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Book Excerpts From Isn't It Time YOu Lose Weight & Get In Shape, Too? by Bart Smith

Get a sneak peek into Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! TOO! by Bart Smith by reading a few of the hand-picked book excerpts below. If you like what you read here, then you'll definitely love the book or perhaps the audio version. That said, enjoy these excerpts!


Message From The Author

HEY, I’M REALLY GLAD YOU PICKED UP THIS BOOK! I know, if you go through it page per page, cover to cover, you’re going to pick up some great tips, ideas and instruction on how to lose weight, improve your health, get fit, feel great and have more energy than you know what to do with!


The Benefits Of Eating Right, Working Out & My Initial Challenge!

When you EAT RIGHT “FOR LIFE” you avoid → Sickness, Death and Disease → Suffering, Pain and Surgeries


Eating Right For Life

Sound scary? Today, there are more than a billion health-related books on the market. Who has time to read ...


Ways To Eat Right For Life & Live Life Full Throttle!

Here are a few tips when it comes to eating well and living life as healthy as you can ...


Create Your Own, Personal “Food Pyramid” Like I Did!

Over the years, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has received plenty of criticism for its design of the Food Guide Pyramid. I’m not surprised. Personally, I think it’s a little outdated, confusing and loaded with B.S. So, here's mine!


Grocery Shopping & Avoiding B.S.

Never buy sodas for your home. Treat yourself when you go out to eat (on occasion) with a fountain soda or ...


Drink More Water, Water, Water, Water, Water & With LEMON!

Thirsty? Your body’s telling you it’s already dehydrated and needs you to water it immediately! A lack of sufficient ...


If You Want To Lose Weight, Do It Right & Avoid B.S.

While billions of dollars go bye-bye each and every year, are we getting a line of bull from the diet industry? Or, ...


Diet & Weight Loss “Commercial B.S.”

What the weight-loss industry is doing, besides putting our lives at risk, is just plain insulting. Have you really ... 


My Philosophy On “Weight Loss”

Are you still having a hard time finding the right diet for you? How about N*O*N*E? With so many different diets ...


What Causes Weight Gain?

There are a number of factors (in life) that cause us to gain weight. Can you relate to any of them? 


How Can You Lose Weight Safely & Naturally?

For optimum health, pay attention to what you take INTO your body and HOW MUCH! Such as ...


When It Comes To Losing Weight & Feeling Great All The Time!

Remember, the perfect “you” already lies “within” you. Here are a few helpful tips and reminders for losing weight ...


My Formula For Losing Weight

Here it is, in simplified form and without hype, drugs or B.S. My 7-step formula is as follows ...


How Can You Tell If You’re Losing Weight?

Clothing: Your clothes start to fall without a belt. They don’t fit you any more. You’ve got room to breathe! Time to ...


Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting (IF) is term used for various types of diets that cycle between a period of fasting and ...


What’s For Breakfast Lunch & Dinner At Bart’s House?

By now, you know some of my thoughts on eating good foods and the ones to avoid. Sadly, I’ve discovered ...


Want To Get In Shape? Check Out These Easy Tips & Ideas

Another key element in helping you to lose weight safely and naturally is EXERCISE. That is, what you DO with ...


Bart’s Personal Exercise Routine → A.A.B.B. (ABS • ARMS • BODY • BOOTY)

Before I work out, I get amped up to listen to my favorite music. There’s nothing like jumping up and down to ...


Summary & Words Of Encouragement

CONGRATULATIONS! Yes, I want to congratulate you for making it this far! So, what did you learn? Did you ...

Book Excerpts From Isn't It Time YOu Lose Weight & Get In Shape, Too? by Bart Smith


Message From The Author

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

HEY, I’M REALLY GLAD YOU PICKED UP THIS BOOK! I know, if you go through it page per page, cover to cover, you’re going to pick up some great tips, ideas and instruction on how to lose weight, improve your health, get fit, feel great and have more energy than you know what to do with! 

REAL QUICK, WHAT’S MY STORY? Well, I’m 54 years old, as I write this book, I have a strong desire to stay fit and healthy because??? I’M AFRAID! Yes, I’m afraid of my body wearing down as I age, looking my age, and I just don’t like going to the doctor or taking medications or nothing like that. In fact, I haven’t been to a doctor, really, since I was in high school for a sports physical so I could play football. That’s right! No doctor visits, no pain, nothing breaking (so far), ... nothing!

You see, in high school, I was a fast, hard-hitting running back for four years and I ran varsity track for four years as a hurdler, sprinter and relay participant. In a few words, I WAS VERY FAST! Illinois state champion, two years in a row in the hurdles; 1,000 yard rushing seasons as an All American running back. While I played basketball and wrestled in junior high as well, football and track became my two big dedicated sports once I entered high school. I’ve got more gold medals than most trophy stores carry in-store. I ran and WON 300+ races in my indoor/outdoor track career. Even got a full-ride college track scholarship. Point is, I was heavily involved in sports, working out, staying in tip-top shape, pushing myself during practice to go faster, play harder, improve upon my last performance, etc. That’s an athlete for ya, right? You bet!

WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? It means, I know what it’s like to work out, sweat, feel (some) pain (before/during/after) my workouts from exhaustion and fatigue and yet know the benefits of doing such on a consistent basis; as I was involved in varsity level sports for years. As a result of those years in sports, I can easily find myself repeating what I went through in practice (5 days a week). Which is, I like working out. I like staying in shape. I like sweating all those toxins out of my body! These days, I’ll even workout 2-3x a day (some days; morning, afternoon, late night, early morning hours, etc.).

BUT, THEN AGAIN, I remember going MONTHS without working out and it felt so good to NOT DO ANYTHING! Hey, I‘m an adult now. I can do what I want. I’m not competing anymore. I’m not racing anymore. There are no Friday night football games I have to gear up to perform my best at. Of course, there’s a price for NOT working out, which is? Can you guess? YOU GET OUT OF SHAPE REALLY FAST! That is, if you don’t eat well, and most people don’t really eat that well. Fortunately, I did learn to cook for myself in college. Yes, I grew tired of the 3-cheese diet (i.e., grilled cheese, scrambled eggs ‘n’ cheese, and macaroni ‘n’ cheese). So, I asked Mom to send me the recipe for (her) lasagna, and that kicked off my cooking career. I soon bought a Wok so I could stir-fry chicken with vegetables in sweet ‘n’ sour sauce. I was making other pasta dishes and then (DRUM ROLL) I had the grand idea of baking chocolate chip cookies for dinner! Yes, I was soon baking cookies in my college apartment kitchen anytime I wanted. My roommates struck gold, didn’t they? Hey, I was away from home. I could have anything I wanted for dinner, right? Mom wasn’t around to say, “No!” So? I made cookies and that was that! I haven’t stopped since!

TO DATE, I have a cookbook called WHO’S HUNGRY? that showcases all the main dishes I make. I still do make the world’s best chocolate chip cookies (BartsCookies.com). What does all that mean? It means ... I LIKE TO EAT and I LOVE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES! In fact, my desire to eat (a lot) still follows me to this day. Any mom (or athlete) knows, we eat a lot! We can almost eat anything because we just burn it right off. Well, that doesn’t happen so much as we get older. The metabolism slows down some, we don’t move as much, and we don’t exercise enough; all while (we think) we get to eat anything we want. We’re adults. Nobody can say we can’t have this or that. Can you see where this is going? It means, personally, if I don’t workout and eat right (for life) I could wind up weighing 5,000 pounds! YIKES! I’m serious, I even found a new love (years ago) for eating my chocolate chip cookies supplies, namely, the Ghirardelli milk chocolate chips right out of the bag. Yes, this became a serious love of mine and threat to my waistline, skin complexion and overall health and well-being.

