisticated at handling the male psyche, and what they get in return is someone who values them as grounded and who will protect them and treasure them.

•  Have women themselves into the men they want to date? That cocky swagger and the “I’m a 10” energy is what such women find attractive in men. What most men find attractive in women is humbleness and humility. Both shy women and confident women can be attractive, but arrogance is never attractive. Entitlement is never attractive. Self-awareness and personal accountability is sexy.

•  Is today’s woman delusional when she thinks that the attention she gets in her prime will always going to be there? Is she aware that her body and looks are on a time-clock ticking down and one day that phone will not ring as much, if at all. That she should use the leverage she has while she’s young and she should choose then/now wisely? That you don’t want to be single like you are/were in your 20s in your 30/40s. It can really suck. Do women think their current status will be their future? It never is. Today doesn’t last. It becomes tomorrow and today becomes yesterday and is gone forever.

•  Is this what keeps a modern woman from getting a man in her prime years: social media, movies, Hollywood, TV shows, her single girlfriends, etc.? Or, they don't have someone in their life telling them, "That's a good one, you better keep him before he moves on to someone else because you didn’t show signs you wanted him." They're not telling her to embrace her wife/mother instincts/role, but instead remain in that consumerism and narcissism mindset and live for her her her. It’s all about her, at least for the next 10 years, and then she’ll think about others.

•  Today’s woman would rather seek the attention from 1,000,000 men versus ONE man. The problem with that is those men come and go by the hundreds if not thousands every day leaving her empty over and over again. The hundreds, if not thousands of men who desire her distract her from finding and settling down with one good man. The attention from one man isn’t enough for today’s modern woman, eh?

•  Men want women who were raised with standards not by social media trends that change constantly.

•  Cooking and cleaning are things every adult should do; it's the absolute minimum, yet today's modern woman whines about even that. True or false? The question isn't so much can a women clean, but how clean does she keep her own house? I've seen more women, than men, who have horrible bathrooms with black mold in the bath tub, messy bedrooms, dishes piled up in the sink. Granted, men aren't off the hook, but it would be nice to know if the gal a man wants in his life can at least keep her own area clean. Cleaning (the house) and other chores should be a 50/50 program because both enjoy a clean house. Right?

•  Today's woman want a man who's "hubby" material, but they don’t want to be (or learn to develop) “wifey“ material. True or false?

•  There are women in other countries who make far better wives and mothers than the average American woman. True or false? Men are tired of being unappreciated, getting wrecked in divorce court, getting the short end of the stick in family court, as well as being told they aren't anything even from women that don't have anything to offer themselves. Men are simple, yet most modern women of today can't even fulfill the most basic of what a man wants but the man has to tick all her boxes. Right or wrong?

•  Today's women are such a turn off to most conservative, good, and yes, boring men, that men have never been so uninterested in having a woman in their entire life. They don't even want a wife anymore.

  While there's nothing wrong with a woman having standards, but the expectations placed on men (by women) can only be met by God.

•  Today's women have high standards for men, but then get mad when men have high standards for them.

•  Are women today putting undue pressure on themselves by postponing looking for a man to marry them up and impregnate them in the final hour of their fertility window? When they were younger, their choices of men their age and older were plenty. As they entered their 30s, that number (of men) dropped by more than 60-80%.

  Women choose the physical way to compete for a man: more lashes, bigger booty, bigger breasts, show more skin, etc. Competing for his attention is one thing with those things. Competition for his heart and hand (in marriage) is a whole other art, which most women know nothing about.

•  Modern women think getting attention from all those men on social media will last forever, yet it cannot be sustained. Besides, it's not healthy. The more these men thirst after you, the more they’ll want to meet you, stalk you, sleep with you, it can get out of control at some point. Then, what happens? You’ll want a good man to stick with you who can protect you from these other men who chase after you who you don’t want. Sounds crazy, but how true is this?

•  Are today’s women (still) looking for that traditional man yet they themselves are not traditional in any sense? There are women out there who don't clean and don't cook and live their lives in total filth with roaches crawling all over their house and mold building up in the bathroom.

•  A man meets 8 out of 10 items on her list for the perfect man, yet she lets him go because he doesn't have those remaining 2 items and she’s not willing to put in the time to make things work or allow him time to work on them. Yet, she has only 4 out of 10 of those items checked in his mind, but will still give her a chance.


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Masculine Women + Soy Boys Don’t Help Women Find Good Men To Date & Marry ... Do They?

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

“I’m having a hard time finding a masculine man who is also liberal, left-leaning politically like I am. It seems all the masculine men are conservative.” – Single, Left-Leaning Female

Young men are being taught that being a man is toxic and that there aren’t even any genders in the first place. That would mean if a boy didn’t want to be a boy he could be a girl. That also means he turns in his strength and masculinity into be weaker and more feminine.

Is it any wonder we now have boys who think they are girls and young men who have given up on dating amidst all the constantly shifting rules that go against his natural intuition as to what it means to be a man? These days, more young men are just becoming confused. Ladies, how do you feel about men getting weaker, more feminine, and less masculine? Is that attractive or unattractive? With fewer men acting like (real) men, the pool of real, masculine men for women to date/marry will shrink, won’t it? With time, who knows, there may not be any real men left.





Have Men Given Up On Women And Dating Them?

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

What’s more, those men who do know they are men, don’t want to go to jail or lose their jobs either, so they are curbing their natural behavior and are approaching women far less than they used to in times earlier.

It appears the dating culture of today has actually scared a lot of good men away. Is that why you hear women saying, “Where have all the good men gone?” Maybe they keep running into the bad men (i.e., losers, posers, players, brats, or manipulators), because those are the only men left willing to risk it with women. Thoughts on this?

Further, if you've ever used a dating app, it can be fairly dehumanizing for the average guy. He quickly realizes most women think most men aren't worth a passing consideration. 

The vast majority of women consider most men as subpar. What’s more, navigating the minefield of being expected to make all the first moves, while not being awkward; while being unrealistically confident and outgoing; trying not to weird a woman out for qualities that make you unique despite those qualities being fairly common and normal; trying to simultaneously be respectful of consent but being expected to be assertive and confident; most young men not making the kind of money women fantasize about; struggling with your own life while walking on eggshells to not lose someone's fleeting interest; who is actively looking for any possible red flag to then ghost you … No wonder it can be exhausting for men to participate in the world of dating with women. Too many rules, too many risks, not enough support, let alone return on one’s investment of time, energy and money. You know, the guy has to pay for the first date, and all other future dates. Good thing he makes more than women. He needs it to spend on her. So, there is this tendency to not be honest about how unfair dating is for young men these days. While we may have come a long way as a society, there are still expectations placed on men that aren't placed on women, which in the name of equality are frankly → sexist. If women took equal responsibility in pursuing men, it wouldn't be so lopsided. But as it stands, most women have the opposite problem of having too many options rather than being the person needing to seek out options.


While many men do initially put themselves out there more than a few times, they just wind up feeling dehumanized by the way they have to prove they’re good enough when the message seems too consistently to be that they’re not. You can only subject yourself to those kinds of high expectations (you know you can’t meet) only so many times before you decide it's eating away at your sense of self worth and you just drop out altogether. Before a man gets to a certain point, after showing initial interest in a gal, there’s already a prejudicial assumption that he could be a predator until proven innocent, an emotional abuser until proven innocent, a weirdo, a creep, awkward, too soft, too clingy, didn't read the signs, a loser, etc. Because the gal is looking for a reason for him to prove he’s just like those other assholes and she exclaims, “I knew it. I’m not interested …,” this just breaks men’s spirit when it comes to wanting to pursue women in general.


Keep in mind, you're expected to do the initiating. That has not changed. So no woman is going to come up to the man and make a move or express interest. Just being “confident” and “shooting your shot,” doesn’t cut it in this day in age for men. The risks far out way the reward. As they say, “the lemon just ain’t worth the squeeze.” Question: If women are so liberated and free-willed today, why do men need to pursue women anymore? If a woman knows what she wants, why doesn’t she just walk right up to a man (she’s interested in) and start up a conversation? You know the answer to that question, don’t you. She won’t. She’s scared. She’s afraid of → REJECTION! Oh, like men are!


Imagine failing a worthiness test over and over and not knowing what it was about you that you could change or do better? After a while, you say to yourself, “Gee, maybe I’m just not that interesting or attractive.” So, the guy doesn’t even engage that aspect of his life anymore, because it's painful to be reminded that no one thinks you're attractive enough or interesting or just a decent person wanting to be considered for a simple lunch date. Sheesh! Why would you want to be subjected to that over and over again? So? Men just check out of the dating scene altogether and go find a lifetime hobby to pursue and get a dog who loves you unconditionally. Done. They’re happy and well … the women still are not. They’re left alone with all the bad dudes who cheat on them, get them pregnant and leave them, abuse them physically … to me at any time.


Men aren’t waiting for “it to happen” or for her to “walk right into his life” when it comes to finding someone. Sure it can work, but mostly for women. Women are the ones with the multitude of options coming at them, not men. Men have to go out, and ask women out, but the thing is they get rejected A LOT. Then, every single time he gets rejected his soul darkens, and it becomes a little more numb. Rejection after rejection, he eventually loses that spark and part of his soul that desired affection and female companionship, and it will go numb forever. Once the soul reaches this stage, re-igniting that part is nearly impossible. The pain of being rejected a thousand times in hopes that the thousandth and one time will be the one is greater than the joy of a successful relationship to the soul. Women are not capable of understanding this, because they are the ones doing the majority of the rejecting or accepting of men. They simply do not have the experience to understand rejection and what it does to a man.


Granted, women too get rejected by men, and because men do know what it’s like to be rejected MORE, men tend to go a little easier on women when rejecting them. You can imagine men getting nasty responses from women who approach them for sex, “Get away from me creep or I’ll call the cops,” versus, “I only have sex with a woman who I’m in a relationship with.” See the difference in tact?


Today's society is killing male attraction and making something that should be fun and abundant; crap and scarce. By now, I totally understand why so many men have given up on women. To them, it’s just not worth the mental or even emotional toll it takes. It also follows the age old adage of letting go of those things in life that don't serve you well. Like what logical man, in his right mind would get married? It’s the dumbest thing he could do. No, really! Yes, it’s being done, sure. But, it’s a “she takes half of everything regardless of” set up against the man.


With a 70% divorce rate, mostly initiated by women? After men have seen how their fathers’ brothers, uncles and male friends have been put through by their women after divorce? Why play the game? Why risk his life, money, savings, assets all for what? So, today, men say, “Nah, I’ll pass.”

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Are Women Driving Good Men Away?

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Shame, insults, guilt, character assassination, social reputation annihilation, unfair/unjust criticism, verbal attacks, and the need to be right. What’s more, men don’t know if they’re coming or they’re going with women these days. For example, if he believes in chivalry, caring for and protecting his gal, he's an outdated patriarch.

If he believes in equality, requiring his gal to hold up their financial side of the dinner check or other bills, he's uncaring and a gold digger. If he's open and emotional, he's weak. If he's strong and stoic, he's closed. Throughout history, what is the role of man in society? Leader, provider, supporter, protector, right? Oh, these are now all outdated roles. What are the new roles? They haven't been defined yet.

If you choose the old roles, you're a dinosaur and sexist. If you choose to be more nurturing, open and emotional, then you aren't seen as a MAN either. Men just can’t get a break, can they? There just doesn’t seem to be a right answer these days as to what is a “Modern Man.” These are just some of the reasons driving men away from the women they’d love to date, marry and start families with. Men know their worth. Men know they have flaws, but all humans do. Men are just tired of being told that they’re outdated for being strong and yet weak for being told to be more vulnerable and in touch with their feelings. Men are now on a path that pleases them and keeps their sanity and their wallet intact.

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Did Women Kill Chivalry?

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

You can’t demand equality and chivalry at the same time. Guess why? Chivalry in and of itself exposes and is supported by inequality. Women get special treatment based on the fact that they’re female, which conflicts with feminism and wanting to be treated equally. So, in the name of equality, which women have asked for, and since the rules on what a man should or shouldn’t do haven’t been clearly explained to him, here’s what’s happening → men are not acting chivalrous anymore. Men are not helping women like they used to. Unless he’s paid, salaried or it’s his job, women on their own. Sure, from time to time, a door gets opened or something nice happens to a woman on behalf of a man, but it’s the exception not the norm. So, ladies, pick one, (A) get treated like everyone else (equality) or (B) special like a lady (chivalry), but you can’t have both. It’s too confusing and men just turn their kind gesture off and avoid helping women. Is that what you want?

Real men open doors for women, men are faithful to their wives, men love their wives unconditionally and put themselves last. Men lay down their lives for their family when danger comes through that door.


Men go down with the ship, while the women and children get on lifeboats and survive. Unfortunately our culture has turned these eternal ideals into madness. But what do you expect when the men are not wanted in the household or they look down upon in every aspect of society. It's just sad and hopefully women will wake up to the truth before they’re extinct, replaced and sex robots have replaced them in the bedroom as well.”

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Have Women Become Their Own Worst Enemy?

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

HECK, yes!!! Uh, I mean, well, yes, perhaps, maybe, of course. Let’s not ignore the fact that women, in general, are constantly judging, belittling, putting down, and in competition with other women (and in more of a toxic way). This undercurrent of nastiness eventually gets in the way of women finding true love. Why so? First, single women keep women single. Women don’t always give the best advice to each other. Women tear each other down if they know some other gal has it better than they do.

Women are emotional, not logical, and are easily persuaded by fads, trends, peer pressure, the media, government and other forces that don’t always have a woman’s best interest at heart and THAT IS A FACT! Don’t try to deny it. That being said, if a woman isn’t in total control of her mind, and her heart runs jealous of other women, how can she make room for a man to come into her world and invite her to spend her life with him? Do you smell conflict coming on?

“No one can serve two masters,” as they say. That means, women must choose between following the lies and propaganda in their heads or the truth (or life) with a man she is to fall in love with. His love is the truth that will set her free. Don’t laugh at that. Let’s analyze. Freedom from working for a living so she can stay home and raise their children. Freedom from the dating market of sharks and liars who only want to use her body for their personal sexual gain. Freedom from poverty as two incomes will help her be better off financially in the long run. Freedom from depression and loneliness because now she has someone to love and to hold her hand during the day and hold her tight at night. Am I wrong?

This is one of the reasons why men have left the dating scene. Women have turned themselves into one of the top three enemies men have. They’re no longer his fan, his cheerleader, his helper, or his mate. Women need to pay close attention to how they interact with me or if they keep acting like the enemy, they’ll continue to push men farther and farther away until they never want to come back. Hello → “DYING ALONE!”

