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Copyright Notice For Who's Hungry by Bart Smith

Who’s Hungry? and all photographs taken by Bart Smith are protected by copyright law. The contents of this book may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

Copyright © 2018-2024 by Bart Smith

All Rights Reserved

13-Digit ISBN: 978-1547213191


For more information about Who’s Hungry? and individual orders, discounts for bulk-quantity purchases, information on seminars, booking or inviting Bart Smith to appear on your TV or YouTube show, speak and/or cook at your home/office/event, interviews, etc., contact BART SMITH at his website:

Who’s Hungry? front and back book cover designs and interior layouts were created by Bart Smith. Food images/photos were taken by Bart Smith and with his Android S10+ smartphone. I know, huh? Cool!

Limit of Liability and Disclaimer: Everything in Bart’s cookbook is provided “as is” and for your information and entertainment purposes only.


Food Handling: Please use great caution and sanitary practices when handling food products. Wash your hands and surfaces thoroughly before, during and after handling any food product.


Bart’s cooking and other instructions and directions inside his cookbook are offered as guidelines only. Use your best judgment and proper discretion (when necessary) when preparing or consuming any food. 


The author doesn’t advise eating eggs, meat or seafood that have not been properly handled or cooked. Eating something undercooked or raw is to be done at your own discretion. 


The author expressly disclaims responsibility for any adverse impact that may result from the use or application of any recipe or other information contained inside his cookbook.


Any health related advice or suggestion should not be construed as medical advice or instruction. The reader should consult a physician in matters related to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention in relation to any foods or ingredients.


The author is not a doctor, nutritionist or dietitian, and has no desire to become one. Sheesh! Therefore, the information in Bart’s cookbook is based on his own experiences and personal opinions and does not replace any professional, medical or nutritional advice where needed in any situation.


Anything not expressly mentioned herein is reserved to be brought up or mentioned later as such occasions arise. I know, sounds like B.S., but it’s not. Really! ‘Tis true to the bone!

My Cookbook
Table Of Contents

Rave Reviews

Meet Your Chef
Bart Smith

Why I Wrote
This Cookbook

How To Use
This Cookbook

Get These Essential
Appliances, Pans & Utensils

Book Details Page

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