SO, as of this writing, I made a vow to GET IN SHAPE and STAY IN SHAPE! That is, I did have a photo shoot coming up (when I was ready), in which I had to prepare for. I said to myself, “Dude, you’ve got to lose like 40+ pounds in order to look good on camera and not look like a blimp.” Remember, the camera adds 10 pounds, easily. Well, check this out, around December 27, 2020, I weighed in at 263 pounds. NOT GOOD, folks. No one likes to carry around extra weight, especially if it’s 40+ pounds. So, I got serious, I committed myself to get in shape, get fit and look great! That meant (I cry) no more chocolate chip binges out of the bag; no eating my world famous chocolate chip cookies (even when I bake them; okay, I can have 2 cookies); no more ice cream binges. Oh, I have to tell you about this one. You see, I found a new favorite ice cream from 711. It didn’t help that the store’s open 24/7 and on every corner where I live. Ugh!!! Anyhow, the flavor is Mint+Cookies & Cream. Oh my word, in love, in love, in love I found myself with this flavor. So much, I was eating it almost EVERY DAY. What’s more? I’d easily consume 2 PINTS in a single sitting. What did that lead to?

Well, a friend of mine suggested I build a pyramid with all my empty containers from all the ice cream I’d eaten. Would you believe? All of what you see in that pyramid of empty containers was eaten in roughly 30-45 days? How? By eating 2 pints a day; sometimes 3-4 pints if I really had the cravings. Yeah, you could say I went through ‘em, baby!

As you can imagine, I had to get THIS OTHER SINFUL HABIT out of my system. It was not good, but, it was during the plandemic when everyone was at home. I thought, “Why not eat! Enjoy yourself. Be gluttonous. Partake in joy! No one’s going to see you for a while.” Well that partaking in ice cream and chocolate chip dabbling added some 30-40 extra pounds on me. So, yeah, I had to do something about it.

To date, I don’t have the cravings I once had for the ice cream, mostly because I think I ate myself sick from eating so much of it. I think now I’m good with one pint every three months or so. Everything in moderation, I say, right? RIGHT! So, here we are, talking about getting fit and in shape and eating right. I just wanted you to see a little bit about where my personal eating habits have been. IN THE GUTTER! Not all the time, but yeah, most of the time. 

Today, so many people carry a few extra pounds on them or their really overweight or just not feeling and looking their absolute best! With age goes our youthful looks, but does that have to be the case? What is the secret to looking younger? Drugs? No. Surgery? No. Eating right? Yes. Exercise? YES! In fact, I learned that when you exercise, you releases a half dozen hormones that help reverse aging. Go figure! Sign me up for that program! What’s more, eating less, eating right and not eating the bad stuff can also make you look younger! Hence, why I put this health and fitness guide together. Sure, there are other websites, blogs, videos, gurus, etc. out there, but is what they’re saying/doing helping? Maybe, maybe not. I know for me? What you’re about to read, learn AND PUT INTO ACTION (RIGHT?) is tailored for me. 

For example, I’ve been eating my world famous salad for 20+ years. It’s my go-to meal for when I know I’ve been bad and have to trim down and get slim again. It never fails me. For 3-4 days straight, I’ll eat just my salad and a light breakfast. In fact, I’m on my own personal 30-DAY SALAD-EATING CHALLENGE! All this month (today’s the 10th of July), I’m going to eat my salad 5-6 days a week, with 1-2 days off. So far, the results have been awesome! Of course, this also means NO ICE CREAM, NO CHOCOLATE CHIPS, NO SUGARY JUICES, etc. We don’t want to ruin all our good eating habits with bad snacking habits, right? Exactly! IF I do indulge in a sweet, it’s a very small sampling. Everything in moderation.

I also know, my A.A.B.B. workout routine is what I turn to when I want to slim down. Wait ‘til you see how brainless it is. Because? I’m older now, and like most people, I’M LAZY TOO! I don’t want to have to think or work too hard to get in shape. Granted, I don’t mind working out hard, but please make it easy and fast to get in and out (of working out). I’ve got things to do. 

When I work out, I don’t work out in shorts and a t-shirt; no, I like wearing sweat pants and long-sleeve sweatshirts. Reason is, I like to make sure I sweat a lot. I’m reminded of my old wrestling days when you had to meet a certain weight in order to wrestle in a certain weight class. Well, if you could let go of water weight or go to the bathroom the lower your weight when you weighted in. So, that stuck with me and that is something (i.e., water) we all retain a lot as we get older or if we don’t work out heavily. As we sweat, out go a any number of toxins as well. What’s more, as you work out more often, as you lose the water around your body from sweating, you’ll see your skin tighten up because there’s no longer that water puffing you out. 

BUT HEY, ENOUGH ABOUT ME! Let’s get to you! Again, while I wrote this guide for me (to follow), I also wrote it for you too! I like having healthy principles and rules for eating, working out and living life as healthy as I can. So, here’s what we need to think about to motivate us to get healthy, get in shape and ROCK!!!





The Benefits Of Eating Right, Working Out & My Initial Challenge!

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission


✦ Sickness, Death & Disease

✦ Suffering, Pain & Surgeries


✦ Life’s Longevity, Awareness & Vitality

✦ Satisfaction, Fulfillment & Sexual Delivery

Yes, sex gets better when you eat right for life! How’s that for motivation? Eat right for great sex!

With the right INFORMATION, anyone CAN improve their health and lifestyle choices by making small but significant changes in their daily eating/drinking routine.

The Benefits Of Working Out!

Allow me to count the ways! Here are a benefits you will receive from exercising your beautiful body:

Better attitude, better circulation, better focus ability, better memory, better posture, better sleep (bust up insomnia with lots of exercise), broader shoulders, delayed aging, faster reaction times, fewer health problems, flatter tummy, greater balance, greater cognitive functions, greater confidence, greater creativity, greater flexibility, greater mental alertness, greater muscular strength, greater range of motion, healthy body, higher self-esteem, increased ability to carry oxygen to the brain, increased blood circulation, increased functional ability in older adults, increased lung capacity, increased mental strength, less fat, less risk of injury, less stress, [much] longer life, lower body fat, lower risk of all diseases, lower risk of breast cancer, lower risk of colon cancer, lower risk of death, lower risk of heart disease, lower risk of high blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, lower risk of hypertension, lower risk of obesity, lower risk of osteoporosis, lower risk of stroke, more endurance, more energy, more life, more money (from creativity/life/energy), more muscle tone, more power, more sex, better sex, greater sex, more strength, less depression and anxiety, a reduction in body weight, slimmer waistline, stronger bones and joints, stronger heart, stronger muscles, taller frame, and a trimmed figure!

It’s just a small list, but enough to kick your booty in shape! As you can see there are so many benefits to exercising! HAVING SAID ALL THIS, what do you say we start working on the new you? Where do we start? We start with what we eat, then how we work out.

Here’s My Initial Challenge!

✦ Seriously go through this book, page by page, cover to cover.

✦ Tailor your eating and work out habits in line with your current situation based on what you learned from this book.

✦ Commit to working this new plan for 30 days.

✦ Evaluate your progress WEEKLY! How are you doing? Doing great? Keep it up! Adjust where need be and don’t be hard on yourself while attaining this 30-day goal.

✦ Keep going until day 30 and then see how much you’ve progressed.

I have a saying, which I say to myself that you can incorporate into your mental process for getting this done, which is:

“I have sinned enough eating the way I have and I have enjoyed all the sweets and treats beyond beyond! It’s time now to kick myself in the a** and get the show on the road. It’s time to lose weight and get in shape!!!”

That’s it! What do you say, do we have a deal? Are we on the same page that you’ll commit to what I said? Do agree we’ve enjoyed so much that it’s time we do what’s right? Great, let’s get to it THEN!!!

# # #





Eating Right For Life

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Sound scary? Today, there are more than a billion health-related books on the market. Who has time to read them all, let alone check them for accuracy and validation.

How can anyone be expected to battle the daily bombardment of B.S. when you have physical and/or mental health problems and your body isn’t strong enough to fight back?

It’s overwhelming and seemingly impossible to even get a grip some days.

Healthy Bodies Work Right, Think Right & Live Longer

So many so-called experts and health practitioners still “practicing” (I guess they haven’t got it right yet, eh?) say, “do this” and “don’t do that.” There are “new studies” on better health every 30 seconds in this country. One minute one thing is good for us, the next minute, the opposite is “better” or simply ruled out. Can’t they make up their minds?

How can we stop the insanity of B.S. in our lives? Let’s start with this affirmation and repeat after me: There are no dream pills, potions, shakes, magic cookies/candy bars or other quick fixes that will cure a sick body and mind and restore it to good health unless “I” take responsibility for my care and follow through on making make credible changes. I need to make some changes and I want this for me.

There Are No Excuses!