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Ladies, Think, What Is It You Really Want?

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

• Do you want → LOVE or LUST?

• To be → KEPT or USED?

• Is Your Body For → PUBLIC Use or PRIVATE Use?


Then, think about FINDING A MAN now and not 10-15 years LATER.

• Don’t → WASTE ANY MORE TIME! Years you waste you can't get back.

• Think → “URGENCY” and not “I HAVE (PLENTY OF) TIME!

• Study up on → ALL THINGS MOTHERHOOD / HOUSEWIFE if you do want those things? 

• Think → LONG-TERM and not SHORT-TERM!

• Desire to → GROW with a man over the YEARS and not single, alone for a decade plus! Your dating pool of men shrinks as you get older. 

• Be → KIND, SWEET, FEMININE and PATIENT with MEN! Not → MEAN, NASTY, RUDE, INSULTING and UNAPPRECIATIVE towards men. What you respect, comes to you (or stocks around) gladly. That which you disrespect leaves you to fend for yourself. True or false?


You can just imagine if you followed 80% or more of the above suggestions just how, ladies, your love life might turn out, right? Well? Live it up and love it up with your man when you find him.

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10 Things Women Should Be Afraid Of, Specifically, Now & Going Into The Future

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

1. AGE: Once women hit certain ages (i.e., 30, 40, 50) the quantity and quality of men who pursue them starts to diminish. Not so much because of them and their age, per se, but the quantity of availability just shrinks. As men age, they get married, date long-term, come out of divorce/separation and don't want to date, let themselves go (and are a tad undateable), experiences their own health problems, ... among other reasons.

2. MEN LEAVING THE DATING SCENE & GOING THEIR OWN WAY → With men walking away from wanting to date women, that pool of men pursuing women goes down even more.

3. SHRINKING DATING POOL OF LEGIBLE, GOOD MEN TO DATE/MARRY → Women need to realize that men are no longer afraid to be single. They'll spend years alone, building themselves up, improving themselves, making money, saving money, traveling the world, and meeting more feminine women from different cultures. Yes, they’d love to have a woman in their life, but they don't need you. It’s only after years of spending quality time building themselves up to the point where men decide if a woman is worth inviting into their life. What’s more, that kind of man is dangerous. You can’t control him, you can’t manipulate him and he’s going to see right through your pretty smile and sexy outfit and only if he feels you’re being real with him will he fully commit to you. Otherwise, see ya, he won’t wanna be with ya. One major fear some women hold is in fact they no longer have any control over men. They can’t influence them by offering sex, a wife, a girlfriend, companionship, etc. Men want no part. Women are like, “Well, who’s left for us to manipulate, ourselves? Other women? That’s no fun and that’s not what I want.”

4. COMPETITION: Something women don't see or they forget as they grow older, is that they are in constant competition with other women who are younger and don't have the same amount of life baggage one accumulates as they get older. A 35 year old man can choose a 25-30 year old woman who has kept her life traditional self together over a 30+ year old woman who's getting desperate because she ran through her 20s and early 30s not thinking she’d have competition when her train pulled into the station at 30+. Women think it's easy to snag a guy at any age when they’re at their height of beauty and have lots of guys approaching them. That changes with time. With time, comes competition and fewer and fewer male dating prospects.

5. THEY’RE CONTINUALLY TOLD LIES → Women have been LIED TO about a lot of things and by believing such lies they’re the ones who pay the price as they get older. Earn that over-priced, worth-nothing degree and take on student loan debt. Focus on your career, er, I mean a J.O.B. (JUST OVER BROKE) for 3-5 years. Then, quit that career, for another career, every 3-5 years and do something else that either pays more or doesn’t bore you to tears or works you to death. But, you keep working. Never mind the fact that some women would be happier NOT working, and staying home raising a family. Oh, and waste your youth and beauty hanging out with the girls looking HOTTT for 10+ years clubbing and not scoring a good man while you're young and have a better chance at scoring a man who will love you through your 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond!

6. FEMINISM → The lies that keep on giving, I mean, taking away your own ability to choose what you really want. Feminism had its day in the sun, but now, it does nothing more than insist you to hate men, find them to be your enemy and much more. All of which contradicts what it really means to be a woman and feminine.

7. FERTILITY → Your most fertile years are between 18 and 28. Anything above that and you risk complications to you and the baby. What’s more, the later you have your child, the older you’ll be when they just enter high school. WHO in their right mind wants to be 50-60 years old and their kid is just entering high school? No, think about that. You turn 35, have a kid, it’s great for a few years until? Your parents need caring for due to their health problems. No. Have your kids in your 20s (or early 30s) so your 50s+ are child free and filled with traveling with you and your hubby.

8. OTHER WOMEN HURTING YOUR CHANCES AT FINDING LOVE → As they say, single women keep women single. If you're going to put so much time, money, energy into having fun, posing for the camera and serving your ego → are you putting in the same level of effort to serve what your heart needs? Are you spending your years wisely? It's okay to have fun, but at some point, you need to look at the future. Partying with the other gals might seem like a lot of fun, and I bet it is. Trouble is, you can easily get caught up in that for far too long and not see that the clock is ticking down for you in a lot of ways. One day, in your 30s, you might realize how boring all that partying is. All the dressing up, preparation, time applying makeup, getting your hair/nails done, time traveling to/from, all the loser guys hitting on you to dance with them so they could get close to you (for all the wrong reasons), all the hangovers, and the like. Real men, good men, men who want to be with you and not the crowd or your friends are passing you buy choosing women who don’t run with the crowd. Single women keep women single and beta-male orbiters also keep your husband away. Traditional women want a man in their life, not a crowd of women who keep women single → for years on end.

9. MONEY / FINANCES → Will your current career, er, job, pay-scale be able to keep up with inflation? How long do you plan to work at that job, I mean, career? 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? As a single woman, do you make enough to pay your rent, bills, loan payments and save for your future? How much will you have saved up in, say, ten years, $5,000? $25,000? $50,000? Do you want to start a family one day? How much will that cost? By any measure, raising kids can be expensive. As of 2022, the average cost is approximately $250,000+/– per child or roughly $14,000 per year. Of course, that doesn’t include college tuition and other expenses when they move back home because they couldn’t make it on their own. Costs will vary with each household, and the per-child cost may be lower if you have multiple children and can spread expenditures across multiple children. Being single you have to pay for everything, and with men walking away from women, they’re not going to be around to be used for that free meal, I mean, date you were hoping to go on. Yet, with a good man in your life, the earlier you snag him the better, and the faster you can start saving money, making your dollar stretch, keeping more of your hard earned dollars for expenditures that help you and your family grow and more. Ah, the benefits of a man in your life.

10. AI / ONLYFANS / HD PORN / SEXBOTS → It’s one thing to compete against other, real women for the same great guy, but to be in direct competition (for his time and attention, energy, even his money) with millions of younger, naked women via porn, on OnlyFans.com type websites, and the coming age of AI sex dolls right around the corner (see RealDoll.com and SmartDollWorld.com), the average woman doesn’t stand a chance to land a man so easily anymore. It’s going to be an uphill battle going forward, and a battle not many women are going to win. Ladies, you have no idea how much your desire for a man is about to be crushed because you don’t take the kind of urgent action needed NOW to land your man as soon as you can. The longer you put off that one single act, the harder it will be to get any man to look at you, consider you, find you as attractive, as entertaining, as beautiful, as diverse as all the millions of naked options other women are throwing at him. Hip hip hooray for (naked) female empowerment and sex workers’ rights, right? Uh, NOT!

What’s worse, now that you know all this is, who stands to get hurt the most in the long run? Women. With men waking up to their own reality and taking action in their favor and not yours, what kind of action are women going to take? Most of them, sadly, will continue to live their lives in the mirror or the camera or on social media showcasing their latest pose or strut walk in their hooker skirt, in addition to living out their best life in their bubble headed safe-space of prolonged good times and your basic head-in-the-sand mentality. What are you women going to do when they haven't planned for a debased currency and know nothing about finance, even though they’re empowered, strong and independent. Hogwash.

What will women do when the men they wanted to be with, marry, have children with, don't want to choose them at all because they want to live their best life on their terms, light and without women on board. What will women do when there are no good men around (in their life 24/7) to protect them against the bad men. I guess such women will be fine, they’re strong and independent, right?

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Wisdom & Realities For Women To Adhere To

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

After everything you just read in PART 1, women should be preparing to be a mother and a wife, which take work and planning. How long do you want to waste your life away being single and hot and???? Without a man? Without children? The longer you take, the longer you push men into passing you over when your body clock is crying PICK ME!


How wrong it is for you right now (in the moment). How others (far) outside and afar look at you and think of you. How your future will be impacted by your present. If participation in bad behaviors have bad outcomes, think twice about participating in those activities. The farther down the rabbit hole you go, the harder it is to get back out.

Men want a woman who is traditional, loyal, dedicated to building something (a family, business, empire, legacy, a combination), a women they can fall in love with and in return fall in love with him and not the world that feeds her all its lies on a constant basis to maintain her attention, focus and lifestyle of spinning her wheels and wasting her years away.


Are you a sexual creature? How would you define that? Are you a romantic creature? Define that? Are you a creature who craves to be loved more than lusted after? How can both exist or can you really only serve one master while the other (i.e., sex) is tamed?


If you think being single now (when you're in your early/mid/late 20's) is hard, wait 'til you're in your 30's and 40's → then try to find a man! Chances are, you won't! I know of a beautiful 38 year old, right now, who lives in a big city and she can’t find a decent man to pair up with. Why is that? Think hard about wasting your time away partying with the girls during your younger years (20's) only to wind up with all the odds (not in your favor) and competition to land a man (not in your favor).


Time is ticking for you in so many way. The question is are you going to stay single or land a man. Sure, you can stay single. Staying single has its benefits. A lot of people LOVE being single. BUT, what if you don’t want to be single anymore? What do you do? How do you land that man for marriage and more? Well, first, you have to get to understand men. What do men think? What do men do? What do men observe and so forth.


Once you have this type of information at your fingertips, you’re better able to increase the odds (in your favor) and minimize your competition (making you the sought after prize) men will climb over themselves to have in their life. You do want to be that kind of woman right?


Well, let’s move on to the next important topic to consume inside Wake Up Ladies and learn all about men. I know, your favorite subject, right?

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Re-Defining Terms & Overused Meanings (i.e., High Value, etc.)

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

We hear this (term) all the time. Women want a high value man. Men want a high value woman. Well, what (and who) defines “high value?” Well, I’ll take a stab at it. In fact, I think my definition is quite simple, yet comprehensive. Let’s take a look. So, when it comes to the term “high value,” here’s all you have to remember:

1. HIGH VALUE has nothing to do with MONETARY ATTAINMENT; per se. Money can come and go. You can be rich and a jerk. What’s more important is can you make $$$ and how responsibly do you spend it, save it and invest it.

2. HIGH VALUE means SAVING YOURSELF as much as possible for the potential ONE for you, SEXUALLY speaking. That means, your only sexual episodes, hopefully, were confined within monogamous relationships. Outside of that, 50+ hookups does not contribute to a HIGH VALUE status. On the contrary, it contributes to an STD count. That’s like sharing your money with everyone. Uh, no. That’s like letting everyone into your home to party and you don’t know who those strangers are. Uh, no. SEXUAL PRESERVATION is what we’re talking about here. Keep sex special for the ONE.

3. HIGH VALUE also means having an EDUCATION as well as some degree of INTELLIGENCE. Don’t talk like a fool, act like a fool and come across like a fool. Enough said. Read books, stay informed of current events, and never stop learning. By the way, I dropped out of college at the end of my freshman year. I have no degrees. I’ve written 27 books. I’m extremely well-read. I know upwards of 100+ pieces of software. How you acquire knowledge and education is in your hands. College educated is fine. Trade schools are fine. Self-study is fine. Just don’t talk like a fool, act like a fool and come across like a fool.

4. HIGH VALUE also means YOU TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH! You eat right, eat light, work out and drink lots of water. You’d be surprised how many people drink too much soda/alcohol, smoke, do drugs, eat junk food, consume too much sugar, are overweight, … you name it. No. A high value person cuts all that garbage out and takes care of themselves from a health standpoint so their (future) significant other finds them, not just physically attractive, but you’re able to stick around for the long haul without health complications. I know of a 30 year old man, married, and weighs close to 400 pounds. There is no way he can carry that weight into his 40s, let along 50s, without seeing some form of health complications at that age, let alone needing to get around in a scooter. So, take care of yourself so you too can be in that high value category health-wise.

5. HIGH VALUE also means you’re RELATIONSHIP-SMART! You’ve read all my relationships books and know how to please your lover, spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife inside and outside of the bedroom. All my books are all you need to take in. I know for me, my gal gets all of me in ways that are so cool and loving because I KNOW HOW TO TREAT HER!!!!! Head on over to BartSmith.com/books to see what you too should be taking in, knowledge wise, in the relationship department.

6. HIGH VALUE also means you have some sort of style, you’re clean and organized. If you can do these things in several areas of your life, such as your home, your car, your closets, wardrobe, the shoes you wear, how you walk (tall and with purpose), etc., then this will give off a great number of first impressions. I know for me, for example, every time ANYONE EVER comes over to my house and they see how clean and organized it is, they speak up. “Bart, your house is like a showcase home. It’s immaculate.” Just don’t look at my desk. It’s a mess, haha. Still, though, you get what I’m saying.

7. HIGH VALUE also means you have GOOD MORAL CHARACTER and a healthy SPIRITUAL DEMEANOR. Having these two personal characteristics helps one be patient, understanding, loving and caring. All the qualities needed to mix into any healthy, harmonious relationship. Wouldn’t you agree? Can you imagine a relationship without those qualities? You can’t. Neither can I.

8. HIGH VALUE also means COMMITTED, DEDICATED & DEVOTED to the one you love. You know, in all this talk about what a high value man/woman is, how come we never hear the words commitment, dedication, and devotion towards the one you want to share your life with? What, are they just overlooked? I think they’re what will keep you two going strong for a long, long time. Don’t you?

9. HIGH VALUE also means you’re a good ROLE MODEL for others. Others can look up to you, are inspired by you and take cues from you as to how to be a great person.

10. BONUS: HIGH VALUE also means ______________. I left this one blank so YOU could fill it with maybe something that’s important to you. I don’t know you and you might think of something I didn’t think of or that’s more related to you and your lifestyle, outlook on life, etc. Hey, fill it in.

That’s it. You do your best to act on the above 9+1 items and there’s no doubt you will have achieved that HIGH VALUE status your potential significant other is looking for in a lifelong mate. Right? You bet!

