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Interview Bart Smith About His Book Where Are You? & Where Art Thou?

Where Are You? & Where Art Thou?

Where are you, personally, when it comes to finding the love of your life and where do you find them?

by Bart Smith

Author of six (6) other insightful relationship books, BART SMITH, is afraid for both men and women who long to find love and romance in this crazy, wack world.

TODAY MORE THAN EVER, so many men and women have either tried their hand at love and lost (once, twice or several times) or have never even had the chance at finding love, experiencing romance or deep intimacy, finding someone of true quality or anyone seriously interested in something longer than a 1-night, 2-week or 3-month stand. So, they either give up (looking for love/romance) until they get over what they've experienced and feel they can jump back into the dating game again or conclude to themselves in their silence of quiet desperation ... "I'm just destined to die alone!"

If you are one of the millions of singles out there who have suffered from loneliness, repeated rejection, unwanted sexual advancements or a lack of warm, romantic sexual intimacy, along with an isolated heart when it comes to finding real romantic love in this world, then this book is for you. 

Bart wrote (this book) with the aim of helping those like you who may have gone on dozens of dates (or no dates) and you're still single looking for love.

This book was written to give you a vast array of relationship insight and wisdom needed to (not only) find love, but also real knowledge on how to protect your heart, your body, your mind, your bank account and your future while on your journey to finding THE ONE for you!


TROUBLE IN THE HOUSE OF LOVE : Because we live in such a fast-paced society, it’s obvious, not many people are stopping to smell the roses of love and romance, would you say? Everyone, close your eyes and picture yourself slowing down to really meet people and get to know them. No cell phones, no social media, no TV, no distractions … just insightful conversations with someone new who you just met and who you’re taking your time to get to know. Who knows, this one person could turn out to be … the one!

When most people think of the dating landscape today, here’s what they think:

... We are in a dating apocalypse or dating famine or drought.

... People are starving for love, romance, affection, a soft touch, and a warm hug from a significant other.

... About 50.2% (124.6 million American adults) single. In 1950, that number was about 22 percent.

... 44.9% of the unmarried population aged 18 and older are female. For every 100 unmarried women there are approximately 88 unmarried men. When men are in oversupply, the dating culture is more traditional and monogamous. On the contrary, when women are in oversupply, like today, the dating culture is less monogamous and more promiscuous. Women are more likely to be looked at and treated like sex objects, rather than as romantic love interests by men.

What does all this mean? It means it’s not normal what we’re going through. It also means, singles today are in a lot of trouble. Here’s an exercise, CAN YOU RELATE to any of the following statements made by both men and women when it comes to today’s dating desert? Dating is awkward, a chore say some, confusing, even annoying, for some draining, others frustrating, a mystery to many, dating today seems so sex-focused, dating seems scary for some, a struggle for others, stressful, tiresome, worrisome ... yikes!

For these reasons and more, my next guest wrote a relationship book in hopes to help both men and women never experience these feelings or experiences again. His aim? To turn the entire dating world on its head and straighten things out so both men and women come out winners in the game of love, life and romance. A tall order for one single book on relationships, eh? 


To request an interview with Bart Smith, contact Bart online through this website. Your interview inquiry will be responded to promptly. In a hurry? Call Bart's office directly at (323) 510-5155 PST to set up an interview.

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Why Are You & Where Art Thou? is BART SMITH's seventh relationship book and his 27th book overall! He's a seriously accomplished author having written 27 books on a wide variety of topics from relationships to motivation, lethal confidence, sex, networking, coaching, business, marketing, cooking, and a book for prisoners getting out of jail??? Wow, what variety!

Inside Why Are You & Where Art Thou?, Bart shares a very modern day approach to assessing where men and women are on their journey to finding the love of their life and how they should best go about finding THE ONE for them! Bart's intent? To encourage every man or woman to take a very serious, realistic and yet hopeful approach to finding love in today's crazy, wack world, as Bart calls it.

Bart truly believes there's SOMEONE out there for EVERYONE! He believes that with the right preparation, self-assessments, working hard to be your better self as well as getting out there to advertise "your better self" to the world, you'll immediately begin to attract the right prospects into your life so you can pick and choose who THE ONE for you really is ... ALL THIS is found in this one of a kind book, Why Are You & Where Art Thou?