There are no excuses for having an unhealthy mind, body or soul excluding debilitating, high-risk physical/mental health conditions and you are under a doctor’s care for these and the line is pretty tricky. From what I’ve learned, there are only two reasons why most people aren’t healthy and performing at peak performance.

#1) → STRESS & LAZIN­­ESS – We either don’t have the time or it requires too much effort to get healthy. We settle for fast food drive-thrus and mini-markets because they’re convenient and we know that our useless attempts to nourish the body with junk food and lots of it has disaster written all over it. Talk about B.S. 

#2) → LACK OF INFORMATION – How can anyone decipher truth from fiction when we are clearly living on information overload? Too many choices exhaust us, confuse us, and want to bolt when faced with any decision-making. What’s more, we were never taught the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about proper nutrition and eating right for life. Instead, we’re told only bits and pieces of the entire “health” puzzle, mixed with misguided information, leading us nowhere but forever dazed and confused about what’s good for us, what’s not good for us, what’s right, what’s wrong, what’s not, what the ?@#!%^!&? I’m lost by now, aren’t you? It’s B.S., which is why learning to deal with it all the data effectively can give you a significant advantage. There are a few things we can do to minimize the problem. 

Americans spend billions of dollars on health and product books every year in futile attempts to satisfy their desire for practical information. Who can you trust? Do you really need to read more health and weight loss books when others didn’t help or inspire you? The good news about most of these books is the common underlying theme that you CAN depend on. Eat right, exercise more, and promote self-care. There’s your answer. Put your money away. Why buy another book when you just got the memo on healthy living? Eat right, exercise more, and promote self-care.

Let Food Be Our Medicine

I don’t know about you, but I never take medicine because I don’t have any! For me, medicine is 100% B.S. I can appreciate special circumstances, but for the average person, a consistent healthy diet sustained over many years, will keep the doctor away. Fact: Healthy diets have been known to cure many medical ailments. Let’s see.

✦ An apple a day may not keep the doctor away, but a study found that an apple a day can keep the pharmacist away; works for me.

✦ Let food be your medicine. Eating the right foods and spices—avoiding the wrong ones—goes a long way toward staving off everything from gut ailments to cancer, says Johns Hopkins University experts.

✦ Invest in fruits and vegetables. They are nature’s preventative medicine. Buy wholesome products that promote health; not tear or wear it down.

Imagine the money you will save by being fit, trim and healthy before its too late! Make time to plan what you eat and always buy fresh! You’re worth it.

In this sectoin, I will cover a number of important topics regarding health and fitness that I can personally attest to because it’s what I do to stay health and I believe it can work for most anyone. I believe in keeping it simple and offer practical solutions for what works and what doesn’t.

Common sense: the ability to think and behave in a reasonable way and to make good decisions. That’s the approach I will take. Who needs long, drawn out explanations? Otherwise, see your doctor or visit the library for stacks of information. Like you, I like concrete answers; something I can work with. But, I also want the truth for my questions such as ...

What makes for a long and prosperous life? How can I achieve it? Repeat the next line (with me) ... “Want to live healthy right now?”

“I Want To Be Healthy & Wealthy & That Life Starts Right Now!”

This is not to imply that change can happen overnight. Look at this as someone who is encouraging you to take control of your life and not waste time on false starts and avoidable failures.

You have ONLY ONE BODY and ONE LIFE so promise yourself that you will start now, because, what you are about to read is a lifestyle that works. Let me give you a few tips on what I eat and drink and what I don’t eat and drink that keeps me loving my life.

I hope what you learn will positively impact some of your life choices. The first step is healthy eating: 

✦ Variety – This is the spice of life! Mix up your food choices. 

✦ Balance – A healthy, proportionate meal means everything! 

✦ Moderation – Never overeat, eat what you need, not how much you think you want.

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Ways To Eat Right For Life & Live Life Full Throttle!

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

“Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.”
– Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Here are a few tips when it comes to eating well and living life as healthy as you can. 

#1) → If a liking for fruits and vegetables are encouraged, that is where you’ll go. Encourage eating raw, natural foods. Avoid the bad stuff!

#2) → We do not need much of what is being sold to us every day. Heck, you don’t need anything marketed today. Forget ’em. Eat your way to health and live forever.

#3) → Vegetables/salads prepared with dressings moisten the food (converting it from coarse/raw food to soft/mushy food) fermenting in the stomach, causing the food then to decay, rather than digest properly. Use sliced red grapes and a squeeze of lemon like I do instead of dressing.

#2) → The more liquid with meals, the harder the digestion. Drink between meals, drink after a meal, but don’t drink too much during a meal.

#5) → Remember the one person / one plate rule. It’s only you you’re eating for, so one plate only. A large plate maybe, but just one plate.

#6) → People who have accustomed themselves to a rich, highly stimulating diet, have an unnatural taste, and cannot all at once relish food that is plain and simple. It will take time for the taste to become natural, and for the stomach to recover from the abuse it has suffered. But those who persevere in the use of wholesome food will, after time, find it palatable and delicious. Its delicate flavors will be appreciated, and it will be eaten in greater abundance and with greater enjoyment than can be derived from the unwholesome foods of the world.

#7) → At mealtime, do not feel hurried, but rather, eat slowly. Relax and enjoy. Give your body the rest it needs. Twenty chews (per bite) remember!

#8) → No need to count calories or to measure your food. You know when to quit and what to eat!

#9) → Avoid eating double the food your system requires. This food will only decay and waste inside your body and/or intestines. It does you no good, causes bad breath and much more!

#10) → Fruits and vegetables taken at once can produce acidity of the stomach. Not good. They should be eaten (and especially juiced) and consumed on separate occasions.

#11) → It isn’t always safe to comply with invitations to meals either. Who knows what they’re serving. Remember, your unique diet (to you) ROCKS! Be kind, inquire about what they’re serving and cautiously accept. Eat light, if need be.

#12) → Eat at regular times everyday even if you only eat once. Regularity in eating is very important to a healthy mind and body.

#13) → Allow three to five hours (or more) between each meal before eating another. Eat smaller meals throughout the day or when you’re hungry.

#14) → Do not snack between meals. Allow the stomach to rest between meals. Prepare it instead for the next meal. Arrive at the table with a growling stomach! You should be HUNGRY!

#15) → If you feel you must eat at night, take a drink of cold water. In the morning you’ll be glad you did. Eating at night can cause damage to the digestive system and disease from decaying food lingering in the stomach for hours on end.

#16) → NEVER microwave your food in a nuclear radioactive waste box (microwave). Use a toaster oven, skillet, or oven instead, always!

#17) → No two people eat the same. Design your own healthy menu from the knowledge you gain from this book and your own research.

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Create Your Own, Personal “Food Pyramid” Like I Did!

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Over the years, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has received plenty of criticism for its design of the Food Guide Pyramid. I’m not surprised.

Personally, I think it’s a little outdated, confusing and loaded with B.S. What I did was I took a look at it and pretty much scrapped it and redesigned it for my personal use and desired outcome.

Here’s my take on the current Food Guide Pyramid:

#1) → Promotes the Consumption of Dairy Products = B.S. Milk is a common cause of food allergies. Many consumers are “lactose intolerant.” This condition causes bloating, gas and diarrhea. Many are reaching for dairy-free and calcium rich alternatives made from almonds, coconut, soy and more. I get most of the calcium by body needs through leafy green vegetables and other natural sources. So, tell me why we are drinking milk?

#2) → Promotes the Consumption of Meat = B.S. Reality Check: High intakes of red meat, such as beef, pork, and lamb, are associated with a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, and colon cancer.

A couple of protein alternatives are soy and tofu. So, why are we still eating meat?

#3) → Promotes the Consumption of Breads = B.S. There’s no mention of the fact that whole-grain foods are better for you versus refined foods. Sales of gluten-free foods have surged 68% in the last two years even though only 1% of the U.S. population actually has celiac disease. People are making healthier choices.

#4) → Suggested Servings and Portion Size = B.S. For starters, The USDA Food Pyramid is too general and advocates that one eat like a “cow” except for the fact that we don’t have two stomachs. The pyramid has been somewhat replaced with a new “food plate” plan that still doesn’t address our major health issues. Hence, they’ve gone back to the drawing board because people are asking for more specifics about which foods to eat or avoid. In the meantime, their “pyramid” is crumbling.