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What Men Are Thinking, What Men Want, What Men Like/Don't Like, Are Saying, Doing, Observing & More

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

This is going to be an insightful chapter to read through. Simply peruse this section to find out quickly what men are going through, observing, thinking, saying, what men like and don’t like; and what they’re doing.

Once you know what men are up to, perhaps it will change some of your own thinking, what you thought about men, what you might do differently in order to secure a man for yourself before another woman comes along behind you and snags him or he just decides, “Nah, no thanks. I don’t date or deal with women any more. If I do change my mind and want a woman in my life, I think I’ll go overseas to find her.” Right?

Well, before we get into this section, specifically and up front, what do you need to know about men? What qualities summarize how good men are? Five (5) words: SIMPLE, STRONG, DEDICATED, LOYAL and LOGICAL. This is who you’re after up and against. To tame such a beast, so to speak, and make him yours, there are only FIVE (5) QUALITIES a woman should exhibit that come natural to her that she should use to draw a man into her, for keeps: FEMININE, KIND, SWEET, COOPERATIVE, LOYAL and RESPECTFUL. How much would you agree with those assessments?


DATING APPS: “I decided to get back into the game and get back on the dating apps for the first time in like four years. I'm probably a seven or an eight out of ten, great shape, educated, good paying job, … My conclusion? The average guy has zero chance.”

DATING EXPERIENCE: “Many men today, like myself, are ignored, rejected, friend zone, ghosted, distance from and pushed away all for just being nice, kind, polite and caring. A lot of women today are not about personal accountability, personal responsibility and consequences. They want to run the show and state all their demands up front and yet they offer next to nothing in return to a man who wants to give them everything. No wonder men are walking away.”


DATING APPS: “I've been with my wife now for 10 years and we've been married for eight. I completely missed the dating app scene and using any dating websites to find my gal. I did know they existed and back in the day they were mostly comprised of crazies, wackos, and the desperate. What was crazy was my coworker showed me what it was like to be on one of those dating apps. My lord, talk about a bunch of fours pretending like they’re tens. I wouldn't touch any of these women with a chemical suit on. Brutal.”


DATING / GIVING UP: “I'm 35, and was in a 10-year relationship with a woman. So, I know what it’s like to be in a long-term, monogamous relationship. I don't have any children, I’m self-employed, well traveled, educated, high iq, well read and I'm not going back into the dating scene. The only women I know who appreciate men for who they are and what they can offer are either older (40+) or married. The women who are single, in their 20s/30s, have no idea how to pick the right man nor make a long-term relationship work. I feel sorry for the young men today.”



DATING EXPERIENCE: “I've been rejected by women my entire life. Maybe I’m the kind of nice guy they don’t want. No worries. I found traveling and seeing the world and doing what I want with my own money brings me peace and makes me happy. Too bad. I could make a woman very happy, if she’d give me a chance.”


DATING EXPERIENCES: “Even when I was young and at my best looking, girls took pleasure in turning me down. It was even hard to ask a girl out. Even if I was lucky enough not to get shot down, with everyone watching, they would not be as mean, but would still simply say, ‘no.’ Sure, I understood. I was and still am the nice guy. It's sad, because I'm the last male in the family and everyone wants me to carry on the name, but I'm 40 now, and I don't think marriage and kids are in the cards for me. Why do women have to go after the bad guy who's always bad to and for them? Why can't they pick a nice, good guy who would be good to them? Are they just mentally unstable? Do they not know what’s good for them?”


DATING EXPERIENCE: “There's a lot of men out there including myself, that have good intentions and want to make a connection with a woman, but the truth is, as soon as you do that woman loses interest. If there's no excitement, no thrill, then she's out of there. Wow, how do you think a relationship is supposed to develop if you can't put up with some of the boring times to get to the good, exciting times? I shake my head. I’m giving up on women and getting a dog.”


DATING OBSERVATIONS: “If women rely solely on their looks, they are sorely mistaken. Men want someone with looks, sure, but mostly personality, morals, values, realistic wants and no drama. Does a woman like that even exist?”


DATING EXPERIENCE: “It warms my heart with happiness to see these selfish, entitled women wind up single, alone and depressed. When younger men are in their early twenties, working long hours, maybe making minimum wage, maybe going to trade school or in college, struggling financially, they're invisible and ignored socially by women. Then, when they get older, and they’re in good physical shape and their finances are in order, these leftovers (women) want them. No way are men settling for these refurbished, ran-through goods. Men are just not committing to these kinds of women. Let them become old ladies with cats or dogs while remaining alone for the rest of their life.”

OBSERVATION RE: WOMEN: “I'm an average looking guy. During high school, I dated some, but not much. I didn't date much in college. I'm 35 years old now and finally getting the attention from 28-38 year old women, why? Because they want babies! Guess what? I want no part of that now. I'm done with dating. I'm going to enjoy my life just as I want. If I want to have a nice evening with some female companionship, escorts are legal where I live. Good luck to you out there, ladies.”

OBSERVATIONS RE: WOMEN: “I never heard my grandmother swear. She wasn't perfect, but she had class, unlike the women of today who swear like sailors. F- this and f- that. I'm serious, it's like you can’t listen to a woman talk today who doesn’t drop the f-bomb every other sentence. Talk about no class.”



DATING APPS: “As a 30-something male who uses dating apps, I can tell you that the algorithm is absolutely brutal on all guys because they’re the only people who ever pay for the dang app. Women get in for free only to then pick from the top tier of men, leaving all the other men with nothing in exchange for what they pay to access such women. Talk about a zero R.O.I.”

DATING APPS: “I understand why people are on there, but I don’t think I’ll go back to using them. It’s just a bloody miserable place for an adult male.”

DATING: “I see a lot of the same crap today that I saw back in the 90s where dating is concerned. I have three sisters who are all models. I watched them cycle through boyfriends faster than you could down a candy bar. Well, one of them hooked up with this chain smoking, unemployed loser who was an arrogant jerk, lazy and treated her like trash. She couldn't do enough for him, as she would drive him around town, give him money, you name it. Eventually she got pregnant by him and he left her. What is with (these) women dating losers? I can't imagine a nice guy meeting her and wanting to treat her right only for her to leave him for another loser. Women are crazy these days and I saw it first hand with my own sisters.”

DATING APPS: “Dating apps are a cesspool that reinforces a delusional value gap between men and women and it’s not good for me. Women look for that 1-10% top tier of men while the lower 90% of men get no attention or communications from women whatsoever. Talk about money (i.e., dating app monthly subscription) down the drain.”

DATING: “I've been out of the dating game now for 15 years and I don't miss any part of it.”

RE: FEMALE INDEPENDENCE: "If women want independence then they can have it. Just don't expect me to pay for it, protect it, desire you, or need you. You’re on your own, strong and empowered, right?"

RE: FEMALES: "As a man, I can tell you what qualities in a man are irrelevant and mean nothing to women today: loyalty, faithfulness, goodness, discipline, perseverance, gentleness, kindness, passion, stability and commitment. Any man who might possess any of these traits is probably single, alone and invisible to most women today in Western society. Prove me wrong."



FEMALE DELUSION: “Men have made women’s lives so comfortable and easy that they think they don't need men. When there's a disaster, MEN will keep everyone safe doing all the hard work/labor, while the wives cook and tend to the children. Count how many women you see near accidents, fires, crime scenes, etc. Women have not been exposed to the same kinds of hardships as men. They say they want to be equal like some top earning CEO, but they won’t put in the time, years, late nights and hard work. If you exposed women to the REAL, PHYSICAL LABOR men go through, they'd see equality as B.S. and want men to do the jobs meant for men (only) and the women's jobs in the nice air conditioned office spaces and never outside. Men do it because SOMEONE has to. Women want more, but they have no desire to really earn it.”

RE: MARRIAGE: “Never sign a document that will give away everything you’ve worked for all your life just because someone isn’t happy with you anymore. Never sign a contract with someone that stands to gain more than you if it’s broken.”

THIS GENERATION: “This generation has lost modesty and covered it with the excuse, ‘I can dress how I want because it's empowering.‘ That is a lie. A woman who truly respects herself and self-image is modest, she covers up because she's protecting, respecting and reserving all her eye candy for one man, the man she loves. To do the opposite and share all of her assets and skin in the open with total strangers is doing a disservice to herself and a potential man she may enter into a relationship with. Think about men and their money. Do men go and spend their money frivolously everywhere on everything? No. A woman entering into a relationship with that man would tell him, ‘stop spending your money unwisely and on all these women. I'm your woman now. Spend your money on me.’ Looks and money are both a commodity to be used to garnish and attract likes, fans, followers, interest, attention. Men conserve their money. Women do not conserve their bodies. Lastly, are these half-naked models on social media setting a good example for their younger sisters coming up the line when they come of age? Will they be doing exactly as they are, posing half nude for the public to consume with their eyes and lust with their lower parts? Imagine millions of women doing that to men all over the world, and you wonder why we're in the mess we’re in today.”

BACK IN TIME: “I wish I lived before social media, heck, even before the Internet. A time when women actually had class.”


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CONFESSIONS: What Many Women Today Are Confessing As True To Them & Their Experiences

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

MEMORIES: “Choose: (OPTION #1) All the same activities for 10+ years? = Clubbing, girls night(s) out, sleeping around, staying single, being alone, etc. or (OPTION #2) VARIETY with a man whom you love and start a family with. Wedding, children, personal/family growth. You get pregnant, have a child, watch that child grow, do/be/learn, etc. Have another … LOTS OF FIRSTS and MEMORIES that are exciting (outside of you taking more selfies) in exchange for adoration from men you don’t know and who only lust after you. Looking back, yes, I had great times, great memories, but all those memories were the exact same thing. The rub is all those memories (of the same thing) ate up 10 years of my life. I’m left with one type of memory (i.e., clubbing, drinking, sleeping around, and single) for 10 years of my life. I would do anything if I could do things differently all over again.”

NOW YOU KNOW WHAT MEN GO THROUGH / WHAT IT FEELS LIKE: “On Bumble, where women are given the right to make the first move and not men, when men fail to respond or unmatched after receiving that opening message, the women reported feeling dismissed, rejected and, ultimately, dis-empowered on a continuous basis. The funny thing? With empowerment also comes risk; risk of rejection and work, if you want control, you have to put in the effort to exercise that control. Men have traditionally done more of this work (i.e., risk taking). Many of them don’t exactly cherish initiating conversations with countless strangers, a process that’s rife with anxiety and rejection. Welcome to a man’s world.”


WOMEN’S BODIES: “I know for me, I have definitely slowed down as I’ve gotten older. We all lose the energy, gusto, just like men do. Make wise decisions while you have your youth, energy, etc. Life (can and does) weigh you down → job, bills, new health issues you didn't see coming when you were younger, family issues, friends leaving you because of all reasons.”


DATE TO MARRY: “Got married and he made me a better person. I always pray, but stop looking, because when you're looking you're kind of forcing the situation and possibly getting yourself into the wrong relationship. Let God do what he does best. I stopped looking and almost immediately I found an amazing man. Married a year later. Eight years married this August, and three kids. Never compromise your values, but make sure they are the right ones: same moral and religious values, same in life and relationship goals, etc. The most important thing is to date to marry, not date just for fun.”


I DON’T WANT TO WORK ANYMORE: “Now? I just don’t want to work anymore. I want to get married, stay home and raise a family. As I get older, I burn out faster, I don’t have the energy to work those long hours any more and I don’t want to. I’d rather enjoy my life with a man who can take care of me financially while I take care of him emotionally and sexually.”


WE BUILT OUR EMPIRE TOGETHER: “I married the love of my life when he was broke and we made money together. I saw some of my female friends marry into money and they were treated like second class citizens. As in, the man made all the rules, he set the tone, he bossed them around like servants. My man and I share everything within the empire we’ve created together.”


CONFESSION: “We isolate ourselves and weirdly ‘pride’ ourselves on being independent; whether it's monetary or emotional or whatever. In the end, we can’t hold out for long on our own. Besides, we weren’t meant to be alone. Stop playing head games with yourself and find yourself a man.”

FEMALE MARRIED IN MANHATTAN: “Female here, I work in Manhattan. The single women here are HORRIBLE, from what I can see. They're either on prescription medication or need to be. They're 100% invested into ‘let's all be like men’ mentality. I feel bad for any young man trying to meet a woman to start a family. They should marry someone from the Midwest or better yet, a recent immigrant who hasn't been here long enough to be indoctrinated into the feminist propaganda.”


SINGLE & COPING AT 33: “At 33 years old, I’m still coping and I'm getting more down about it lately. I've never dated or had sex or anything. I'm trying to work towards getting into a relationship, but it's just becoming an uphill battle. I've been trying online dating apps, and again, finding myself disappointed. Men online make it clear pretty quickly that the number one thing they care about is sex, which makes me uncomfortable, because I think it says they don't care about me. They just care about me being a female they can get down with. I'm so tired of not having somebody to share my life with, or to be there when I'm not feeling great. I'm sad that I have never really experienced intimacy, physical or emotional. I'm 33 years old and so alone. The good news is I've also been encouraging myself to go out when I can by myself. I've been developing new hobbies both at home and out being active. I'm involved with my weight loss plan both in the kitchen and with my fitness. I'm getting more financially stable, and I'm working on some personal therapy goals. I’m hoping this year I will find someone and I can start that family before it’s too late.”


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PONDER THIS: True or Not, Ponder These Realities, Ladies

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Now, ponder these concepts, thoughts and realities. What do you think about the topics you’re about to read? Pause, ponder and reflect. Good? Bad? Alright? Not so bad? Yikes, you’re not going to do _____ anymore or think a certain way anymore after reading what you’re about to … PONDER! Check this out …

PONDER THIS (PORN): Some argue that if online porn/OnlyFans wasn’t available (i.e., if it were banned) that men wouldn’t have a sexual outlet and there would be violence against women. Violence occurs when people don’t respect each other. How does looking at naked women for years on end on a screen respect women? How do women respect themselves when they feed men’s sexual fantasies by stripping naked 24/7/365 and for FREE? If online porn wasn’t available, men would be forced to approach women more, be kind to them, talk about entering into a relationship with women, hence, women would get what they want and men would get what they want. How do a majority of women get what they want (a relationship with a man) if men are absent from their lives (because they choose to stay single for years watching porn, getting their rocks off)? Who wins the most with online porn/OnlyFans and who loses? Ponder that awhile …

 PONDER THIS / FUTURE / TREND: Going into the future, more women are going to be selling a peek at their private parts online. Think about that. In the 80s (and years before) how many women posed naked for film, photographs for video? It was very rare. Come the ‘90s, it began to increase with the advent of the Internet. From 2000 to 2023, millions of women, every day, common, girl-next-door types, old/young women are now posing naked online for money and attention. Can you imagine where we’ll be in 5-10 years when the younger generation of women turn 18 and they too decide it's far easier to make a buck stripping nude in their bedrooms on camera than to go to college or get a real job? We're talking Millions upon millions of naked young women online all competing for the eyeballs of men. What does that say about women and they're looseness in morals to default to that line of work? Then, when these women try to find dates, boyfriends and husbands, no man wants to date them because of their history. Can you imagine the numbers of women going unmarried and living single (and on depression medication) will increase even more than it is today? Who can stop this trend? Men or women or both and how?