For more than 30 years, Bart continues to hold true to the ideals he shares with others. He’s also witnessed significant improvement in the lives of those he has spent time with whether one-on-one or in a group format. Much like Bart's other relationship books like Laws Of The Bedroom and Find The One For Me, Bart’s content is grounded in real life experiences and what works. No bull, hot hair, fluff or authentic mumbo jumbo here, folks. Bart Smith helps make you feel love is in the air, that romance is around the corner and there's hope for you as well at finding love.


Suggested interview questions:

Q1 : Wow, what a title, Why Are You & Where Art Thou? How did you come up with it? Also, who did the cover of the book? Don't tell me you designed it? Did you? 

Q2 : Tell me about the book. Who is this book for? You broke this book up into two main parts: PART 1: Where Are You? and Part 2: Where Art Thou? Tell me a little bit about each part and why this order?

Q3 : What IS the current status of the dating and relationship world out there today? Is anyone dating? Getting married? Are people just afraid to date? What's going on?

Q4 : Tell me about your other relationship books. (i.e., Find The One For Me, Laws Of The Bedroom, Watch Out Ladies, 251+ Relationship Regrets, etc.) Why did you write this book if you have so many relationships others? How is this one different? 

Q5 : In Part 1.3, the section where you assess and audit yourself, you have a section called Evaluate, Cultivate & Enhance The 8 ‘Ly’s About You. Explain this. What's this all about? 

Q6 : In the book you talk about things you should STOP doing? Give me some examples.

Q7 : In the book you talk about SEX and what you should and shouldn't do and how sex should really "go down." Explain this! I know my audience will really love this part! In fact, this is no small section. You talk A LOT about sex in the book! In fact, I want to ask you about your book, Laws Of The Bedroom and Fantasy Boyfriend and why you mentioned those two books inside this section on SEX. What messages, lessons and teachings do they have to offer where SEX is concerned that both men and women need to know about?

Q8 : You talk about 10+ Rules About Money in the book. What are some of your rules where money is concerned and dating and being in a relationship? Do's and don'ts, so to speak.

Q9 : You say in the book, that many people don't know what they want when it comes to a relationship. Why is that? Is it because most people enter relationships with a hit or miss attitude, let's see how this go or they haven't experienced certain levels of care in a relationship that they don't know what to even ask, expect or strive for? 

Q10 : Here's a great question, WHAT SHOULD men and women bring to the table when it comes to getting into a relationship? What are some of the top 3 or 5 things each needs to bring to the table?

Q11 : You have a lot to say about who pays for the first date ? Tell me about that. Who should pay? Should the man pay? Should the woman pay? Who pays?

Q12 : What should women really want in a man and why are they making bad choices when it comes to dating the men they do today? I mean, "where have all the good men gone," right?

Q13 : What do men want in a woman, but aren't seeing it in today's modern, independent, strong, powerful woman?

Q14: You say MEN ARE THE PRIZE these days and not women? Why is that? I thought women were the prize?

Q15 : What about dating outside of your culture ? What are your views on that?

Q16 : You talk about the " attraction factor " and why men and women shouldn't date the most beautiful man or woman in the room. Why is that? You say it's more psychological than physical. Tell me about that.

Q17 : When it comes to vetting a new love who just entered your life, what should you look for and watch out for?

Q18 : What are a few safeguards, warnings and precautions men and women should implement when dating and looking for a lifetime mate?

Q19 : What are some dating lies, myths, half-truths and truths-be-told that men and women should know about?

Q20 : There are 50+ modern dating terms in your book. What are some examples?

Q21 : What are some safe dating tips men and women should keep in mind when going on dates and meeting people for the first time?

Q22: You mention over 100 deal breakers, non-negotiables and rules for disqualifying someone out of being in a relationship with you. What are some of those?

Q23: Why don't things work out sometimes when two people want to look for, find and remain in love? You mention we're all students and teachers in a relationship. Expand upon that. What's the best way to handle a breakup?

Q24: When should you D.T.R. (Define The Relationship)? How do you make a relationship last longer than 3 hours, 3 days, 3 months, 3 years?

Q25: What final advice do you have for people wanting to find love, return to the dating market, give love another chance, or keep on the journey to finding their first love?


For more information about Bart’s book, Why Are You & Where Art Thou? , and how to purchase the paperback, eBook or listen to the audio version for free on his YouTube channel, just go to his website: BartSmith.com and get to know Bart's world. Guaranteed, you'll never want to leave it!