#5) → Zero Emphasis On Water = B.S. We can go a lot longer without food than we can without water. What with all the vitamins, nutrients and minerals in food, water is at the top of the list for the one item we cannot do without. Studies show that dehydration or water deficits of as little as 2% body weight can impair physiological performance and response. The rule has been to drink 8 glasses of water a day (64 ounces). Now we are being told to drink 64 ounces of liquid (water/coffee/tea/soda/more). I don’t need a pyramid to tell me that I should be drinking plenty of water every day.

What’s up next (below) is My B.S. Food Pyramid because it represents what I eat and it’s B.S.-free (for the most part). It’s based on the most healthy of basics in what to eat and what not to. I made up this food pyramid and follow this plan religiously and recommend it highly as an alternative to what the USDA came up with. Check it out ...

Food Pyramid

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Grocery Shopping & Avoiding B.S.

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

1. Never buy sodas for your home. Treat yourself when you go out to eat (on occasion) with a fountain soda or canned served over ice; less carbonation.

2. Keep the refrigerator and panty stocked to avoid dining out and being able to choose healthy snacks for when you get the “munchies.”

3. Read labels carefully. Stay away from products high in sodium, sugar, fructose, corn syrup and low in fiber and low in vitamins and minerals.

4. Shop at off hours. Avoid the peak time rush! You’ll get better service and you’ll get out of the store much faster!

5. Long lines? Grab your phone and catch up on eMails, texts, the news, etc. You’ll be surprised how fast the lines move when you ignore it. I like to listen to music on my phone when I shop for groceries; keeps me motivated and distracted so I’m not tempted by that Snicker bar that has my name on it.

6. Shop with a purpose! To avoid being distracted for items you don’t need or are not on your list, mind your wallet and your stomach at the same time. Use a calculator when you shop, particularly if you’re on a budget. Give yourself a budget and don’t go over.

7. Buy only what you need. Making a list will keep you on tract. You’re less inclined to make impulsive purchases or buy foods that will destroy your healthy diet routine. If you find yourself reaching for that evil candy bar, picture your ideal body. Use your power and resist becoming a slave to food!

8. When you’re in line at the grocery store, or any other store for that matter, just don’t stand there – do something productive! Read a magazine, newspaper, pamphlet … anything but those darn gossip magazines. Make a list of other things you must do that day to make your day a complete success! Whatever you do, waiting in line is not the time to be gazing over at the chocolate bars and other tooth decay products! Eyes and mind focused on making lists and reading educational, informative literary pieces instead of those gum and candy boxes behind you!

9. Never shop when hungry. It’s so true! I know I’m in trouble when I walk into a grocery store hungry. I want to buy everything in sight. I practically make my dinner in the store and eat it on the way out! Don’t do as I do. Don’t do as I do.

10. Never buy items that spell “danger” at the store? Dangerous goods are gallons of ice cream, whole cakes and bags of cookies! If you’re at home sitting in front of the TV with a gallon of ice cream in your lap, you’re bound to eat it all (LIKE ME)! However, if you have no snacks at home, you can’t snack! Wait until you’re dining out or celebrating with family and friends to indulge in A SINGLE/TINY dessert helping.

11. Eyes straight ahead. Candy at the register is a hidden risk factor for obesity and other chronic diseases. It represents instant gratification because as soon as you swallow, the euphoria is gone! Folks, candy bars and chocolate chips are NOT food! Be strong!

12. Get in and get out! The less time spent in the store, the less you will buy more than you planned. Check yourself out. It’s speedy and gives you something to do. Avoid the hook and clever marketing ploys that are so tempting. Be strong to live long!

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Drink More Water, Water, Water, Water, Water & With LEMON!

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Thirsty? Your body’s telling you it’s already dehydrated and needs you to water it immediately! A lack of sufficient water throughout the body is serious and should not be taken lightly. Dehydration can cause light-headedness, dry mouth, sunken eyes, pale light skin, even anxiety and insanity.

Severe dehydration can cause your heart to grow weak and your blood pressure levels to drop that can result in death for some. Dehydration often times occurs in infants, athletes, sick people and even the elderly.

What causes dehydration? For starters, not drinking enough water during sports or other physical activities, excessive sweating due to sickness or fever, too much exercise, and excessive urine output, which can occur with diabetes or using diuretic drugs. Drinking plenty of water can easily rehydrate a person and early intervention is the best prevention. The body needs a constant source of fluids so carry a water bottle to ensure that you remain hydrated throughout the day. Here are some other easy to follow guidelines: 

#1) → Drink a nice cup of water one half hour before exercise or playing outdoors.

#2) → Drink a few sips of water every fifteen to twenty minutes, throughout your day.

#3) → Don’t wait until you’re thirsty. At this point, you have already become dehydrated.

#4) → Milk, sodas, coffee, tea and alcohol do not satisfy your thirst like water does. Your body is made up of 75% water, which is why it needs to be hydrated regularly. 

Another benefit that can’t be underestimated for drinking plenty of water is to remove harmful “toxins” and water is a natural detoxifying agent. 

When I’m in a restaurant, I always ask for a lemon (on the side) for water, which I know comes from the tap. The lemon helps break down and kill any germs or bacteria in the water and it adds a fresh flavor. 

Most restaurants do not wash lemons/limes, which means any bacteria on the skin of the fruit (such as E.coli) is passed on to you. This is the primary reason I ask for lemon on the side.

What If You Don’t Drink Enough Water?

✦ Studies show that not drinking enough water, slows the metabolism by as much as 3-5% and the average person’s weight could increase by 5-7 pounds per year!

✦ Again, dehydration and fluid retention tells us that when the body doesn’t get enough water, it kicks into its own survival mode to retain every last drop. It then stores water throughout the body resulting in swollen hands, legs and feet.

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If You Want To Lose Weight, Do It Right & Avoid B.S.

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

THE Problem: Americans spend more than $50 billion per year on weight-loss products and schemes and guess what? Americans are growing more obese by the day. It’s estimated that more than 60% of American adults currently meet the definition of obesity while childhood obesity has more than doubled in recent years. Today, about one in three American kids and teens is overweight or obese. Sad, sad, sad. 

The diet industry’s solution to the problem are chemical-laden diet soft drinks and salt-choked low-calorie frozen meals. In reality, they’re just selling “hope” to hopeless people. Studies show that the majority of people that participate in weight loss programs will regain at least one third of total pounds lost. That’s B.S.

While billions of dollars go bye-bye each and every year, are we getting a line of bull from the diet industry? Or, are we getting a line of bull from the health industry? Or are we eating dead foods provided to us by the food industry? What about the bull from our own government? They can’t keep the price of a stamp down, they can’t run anything, and they think they know what’s best for us? Don’t get me started. 

It all sounds like B.S. to me. What about you? Can we stop the madness? You bet we can. For starters, let’s look at the first three (3) letters of the word D I E T. You got it: DIE! If you don’t eat right or you’re dieting, either way, you’re looking at an early grave. By not eating right, you rob your body of all the nutrients and minerals it needs to survive! 

The weight-loss industry and pharmaceutical companies that promise quick weight loss by taking pills, powders, shakes, herbal wraps, special clothing, hot lines and magic potions just = more B.S. Fad diets that make you crash and burn can be deadly. Fad diets can be deadly! Crash diets do just that – make you “crash and burn!” Ever been there? Done that? You’re not alone.

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Diet & Weight Loss “Commercial B.S.”

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

What the weight-loss industry is doing, besides putting our lives at risk, is just plain insulting. Have you really listened to their offers? Here are a few of my favorite (B.S.) commercials: 

“Order A Slimmer Waistline By Phone! Call Now!” 

Translated means: “When you gain the wait back, don’t call us unless you are willing to pay for another plan. We can’t refund your money either because we blew it on celebrating your ignorance. Call us when you are ready to sign up, again.”

“Lose Up To 10 Pounds This Weekend!” 

Translated means: “Drink a gallon of orange juice and avoid food for a weekend and you will lose weight and possibly pass out. If you’re feeling starved or light-headed, it’s temporary!” 

“Lose 5“ In 5 Days Guaranteed! Only $5!”

 Translated means: “Thanks for the five bucks. The 5 new pounds you gained waiting for our response will be gone when you get our solution. Then, you’ll gain it right back after you stop buying our monthly pill program B.S.”