WOMEN ARE IN TROUBLE (AGREE OR DISAGREE): With the rise of social media, online dating and feminism, women are taught they are not to be blamed for the poor choice they make. Post half naked pictures on Instagram; no problem. Pose naked on OnlyFans; no problem. Trash men in the name of past female oppressions; you go girl. Poor choices are glamorized. Women are trained not to reflect on themselves internally, but to gaslight their own mistakes. They’ve been taught to cater to the narcissist within themselves. When is it time to project a woman’s sexualized femininity and not take any accountability for your actions? Social media glamorizes their looks and physical beauty, online dating gives them a false sense of desirability and feminism makes them treat men like they’re the enemy. So, when a woman finally wants to be in a relationship, and the man isn’t stimulating her enough with attention, money spent on her, etc., he’s the problem? It’s all about the man not performing to make her happy. Not, ‘maybe I should look within to see what I can do to better my situation.’ There’s an expression called ‘drunk with power.’ Today, women are ‘drunk with their own self-importance.’ In the bible, it says not to worship false Gods. Today’s woman seems to not worship someone who loves them, but instead, worships herself. The problem with that logic is that no one is there to hold her at night when she’s cold or hold her hand when she’s in a large crowd or father her children because she wants to create life with someone she loves (more than herself). Interesting, eh?


PONDER THIS: A woman’s looks fade with time. BUT, a man’s money grows with time. This represents the spectrum of how men’s marital market value increases as he gets older and a woman’s depreciates. Granted, both males/females should have attractive personalities. But, if all women look for is his money and all men look for is youth and beauty, then men have the upper hand in choosing a wife. The more money he comes into, the more options he has. With age, women’s options often diminish to the point where they’re left single and alone for quite a while. There are exceptions, yes, but you get the point made here, no?


PONDER THIS: If a woman is getting close to 30 years old, and she’s thinking about her biological clock and wants to have a family, the question is, why did she wait so long? This is an important decision, why didn’t she take the plunge 3-5 years ago when she had a better chance at landing a man 3-7 years older than her who would have loved to have married a young bride? Now, this 30-year-old woman now has to look to men in their early 40s, which is not that bad except the pool of men in their 40s who want to settle down, that are available to settle down, is so much smaller than the pool of men in their 20s and 30s. Women are not thinking this through very far. They're just spinning away their years until the final hour when it's a little too late. What got into them to think like this?”


PONDER THIS: It's cyclical. Men build civilization(s). Life gets easy. Women get uppity. Homes and nations fall. Men build (again) from the ashes.


PONDER THIS: “Women in their prime who desire kids don't have time to waste. Men can drag a woman on forever without any real commitment or marriage. Meanwhile, women have a finite window in which they can find a man, produce children and raise a family. Women have been lied to about chasing a career (i.e., job). Now they're just slaves to another type of patriarchy, the workforce. They'll wake up one day at 35 years old wondering how they can trick a guy into marrying them, pay off their student loan debts, and raise a family under pressure that she feels and that he doesn't.


PONDER THIS: Showing respect to your man includes a woman's behavior on social media as well, right? Or, is it okay for the man in the relationship to look at other women on social media?


PONDER THIS: If women spend their 20s (i.e., prime marrying years) partaking in casual flings, then why can’t men spend their prime marrying years (30s) partaking in casual flings too? What makes it right for one gender group to have it their way and not the other?


PONDER THIS: 1 in 3 women admit they go on dates to get free food. My sister admitted this to me once. She said ‘Sometimes, you just want to go out and eat and not pay,’ and they wonder why men don’t do a lot of dates like that anymore. Most of these women usually end up single, or find themselves jumping into a toxic and unhealthy relationship with a guy because some (bad) guy will use her like she used (good) guys.


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OBSERVATIONS: Have You Observed These Things Happening Today?

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

OBSERVATION: Too many women have grown up in single mother households, never learning to communicate with or work with a man. Too many are focused on their hair and nails and designer bags while missing wife and mothering skills. How do you build a partnership with someone who's always telling how proud they are to be independent? Men have been yelled at by their moms their whole life. They don't need to come home to that same environment for the rest of their lives. Faced with a choice of either being disrespected, yelled out or treated like an ATM or a lifetime of singledom/loneliness, good men would rather choose to be alone.

OBSERVATION: Anytime someone shouts you down, talks over you, runs away, attacks you personally whether physical or verbal, changes the subject, gaslights you, you have won the argument. People who resort to personal attacks, etc., do so because they can't make a valid counterpoint or respond with logical answers. Hence, the tantrums, whining and walking away to avoid further conversations.


VALUE IN A WOMAN: A woman’s value is in keeping herself scarce. Being a woman men want, but cannot have. If she lets 100 men sleep with her, that’s not creating value. That’s losing value. What man wants to take a bite out of a sandwich that 100 other men have taken a bite out of? This goes for everyone too, guys and gals, keep your body count down as low as possible. This helps benefit you physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Women NEVER look WITHIN! Many tend to blame the outsiders/men that they're bad, not doing right. BUT, does the woman work on her attitude? Her weight? Her understanding of money, domestic duties, raising a family? Wake up, ladies. You’re being left at the curb with this kind of mentality. It's a lifestyle/lottery mindset.


OBSERVATION: Men who are broke, chase women and use them for sex without giving them anything more. No romance, no love, no commitment. Men who don’t chase women are instead focused on their mission, passion, education, occupation, etc. He’s not focusing on women. He knows (courting) a woman can be time-consuming, energy-consuming and financially-consuming. Men are designed to create resources while women are designed to extract resources for their survival (and entertainment). True or false? So, do understand that sometimes men need to take time off from interacting with women to be by themselves to continue building/maintaining the castle you want to move into. What can you do as a woman knowing this? A wise and virtuous woman will take what a man gives her and will multiply it! That can be in the form of having children, helping him, being his assistant or partner (in his business), etc. Both the man and woman come to the relationship with what they have. The question is, how can they come together and build MORE than what they had when they entered the relationship? Ladies, are you a taker/destroyer of your man’s progress or his helpmate/motivation/inspiration 24/7/365?



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TRUE OR FALSE? When Presented With These Situations, How Would You Decide?

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

TRUE OR FALSE: Generally, men like to simplify their lives, whilst women tend to complicate theirs.

TRUE OR FALSE: Women have recently flipped from being a majority conservative to majority leftist. As a result, they parrot elite narratives like climate change and diversity non-stop. Shaming men for their choices to go it alone and against society’s programming dictates is just a way to bully men who can't be influenced by women, the media or the elites.

TRUE OR FALSE: Men lie to women, but women lie to themselves more.

CURRENT DATING SCENE (TRUE OR FALSE): Dating today is now defined as a series of multiple late night hookups and drunken sleepovers.

TRUE OR FALSE: Money can come and go, while loyalty, love and companionship can last forever ‘til death do you part.

POOR ROLE MODELS FOR WOMEN: “Women today don't look up to the right type of role models, but instead, your average popular whores in Hollywood, on TV and in the music industry. That's who they look up to. Add to that, women are followers not leaders. At least, those (women) who are leading other women today are leading them right down certain paths of self-destruction, wouldn’t you agree? They go with what seems easy, and what seems fun and I'll put off responsibility and find a man TEN YEARS LATER. So, we have an entire generation of young women who are taught to be promiscuous, taught to be hoes, go to college, engage in orgy style sex, experiment with lesbianism, have your fun, etc. On the flip side, men are supposed to wait at the end of the finish line and accept these women after they've been run through, have sexual and mental scars and diseases and debt. Well, guess what? No man wants her nor does he want to pay all her bills. Lastly, these women think religion is gonna save them. Most of these women are not religious at all, and even if they claim to be religious, they're only doing so to? Attract a good, clean, conservative man with a good paying job and who wants to start a family himself. These types of women will be hoes all their life. When they can't marry up, they'll go back to their OnlyFans account and advertise themselves as the new MILF. In fact, recently a teacher was discovered to have an OnlyFans account. What did she decide to do when the school found out? She quit her teaching and started doing porn and OnlyFans full-time. Hey, at least now the kids and the school won’t get hate mail from the parents, but what does it say about the teacher leaving a job in education to do porn? Her response? “I don’t think sex work is that harmful.” Okay, sure. You’re eliciting the sexual responses of millions of men to jerk off to your naked body while their wife is in the other room or they have no incentive to go find a girlfriend/wife because they’re getting off on your naked videos. Yeah, okay, whatever you wanna do lady, you go for it. Bets are on that in 2-3 years, you quit porn and want to be a teacher again because you got fat, your face, neck and hands got a little wrinkly, and you’re tired of thousands of men just wanting to use you for sex. OH, the tired mantra, “I (as a woman) don't want to be used for sex … unless I’m being paid as a ‘sex worker.’” Got it. You can just switch it on and off when you want to, right?


TRUE OR FALSE: Do a quick Google search and you'll find that most females in their 40s are reporting to be the most depressed and are on some kind of anti-anxiety or depression medication or some other form of drug; and this is before social media. Can you imagine where we'll be in 5 to 10 years with all these millions of young ladies coming up in a sea of OnlyFans, porn and Instagram (soft porn) photos/video and having to compete with all that? All while being modest, celibate and wanting to live a clean and virtuous life is looked down upon and demonized by society? Do you see where all this is going, ladies?


TRUE OR FALSE: Relationships really are a power dynamic. Granted, they’re also equal in love and care and tenderness and how they treat one another. But, there's still a power dynamic with whoever is the strongest should lead. Nine times out of ten, women default to letting the man lead. Who drives the car 99% of the time when the couple goes out? The man or the woman. Why is that? Is it because he's in charge (driving) and can be there/ready to act if danger (on the road) ever takes place? Why would a woman want to drive and protect herself when she has a man in the car to do that for her? No? What’s more, she can sit back and relax in the car. She doesn’t have to pay attention to the road, which can be stressful during traffic hours. When he knows where they’re going, a woman feels better if he naturally takes the lead? No? Seriously, look at every car on the highway or on the streets. How many women do you see driving when there's a couple in the car, and the man opts to ride in the passenger seat and doesn’t default to driving the two around? So, if women would default to respecting their man, and let him lead, and give him that power of authority, he's going to turn right around or at least he should, and love you top to bottom inside and out from here to eternity for doing so (and showing him that respect). What turns men on in the love department is respect. Ladies, if you respect your man, he is going to love you immensely. If you don't respect him, he's going to walk away.


TRUE OR FALSE: What's worrying is thinking that sleeping with multiple people is beneficial to anyone, whether male or female. Sex is always more fulfilling and much deeper and passionate with one person who you love and feel loved by. Casual sex and promiscuity is harmful to everyone involved in the long run. Yes or no?


TRUE OR FALSE: Good men have standards and options. High value good men have high standards and a lot of options. They want conservative women who are feminine and in their prime. They do NOT want sexually liberated feminist-leaning women who are no longer in their prime and had been with countless bad boys before them. Men have been like this since the beginning of civilization and in all cultures. Feminism can say whatever it wants, but it won’t change the mindset and desires of really good men. Most good men do NOT avoid marriage. They avoid sexually liberated feminist women who are prone to divorce.


TRUE OR FALSE: Social media and our culture persistently perpetuates unrealistic expectations from women. There is a new trend sweeping social media platforms of women denigrating the institution of marriage while promoting the virtues of a single lifestyle. One viral TikTok video shows a girl putting on an engagement ring and seeing her future as a miserable housewife. Every time the ring goes on her finger, images of household chores flash across the screen painting marriage like some modern-day form of indentured servitude. Sure, marriage, like any significant life choice, comes with trade-offs. Having a family takes up a lot of time and effort and doesn’t come without sacrifice, specifically sacrificing your own wants and needs for the betterment of said family. Another video, posted by TikTok user shows a woman talking about the joys of being single at 30. “Without the shackles of marriage and children,” she says, “I’m free to drink, go to concerts, sleep in, and watch reality TV.” She repeatedly hammers in the point that she wouldn’t be able to have such a fun life if she had to take care of a husband and children. All this is fine and dandy, until? It gets old and the chores of doing everything alone start to weigh on her shoulders because she has no help → from a man in her life. But, hey, party on! The single life is great! Marriage, on the other hand, can be a source of emotional support, financial stability, and companionship. It can provide a strong foundation for raising children and building a life together. But, these things take time, effort, and responsibility. Oh, like pursuing a job (I mean, career) and climbing the (corporate) ladder if those even exist anymore. You see, jobs (I mean, careers) aren’t as stable as they once were. You’re hired by a company one minute and laid off the next. At least if you have a second income in the house (i.e., a husband), you could still survive (i.e., keep the lights on, roof over your head, bread on the table, etc.) until you find another job. Bottom line, there are trade-offs with any choice you make. Don’t get me wrong, not everyone should get married and rush into that lifestyle. There are plenty of people who don’t want to be married, and that’s fine. If you haven't met your person yet and are still deciding what lifestyle you want to live long term, by all means explore that. But don’t let the childless, single, unmarried women online convince you that marriage is a modern-day form of indentured servitude that comes with horrible consequences and no upsides.


TRUE OR FALSE: Women sleep and have sex with who they want, but they marry who they can. Men have sex with women who they can and marry who they want. Granted, some women aren’t interested in such men, but for those women those men choose, they are the women who are chosen by men to marry. Not the other way around.

TRUE OR FALSE: “Women say they don't need a man in their twenties. Then when they hit their 30s they cry and complain that no man is interested in them. I shake my head at these uncanny realizations.”


TRUE OR FALSE: (RE: EQUALITY, STILL WANT IT?) Go visit another country and see the life of women and how they’re treated in other countries. Many foreign women find the USA the best country that allows them to live the American dream (i.e., career pursuits, education, passions, etc.) Sometimes, for some women, enough is never enough. They just want more and more and more.


