How To Use This Cookbook (Who's Hungry?) by Bart Smith

Real quick, let me give you some tips on how to make the most out of using my cookbook so you too can enjoy these meals and beverages to the same level of heavenly satisfaction I have for the past 20+ years. For starters:


Skim through the entire cookbook by clicking on the different links in the QUICK MENU area on the main page Make note of those dishes/beverages that pop out to you that you’d like to try first, second, third. Make note and take action on your new found desires/cravings from what you see!

Quickly, look through the list of suggested/essential kitchen pots, pans, appliances and more. Do you see things you already have or don’t have, but should get? Go ahead and start acquiring what you need to make some recipes from my cookbook. I buy a lot of my supplies on or at Walmart, Target, Asian market stores, TJ Maxx, Ross, Dollar Stores, etc. Shopping around is key!


The best way to learn how to make much of what I have to share inside my cookbook is to watch my videos for a particular dish or beverage. My cooking videos can be found here:


Each recipe actually serves as a list of ingredients to get/use and the steps to make my recipes . While many of us learn best by watching, having a written list of what to buy, get, use, and what order you make something in is also handy. If you find something you like, read through the recipe, gather up the ingredients and/or any kitchen equipment needed, then watch the video on how to make it!

Practice makes perfect. If at first you don’t succeed, which you will, try again. It took me several attempts to perfect what you see inside my cookbook. But, not to worry, this isn’t rocket science. Many of these recipes really are pretty straight forward. All you have to do is tweak a little something here or there to your liking and you’re set. “Bart appétit!”

In advance, here’s to you enjoying my first cookbook. Questions about anything? Contact me online!

My Cookbook
Table Of Contents

Rave Reviews

Meet Your Chef
Bart Smith

Why I Wrote
This Cookbook

How To Use
This Cookbook

Get These Essential
Appliances, Pans & Utensils

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