 “Sleep Fat Away For Just Pennies A Day!” 

Really Means – “When you wake up, you’ll gain it all right back! If you want to lose a lot of weight, plan to stay in bed longer!”

“Lose Weight or Your Money Back” 

Translated means: “Refunds take 90 days to process. In that time, you’ll stop our program, gain the weight back, and by the time your money is refunded, you’ll be right back where you started. FAT!” 

C’mon folks. These ads don’t fool me, and I know they don’t fool you. At least, any more. Not after reading this section, and this book, right?

*NEW* Diet Products/Programs
Come Out EveryDAY! Why?


Weight loss profiteers and health and food scammers really get me. If the first several thousand gimmicks for quick weight loss and improved quality of life haven’t worked, why should we believe that the latest fad diet will? Hyped with B.S., these companies, while sliding under the radar of FDA, are only concerned about making money. They are sales people and slick marketers whose goals are to increase their bottom line. If you are tempted by the latest diet/health craze, keep your money and do the following:

*Run* As Fast As You Can In The Opposite Direction!

Why are so many people caught up with weight loss programs? It is because they offer something for everyone, thin or fat. The more extreme the program, the more the drama. That’s entertainment! think about it. Nobody wants to see a show where people lose weight sensibly with nutrition and exercise. Sadly, many people are inspired by the victimization of others. The reality is that many of the participants are on strict, intense and unhealthy regimes that no one who is serious about weight loss should be invested in. I caution you to do your homework and work with your doctor on a plan that is tailored to meet your weight loss needs. Run (literally) and keep running (figuratively) from the “losers” that only want your money.

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My Philosophy On “Weight Loss”

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

“If I Have To Spend Money To Lose Weight, Then I’ve Got A Problem!”

Are you still having a hard time finding the right diet for you? How about N*O*N*E? With so many different diets on the market today, the selection is made easy when I tell you N*O*N*E / N*U*N*C*A / N*A*D*A.

Now, I don’t claim to be a doctor, nutritionist, or expert on weight loss, but I do know what’s good for my body and what isn’t.

My mom taught me a few basics regarding healthy eating and the rest I’ve learned over time from abundant research, trial and error.

Are There Secrets To Weight Loss?

Sure there are, here are my favorite three: 

#1 → DESIRE/MOTIVATION — You have to WANT to lose weight, and badly. Question: How bad do you want to look HOT! No one can make that decision for you. Your DESIRE will motivate you to seek out the right kind of INFORMATION and all the MOTIVATION you need to lose all the weight you want.

#2 → INFORMATION — Armed with the right information, such as what to eat and drink, what to avoid, what to buy and what not to put in your cart, how to read labels, restaurants not to frequent, how to order when eating out, you’ll be able to make all the right decisions to make a healthy body.

#3 → VISION — Think yourself slim and hold that thought! The visual image (of the NEW YOU) should be your primary motivation for losing weight and serve as a reminder whenever you are tempted to circumnavigate the buffet table or turn down an offer to walk. If you can see it, you can do it!

So, armed with DESIRE, INFORMATION and a VISION for the new you, wow, that’s all you really need to lose weight. Well, almost. Keep reading!

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What Causes Weight Gain?

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

There are a number of factors (in life) that cause us to gain weight. Can you relate to any of them? 

✦ Anger – Don’t be angry, be calm and at peace.

✦ Anxiety – What’s your worry? Relax! Be happy!

✦ Boredom – Get excited, live out your dreams.

✦ Depression – There’s no time to be depressed!

✦ Frustration – Why are you frustrated? Fix it.

✦ Gluttony – Stop! Eat to live; don’t live to eat!

✦ Irritation – Get outta there. Scratch that itch!

✦ Lack Of Sleep – Get your rest! You deserive it!

✦ Less Active – Well? Get up and gooooo!!!!

✦ Loneliness – Be a friend and you’ll make one.

✦ Nervousness – Waste of time. No need to be!

✦ Sadness – Pick yourself up and PARTY 24/7!

✦ Slow Metabolism – Well? Speed it up!

✦ Stress – Get rid of it with solutions/planning.

✦ Tension – Relax more. You deserve it! 

Be on the lookout for any variety of these emotions poppin’ up from time to time. Be fast to squash them and get back to your happy self that takes each day, one day at a time, and turns it into your very best!

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How Can You Lose Weight Safely & Naturally?

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

For optimum health, pay attention to what you take INTO your body and HOW MUCH! Such as:

✦ SELECTION — What CHOICE of foods do you eat? Choose only the BEST FOODS to consume. Choose wisely, and you’ll lose weight. Choose poorly, and you’ll gain weight. Not good.

✦ PORTION (SIZE) — How BIG of a SERVING do you serve yourself? Choose smaller (over larger) portions every time. Your body doesn’t need THAT much food to survive. Remember, the brain is so to tell you, “Hey, I’m full. Stop!” So, keep that in mind. Stop after one plate.

✦ QUANTITY — How many PLATES of food do you help yourself to? Be honest. Isn’t that your third plate, already? I’m kidding. NOT! There’s no need for anyone to eat for two or three people. Quantity is the killer at buffet restaurants or holiday dinner tables. At best, one plate always.

✦ FREQUENCY — You don’t have to buy into the whole three square meals a day they want us on. Eat smart and when you’re hungry; one big meal per day. Eat light in the morning if you want. I do. One apple and some juice or a shake.

What About Weight Maintenance?

Once you have achieved the weight you desire, simply maintain it with the following:

#1) → DIET — Make a lifetime food plan. What you consume should become a lifestyle choice.

#2) → EXERCISE — Continue sweating and learn to love it! Do the things you enjoy (hiking, biking) and try new ones (marathons).

#3) → EATING RIGHT — Prepare your food with sauces, toppings, marinades, but watch for added carbs, fats, and oils.

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When It Comes To Losing Weight & Feeling Great All The Time!

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Remember, the perfect “you” already lies “within” you. Here are a few helpful tips and reminders for losing weight safely and naturally: 

#1) → BELIEVE YOU CAN & YOU WILL. Others have lost weight and kept it off. So can you!

#2) → DON’T GO IT ALONE. Join a weight-loss or workout support group or START ONE! Surround yourself with those who want what you want. As they say, you can’t fly with the eagles if you hang around a bunch of turkeys! Talking with those who have no interest or direct benefit in what you want to accomplish won’t help you much.

#3) → KEEP YOUR AGE OUT OF IT! You’re never too young/old to look great and feel your best. One day, you will turn 100 and still feel like you’re 16 years old. And? So? It’s all in your head. Remember that! I have a saying, as we grow older, as long as we don’t lose our looks, health and our attitude, we’ve got everything we need to combat the aging process. Right? You bet!

#4) → LOSE THE SCALE. If you want to lose weight, lose the scale! Sure it’s nice to know what you weigh, but who cares. If you look good, feel good and fit in the clothes you want to (be able to) wear, then who cares what the numbers are? If you weighed a million pounds and looked like super model, does anyone really care? Not really. Besides, your working out might build up muscle to replace the fat you had; thereby confusing yourself that you’re NOT losing weight, when actually, you’re getting fitter and healthier. If you have to weigh yourself, do it, but don’t dwell on it. Weighing yourself and not seeing quick progress can be discouraging too. Once or twice a week should do it. Keep your mind on your eating habits, your workouts and your newly developed lifestyle and not the numbers. It’s about how you feel, perform, live and look. Mirrors provide much better (progress) results than scales.

#5) → CALORIE COUNTING? I’m not one to count my calories. I’m not a number’s freak. I’d rather control (1) my food SELECTION, (2) PORTION SIZE and (3) the QUANTITY of food consumed than the numbers generated by them. I don’t do well with charting and graphing weight-loss. I’d rather eat it than graph it! Again, selection, portion control and quantity control serve you best every time.

#6) → GET RID OF EVERYTHING IN YOUR HOUSE/CAR/FRIDGE/CABINETS/ETC. THAT’S UNHEALTHY! That goes for fattening, overloaded foods loaded with sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, fat and cholesterol. Get rid of the cookies, cakes, candy bars, sodas, pop-cycles, ice cream, chips, dips, and whips. Keep your home free from such tempting items. They can only do you harm. Instead, stock your home with the freshest of fresh fruits, nuts, light crackers and other healthy snacks. Remember the old saying, “An ounce on the lips – a pound on the hips.” Also, “Out of sight, out of mind.”