TRUE OR FALSE: (RE: EQUALITY) “It’s been said time and time again. You'll never see a group of women doing landscaping, plumbing, mechanical work or some other laborious, dangerous job and this is why men will continue to get paid more as a whole in spite of the media propaganda projecting women as the higher earner and educational overachiever. Men work longer, harder and faster and do the non-glorious jobs that keep the world’s infrastructure and systems that run society in balance. A lot of women have no idea how to do these jobs and most don't want to. On the flip side, women do contribute their part to also keeping society going in the ways they contribute in the workforce, and we men thank you. Again, it is strange to see a hemorrhaging of female lawyers and other occupations that require long hours and years on the job. This does not go to disrespect those women in such fields that have dedicated their lives to their work. They’re to be commended. It’s just interesting their demeanor is very male oriented. The use of logic, facts, math, science, statistics and more. No emotion. There are women who do make great judges, accountants, lawyers, bankers, loan officers, doctors, nurses, … you name it.


TRUE OR FALSE (THERE ARE WOMEN OUT THERE LIKE THIS) “Years ago a woman laughed at me for being kind and chivalrous to her. She told me that chivalry was dead and she could get her own door. Well, she later hooked up with a friend of mine who was a jerk to her and got her pregnant and left her. That was my wake-up call.” See how one woman can ruin it for other women? Men, on the whole, will learn their lesson once, twice and then a third time, they won’t help a woman any more for fear they’ll respond like this ungrateful woman did.


TRUE OR FALSE: Broken women keep breaking other women. Misery loves company.


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OnlyFans, Porn, A.I., Sexbots & Legalized Prostitution (Facts You Need To Know)

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

This book wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t touch upon a few very sensitive social topics that can be and are becoming extremely detrimental to women’s mental health, their safety and their potential to find love, get married and start a family. I’m talking about: PORN, ONLYFANS (LIKE WEBSITES), A.I. SEX MODELS, SEX ROBOT DOLLS & BROTHELS and LEGALIZED PROSTITUTION.

Did I miss anything? I hope not. That’s enough right there, isn’t it? Ladies, and gentlemen, there’s A LOT to learn and watch out for when it comes to these areas. What specifically do you need to know about these topics? Well, for starters, let’s talk about:

WHAT IS ONLYFANS.COM? OnlyFans.com is a subscription-based website platform that allows content creators to monetize any form of content. Specifically, and for our discussion here, we’re going to talk solely about women selling membership access to their naked bodies using at-home video equipment and a computer. While some might see this as sexually empowering for women, there is also a tremendous downside plus adverse reactions happening that you probably never heard about until now.

THERE ARE MAJOR CONCE developing about the dangers of OnlyFans, particularly when it comes to the impact it’s having on the growing mental health problems among women who create such lascivious content, let alone the potential for sexual exploitation, and the impact it’s having on society as a whole.


Well, here are a few stats and facts to take in first:

The top ways to make money on OnlyFans include subscriptions, direct messaging, tips, pay-per-view content, and more.

The average earnings for female models on OnlyFans is about $160 per month. But initially, you might not be able to earn that much at all until you develop a following.

The money these women make is seasonal. If they don’t take the money they make and invest it, but spend it, they most likely will wind up broke when they quit the business.

There are upwards of 20+ MILLION backlinks to OnlyFans.com. That means there are millions upon millions of men (and women) clicking on those links every day to get to OnlyFans and the naked female models waiting there for them to exploit.



Here are just a few …

According to reports, some of the common mental health outcomes included anxiety, depression, shame, fear, and low self-esteem.

Women are fueling the growth of porn. They’re contributing to the delay in men coming to women physically for their sexual needs. Women are not absolved from responsibility on this one. Women need to tell your female sisters to stop posing naked! Stop feeding men's sexual fantasies! Otherwise, you’re only contributing to the declining mental health and other physical dangers that come with posing naked for a living in front of millions of men (and women). • The platform itself makes it difficult for consumers to determine whether creators are consensually engaging in sexual acts and creates more opportunities for buyers to ask for and purchase in-person sex, while maintaining economic instability of victims that reinforces the very cycles of trafficking.

OnlyFans' soft prostitution is ruining lives in real time. Women who have left the platform are speaking out and say the money isn’t worth the degradation.

If more millions more women pose naked, doesn't that mean they need more men to subscribe to make them rich? Doesn't that kind of thin out the herd, so to speak? With more females competing for male dollars, they have to lower their prices, no? When that happens, they don’t make as much and men win with unlimited nudes for pennies on the dollar if not for free. How do women win? They don't. More men who won't be with a girlfriend because no girlfriend will tolerate a man constantly looking at porn, uh, I mean, OnlyFans models. See the insanity?

Part porn, part prostitution, part exploitation of women? No matter how much money some women make, they aren’t satisfied. Then, no matter how racy the content they provide to their subscribers, they keep wanting women to go further. Women say they accept money for nude photos, even though they don’t want to do it, because they felt pressured by cash tips and other financial incentives.

Women complain about men objectifying women (sexually speaking). Well, if men don't objectify women, then how will women on OnlyFans (and other porn sites) make any money? Don’t they need men ogling over them and objectifying them 24/7? The more the merrier, right? Better to have 100,000 men objectifying you at $3 a month, than 100 men, right?


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Women In Porn & Those Who Create Adult Content Online

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

So, there’s a lot of porn out there. What else is new? Well, here are SEVEN THINGS you need to know about women and porn:

1. Most female adult film performers recount acts of physical violence against them while filming pornography; whether it’s being choked, gagged, crushed, pounded, tears in their vaginal walls, forced anal, ripped tissue in their anus, can barely pee or have a bowel movement after filming, guys punching them in the face, crying as she yells, “STOP,” and they never do. They just keep filming. She’s on the job.

2. Many female performers report rampant drug use, depression, alcohol abuse, been beaten half to death, trauma and suicide attempts and catching incurable sexually transmitted infections such as cervical cancer where the woman has to have some or all of her cervix removed. Porn literally destroys women’s lives, minds and bodies who perform it for a living.

3. Women who view pornography may experience feelings of dissatisfaction about their own bodies, which can in turn lead to additional life problems, such as low self-esteem, depression, feelings of shame, a decrease in overall life quality, and issues related to sex if they’re in a relationship and their man also watches porn. The standard of performance and beauty is impossible for some women to achieve naturally, making it difficult and unfair for women to watch porn and not feel they aren’t pretty, sexy or attractive enough in comparison.

4. Men often find it difficult to become sexually aroused with their gal without pornography. Not good. Whereas women feel sexually inadequate and threatened by his watching porn. As a result, both men and women experience a decrease in relationship and sexual satisfaction and miss out on any potential emotional closeness they could have without porn. Hence, pornography doesn’t have the positive impact we’re told it’s supposed to. In the end, both men and women suffer big time for years on end.

5. If the girls aren’t filming porn, they’re most likely escorting on the side, doing private shows, working solo creating more naked content on websites like OnlyFans.com for extra income, which isn’t always that much money and without its own set of risks and dangers to her mental and physical health.


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A.I. Models Are Replacing Real Actresses & Nude Models (It's Happening NOW!)

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) is on the verge of replacing OnlyFans and other adult/nude models and female influencers.

Thanks to the advent of A.I.-powered image and video generators, as well as chatbots, a number of fake, created, virtual influencers are now posting content that appears to be real, but it’s really not.

The proliferation of scantily-clad A.I.-generated social media influencers is a wake-up call for all female (and male) adult entertainers, strippers, virtual girlfriends and other creators.

A.I. nude models can pump out quality content faster than humans can and at a much cheaper price. Where an Onlyfans model might charge $10 for a subscription to their page, an A.I. bot can produce the same photos, videos, and messages for less than half the price. A.I. Models have no real-life bills to pay.

A.I. nude models can work 24 hours a day, and never get tired, unlike human models that need to eat, sleep and live somewhat of a normal life, being human and all; which means that content can be produced at a much faster rate than human models. This can lead to a significant increase in the amount of content available on OnlyFans and similar websites, which could be a major draw for subscribers and a drawback for human models needing to compete with A.I. Sex robots to make a living. Another concern is that A.I. models could lead to more unrealistic expectations and pressure on real-life human models to perform and conform to a certain standard set by their subscribers’ desires. This could lead to a decrease in diversity and individuality in the adult entertainment industry.


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What About A.I. Generated Housewives & Girlfriends (Wake Up Ladies)

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Maybe women ought to take becoming a housewife more seriously before they get replaced by female robots and they’re not needed in this department either. Granted, while the technology is being developed right now, the future is right around the corner. In less than a decade, women will be paid to make babies and then to give them up to a man and his female robot to start THEIR family. Once women are beyond their birthing years, they’re her-story! Women are no longer advancing as a species, as technology is advancing, and women are fizzling out.

Housewives are necessary, and their role is just as important as any career. It’s just, real women need not apply. That goes for today’s A.I. generated girlfriend as well. Because of the way men are being treated in today’s society (as toxic, useless, disposable, etc.), men are also turning to virtual girlfriends, A.I. generated robots and full-fledged sex robot dolls for companionship, company and conversation. Oh, and for sex, too. So, you see, women really don’t have it that good right now, nor going into the future. Wake up, ladies!

All of this is one of the worst things that has happened to the younger generation(s). Normalizing online prostitution is horrendous for any civilized society we want to live in. Slowly, real relationships will cease to exist, people will start to build virtual and temporary “real life” relationships on the basis of sex. Modesty, loyalty and trust are no longer the principles of a relationship. People complain about young women getting objectified and yet support OnlyFans’ models for doing the same for monetary gain and in the name of female empowerment. Hurray! Go team!

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Passport Bros & Joes (What Women Need To Know About This Movement)

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Another fast growing development occurring in the dating market is the exodus of men leaving Western countries for other countries in search of a “traditional woman.” These are men who love to travel, see the world and also date foreign women with hopes of finding a lifetime girlfriend or wife. These men are called Passport Bros, which started in the Black community of men, only to catch on in Caucasian communities (i.e., Passport Joes), expats and others. Passport Bros/Joes also consist of men with money, perhaps an online income, savings or retirement income who can easily travel internationally to find love and traditional female companionship.

The truth is, some of this started back during war times when military men would find wives overseas and bring them back to the States after the wars were over to raise happy families. So, this concept isn’t really all that new. It just has a trendy new label people are calling it now. Still, all you need is a passport, some money, a destination, a plan and you’re set to find yourself that ideal girlfriend turn wife before long. Well, let’s discuss this trend to find out what kind of effect it’s having on men and Western women being left behind in the dating world.


WHAT CREATED THIS MOVEMENT? There are many theories as to why this trend came about, such as, the rise of feminism, unfavorable divorce laws, career obsession, unrealistic standards, the pitfalls (for men) of online dating, etc. Basically, American men are becoming less and less interested in the prospect of dating American women. This leaves some men with two choices: (1) drop out of the game completely, or (2) go abroad to find a girlfriend/wife. The Passport Bros movement presents the latter alternative and offers a community of like-minded men doing just that → going abroad to find love. Passport Bros believe that Western women have been influenced too much by cultural and societal pressures to behave in a certain (anti-male) way, and that by seeking out foreign women, they can find more fulfilling and loving relationships. Another reason is that men are fed up with being treated as the enemy at home, here in the U.S. Nobody enjoys being looked down upon as toxic, disposable and not needed (or valued) at every turn in society (i.e., the media, TV., Hollywood, academia, etc.). So? Men are taking their love lives into their own hands and going where they can be more appreciated, even if that means hopping on a plane and flying to another country to find love. Since it seems Western women are unable to even provide this very basics when it comes to a relationship, there are still places on this Earth where man-bashing/man-hating women don’t exist and are waiting to find a good man to fall in love with and hopefully start a family.


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“I’m Tired Of Being Single!”

(Female Confession)

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

“Yeah, I’m tired of being single. I turn 30 this weekend and it will officially be nine (9) years of me being single and I’m tired of doing everything alone. At first it was fun, I had my freedom and I loved it. I got to work on myself, enjoy my time alone, and do all sorts of activities with friends. I've done a lot of work on myself and I’m proud about that. It's only really been these last couple of years that I felt this long aching in my heart to be with someone and finally fall in love. You see, it’s getting old watching all my friends and peers at work get married, have kids and as they do it feels like I’m being left behind every year. The worst part? I have no one to talk to about this, because all of my friends are? You guessed it, in relationships or married with children and not always available ..."

"I don't want to settle, but everyone I’ve been set up with is just not my type. I stopped using dating apps years ago and I’m afraid to get back on them. When will my prince charming come waltzing into my life? I just want someone. Someone who meets my needs like I would meet his. I want to fall in love, get married, have a family and live happily ever after. Is that too much to ask? Maybe it is in today’s dating climate I just don’t know. I’m discouraged, depressed and feel maybe there’s no hope for me. That I’ll die single and alone. I don't want to be telling this same story 10 years from now, crying because then I’ll be 40 and still single. I want a husband, to be a mom and no amount of hours spent at the office or going out on another girls night out will fill this heavy void. I just needed to put this out there in case there were other women who could relate so I just didn’t feel so alone.”

-- Single female for far too long!

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Ladies, Does This Describe You In Any Way? Can You Relate?

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

• I am ___ years old and I’ve been single for ____ years and I’m not happy about that.

 I spent most of my 20s wondering if a relationship and family was something I even wanted.

• I’m starting to realize how different — and freakish — being single feels in your 30s compared to my 20s. I feel I’m wiser for my age, yet, more alone.

• I'm tired of spending my time and money (in my 30s) celebrating other people’s coupledom. What about me? I want someone too.

• As I become increasingly picky, the pool of male prospects keeps getting smaller with every year that goes by.

When you meet a cute guy these days, he’s either dating or already married.

Now, I'm the one who’s single amidst a sea of couples.

It seems like there's nobody out there for me.

I'm a millennial feminist and I'm not sure this stance is helping my chances at landing a masculine man to marry.

What scares me the most is when I'm older, I won't have a family surrounding me who loves me. Instead, I'll have to settle for making small-talk with strangers at the store or in an Uber on my way to the airport because I'm going to a friend's funeral or another friend’s wedding.

I’ve noticed in my late ___ (20s/30s), dating has become more difficult for me.

I'm done wasting my time on men who don’t feel like they could be the one. I don’t have much time. My body clock is ticking, now that I’m in my early 30s, and I need to pop out a few kids if I’m going to be a mom. Problem is? I need the right man to be a husband and a good father to our kids.

I’ve slept with over 50 men and what bothers me the most is none of them chose to stick around. Nope. They all left me. Now, I’m afraid to be intimate with a man for fear he’ll leave me too.