#7) → PERSONALIZE YOUR PROGRAM! Compare not yourself to anyone. You are you and you are uniquely different from all others. What goes for others might not fly with you. Stick to your guns, design your plan for your body, your diet and success will stick to you as the weight falls off!

#8) → BUILD UPON YOUR SUCCESSES! Every time you eat well, workout well, remember it! Lodge it into your brain. Every time you sit down to a meal or pick up another weight, remember the past and your successes. Anchor these successes and you will achieve more success when temptation lurks ‘round again. Plus, achieving some element of progress can also help you maintain your success with weight loss and working out. Once you start, don’t stop!

#9) → PEOPLE WILL CIRCLE A PARKING LOT FIVE TIMES just so they don’t have to walk 50 yards! People, c’mon! That’s B.S.

#10) → WALK IT OFF! After every meal, walk around the block for 10 minutes. This helps to waken up the ol’ metabolism-burning furnace within you. This is a good thing; do it. Never go to bed feeling like you just ate a bowling ball. Walk it off. DO IT!

#11) → KEEP IT A SECRET! Aside from sharing your desires to lose weight with ONE PERSON who’s in your corner, I’m not one to announce my intentions before they hatch. Keep your plans to yourself and SURPRISE others. Let them NOTICE how good you’ve been looking lately. Their comments are more likely to be filled with, “Wow! Don’t you look good? What are you doing to look so good?” When you tell everyone you’re going on a diet, here’s what happens: (1) some won’t care, (2) some won’t believe you, and (3) if you DON’T DO what you say you’re going to do, you wind up the fool because people can be cruel. Am I right? Sure I am. So, I think it’s best to keep your actions/desires under lock and key. Remember, share only with your special person about your desire to lose weight and update them on your progress or tell no one at all and surprise everyone!

#12) → STAY FOCUSED! Eyes on the prize! Keep your eyes on the “white tape” (finish line) for reaching your desired weight loss goal. Stay on track, focused and don’t lose momentum.

#13) → MAKE TIME! You’re important; your health is important. Either you learn to make time or prepare for an early grave or health problems either way. Make time for what’s important to you and your family = YOUR HEALTH!

#14) → MIRROR YOUR WAY TO THE TOP! Before that hot morning shower, gaze into the mirror (the whole body) and dream of the perfect you, the person YOU want the world to see. Get fired up about what you see, and get energized to TAKE DAILY ACTION! The use of visualization is key and a great plus for helping you stay on course. I do it everyday. It’s good and keeps you in check. Be proud of your body, your work and what you are about to do or have already accomplished!

#15) → HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY! Tell yourself how you really feel about your weight (problem), get mad and get even! JUMP into dieting and exercise routines with both feet! Don’t take NO for an answer. Jump, when I say jump ... N*O*W!

#16) → REWARD YOURSELF! When you’ve reached certain success points! When you’ve done well, treat yourself, and I do mean lightly. Life isn’t LIVING without some (little) treats. Don’t over do it, of course, but go right ahead and treat yourself to something fancy or delightful. You’ve earned it. Then, after your treat, get right back at it and kick in your lifestyle of eating and exercise again.

#17) → STAY BUSY! When you’re too busy to “think” about eating, you won’t eat. Do, burn, activate your life and take your mind off the munchies at the same time. Stay busy, stand a lot, walk a lot, run, stay focused and alive. All day, every day!

#18) → AGE DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE! As we get older, our metabolism decreases. In proportion, consider decreasing the amount of food/drink you consume while increasing the QUALITY of food you also consume. If you want to lose weight, don’t stop eating. Eat better and exercise!

#19) → THE CLOSER YOU GET TO BEDTIME is the worst time to order pizza. Your body is on a time-out by that time and burning calories.

#20) → THOSE WHO EAT EARLIER IN THE DAY LOSE WEIGHT FASTER because you have time to work out and burn calories. What you eat should be high-quality, nutrient-rich food: lean protein combined with carbs from whole grains and some mono-unsaturated good fats (oil, coconut, safflower, peanut, sesame).

#21) → EATING DINNER LATE IN THE EVENING usually wind up skipping breakfast too. Breakfast is the meal that matters most!

#22) → SNACK LIGHTLY AT NIGHT if you must snack. Nuts, grapes, etc.

#23) SKIPPING MEALS CAN BACKFIRE. Dealing with hunger pangs and energy drain due to skipping meals regularly is a disaster waiting to happen. When your stomach growls, your body is saying, “Feed me!” Without proper nutrition, your system shifts into starvation mode to conserve energy and then, foggy, moody and irritable, you’ll eat just about anything.

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My Formula For Losing Weight

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Here it is, in simplified form and without hype, drugs or B.S. My 7-step formula is as follows: 

#1) → Create a plan and list the reasons why you want to lose weight and how you’ll do it. This first step serves as your motivation to attain and sustain your ideal weight goal.

#2) → Write down what you can/cannot eat. Recognizing healthy food and foods to AVOID should a part of any healthy eating plan.

#3) → Write down what you can/cannot drink. Cut out all sodas, liquor (except in moderation or not at all during the weight loss phase), as well as caffeine and other sugary beverages that work against versus water and freshly made juices.

#4) → Create a plan/schedule to cleanse and detox your intestines and digestive tract so your body can absorb more nutrients from the foods you eat. A warm glass of lemon water is a natural cleanser.

#5) → Design the right workout and exercise routine for you. Working out, in addition to eating right, will accelerate weight-loss. Check out FITNESS FOR OPTIMUM HEALTH in Part 3.

#6) → If available, gather some moral support, or just do this on your own. You don’t need anyone. You can do it! While it’s optional to have a support group to help you lose weight, it can increase the odds of your success. It would be helpful if you could count on family and friends not to tempt you with unhealthy food/beverages or team up with someone that has similar goals.

#7) DO IT! You can make it happen! Let’s get started now! Your losing weight starts right now, not tomorrow! 

The only real step that might prevent you from reaching you weight-loss goals is not being patient enough, not sticking with it to see the results, slipping, cheating (on meals), not working out regularly/enough, etc. Well? Don’t let that happen.

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How Can You Tell If You’re Losing Weight?

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

 ✦ Clothing: Your clothes start to fall without a belt. They don’t fit you any more. You’ve got room to breathe! Time to buy new clothes!

 Comments From Others: Everyone’s noticing you’re looking thinner, healthier, “Dorothy, you look great. Have you lost weight? Yeah, you look great!”

✦ The Mirror: When you look in the mirror and you see a “more slimmer you” day after day, you know something’s working. Forget the scale, let the mirror be your guide to looking good and losin’ weight forever and ever.

✦ Your Feelings/Self-confidence: You feel so awesome that you’re losing weight because of all new CLOTHING you’re fitting into, all the COMMENTS you hear from others and what you see in the MIRROR.

✦ Performance: Your physical PERFORMANCE drastically improves in life, work, in your relationships. 

Sums it up pretty nicely, eh? I think so. Live it experience the results and feel better than you ever have!

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Intermittent Fasting

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

✦ INTERMITTENT FASTING (IF) is term used for various types of diets that cycle between a period of fasting and non-fasting. Intermittent fasting can be used as a way to kick off and maintain weight loss.

✦ What are the benefits to IF? Many of the benefits of IF are related to changes in hormones, gene expression and cell function. A GOOD THING! With IF, you also lose body weight and BELLY FAT! YAY! IF can help reduce insulin resistance, lowering your risk of type 2 diabetes in some people. IF may be beneficial for heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease. IF helps aid in cellular repair. IF may help prevent cancer and regrow hair. Yes, on your head! IF is good for your brain too. IF can also help extend one’s lifespan which means IF helps us live longer. Wow, those are some great benefits right there, eh?

✦ How much weight can you lose with IF? Fasting for 16-20 hours a day can help you safely lose 2-3 pounds of fat every week. While losing this much weight every week is great, it’s how it makes it happen that’s really cool. Losing weight with intermittent fasting means that you will never have to count calories or plan and prepare several meals a day. 