Sometimes I think I should’ve just picked some guy when I was 25 and naïve and then just made it work like my Mom did back in her day. Well, back to the apps I go, which I’m not happy about. I’m on one of those apps where women have to make the first move? I hate it. I hate rejection and guys don’t respond when I reach out to them. I don’t know what to do?

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35+ Regrets Women Have In Their 30s

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

“Accepting that I’m 38, single and haven’t had children yet. All my friends are married with children and I’m feeding my cat tonight for the fifth year in a row doesn’t sit well with me. I wish I had made different decisions when I was younger.”

1. Putting my career, job and work first and working too much.

2. Not taking better care of my body, not working out, etc.

3. Not having more confidence in myself. I let so many good opportunities go by, didn't challenge myself, and settled with crappy partners for so long because I thought I couldn't do better and didn't deserve better.

4. Not thinking about saving money and investing sooner. I’m 35 now with no savings. I live paycheck to paycheck, with about $3,000 in credit card debt and $10,000 in student loan debt left to pay off. Not where I wanted to be at this age and I don’t have time for a second job.

5. Caring too much about what other people, society, social media, Hollywood and the media thinks I should do with my life. I should have taken a more conservative route and listened to my heart. My ego lead me down all paths that lead to nowhere but loneliness, regret and even heartache.

6. Rushing into marriage or babies or staying in a crappy, toxic marriage because I was afraid to be alone.

7. Hanging on to friendships I should have let go of a long time ago.

8. Not dating with intention (to marry) and finding a good man, settling down and starting a family. I used to be so resentful of my older siblings because they found their person so young.

9. Spending too many years in an abusive relationship. I thought I had to stay in it so I wouldn’t hurt my family or upset my friends. I wasted ten years of my life in a relationship with someone because I felt like I had to or it was "honorable” or I was “staying loyal” to my family/race/culture.

10. Committing to the wrong career or staying too long at a job I hated. I should have moved on, but I didn’t.

11. Not paying closer attention to my health. I let it go and wound up with organ damage that will likely eventually kill me. Now, I feed myself well.

12. Drinking too much alcohol. Women who regularly misuse alcohol are more likely to develop alcohol-associated hepatitis, a potentially fatal alcohol-related liver condition, than men who drink the same amount, which I didn’t know. This pattern of drinking can also lead to cirrhosis (permanent liver scarring). Yikes!

13. Drinking alcohol while pregnant. There is no safe time for alcohol use during pregnancy. Alcohol can cause problems for the baby throughout pregnancy, including before a woman knows she is pregnant. Alcohol use in the first three months of pregnancy can cause the baby to have abnormal facial features.

14. Smoking while pregnant. Smoking doubles your risk of abnormal bleeding during pregnancy and delivery. This can put both you and your baby in danger. Smoking raises your baby's risk for birth defects, including cleft lip, cleft palate, or both. A cleft is an opening in your baby's lip or in the roof of her mouth (palate).

15. I wish I had learned earlier how to speak up for what I want/need and advocate for myself, both at work and in relationships.

16. I stopped feeling bad for saying, "no," to things and I wish I had started to do that sooner.

17. Spending too much time online, staring into my phone and scrolling social media. Wow, how time flies when you’re not looking up and living life the way it should be.

18. Being way too negative, argumentative, quick-tempered.

19. Forgetting to take time for me and what I want, instead of spending time with others who just drain my time/energy.

20. Not using sunscreen, staying out of the sun, taking better care of my skin. Now, I’ve got sunspots, freckles, melasma and my skin is more saggy, leather-like and I’ve got wrinkles at 31.

21. Not getting out of my comfort zone. Living life!

22. Not letting go of the past. I cling to what happened and I don’t forgive people, let alone, myself.

23. Not traveling more before having kids.

24. Ignoring my mistakes and (not) taking accountability for what I've said or did that hurt others and myself. I could have learned from those mistakes if I wasn’t so arrogant and stubborn. Is it too late to learn? Thank heavens, no.

25. Not listening to my inner voice more.

26. Tattoos. The first one was cute. The five I got after that one don’t make sense to me now. They’re scattered all over my arms and neck and people look at them and not me. Now, I’m looking into tattoo removal. If only …

27. Falling in love with someone who wasn't in love with me.

28. Valuing things (material purchases) over people and experiences. “I spent more money on myself than I should have. I should have had a more ‘live below your means’ mentality, which means not spending foolishly, getting into massive debt, etc.” While financial mistakes made in your 20s are recoverable, it’s financial mistakes in your 30s and 40s that can have ripple effects that can be devastating.

29. Not finishing college or dropping out sooner (saving me money; student loan debt) and starting my own business.

30. Working too long at a company that doesn't pay me enough.

31. Partying too much, for too long and with the wrong people. Did I waste time or what?

32. Putting off personal and financial responsibility. I lived at home for too long, didn’t save, spent everything I made and what do I have to show for it? I’m still living at home at 28 years old.

33. I worked while my kids were cared for at daycare. Looking back, I would have done anything to just stay home with them and spend more meaningful time with them before they got older and didn’t want mom (and dad) around. You know, those ‘teenage years.’

34. Not reading enough and getting all my news from only a few news sources. I'm hearing too many one-sided stories and not a broader perspective as to what's really going on around me. Now, I have to play catch up on what's the truth and what's not.

35. Eating too much fast food. I never learned to cook. I was also morbidly obese going into my 20s. Now, I feel sick and sluggish all the time. I can’t go into my 30s and 40s carrying this kind of weight. I’ve got to do something now.

36. Not taking better care of my teeth. Now, I have gum issues and several cavities. Not good.

37. I should have never started to smoke. When I would go to the bars, I'd smoke with my friends. Now that I don't go to the bars, I still smoke and I hate that I have this nasty habit. My clothes stink, my breath stinks, I know my second hand smoke is making everyone around me sick to their stomach. I know I should quit, but how? I'll go online and search for "best ways to quit smoking" and start there.

38. Getting vaccinated. Yep. Call me a conspiracy nut all you want. I don't feel well having gotten the jab. I’ve gone online and read stories of people who also regret getting the vaccine. It just seemed rushed onto everyone so fast and right before an election. Something just smells fishy about it and the timing of it all is just too weird.

39. Not trusting my gut instincts and leaving dysfunctional relationships or jobs that didn’t make me happy even though the pay was good. You name it!

40. I regret not having a second child in my early 30s when I could. My husband and I talked about it, but we just got too busy with work and taking care of the one child we did have. Now, I'm on the downward slide into perimenopause, which starts in women in their 30s, but most often it starts in women ages 40 to 44. Now that my fertility window is closing (which was never that great anyway) is probably worse now for having a kid.

41. Sleeping around with too many jerks. Once we had our fun, I never heard from them again. On to the next conquest they went. I wanted more and still want more. I've stopped sleeping around and I wait until I'm in a relationship before I have sex. One of my friends slept with this guy she met at a bar. He got her pregnant. When he found out, he disappeared and she was on the hook for everything: expenses, raising the baby, etc. That’s another thing I learned. Don’t have sex with someone unless you’re in a relationship and you’re in love. He loves you.

42. Being afraid to do things alone. Looking back, I could’ve had a lot more amazing adventures if I wasn’t so self-conscious and afraid of the unknown. What do they say, “face the fear and do it anyway?”

43. Beating myself up over impossible standards that ultimately didn’t matter. Constantly putting myself down. Today, I give myself credit for simply trying.

44. Not recognizing red flags in a relationship.

45. I'm not sure I have regrets. Would I do things differently if I could? Maybe some things. But everything I have been through has gotten me to where I am today. I am happy with that even though I’m more careful today. 

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Regrets Women Have
In Their 40s, 50s & 60s

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

1. Working a job, this late in my life, that I don’t like and with few options (i.e., don’t really want to go back to school, don’t have time to learn a whole new career, etc.)

2. Didn't learn more about money and didn't start investing sooner. Now, I’m 50 and starting from scratch. Not good.

3. Not setting aside enough from my paycheck. Instead, I spent everything after the bills were paid for years.

4. Borrowing too much money and paying bills using my credit cards. Now, my credit score isn’t all that great.

5. Ignoring my credit score. I had years to help increase my credit score and yet did nothing. Now, it’s harder for me to get a loan or even a department store credit card.

6. Not spending time with friends and family and not cherishing time with lost loved ones. That includes being there when someone died.

7. Not chasing or pursuing my passions more fully.

8. Failing to find a work/life balance. I worked too much and didn’t have a lot of fun. Now, I look tired from all those hours worked on the job.

9. Failing to follow my heart.

10. Living in the past and not in the present or thinking about the future.

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Reasons Why You Might Be Having A Hard Time Finding A Relationship

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Granted, there are a myriad of reasons why you might be having a hard time finding the right man to enter into a relationship with, but do some of these reasons ring a bell?

You reject any and all possible suitors because you’re not instantly attracted to them or you don’t allow enough time to actually get to know someone. Instead, you don’t give men a chance … at all.

You reject any and all possible suitors because you think you might meet someone better tomorrow, so you don’t allow yourself to commit to someone today. Problem is, tomorrow never comes.

• You're not trying to date at all. You’re not out there. You’re not putting in the right kind of effort. You’re more passive at dating than active or even proactive.

• The pickings are slim with too many bad guys to choose from and you’re not settling with losers. Good for you.

 There are very few prospects to choose from with where you’re at geographically speaking.

• You’re putting out the wrong kind of energy, vibe or just turning men away with some characteristic about you. It could be your attitude, what you say, how you say it, how you dress, your personal makeup, etc. You might not even be aware of what it is that’s turning men off and away from you.

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Top 10 Qualities Women Need To Work On To Attract A Man

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

1. Money → You don’t have to make as much as him, but know how to preserve it. Don’t be a spendthrift. Instead, be thrifty with your purchases if he gives you money to spend. A good man could care less what the Joneses have, and so should you to some degree. Know a little (or a lot) about how investments work so you can take your money (and his) and make it grow. Learn how to make money online. Learn about affiliate marketing, drop shipping, OR create a class that teaches others about something you know about. Imagine, you create a self-serving course, sell it for $300, make one (1) sale per day and that equals roughly $9,000 a month income and you DON’T have to go into a stinkin’ office. That’s just one way to make money online. Your man will want you to know how to make money or at least preserve his so he doesn’t run out. Duh!

2. ATTITUDE → Your man is looking for a woman who is sweet, kind, soft, feminine (not masculine), optimistic (not pessimistic), not depressed (all the time), a team player, 

3. COOKING → Your man wants to know that you both won’t starve if he dates/marries you. Granted, he might love to cook, but don’t put all that burden on him. You should know how to make 3-5 meals at a minimum. It’s not that hard either. In fact, cooking brings everyone together. Don’t you want that? Forget about going out for dinner every night or ordering something to be delivered all the time. Cooking can take 20-30 minutes out of your day and that’s all. Go to BartsCookbook.com/online and learn all the meals I make in my home 7 days a week! Your man will LOVE these meals and you’ll love how fast they can be made. I know, I’m a guy who makes these meals for me (a guy) and I make them fast!

4. CLEAN → Are you clean? Can you keep a clean house? Hey, you’d be surprised at some of the homes I visited where only the woman lived there and it was a holy mess. Not to say that men are off the hook, either. SO, both parties should help keep the house as neat and clean as possible. Swap chores every now and then to avoid boredom and routine.

5. BE A GIVER MORE THAN A TAKER → Take care of your man like he wants to take care of you. Don’t wait for him to make the first move. You make the first move too. That’s what love is all about. Not waiting, but taking action in the direction of someone you love. If you love your man, give to him your time, your attention, your devotion, your respect. Your man will want to see and know that you’re not there to treat him like an ATM or do all the heavy lifting in the relationship by himself.

6. HEALTH → You owe it to yourself to take the best care of your “life-creating” body that you can. Have your fun, live life, sure, but don’t drink (too much), don’t smoke anything, eat right, eat light, get your rest and stay out of the sun as much as possible.

7. SEXUAL HISTORY → A high body count could lead to problems like pair-bonding, feelings of abandonment, depression, mental illness, suicide, substance abuse, domestic abuse, STDs and more. Body count matters because it identifies what you've been through, the kind of man you’ve allowed to sleep with you, enter you, your character (i.e., why did you sleep with someone; was it out of loneliness/weakness), and potentially what kind of diseases you might have. Further, read these two books of mine, Laws Of The Bedroom and Fantasy Boyfriend. Just do it and you’ll find out (lovingly) why!

8. EDUCATION → Be constantly reading, learning, watching videos on various how-to subjects and consume helpful (not trivial or gossip) knowledge. Become a sponge of information. Be interesting and intellectually stimulating.

9. BREAK FREE FROM ANY BRAINWASHING / LIES YOU’VE BEEN TOLD → This is a must. Feminism is not your friend, but your enemy. Men are not your adversary, but your advocate for safety, creating loving memories with you and the kids, etc.

Ignore the brainwashing media and all their B.S. Challenge anything anyone ever says to you that you feel they might have a hidden agenda. Most companies, governments, and academic institutions do.

10. DEDICATION / DEVOTION / DUTIFUL → Three great “D” words to round out his quick list of 10 things a woman can do to attract a man into her life. Dedication, devotion and dutifulness as a wife, a mother and a lover to your man. She’s skilled in homemaking, good with kids, understands nutrition, has great social skills, helps support her community of neighbors and friends, supports her man, knows her value is being present in her man’s life … among other great traits!

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21 Things Women Can Say To Her Man To Make Him Feel Loved

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Whether you’re already in a relationship with a man, or you hope to be in one day, here are 21 things you can say to your (future) man to make him feel good. And, if you think about it, wouldn’t you want your man to say these things to you too?

1. I love you.

2. What can I do for you?

3. I believe in you.

4. You inspire me.

5. Let me do that for you.

6. Let me fix you something to eat (or drink).

7. I trust you.

8. You’re perfect.

9. I’m so lucky to have you.

10. I’m proud of you.

11. I’m so glad you’re mine.

12. Thank you for being my rock.

13. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

14. Lay back and let me ______ to/for you.

15. I’m horny, can you help me?

16. I have a problem, can you help me?

17. I don’t know how to ___, can you help me?

18. I can always count on you.

19. I love the way you hold me when we’re in bed.

20. Thank you for everything you do for me.

21. You have my heart forever.

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Relationship Advice For Women

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Okay, this is a BIG SECTION with LOTS of great relationship advice for women to help you either land that man to be yours or help keep him around for the long haul. So, in no real order, just gloss over some of these many great tips. Take what you like, apply what appeals and use them to turn yourself into the greatest woman your man will ever lay eyes on and ask you to be his just like you might say to him, “Honey, I don’t want any other man, but you!”

“Accepting that I’m 38, single and haven’t had children yet. All my friends are married with children and I’m feeding my cat tonight for the fifth year in a row doesn’t sit well with me. I wish I had made different decisions when I was younger.” – Single Female, Wanting A Man In Her Life

Yes! You might be relying solely on your outer looks to attract a man. A man can also be hooked by what he sees in you, what you can do for him and what the two of you can ultimately become. Let’s get into some “REALLY GREAT RELATIONSHIP ADVICE” for women right now!


THE SECRET TO FINDING SOMEONE: Forget the saying, “I just have to trust the process.” Instead, BECOME THE PROCESS!!! Take action, take initiative, make the first move, go after what you want and don’t sit idle waiting for love to walk into your life. Become the best version of yourself and get out there!!! Keep in mind that every rejection means that guy wasn’t for you and the real one is out there. Keep knocking on the doors (to men’s hearts) until you find the one for you! PERIOD!


REALITY + COMPETITION = DOESN’T LOOK GOOD FOR WOMEN: Ladies, for a man’s attention and hand (in marriage) competition is FIERCE out there! (#1) Men have way more (loose) choices than women. Women want something that’s hard to obtain → marriage (i.e., a lifetime commitment from a man). Men want what’s easy to obtain → sex (i.e., some women will give it up just for a little attention; marriage not required). (#2) When you meet a man and you don’t treat him right, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of women right behind you who are willing to take your place and treat him the way he wants to be treated. Women don’t have hundreds, if not thousands, of men who want to marry. (#3) Men can go years without committing to a single woman (in exchange for sex) and get away with only offering her “relationship crumbs” throughout those years. (#4) A.I. models, OnlyFans models, sex robots, sex dolls, escorts, porn, and women overseas are also your competition for a man’s time, attention, money and connection. (#5) Best to keep your legs closed, save yourself, and infuse a degree of “urgency” in finding a man before it’s too late or the whole search takes longer than you’d like it to.


WHICH WOULD YOU RATHER CHOOSE: Instead of wanting a man to find you SEXY, how about he finds you SPECIAL? Why do you want to be SHARED when you could be EXCLUSIVE? Why spread yourself across MANY GUYS when you could give all of you to ONE GUY! Is your ultimate aim to be PUMPED AND DUMPED or PUMPED AND LOVED, KEPT, MARRIED and PAMPERED for life?


Date only the marrying kind of man! Not a man who chooses to date you for 1-5 years and never puts a ring on that finger. You can, but just think about that. Ladies, aim for a man who wants to “start a family!” Keep his future focused on you in it and starting a family. Men who have their own places are good candidates for marriage because typically they have their stuff in order. So again date with marriage in mind, and only date serious men who are into having an exclusive relationship with you and will bond with you and want to keep you for the long run. Many men who are tired of the single life eventually will want to settle down and find a good woman to share his life with. Is that you? We’ll see, eh? Let’s keep going!

OLD PROVERB: “Women can date whoever they want, but men can marry whoever they choose.” Sure, the women can decline, but at least he did the asking. Women can’t really go and ask a guy to marry them. That just doesn’t happen. Men choose (a bride), while women just approve (who they’ll have sex with) in hopes to be married to that man.”

YOU HAVE TO GIVE PEOPLE A CHANCE OR YOU’LL NEVER MEET ANYONE! Take your (long) list of requirements, boil them down to a top 3-5 (bare essentials) and get out there. For example, is he a psycho? Does he have a job? Has he asked you a question about you to get to know you? If you ask him questions, and he doesn’t ask you any in return, then, you’re done. All the money in the world can’t make up for a lack of care and curiosity in you if it’s not there. Let’s go for intellect and intelligence over looks and money, okay? Some men use money to hide that they’re really just a fool dressed to kill.

YOU GOTTA REJECT THE WORLD because it's f**ked up. You have to be all into your man and not the world, or he's not going to be all into you. You can't be all into you and expect him to treat you like a queen if you’re not ready to treat him like a king.

AS HIS GIRLFRIEND, YOU SHOULD ALSO BE HIS POTENTIAL WIFE. Relationships are investments; not hobbies. Date with purpose and for the long-run. Short-run or short-lived dating pursuits usually end in disaster if not, disappointment.

DON'T MARRY SOMEONE RICH, PER SAY. Marry someone you love and get rich together. Men want to marry someone they love and who loves them back (heart-to-heart), and not someone who only loves him for his bank account.

LADIES, IF YOU WANT A SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP, then win the trust of a man not through your body, but through your personality and deeds for him early on. Sex isn’t everything and when that act is over, you have to be able to carry on a conversation and not sound like two people with nothing in common. Anybody can have sex. The trick is do you have chemistry outside the bedroom? Remember, there are women right behind you and in line to f**k that same man. If you both f**k him, yet the other woman’s personality wins him closer to him and faster, then guess what? You’re out of luck and tossed to the curb with the other women who used their bodies to try to win a man and not their heart, mind, deeds and soul.

“Remember, if you won’t make a sandwich for your man and make love to him from time to time,another woman will.” – Advice From Your Mother

PRICING YOURSELF RIGHT OUT OF THE DATING MARKET (FEMALE CONFESSION) “My expectations were so high that I never found a man good enough to meet all my criteria. Years later, I’m still single and don’t know what to do. All the good men seem to be gone, snatched up and those remaining aren’t worth settling for. I wish I would have taken the plunge years ago when I really had a few good guys to pick from.”


LOVE IS ABOUT giving, suffering together (in a good way), pouring yourself out to another, trust, sacrifice, staying, and vulnerability. Love is a CHOICE not an emotion. Not about take, take, take, leave, leave, leave. Love is hard sometimes, but always a beautiful thing.


LONG-TERM-RELATIONSHIP BENEFITS: Familiarity as you get older with someone. They've got your back, they know you, ... vs. Going it alone and every day is a challenge facing it alone.


LONELINESS: Men can cope with loneliness far better than any hitting the wall women can imagine because men are into things and women are into people. These women don't know what they have signed up for, a lifelong prescription of depressants.


SHOW INTEREST FIRST: Men rarely pursue women if they don’t get some signal of interest, whether it’s a smile, a nod, playing with your hair, or standing close(r) to him than usual.


NEWS FLASH FOR WOMEN: Despite what you’ve been told all your lives, there is not (nor will there ever be) a whole lot of tall, dark, handsome, endowed, straight, educated, fit, wealthy, successful, multi-millionaire men waiting around until you've “had your fun” and after giving away “your best years” to users, losers, posers, jerks, thugs, ghetto pigs, crappy rappers, and born again a**holes. You see, years later, you’re in your 30s/40s lets say, and you don’t want any of those turd-balls anymore, but instead, you want one of those guys you rejected and friend zoned. Men know, when your biological clock is doing all the thinking for you that it's all about securing the bag (i.e., scoring a husband to have a baby before it’s too late). The guys your age are more interested in dating down in age and marrying a gal who didn’t reject him when you had your chance early on. Does that make sense?


BE CAREFUL HOW TRENDY YOU WANT TO BE, ACT, LOOK, ETC. Most men are conservative by nature. They don't follow trends. What you choose to do to your body so you can garner likes, fans and subscribers might be rejected by good men who will not choose you. Best to stick to a more conservative path when looking for a man.


EXPECTATIONS: WOMAN: “I expect to be treated a certain way. Here’s my list …” MAN: “Okay, I expect to be treated a certain way as well. Are you prepared to treat me the way I want to be treated when I treat you the way you want?”


TRADITIONAL VALUES WORK! Modern values, in today’s day and age, won’t cut it. Old school rules work as they stand the test of time. Stick with them. Everything “modern” tends to get you into trouble. Remember, “too much freedom” can work against you. Just because you can do something, because the stigma is gone, doesn’t mean it won’t come back to haunt you either mentally, physically or financially or any combination.


WEALTHY MEN, WHO YOU MIGHT FANTASIZE ABOUT want a woman who will (#1) respect his wealth, (#2) help him grow his wealth, and/or (#3) not overspend his wealth on trivial, wasteful purchases. Typically, the men who come into (new) money, who spend it like it’s water, usually run out of it and go broke within a few years. It’s the “old money” men who earn and preserve their wealth (and grow it) know they don’t want some floozy spendthrift of a woman in their life. Fortunately, that’s not you, right? Of course not …


WHEN YOU FIND A GOOD MAN, don’t leave him (unless it’s obvious he’s a loser/abuser), but instead work together, stay together, build together and don’t give up on each other ever.

WHO’S NOT A WORK-IN-PROGRESS? Why not help a man climb higher? Chances are, he’s willing to help you, push you, and motivate you to become a better person. Why not help him too? Get into each other in that special way. Become each other’s helpmate?


EVEN THOUGH YOU LIVE IN A MODERN SOCIETY that says to prioritize finding a job and working at it years on end and to also put off marriage and starting a family until much later, in reality, all that passion you might have for that job doesn’t negate your biological clock. Most women who don’t end up forming a family unit early on do live to regret it to some degree. Sure, women can brush this off in their 20s, but later in their 30s/40s they come to realize reality is a whole other beast that must be dealt with and cannot be … brushed aside.


REGARDING THE ACT OF “SETTLING” FOR A MAN: It's not “settling” that women need to do, it's “accepting” their true worth, which on average, is half of what they really think it is.


WOMEN’S VALUE & THE DATING MARKETPLACE: Getting off the market = is a win! Staying on the market = you lose value each year. Why won't someone pick you? Well, think of it like a car having 1, 2 or 3 or more owners? Would you really buy a car that’s had 20-50 owners (i.e., sexual partners) and is a 2000 model? Most likely not. What type of car or even home would you like to buy? One that hasn’t been used by so many previous owners? Then, going forward, use this analogy and treat your body like a new car or home when you place it on the market to sell?


PRICING YOURSELF OUT OF THE DATING POOL: The better the woman, the harder it is for her to find a suitable man. Nothing wrong with becoming your best self, just know what that can lead to. What’s more, most women over value themselves in the dating market. If you ask most women, they will say they’re a 9 or a 10. So, in their mind, they think they are entitled to a man who is a 9 or a 10. Truth is, very few men and women are an 8 or above? Most are 6s, 7s and 8s. Think models and actors (=9s and 10s). There are a lot of good men who are in that 6-8 range. C’mon ladies, give those men a try. See what can come from it.


ASK MEN WHAT THEIR VALUES ARE WHEN IT COMES TO STARTING A FAMILY. Just talk about it. If they don't value their role as the male leader, protector and provider of a family or wanting to start one in the next 2-5 years or so, and this is predicated on the fact that they have not had one, then you need to get up and get out of there. Wrap up the conversation and move on. That guy is going to string you along for a long time. Imagine running into 5 or 10 of these time wasters? Your life would be strung along for 5 or 10 years. That's why you need to get serious about this search for a good man and don't sleep with any of the losers who will take a piece of you without anything positive in return for yourself.

AGE GAP RELATIONSHIPS can work if each party is transparent with what they want out of the relationship. I have a saying, “Date an individual, not a category.” That should help you out some if you run into this type of situation. What's more, talk amongst each other about money, your health, past relationships, present/future goals, etc.


CULTIVATE SOMETHING UNIQUE IN YOU or about you that someone (you'd like to attract) would choose you because they love, like, want, need this particular quality about you.


BASICALLY, DON’T BE IN DENIAL ABOUT THE FACT THAT YOUR MARITAL VALUE IS HIGHER in your 20s and early 30s, and the longer you hold out for “Mr. Right,” the smaller your chances are of actually finding him, let alone, someone good enough.


WHILE MOST PEOPLE DON'T KNOW HOW RELATIONSHIPS WORK, here’s the bottom line → you're supposed to take care of and look after each other's needs. It doesn't get any simpler than that.


BE CAREFUL ABOUT MEN WHO SAY THEY ARE SEPARATED FROM THEIR WIFE, getting a divorce but it's not settled yet, etc. Stay away from these kinds of men.


BETTER BRING A LOT MORE TO THE TABLE than just looks for a guy who has his act together.


DOES DATING GET HARDER AFTER 30? Dating after 30 does bring new challenges. Namely, the dating pool is dwindling, your eggs are expiring, you’re inching closer to 40, plus a host of health problems that might sneak up on you when you least expect.


WHAT MEN LOOK FOR IN A WOMAN: (LADIES, BE THIS TYPE OF WOMAN & YOU’LL LAND A MAN) Physical attractiveness, empathy, nurturing, kindness, intelligence, honesty, morality, ambition, leadership within the family/community/at work, a hard worker, good work ethics, professionalism, financial success or literacy, dependability, loyalty, ability, competence, interdependence, toughness, stamina, politeness, respectfulness, the ability to multitask, the ability to cook (something), … among other things.


DOES THE MAN YOU'RE DATING SAY HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY CHILDREN? Don't believe him. Look it up online. Do your research in the background. If he says he's got one kid, don't believe him. He may have five kids. There was a professional football player who had 11 kids with 10 baby mamas. That is disgusting. What's worse, is when you hear that they have kids who are only months apart in age. That means multiple baby mamas. We're talking about a hot mess here. These guys are sick out there. Men lie, plain and simple.


DON’T BLOW YOUR 20s OR EVEN EARLY 30s LIVING THE SINGLE LIFE → FOR TOO LONG! When your female friends are getting married and you want to laugh at them for settling down when you’re not ready, isn’t good. Who will be the last one to laugh when you’re still single and you squandered all those years away? Staying single for 3-5 in your 20s, maybe 7 years, but 10 years? 15? 20? Granted, there are some who are single and not by choice. True. Don’t let your “hot girl summers” last until you’re 40 yrs old is all we’re saying here.


DON’T DATE OR MARRY A MAN WITH THE HOPES YOU CAN CHANGE HIM. Don’t date a rundown house you think you can fix up. You may not have the time or the money to do it. Plus, there could be hidden pitfalls (to fixing up that house) you’re not prepared for. Not worth your time. Best to hold out until you find a real man who has his stuff together and will stay the way he is when you meet him.


EMBRACE ANY AND ALL OLD-FASHIONED ADVICE. For example, you can weed out the users and liars if you'll wait a few dates before going off to the bedroom. It doesn't need to be months, but see if you can get him to put some effort into actually talking to you about life, a future, getting to know you in a non-sexual manner. If he can't, then you have your answer. Drop that turkey in the trash.