✦ How long can you do IF? Fast and feast regularly: Fast for a certain number of hours, then consume all calories within a certain number of hours. Eat normally, then fast 1-2x a week: Consume your normal meals every day, then pick one or two days a week where you fast for 24 hours.

✦ What can you eat during IF? Anything green, nuts, fruits, and lean meats. No fats, no sugar, nothing bad for you.

✦ How much can I eat during IF? Not much. That is, don’t think you can eat a huge meal and get away with it. Everything in small, portion-control sizes.

✦ What can you drink during IF? Water, green teas and black coffee. Nothing with caffeine or sugar in it and no alcohol during this time. Well, perhaps 1/2 a glass of wine or light beer. BUT THAT’S IT! ;-)

✦ Can you build muscle during IF? Yes, you can. Keep working out. Keep lifting weights and watch your body transform into the ultimate of physiques you’ve always wanted.

✦ What should you know about IF? Starting is the hardest part. Days 1-3 are the second hardest part. Day 4 on gets easier. What’s more, hunger pangs aren’t always cause for alarm. When you think you’re hungry, you just might really be thirsty. Have some water. After the first few days of IF, you’ll discover you don’t quite need to eat food as often as you once thought you did or were told you should. You start to listen to your body more. As it needs less to eat, you start eating better, eating smaller meals, hence the beginning of seeing the kinds of results you want to see when you start Intermittent fasting!

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What’s For Breakfast Lunch & Dinner At Bart’s House?

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

By now, you know some of my thoughts on eating good foods and the ones to avoid. Sadly, I’ve discovered that many people don’t know how to cook, let alone shop for the right ingredients to be able to cook a nutritious meal at home. Cooking can be fun even when you know only a few basic steps.

Now, I’m not going to get all vegan on you or tell you to become a vegetarian if you don’t want to. I don’t want to. In fact, I love to eat. I also love to cook. I’ve cooked for others, and have had children turn against their own mothers when it comes to (my) cooking. “Mom, we’d rather have Bart cook for us while he’s here.” Moms then smile, and turn me loose! While that’s nice to hear, mom does need full credit for feeding them critters on a regular basis, night after night. Go, Mom!

On that note, being the busy guy I am, I also don’t want to spend any more time than I have to in the kitchen preparing any kind of meal. I’ve got things to do, people to see, and other places I’d rather be. So, whatever I make must be able to be made quickly, with healthy ingredients, and taste delicious as well. I shouldn’t have to go out for a bite whenever I’m hungry. When I do go out, it’s to give myself a break from cooking, preparations, and clean up.

Having said that, here are some of my favorite dishes that I love to make on a regular basis. Try them out at home, and see for yourself if you too find these meals absolutely delicious, filling, yet, light, and good for you (nutritionally) at the same time!

By the way, if you are looking for the recipes for any of my dishes, you can quickly find them inside my awesome cookbook, Who’s Hungry?, which you can buy at BartsCookbook.com or on Amazon.com. From a healthy standpoint, I like to make these dishes:

Apple, Banana or a Simple Fruit Bowl ✦ Bart’s Juicing Recipes ✦ Bart’s Protein "Hair" Shake ✦ Bart’s “World Famous” Omelette ✦ Bart’s “World Famous” Salad ✦ Bart’s “World Famous” Soup ✦ Bart’s “World Famous” Sandwich
✦ Bart’s “World Famous” Homemade Pizza ✦ Bart’s Salmon & Steamed Veggies ✦ Bart’s Sautéed Sweet Potatoes ✦ Bart’s BBQ Chicken Thigh Soft Tacos ✦ Bart’s Favorite Crab Quiche ✦ Bart’s Sautéed Sweet Potato Soft Tacos

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Want To Get In Shape? Check Out These Easy Tips & Ideas

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Another key element in helping you to lose weight safely and naturally is EXERCISE. That is, what you DO with your body and for how long. The secret: 

#1) → WHAT DO YOU DO when you exercise? Are you pushing yourself? Are you SWEATING?

#2) → HOW OFTEN do you exercise? Once per week? 2-3x? 5x? More? Better be at least once per month.

#3) → CONSISTENCY Do you work out 2-5 days per week every month without stopping for large blocks of time in between, which can destroy any momentum you once had going for yourself?

When it comes to exercise, a minimum of 20 minutes 3-5 days per week works best for most folks. For me, I like to work out every day (5 days per week) for at least an hour. This way, I know I’m maintaining muscle, burning fat, and keeping in the best shape possible for my age!

Get Fit Now: Fitness
For Optimum Health

To feel (and look) “fit as a fiddle,”
you gotta “trim down the middle!”

An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but it won’t build you a strong heart, bones and muscles like exercising on a regular basis will.

Get Psyched For Fitness

✦ Visualize the new you and how you want to look! How did you used to look? Visualize (that) if that’s what you want to get back to. Or, who’s body do you aspire to have with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise?

✦ Visualize the benefits, perks and bonuses of your new “fit as a fiddle” body.

✦ Visualize the potential of living life with your new body, full of energy and new opportunities! When you’re in shape, your energy levels emit a type of radiance that attracts people to you and gives you through-the-roof confidence to do whatever you want! 

Don’t go public with your new venture in exercise. On the contrary, talk is cheap. Just do it! Let folks be surprised at seeing the new you!

Get Up & Move Your Body
For Optimum Health!

Exercise gets the blood rushing and the heart pounding. Exercise also makes you sweat, and sweat my friend is good. You should want to sweat during every workout. If you’re sweating, then you’re on the right track to getting fit for life!

Working out sounds scary; it sounds like work! Well, it doesn’t have to be! If you call it play TIME instead. I know that’s what I tell myself. 

Look at fitness as your time to play (i.e., a mini-vacation from your day’s hectic schedule of responsibilities and B.S.). Play at the gym, play at the beach, at the track, on the field and in the water with friends and workout mates. Fitness time is now “Play Time!” Instead of calling it a “workout” let’s start calling it ... “playout!” 

Now, you don’t have to work out every day. That can be too much for the body to handle for some. But, 15-30 minutes, 3 days a week (at a minimum) is doable, right? Again, you deserve a break from the kids, your work, bill collectors, stress and other pressures life tends to send your way.

Getting Started:

How should you go about getting in the best shape of your life?

✦ Find a buddy or partner to work out with. You push them; they push you. Together, you will both get in shape and fast!

✦ Find a role model. Get inspired by someone who is already in the shape you want to be in. Someone who is where you want to be in a month or two or three!

✦ Listen to your favorite music. I always carry my cell phone with me when I work out because it has all my music on it! Plus, I don’t miss a call if I want to take it. Take your mind off the day and play your favorite tunes. Have fun! This is play time, not work time; it’s about having fun!

When To Workout!

Plan your life, work and family around your workouts. Take care of you so you can take care of others! Any time is a great time to work out, with one major exception: alternate days you work certain muscle groups as they need their rest and recovery. So, when should you work out? 

✦ Morning – As soon as you wake up, stretch yourself out, work out, shower, eat and run off to work! What a great way to start your day! Some people even sleep in their workout gear so they can start their workout as soon as they open their eyes and their feet hit the floor in the morning! Working out in the morning is also a great way to burn off calories eaten the night before. What a great way to top off your nightly fasting. (i.e., sleep time)

✦ Afternoon – Working out in the afternoon is a great time to work out hard since you’re awake, not so tired (from a long day) and can get out in the sun (if you can) for some Vitamin D too. This time also lets you work up your appetite for dinner (or that one large meal you have during the day) or to burn off your breakfast and lunch calories.

✦ Evening – Working out at night (a few hours before bedtime) might help you sleep better and burn more calories while you sleep. Because of my night owl work schedule, I’ve been known to work out at midnight or 1 or 2 am in the morning, shower, then go to bed. It worked for me. If you’re a night owl too, try it. 

As a general rule, never work out when you’re mentally/physically exhausted and need to rest. Your body needs energy and rest in order to participate in a great workout, which means, get lots of it if you want to start working out a lot. Your body will need the down time and a good night’s sleep to recoup and bounce back to your next intense workout!

Worth Keeping In Mind

✦ Fitness is LOST if you exercise only two days or less per week. Three times, minimum, ok?

✦ Fitness is MAINTAINED if you exercise three days a week. That’s better ... Keep it up!

✦ Fitness is IMPROVED if you exercise four days a week. I try to exercise 4-6 days a week.