EVERY WOMAN SHOULD DATE AN OLDER MAN WHO IS 10, 15, MAYBE 20 YEARS OLDER THAN THEM at least once in their life. It doesn't have to be forever and you don't have to marry them. What this does for you though is introduce to you what your life could be like dating someone who is mature, has their sh** together, has money, can take you places, treat you like a queen, they’re not waiting for their rap career to finally take off, they're well established in lots of ways. You can learn a thing or two from an older man. Even more, if you have unresolved trauma, bouts of depression, insecurities, etc., an older man can also act like a personal life coach to you. A good thing. Just imagine all the insightful pillow talks you’ll have for hours on end night after night. Those are your “loving” therapy sessions. With your typical therapist, you’re in and out in 45 minutes. They can’t hold you while they talk to you, either. Ever been HELD while pouring your heart out to someone? It’s an amazing feeling. You should try it sometime. Oh, date an older man and see what it’s like.


FOR SOME WOMEN, THEY PREFER THE “QUIET MAN” IN THE BACK OF THE ROOM. Why so? Simply put, they don't really care for the man with all the (female prospect) options because the man with all the options is probably abusing all of those women and sleeping with all of them. He's no prize. It's the quiet one in the back some women go for, because the quiet ones tend to treat you better, due most to the fact that he doesn’t get a whole lot of attention to begin with. Then, something about him seems unique, perhaps a certain quality about him you find admiring. The same goes for females who are quiet too. They’re not typically sleeping around and are also looking for a nice, quiet guy to date, fall in love with, marry and then start a family with.


GET GOOD AT SPOTTING PEOPLE WHO WON'T GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT. Ideally, even before you go on your first date, know what you’re looking for and what you’re not. That way you can free up your time for those who do pique your interest. Also, when your standards go up, your dating pool may shrink a little, but that's okay. Also, read my book, Where Are You? & Where Art Thou? Inside this relationship book masterpiece I’ve got lists of deal breakers, questions to ask the person sitting across from you and so much more. Having written that book, I can tell you this, once you read it, cover to cover, you will either attract the right person to you like a magnet or repel any loser who doesn’t belong in your life in seconds. You tend to pick up this radar mentality that just lets you see things in people that you never saw before. How’s that for helping you find THE ONE for you rather quickly?


GIVE THE MAN WHO LIKES YOU A CHANCE, because they just might wind up being a great catch in the long run. Go slow, to some degree. Take mental notes and ask pointed questions related to what he sees in HIS future for a family, wife, etc.

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Sex, Sex & More About Sex

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

The benefits of celibacy ARE? You can’t get pregnant by the wrong man! You can take your time finding the right guy to enter into a relationship with before having sex. Your state of mind is much healthier when you’re NOT sleeping around. Your (sexual) health stays healthy because you’re not potentially contracting any sexual diseases. Your heart doesn’t have to go through the multiple heartaches of loneliness and abandonment because the guy you (would have had sex with) isn’t into a relationship with you, and would rather just stay friends, have some fun with you and keep things non-committal between you two. Thus far, how are these benefits for keeping your legs closed and not having sex with men who you’re not in a committed relationship with?

THE DRAWBACKS OF PROMISCUITY ARE: Increased likelihood of unintended pregnancy, potential for heartaches, stress added to your mental state of mind, potential for sexually transmitted diseases, potential for alcohol or other substance usage and abuse, these men are on your mind when you finally find your husband, these former lovers look you up when you’re married just to see if you’re unhappy and wanna go swinging again for a quick romp (no strings attached), potential for violence and social condemnation among family, friends, etc. Is this enough to convince you not to be promiscuous?


SEX & MARRIAGE ACCESS: Women control access to sex, while men control access to marriage. A woman chooses a man she will have sex with. A man cannot outright choose a woman to have sex with. She must approve. Likewise, women cannot say to a man, “Marry me,” and he will. No. Men choose who they want to marry. Yes, the woman can accept or decline those offers. Which gender is in the better position to gain what they want? Answer=MEN! Men can always get sex from (almost) any woman and they have for decades without committing to monogamy, long-term relationships or even marriage. WOMEN have been the LOSERS in this race because while they give up sex, they’re not always getting marriage proposals in return. Even when the woman gets pregnant, some men choose to walk or run. Ladies, you must change how you interact with men (when it comes to giving them what they want=sex). You can dream, right? That all women can/will work together and boycott giving men sex without commitment? It used to be that way. What happened? What got introduced to women to give up those old school ways of securing a man for marriage? Birth control? No-fault divorce? Feminism? Women’s lib movements? Be honest.


WOMEN ARE WHORING THEMSELVES TODAY: Just go on Instagram and see how many women are taking their underwear off in videos or showing their boobs shaking under their t-shirts or their panty-line camel-toe shots. Seriously, it’s as if Instagram has now become a source for soft porn teasers, hasn’t it? Then, you’ve got MILLIONS of young women stripping completely naked on camera for $1 a month. That’s cheaper than the hooker in the street who wants $50 per trick she turns? Where, when, how did women today become such whores?


WOMEN HELPING WOMEN (NOT): “Coming from a position of saving myself for marriage, and having conservative values, it is fairly hard to find a man who is interested in settling down and having that family. Why? Because of the easy availability of sex from so many other women out there. As soon as men realize I’m reserved, they typically turn away and leave me behind. I’m holding out though. I’m a good woman, traditional, love to cook, I garden and I love kids and want to be able to homeschool my little ones one day. I am willing to sacrifice my career for that goal if necessary. Hopefully there are still good men out there that want that type of woman. Again, it’s all these loose, quick-to-strip naked women who are making it hard for us good women to find a good man.”


SEX (THE LURE): Be careful not to fall for any man's B.S. as it's only a lure to trick you into bed with him. He might say certain things you like to hear, he may promise you things you might want to do to you in a (potential) relationship, etc. DO NOT LISTEN to him. Sex happens when YOU say it does, not because you're persuaded to by a slick tongued devil. YOU NEED SOMETHING you can tie him to you so he doesn't just run off and go sleep with another woman leaving you behind feeling used and discarded.


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7 Reasons Why Men Are “Not” Going To Sleep With You So Fast Any More

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

1. NO RELATIONSHIP / NO SEX: First, he enjoys a lot of sex, and the best way to get that is in a committed relationship honoring monogamy and exclusivity. Sure, he would LOVE to have sex with you one time, but doesn’t want to hurt your feelings when he says, “I don’t want a relationship with you.” So, for those reasons, he decides NOT to have sex with you and only if you’re in a relationship with him. Men who have sex with lots of women and aren’t in a relationship with any of them are scum for men and not the studs they think they are. Why? Because it takes a real man to stick around and stay with a woman versus sleeping with a woman once and then leaving never to have contact with her again. That man is called a chicken. Cluck cluck!

2. HE RESPECTS YOU: He doesn’t know you and wants to respect you by not pressuring you for sex like other douchebags do. On the contrary, this man exhibits sexual discipline and patience. Something quite refreshing in your world and is highly welcomed.

3. NO SEX = NO PREGNANCY: He doesn’t want to risk getting you pregnant. He knows the financial responsibility and commitment that goes with that and doesn’t want to take any chances. So, he keeps his pants on and goes about his business. Of course, if he’s married to you or in a committed relationship, getting you pregnant could be a joy you both can rejoice in. Otherwise, he wants to find out if … (#4)

4. IS SHE CRAZY? By waiting to find out if she’s crazy (mentally/emotionally speaking) or is she well-composed and mentally stable, he’s just taking precautions to not get connected to her via sex. No sex, no connection, no memories, no one got used, no problem. IF he did have sex with her and she did turn out crazy and he wanted to disappear out of her life forever, well, he could, but then he could be accused of just using her for sex, when really her personality drove him far far away or he would have stayed, right?

5. HE HAS A LOT TO PROTECT: He’s worked hard. He has a good paying job, maybe a business of his own, money saved up, a nice car, a home where he lives alone, etc. When you have sex with a woman and you don’t follow through with a relationship/marriage, it leaves her feeling abandoned. Some women go as far as to trap a man by getting pregnant by another man and accusing the first man that it’s his baby. Crooked and horrible. You can imagine now WHY a man wouldn’t have sex with any woman unless he’s okay with her getting pregnant. Right? You bet. Having a baby is a lot like buying a house. There’s a financial commitment and upkeep and maintenance costs. Who wants that? Two parents are better.

6. HE WANTS HER & SEX FOR THE FIRST TIME (WITH HER) TO BE SPECIAL: He wants to get to know her so when you do have sex it’s special. Special meaning, he’s wanting to enter a relationship with you. What’s more, he wants to build up to the experience. “No, let’s wait and plan something special for our first night together dancing between the sheets.”

7. HE WANTS YOU+HIM TO BE TESTED: A great reason to wait to have sex. “Let’s get tested so we both know we’re safe and healthy to have sex together.

You can also hold these same values. It’ll help you both NOT have sex before you’re ready. Plus, if you ever meet a man who doesn’t exhibit the above, you KNOW NOT TO HAVE SEX WITH HIM! He’s probably crazy and fixing to abandon you as soon as he puts his shoes on after the act of sex. Right? True or false?

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Ladies, Body Count Does Matter! Here’s Exactly Why!

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

IF YOU ARE THE PRIZE, LADIES, as you say you are, there's always only ONE WINNER (i.e., some special man) and not 20 men or 50 men (= high body count). Why not save yourself for that special someone! If you dilute your brain, body and soul by mixing it up with a multitude of others, only to be pumped and dumped, you might be creating a pattern you won't be able to break free from for the rest of your life. What’s more, by you having sex with 20-50 men or more, aren’t you contributing to men having sex with multiple women? That doesn’t bode well when it comes to helping to encourage men to stay committed to one woman. Do two wrongs make a right? No. So, what if you’re ready to commit to a man, because you’re tired of the hook-up scene, but men are loving the fact they can continue to have sex with multiple partners? See how having sex with multiple men doesn’t HELP YOU?

LET'S TALK BODY COUNT: Think about it like having many jobs that you didn't stick with. Would a future employer hire you? Not with that kind of track record. Same with sleeping around. PLUS, do you want all those guys coming after you later for another hook-up when you're in a relationship? The fewer bodies you sleep with, the better.


I THOUGHT YOU WERE SPECIAL, NO? Then, why not save yourself for someone special, because YOU are SPECIAL! 


LADIES SAY THEIR BODY COUNT ISN’T ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS WHEN ENTERING A NEW RELATIONSHIP WITH A GUY. On the contrary, it’s everybody’s business (both men and women). How many of those men had an STD because THEY were sleeping around too? Gotta get checked. How many of those men hurt you or abused you? That would lend insight into your current state of mental health and emotional wounds, if any. Further, men don’t want to know 50+ other men dropped their life seed in you. That’s disgusting. Women typically are promiscuous when they have something else going on on the inside. Then, there are paternity issues. Is he really his kid or some other man’s kid? It would help if everyone was just waiting to have sex when they were in a committed relationship. No booty calls, no hook-ups, no one-night stands, etc. Men with ill intentions have ways to trick women into sleeping with them. That’s called poor discernment on the part of the woman. Her past is an indicator about her success going forward in any relationship with a man.


ARE YOU INTO JOINING YOUR MIND AND HEART WITH ONE PERSON DEEPLY, or with multiple men? Would you rather spend all your money on you + one person, or spend your money across several people?


IMAGINE A CAR BEING USED AND SOLD AMONG 50 DIFFERENT BUYERS/OWNERS? Uh, no. Imagine a house having gone through 50+ owners. Why would you buy a property that used? Same with (men and women), why would you want to be with someone who’s had 50 men go through them?”


WOMEN WHO SLEEP AROUND ARE STATISTICALLY MORE DEPRESSED, EXPERIENCE HIGHER LEVELS OF ANXIETY, used to a revolving door, one foot is always out the door, etc. They’re not experienced building something with one man. You want a man to be with you for life one day, right? Well, how can you prepare for that special man if you’re with 50+ different guys? “I’m just going to find a new guy,” is not the solution. STICK with one guy and work with him. Think of staying with one man like staying with one company. Or, try to make a steady income hopping around to different companies every week. Would a company hire you if you left companies every week for another company? There’s a reason why companies ask you for a RESUME. They want to see your history of performance, and respectable / professional behavior. Ever heard of the “Ghost of Dick-mas Past?” Those past dicks you took in can come back to haunt you. No dick past, no problem future. High dick past? Potential problem future in many ways.


WHICH DO YOU CHOOSE: (OPTION #1) Sex where the man leaves you (i.e., creates abandonment issues; you stay single; alone) and maybe never returns or has no incentive to build a relationship / life with you. – OR – (OPTION #2) Sex where the man stays and builds a relationship with you. Opt for a RELATIONSHIP+SEX not just SEX and increase your body count because you’re enjoying screwing a lot of men. They’re enjoying screwing you and → LEAVING YOU!!!


MEN DON'T GET AS MUCH SEX AS WOMEN. This causes them to experience and realize how beneficial it is to the body and his mind when he abstains, remains celibate and has sex with just that one woman who commits to him too. On the other hand, a woman who can sleep around with 100s of guys, because she can, doesn't experience the loving intimacy of “relationship sex,” but pump and dump hookup sex and has to deal with a different type of rejection than men. Men get rejected before having sex while women get rejected [into having a relationship] after having sex and giving their bodies away. Think about that. Would you rather be rejected up front (before sex) and keep your sanity or be rejected (after sex) and feel like a discarded piece of tissue at the end of the sexual session? Since women have been encouraged to sleep around with more than the usual number of men, they have lost the value of saving their bodies for someone special. Even though I have a policy, “no relationship, no sex.” I need for my body and soul to be protected in the sanctity of a relationship and not just flung around during some fling ling.          


ARE YOU HIS NEXT SEXUAL CONQUEST OR HIS LAST? How many dicks does it take to get one wedding ring proposal? What's your body count so far? Be honest with yourself? Only you can stop men from using you for sex only. You have to speak up for what you want. No ask, no get. Men are getting what they want, are women? Aren't you tired of settling for scraps?

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Ladies, 5 Reasons To Hold Out, Hold On, Not Have Sex & Wait Before Having Sex

Wake Up Ladies Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

1. You won't get pregnant if you don't have sex.

2. You won't catch a disease if you don't have sex.

3. You might meet a better guy who will wait vs. one who's impatient and will leave you the minute you give it up. If men are only interested in sex from a woman, once AI and Sex bots take over, will women be needed except for reproduction? Better focus on extenuating the heart/love area of a man and not so much his you know, down there, part.

4. Women give up SEXUAL EXPERIENCES with men fairly easily. No ring required. MEN do NOT give up their money THAT easily and you only get a fraction. So, both only get a little to temporarily satisfy their needs ($/sex).

5. The difference is men can get sex from women all their life and never marry. Women cannot get men’s money or their hand in marriage all of their life. Women, by default,get LOW END OF DEAL! Eh?

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