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Bart’s Personal Exercise Routine ... A.A.B.B. (ABS • ARMS • BODY • BOOTY)

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

Before I work out, I get amped up to listen to my favorite music. There’s nothing like jumping up and down to the pounding beat of your favorite tunes, band, songs or melodies. My workout routines seem to fly by because I’m so into the music. I don’t like listening to some instructor counting down or telling me to do this or that. I don’t like watching TV or listening to audio either. That’s just me though. Do what YOU like to do, right? My music selection is always high-tempo and loaded with guitars and positive vocals to cheers me on. If the above sounds pleasing to you, you will want to get yourself some of your own tunes for working out and a great sound system to play them. It can be your home stereo system, boom-box, portable headset, you name it! Anyway, find something that will crank out those awesome melodies while you work out.

If you couldn’t tell, I’m a simple guy. So, my workout has to be simple too and something I can remember in my sleep. So, I came up with this workout routine that includes exercises that focus on my:

Abs Arms Body Booty

I call this my A.A.B.B. Workout Routine. I came up with it about 15+ years ago. It keeps you busy for at least 30 minutes and hits all the major muscle groups and generates sweat! Remember, the key to any good workout, trimming up, slimming down, and losing weight rhymes with “WET” and starts with an “S” ... What’s that spell? SWEAT! C’mon, let’s break it down. Let me show you what’s involved with my A.A.B.B. workout routine:

#1 → Abs

You’ll be amazed at the results you get with this abs workout if you just “rock out” to your favorite song or two and not worry about counting how many crunches or whatever you’re doing! There are many abs exercises you can do, such as: crunches, sit ups, abs wheel rollout, arms-high partial sit up, barbell rollout, dip/leg raise combo, flutter kick, leg raise, medicine ball seated knee tuck, planks, resisted reverse-side planks, swiss ball crunch, weighted sit-up, among other exercises. Well, whatever you choose, or a combination of any of these, don’t count. Just crunch, crunch, crunch your way to hot abs until your song is over. Then, you’re done! Soon, you’ll be able to perform your ab exercise routine for the duration of 2-3 songs! In the beginning, one song is enough. Two songs is great. Three, rocks it!!! When done, you’re done. Next! By the way, to achieve those six pack abs, it’s 80% diet and 20% ab exercises. So, no sugars, carbs, alcohol, candy, sodas, cakes, cookies (WHAHH!!!) and the like.

#2 → Arms

This usually includes arm curls with a set of dumbbells, curling bar, bench press, incline press, triceps extension, over-the-head press, etc. With arm workouts, combine several reps with low weights and a few reps for endurance and stamina building, and heavier weights for strength building. Form is important so you’re not straining your back or anything. Start low and slow and build up. Alternate days between working your biceps and triceps to give each a rest.

#3 → Body

When it comes to working out your body, one word comes to mind: cardio! Cardio (or aerobic) exercises can include jumping jacks, jump rope, running in place, stationary bicycles, treadmills, NordicTrack® Ski Machine (which I have/do for 30-40 minutes, 3-5 days/week, I’ll also wear full-length sweats to make sure I SWEAT!), jogging (which I do for 25 minutes, 2-4 days/week), wind sprints (which I do, 20-40 yard sprints for 15 minutes, 2-4 days/week), swimming (which I do pool laps for 30 minutes, 3-5 days/week), dancing, brisk walking, you name it. All you’re doing here is moving your whole body for 15-40 minutes. Make sure you sweat a lot and you’ve done good! Choose what you like to fill in this slot of my A.A.B.B. workout and DO IT!

#4 → Booty

When it comes to getting in great shape, nothing complements your workout efforts, than a great shaped “booty!” To get that “hot booty look” you want, you have to exercise the right muscles in the right manner. Here is the best exercise I know and use that leads to a “dynamite booty” every time! I call it the “Booty Lift!” (a.k.a. the “Donkey Kick” or the “Glute Kickback”).

What I do is hit the floor (on all fours) and do 21 Donkey KickS (each leg) back behind me and 21 FIRE HYDRANTS to the side (each leg). Now, you do this, then, STAND UP! You will FEEL your a** tightening like never before! Try this out consistently for just 2 weeks (every day) and see what happens? What you’re doing is mimicking the leg kicks of a sprinter as they flex their legs back, tightening the a** muscles. There you go. Who has a better lookin’ butt, sprinters or long distance runners? Sprinters, by far. So, there you go. My booty exercise. Have at it! Oh, and DO IT!

A quick comment about “lunges,” ... I DON’T DO THEM! I also do not recommend lunges for reshaping the booty. Here’s why ... they’re hard on the knees, they do not work your booty muscles like the “booty lift” exercise and they’re not fluid or easily performed without jolting the body. I’ve tried them and have observed professional trainers performing them. They were inclined to agree with me. So, for me, lunges are OUT!

What’s more, who has the best looking butts? Long distance runners, weight lifters or sprinters? If you said SPRINTERS, you were correct! That is, they push and extend their legs out very fiercely. Well, that’s what these BOOTY LIFT exercises emulate. The moves of a sprinter. I should know, I sprinted for seven (7) years as a state champion hurdler. But, don’t just take my word for it! Try these yourself, then stand up afterward and feel your booty TIGHTEN the SECOND you stand up! Then, you’ll see and feel the difference!

In Closing, Regarding Workouts, Working Out & Achieving Your Goals

It’s never too late to start exercising. No matter what your fitness level is, your age, experience or what your fitness level goals are ... starting and maintaining a simple workout routine is your best road to achieving a fit and healthy body! Start and end with 10-15 minutes of stretching and you’re set!

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Summary & Words Of Encouragement

Isn't It Time ... You Lose Weight & Get In Shape!!! Too! Book Excerpt
Copyright © 2024 by Bart Smith
Reprinted by Permission

CONGRATULATIONS! Yes, I want to congratulate you for making it this far! So, what did you learn? Did you pick up some good tips, ideas, recipes and routines for losing weight, improving your health and getting in shape? I hope so! I know, for me, I will rely on what’s inside this book for the rest of my life for what I need to know and do to lose weight, get and stay in shape, improve my health, and maintain my high levels of energy until I’m 100!!! ROCK ON!!!

Well, it’s at this juncture that I ask you:

✦ WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO now that you have been given all this information?

✦ WILL YOU COMMIT TO GETTING IN SHAPE, losing the weight and taking better care of your health going forward?

If you’re ready to TAKE ACTION on those two questions, then I might suggest you jump on any one or more of my personal GET IN SHAPE CHALLENGES! Make a list, too, of WHY you want to get in shape for personal MOTIVATION!


Allow me to suggest you take on any one of the following CHALLENGES I have for you and perhaps implement them into your daily routine until you reach your weight loss goal(s). Start with one or a couple and add others as time goes on or switch to some others after giving some time to an easier one. I think you get the idea. C’mon, let’s goooo ...


“DRINK NOTHING BUT WATER” CHALLENGE: For this challenge, you’ll drink NOTHING, but water for 7-14 days! If you make it that far, go for 30 days! The goal is to stop drinking sodas and sugary juices, minimize coffee consumption, etc. Tea’s, okay. Purify the body with only water for 7, 14, 30 days and see how you feel. Better? Great? Keep it up! Don’t stop!


✦ “30-DAY SALAD” CHALLENGE: As I wrote this book, I was on my own 30-day salad challenge, where I ate my salad 5-6 days a week. 1-2 days a week (usually on the weekend), I get to splurge and eat something healthy, but different. Do this. Eat my salad for 30 days in a row and see what it does for you! 

✦ “STOP EATING _______” CHALLENGE: With this challenge you’re going to make a list of all the things you’re going to stop eating for 30 days. See how you feel? Do you really want to go back to eating what you stopped eating? I bet not! GREAT! Keep it up! 

✦ “EAT MORE _________” CHALLENGE: What should you eat more of? More fruit? Vegetables? Well? Do it! Make it happen! Eat a carrot instead of a candy bar. 


✦ START WORKING OUT (1 HR / DAY 4-5 DAYS / WEEK): If you already work out, great! Don’t stop. Maybe add a few hours per week. If you don’t work out, START! 

✦ IF YOU IMPLEMENT any / all of the above challenges, I bet you’ll see SUCCESS! Again, CONGRATULATIONS!

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